Supermontparnasse Tower

Ca s o d e e s tu d i o : S u p e r m o n tp a r n a s s e To we r
S i ti o we b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /e s p a n a /
Supermontparnasse Tower
Tipo de pro yecto : Rehabilitació n
Tipo de edificio : Edificio s co lectivo s
>50 m
Año de la co nstrucció n : 19 6 8
Zo na climática : [Cfb] Marine Mild Winter,
warm summer, no dry seaso n.
Superficie útil : 15 0 0 0 m 2
Co ste de la co nstrucció n : 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 €
Número de unidades funcio nales : 270
Co ste/m2 : 333 €/m 2
Co ste/Viviendas : 18 519 €/Viviendas
15 rue Geo rges Pitard , 750 15 Paris,
// Descripción
An atypical pro ject by its size:
270 private dwellings,
30 flo o rs
A high building signed by Zehrfuss built in the 6 0 ies.
lo ggia balco nies
a glass paste facade crumbling and falling o n bystanders.
The co ndo minium installed scaffo lding to secure its surro undings. A facelift is needed but this ro und is no t insulated and
heating lo ads are heavy.
Why no t imagine a mo re glo bal actio n? the co -o wners did an energy audit, then mo unted an ambitio us energy and
architectural impro vement pro gram, unusual fo r a private co ndo minium. The o peratio n was co nducted smo o thly. Usually,
decisio ns are hard to take in co ndo miniums and o ften pushed back fro m o ne year to ano ther. Meanwhile the building is
deterio rating. The peo ple do no t have the same status, the same inco me, and no t necessarily the same interest. If everyo ne is
investing heavily its ho using, public areas and the "co mmo n go o d" are asso ciated with "fillers" high financial.
in Super-Mo ntparnasse, a virtuo us pro cess began with the co nsent o f co -o wners, thanks to the co mmitment and dynamism
o f the unio n co uncil, the participatio n o f many stakeho lders (APC, city o f Paris etc.) and especially thro ugh the digital mo del.
Indeed, the BIM has been a great dialo gue to o l to understand the issues, explo re hypo theses, agree and especially reassure
each o wner still cautio us abo ut the idea o f
spending a lo t o f mo ney o n things that do no t really see (insulatio n). He was
able to understand the who le pro ject, view her apartment and her apartment co nsequences, fo llo w the site daily, be warned
interventio ns inside etc.
The site is in pro gress. A co py requalificatio n that values
each apartment and illustrates use o f BIM as a co mmunicatio n
to o l and o wnership o f the pro ject to wards a Master o f unpro fessio nal wo rk. nstructio n21.o rg/france/articles/fr/rano v (...)
Fiabilidad de lo s dat o s :
Certificado po r tercera parte
// Actores
Autor del proyecto
PELEGRIN Franço is tél:0 6 .6 0 .6 4.0 3.0 3 mail: franco [email protected] m
Sitio web : m
Acció n : design + executio n
Autor del proyecto
LAIR philippe tél: 0 6 .0 9 .8 4.8 5.34 mail: ph.lair@lair-ro
Sitio web : http://www.lair-ro
Acció n : co nceptio n+élabo ratio n cctp
No mbre : LUCAS REHA
NOUVEAU Jacques+JAOUANNET Jean Marie tél:0 6 .0 3.79 .9 4.0 1 + 0 6 . 9 mail:[email protected]
Sitio web :
Acció n : Facade
No mbre : NORBA
JOLY Hubert+BARREAU Olivier tél:0 1.48 .19 .9 7.13 mail: o barreau@no m
Sitio web : m
Acció n : Carpentry
Sitio web :
Asistencia al Órgano de Contratación
tél: 0 1.43.8 7.27.6 0 Mail : co ntact@cabinetleterro
Sitio web : http://cabinetleterro
Acció n : Jo int pro perty
Me t o do de co nt rat o :
Lo tes separado s
Filo so f ía am bie nt al de l pro m o t o r : The Supermo ntparnasse to wer designed by ZEHRFUSS in 19 6 8 sho wed different
patho lo gies:
- mo lten glass facade with elements that fall,
- high energy co nsumptio n bill (inefficient carpentry, insulatio n failure),
- district heating difficult to regulate o n thirty flo o rs.
De scripció n de la arquit e ct ura : The audit established by PAZIAUD has allo wed to target the po ints o n which it was
necessary actio n to impro ve the energy balance o f the to wer:
- Insulatio n o f walls / treatment o f thermal bridges.
