Casa Solaris - Construction21

Ca s o d e e s tu d i o : Ca s a S o l a r i s
S i ti o we b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /e s p a n a /
Casa Solaris
Tipo de pro yecto : Nueva co nstrucció n
Tipo de edificio : Casa aislada o ado sada,
Año de la co nstrucció n : 20 14
Zo na climática : Dfb
Superficie útil : 120 m 2 Superficie útil
Co ste de la co nstrucció n : 16 2 0 0 0 €
Número de unidades funcio nales : 1
Co ste/m2 : 1 350 €/m 2
Co ste/Viviendas : 16 2 0 0 0 €/Viviendas
T25, P447 , 0 7719 0 Vo luntari, Ro mânia
// Descripción
CasaSo laris (www.casaso ) is a single-family dwelling lo cated in no rthern Bucharest. It is an active house - pro duce
mo re energy than is needed fo r current co nsumptio n - thanks to the co ntributio n o f pho to vo ltaic panels. Casa So laris is
equipped with thermal panels, used fo r bo th do mestic ho t water and fo r heating in winter. To this end, it uses an innovative
heat sto rage in the gro und in summer captured, eliminating the need fo r heat pumps.
Building energy efficient and intelligent so lutio ns fo r heating and cooling, reduce heat to appro x needs 50 kWh / sqm / year and
leads to a climate co ntro lled indo o r humidity and temperature unifo rm witho ut anno ying drafts.
Casa So laris is a ho me healthy, co mfo rtable and has a po sitive impact o n the enviro nment.
Ve r m ás de t alle s de e st e pro ye ct o :
http://www.casaso /
Fiabilidad de lo s dat o s :
Auto declarado
// Actores
Consultoría térmica
No mbre : Geo term PDC srl
Neculai Negut, neculai_negut@yaho o .co m, Bucuresti
Sitio web : http://geo /
Acció n : General co ncept o f geo -so lar pro ject o f building active and independent; designing systems installatio ns
Consultoría de instalaciones
No mbre : Bauro m Co nstruct SRL
Sitio web : http://www.bauro /ro /
Acció n : Building Executio n
Autor del proyecto
No mbre : Accent Design SRL
Adrian Io vescu, io [email protected] m, Bucuresti
Sitio web : /
Acció n : Architectural Organic
Me t o do de co nt rat o :
Edificio co nstruido y vendido
Filo so f ía am bie nt al de l pro m o t o r : I wanted to build a sustainable ho me based o n renewable energy and green ho use,
in harmo ny with the natural enviro nment. I wanted to have a co mfo rtable ho use with a healthy indo o r climate: take advantage
o f fresh air co nstantly, but witho ut dissipate heat. I wanted to (i) demo nstrate that we can build such a ho use in Ro mania, with
the techno lo gy available and at a reaso nable co st. Last but no t least, I wanted to give so me peo ple energy and inno vative
spirit, the ability to realize his dream. His help to change the mentality and living standards. I ho pe that such a co ncept ho use
and applied techno lo gies to be ado pted by as many peo ple and o rganizatio ns.
De scripció n de la arquit e ct ura : Casa So laris was designed so that, in additio n to aesthetic and functio nal
co nsideratio ns to no rmal ho uses, to meet specific requirements and their o wn energy systems and green ho use co ncept. The
ro o f has been designed so that 2/3 o f the surface o f the sun to be o riented at an o ptimum angle to maximize the efficiency o f
pho to vo ltaic and thermal so lar panels. Also , by co nfo rming to the architectural elements o f the facade, windo w shading was
do ne during the summer to limit so lar gains, increase indo o r co mfo rt and lo wer energy co nsumptio n fo r co o ling. Shading is
do ne so with architectural elements (eaves, balco nies, etc.) and by ro lls o rientatio n east / west. Functio nally, the ho use is an
apartment with fo ur ro o ms o n the gro und flo o r has the functio ns o f day (living ro o m, kitchen, bathro o m) and also a ro o m with
destinatio n o ffice o r bedro o m and upstairs has two bedro o ms with dressing ro o m, bathro o m, laundry / dryer, sto rage. The
bridge is an additio nal sto rage space; Its central area is spacio us eno ugh (and height) to allo w co nstructio n o f a space study
o r relax. Fro m the living ro o m, kitchen and access to a terrace o verlo o king the sunny garden. Po sitio ning so litary ho use
So laris II emphasizes energy independence, the o nly external co nnecto r is the electricity. It is dual ro le: co nsumers and
pro ducers, to empty into the natio nal grid electricity pro duced fro m ho me. The yard is planted with trees (deciduo us and
co nifero us) alo ng the pro perty fence and grass endemic rest, allo wing expansio n with flo ral arrangements, etc., after the
o wner's preferences.
// Energía
Consumo de energía
Ene rgía prim aria ne ce saria :
135,76 kWh PE/m 2 /an
Ene rgía prim aria ne ce saria po r un e dif icio e st ándar : 131,9 6 kWh PE/m 2 /an
Mé t o do de cálculo : Otro s
Co st e de la e f icie ncia e ne rgé t ica de l e dif icio : 0 kWh PE / €
Comportamiento de la envolvente
Valo r de la U : 0 ,35 W.m -2 .K-1
Más inf o rm ació n : Po ro therm maso nry is brick. Thermal insulatio n: walls (20 cm po lystyrene), bridge (40 cm wo o l) o ver
gro und (10 cm styro fo am), fo undatio ns (extruded po lystyrene 15cm). The tire witho ut thermal bridging. Triple glazed
windo ws with lo w-e and PVC 6 ro o ms. Watertight witho ut lo ss o f air.
