Lista de publicaciones del Think Tank del PE Criterios de búsqueda a partir de los cuales se ha generado la lista : Ordenar Ordenar por fecha Palabra clave "Sudeste Asiático" 4 resultado(s) Fecha de creación : 20-11-2016 Relations between Islam and the state Tipo de publicación Fecha Autor Ámbito político Palabra clave De un vistazo 30-06-2015 Patryk PAWLAK | SEBASTIAN KUSSEROW Espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia | Asuntos exteriores Derecho musulmán | Sudeste Asiático | Asia del Sur | relación Iglesia-Estado | África del Norte | islamismo | historia | Cercano y Medio Oriente | Estado islámico Resumen Since its inception in the 7th century AD, Islam has been the predominant religion in a great number of political entities from North Africa to south-east Asia. The desire to organise a society according to Islamic principles has spawned very different results in the course of history – not least because interpretations of Islam have varied across the regions of the world and through the ages. Publicación en EN The Involvement of Salafism/Wahhabism in the Support and Supply of Arms to Rebel Groups around the World Tipo de publicación Fecha Autor externo Ámbito político Palabra clave Estudio 11-06-2013 Claude MONIQUET (European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center - ESISC, Belgium) Asuntos exteriores | Seguridad y defensa Sudeste Asiático | Qatar | Arabia Saudí | financiación | suministro de armas | Sahel | África del Norte | Siria | terrorismo | islamismo | guerra civil | integrismo religioso Resumen The war in Afghanistan is undoubtedly a key moment in the emergence of an armed rebellion in the Muslim world. The impact of this conflict quickly exceeded the borders of Afghanistan to extend Pakistan. Since then, the Iraq war, the civil war that engulfed Syria and the armed conflict in the Sahel have helped to increase guerrillas in the Muslim world. This study aims to analyze the role of the Salafi / Wahhabi networks in financing and arming rebel groups. Publicación en EN Enhancing EU action on the death penalty in Asia Tipo de publicación Estudio Fecha 17-10-2012 Autor externo Roger HOOD, Professor Emeritus of Criminology, University of Oxford and Emeritus Fellow All Souls College Oxford, UNITED KINGDOM Ámbito político Asuntos exteriores | Derechos humanos Palabra clave Sudeste Asiático | evaluación de proyectos | pena de muerte | pena sustitutoria | financiación de la UE | régimen penitenciario | derechos humanos Resumen This paper has three objectives. First, it provides an analysis of the state-of-play regarding the death penalty in Asia, covering 24 countries of which 5 have abolished the death penalty, 6 are abolitionist in practice and 13 have carried out executions within the past 10 years without declaring a moratorium. Developments and recommendations for EU action relating to eight countries are highlighted: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. The analysis reveals the wide range of crimes still threatened by the death penalty, the death row problem in countries that are abolitionist in practice or rarely carry out executions, the continued existence of the mandatory death penalty, yet the falling rate of executions in retentionist countries. Second it reports on EU human rights dialogues; on other interventions including the protection of citizens facing the death penalty; the part played by the EU in promoting resolutions for a moratorium on executions at the UN General Assembly; and the success of projects in the Philippines and China supported by EU grants. Third, it suggests policies that might help to support initiatives in Asian countries aimed both at restraining the use of the death penalty and securing its complete abolition. Publicación en EN EU-Asia trade relations beyond China Tipo de publicación Fecha Autor Ámbito político Palabra clave Briefing 09-10-2012 Giulio SABBATI Comercio internacional | Asuntos exteriores intercambio por grupos de países | Sudeste Asiático | inversión extranjera | Corea del Sur | relaciones de la Unión Europea | sector terciario | estadística económica | India | Japón | relación comercial | inversión en el extranjero | intercambio comercial Resumen While the focus is often on China, the EU is also deepening trade relations with other Asian countries. This paper aims to show levels of trade between the EU and nine Asian countries – India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. Taking EU, US and China in comparison, it looks at trade in both goods and services, to measure the importance of EU trade for those countries, and how important they are for the EU. Publicación en EN 20-11-2016 Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2016 - PE 1