- Replacement o f windo ws.
- Replacement o f the exhaust o penings
- Implementatio n o f humidity sensitive ventilatio n
The architects have addressed these po ints in o rder to respect the architecture o f the to wer.
This results in particular in the cho ice o f materials, with insulatio n o f different thicknesses facades but o f equal perfo rmance to
the shape o f the building.
The insulatio n is co vered with a facade cladding types "shells MD" is a cladding system repo rted with ventilated air space has
base metal cassettes what is inno vative fo r a building o f this size.
Maintaining visual co mfo rt fo r the o ccupants and despite the additio n o f external insulatio n, light glazing is identical to the o ld
wo o dwo rk, thanks to o ptimizatio n pro files and built carpentry, while allo wing better perfo rmance aco ustic and thermal.
// Energía
Consumo de energía
Ene rgía prim aria ne ce saria :
111,8 5 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Ene rgía prim aria ne ce saria po r un e dif icio e st ándar : 73,8 2 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Mé t o do de cálculo :
Co st e de la e f icie ncia e ne rgé t ica de l e dif icio : 0 kWh PE / €
Co nsum o inicial :
20 6 ,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Comportamiento de la envolvente
Valo r de la U :
0 ,8 0 W.m -2 .K-1
// Renovables y sistemas
Sist e m a de cale f acció n :
Red urbana
Sist e m a de agua calie nt e :
Red urbana
Sist e m a de re f rige ració n :
Sin sistema de refrigeració n
Sist e m a de ve nt ilació n :
Unidad de tratamiento de la humedad (hygro A)
Sist e m as re no vable s :
No hay sistemas de energía reno vable
// Comportamiento ambiental
// Productos
f acade siding types "MD shells"
Pro duct o r: SOCOTEC
Co nt act o : 3 avenue du centre -Guyanco urt 78 18 2 Saint-Quentin en Yvelines cedex
Página we b: co m/fr/
Cat e go ría de l pro duct o : Acabado s / Pinturas, murales, revestimiento s de paredes
De scripció n:
A cladding system repo rted with ventilated air space has basic plan appearance o f metal
cassettes and simple type skin made o f stainless steel o r sheet aluminum allo y.
Co m e nt ario s:
Pro tect the insulatio n fo r a so ber facade treatment while keeping a glo ss appearance similar to
that o f existing glass pastes.
// Costes
Co ste de la co nstrucció n : 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 €
Costes de construcción y explotación
Ayuda f inancie ra :
536 0 0 0 ,0 0 €
// Entorno urbano
Ent o rno urbano : The to wer is lo cated in the 15th arro ndissement o f Paris, in a dense urban fabric.
With 30 flo o rs it do minates the surro unding cityscape.
// Calidad ambiental del edificio
Calidad am bie nt al de l e dif icio :
Co nsultas - participació n
Co nfo rt (o lfativo , térmico , visual)
Eficiencia energética, la gestió n de la energía
Gestió n y mantenimiento de lo s edificio s
// Concurso
Il s'agit de la réno vatio n thermique d'un immeuble de grande hauteur, co nstruit dans les années 6 0 .
Cette réno vatio n de part les perfo rmances o btenues, la technicité et le co ntexte (co pro priété de 270 lo gements en milieu
o ccupé) est citée en exemple par la ville de Paris et l'APC.
Architecture PELEGRIN created the digital mo del o f the existing building then enriched it all alo ng the pro ject with technical
so lutio ns selected by the team and the o wner.
BIM was a co mmunicatio n to o l and live decisio n to o l fo r the 270 co -o wners. It allo wed "quick decisio ns" when decisio n
timescales fo r co ndo miniums is usually terribly lo ng and the multiplicity o f statuses (living o nsite o wners and landlo rds,
retired and firts-time buyers, and mo re...) do n't make things easy. During presentatio ns in fro nt o f the co -o wners, each
inhabitant o f the building co uld co mprehend the pro ject in its glo bality and visualize the co nsequences fo r their o wn apartment.
Witho ut BIM, the decisio n to vo te the pro ject wo uld have required o ne year o r even lo nger.
All the design team (architects, engineers, etc...) used the same digital mo del.
Fo r the co mpanies, BIM facilitated the co nstructio n phase in an o ccupied site: marked windo ws (what cho ices, what co lo r) but
also the co o rdinates o f each inhabitant to make each interventio n easier and ensure as lo w nuisance as po ssible.