Co e f icie nt e de co m pacidad de l e dif icio : 0 ,74
// Renovables y sistemas
Sist e m a de cale f acció n :
Caldera eléctrica individual
Otro s
Suelo radiante a baja temperatura
Wo o d bo iler
Sist e m a de agua calie nt e :
Caldera de gas individual
Otro sistema de agua caliente sanitaria
Sist e m a de re f rige ració n :
Otro s
Suelo radiante
Sist e m a de ve nt ilació n :
Ventilació n natural
Flujo de do ble intercambiado r de calo r
Sist e m as re no vable s :
Energía so lar fo to vo ltaica
Paneles so lares
Pro ducció n de e ne rgía re no vable :
215,0 0 %
// Comportamiento ambiental
Agua, salud y confort
Co nsum o de agua de re d :
Co nsum o de aguas grise s :
0 m3
0 m3
Co nsum o de agua de lluvia : 0 m 3
Water fo r do mestic co nsumptio n is pro vided by a drilling depth o f 55m. Micro state sewage water fro m its o wn so il is used
to irrigate the garden. We plan to use rainwater co llected fo r the same purpo se.
// Productos
Underground heat storage
Pro duct o r: Geo term PDC srl
Co nt act o : Neculai Negut, neculai_negut@yaho o .co m
Página we b: http://geo /
Cat e go ría de l pro duct o : Climatizació n / Calefacció n, agua caliente
De scripció n:
Aa seaso nal heat sto rage undergro und thermal energy captured by so lar panels and hydro
insulated, with pure water as heat exchangers heat in the earth. Pro vides 9 0 % o f annual ho t
water and heating the ho use, eliminating the need fo r o ther plants pro ducing thermal energy. It
is designed and applied fo r the first time in an individual ho me. This eliminates carbo n
emissio ns and asso ciated greenho use gases traditio nal heating systems.
Co m e nt ario s:
Shareho lders were visio nary, who wanted to co ntribute to the pro mo tio n o f Ro manian inno vative pro duct, and the wo rkers
were o pen and enthusiastic during executio n.
Radiant heating-cooling system in the walls and ceiling
Pro duct o r: Geo term PDC srl
Co nt act o : Neculai Negut, neculai_negut@yaho o .co m
Página we b: http://geo /
Cat e go ría de l pro duct o :
De scripció n:
System radiant hydro nic heating and co o ling o f very lo w temperature in the walls and ceiling,
scattering aluminum plate under the plasterbo ard. Unify into a single system bo th functio ns
co nditio ning (heating and co o ling). Size heat radiating surface temperature clo se to the ambient
heat and lack o f unifo rmity gives air drafts in the ro o m. This pro vides a high enviro nmental
co mfo rt. The no velty lies in the ambivalence system (used fo r bo th heating and co o ling), in
placing a ceiling (unusual), which allo ws an area larger than the radiant flo o r and in their o wn
co nstructive so lutio n, easy to implement o n site. Increase energy efficiency thro ugh the use o f
lo w temperature heat and thus explo itatio n o f so lar panels fo r a lo nger perio d o f the year.
Co m e nt ario s:
Our o bservatio ns co ld thro ugho ut the seaso n 20 14-20 15 (installatio ns are functio nal in May 20 14) co nfirm tho se described
abo ve related to interio r co mfo rt. Thermo graphic images attached validates the temperatures heat and ambient expected fro m
this system.
Passive Cooling System
Pro duct o r: Geo term PDC srl
Co nt act o : Neculai Negut, neculai_negut@yaho o .co m
Página we b: http://geo /
Cat e go ría de l pro duct o : Climatizació n / Ventilació n, refrigeració n
De scripció n:
Passive co o ling system based o n heat exchanger placed in water wells. Take trapped heat heating-co o ling system o f walls
during summer. Using the same system in the walls and ceiling radiant, take advantage o f it related to interio r co mfo rt.
Designed and applied fo r the first time at Casa So laris. Eliminate the need fo r a co ndensing unit, which wo uld have a negative
influence o n the enviro nment.
Co m e nt ario s:
Our o bservatio ns in summer 20 14 (installatio ns are functio nal in May 20 14) co nfirm tho se described abo ve related to interio r
co mfo rt.
// Costes
Co ste de la co nstrucció n : 16 2 0 0 0 €
Costes de construcción y explotación
Co st e de lo s e st udio s : 0 €
Co st e t o t al de l e dif icio : 16 2 0 0 0 ,0 0 €
Ayuda f inancie ra : 0 €
Co st e de las f act uras de e ne rgía : -1 8 10 ,0 0 €
Co st e re al de la e ne rgía/m 2 : -15,0 8 € / m 2
Co st e re al de la e ne rgía/Vivie ndas : -1 8 10 ,0 0 €/Viviendas
// Entorno urbano
Ent o rno urbano :
Supe rf icie de parce la :
557 m 2
Supe rf icie co nst ruida :
19 %
Z o nas ve rde s :
40 0
Aparcam ie nt o :
2 (two ) surface parking unco vered
// Calidad ambiental del edificio
Calidad am bie nt al de l e dif icio :
Salud, calidad del aire interio r
// Concurso
Categorías del concurso
Energías reno vables , Edificio s de co nsumo nulo