Moving women and the United States: Crossing the Atlantic De la Guardia Herrero, Carmen y Postigo Castellanos, Elena (Eds.) ISBN: Lengua publicación: Edición: Publicación: Descripción: Encuadernación: Precio: Colección: 978-84-16599-80-6 Inglés 2016 Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Alcalá 152 páginas 17x24 cm. Rústica 15 € Biblioteca Benjamín Franklin Reseña: This book explores the efforts and difficulties of women, portrayed as fickle beings in whom unpredictable passions and emotions rose and fell, and how they took, as the ultimate consequence of that traditional stereotyping, the reins of their fate. Thus, women were able to move beyond “awareness”, to change and locate themselves. As well as observing American women on the move, the collection also examines the incorporation of women who came from other spaces and cultures, and who were absorbed violently into American modernity as a result of exile or immigration. One chapter also explores how a model, the “American Way of Life”, was exported beyond its borders.