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Lead into the class by asking the student what things they find interesting in their job and
what they find boring.
Listening Comprehension / Text
We found the tour of the city fascinating. There were so many interesting places to see. My
husband and I were both very impressed by the historic monuments and surprised by the
number of different things there were to see everywhere, but the children, of course, began
to get bored quite quickly. They found the sightseeing tiring and weren’t interested in what
the tour guide was saying. Unsurprisingly they were more interested in going round the
shops and looking at the computer games and toys.
That evening I wanted to have a relaxing evening in the hotel but the children insisted on
going out so we bought a newspaper to see if there was an amusing film on at the cinema.
They were quite disappointed when they realized that they had already seen all the films but
I was delighted to have dinner in the hotel restaurant and have an early night.
Language Practice:
-ING and –ED adjectives
Read the following sentence from the text:
There were so many interesting places to see.
Explain that if something interests you, you can describe it as interesting. If something
frightens you, you can describe it as frightening.
The commonest –ing adjectives are:
Amusing – interesting – worrying – annoying – shocking – disappointing – boring – surprising
– exciting – terrifying – frightening – tiring.
Example: I got some interesting news this morning.
Explain if something annoys you, you can say that you feel annoyed. If something
interests you, you can say that you are interested.
The commonest –ed adjectives are:
Annoyed –tired – bored – worried – frightened – interested – delighted – pleased –
disappointed – excited – surprised.
Example: I was disappointed when they didn’t renew the contract.
General Telephone Class
Teacher’s Copy
Exercise 1
Ask the students what –ing adjectives they would use to describe these things?
Example: A long meeting.
1. Horror films
2. Your telephone classes
3. Small children
4. Jogging
5. Computer games
6. Road accidents
7. The current economic crisis
8. A 3 hour delay at the airport
Exercise 2
Ask them to use an –ed adjective to say how they would feel if these things happened:
If you found that you had won 10,000 euros on the lottery.
1. If you were driving and were stopped by the police.
2. If you had gone to bed late and got up early.
3. If your boss told you that he had organized a meeting at 17h next Friday afternoon.
General Telephone Class
Teacher’s Copy
4. If you broke your leg a couple of days before you were due to go on a skiing holiday.
5. If you woke up in the night and heard burglars moving around your house. Frightened
6. If I told you that I think your level of English has improved greatly since we started having
class together. Pleased
7. If I always talked about myself in our classes and never gave you the chance to speak.
Exercise 3
Now ask the std to translate the following sentences
1. Ana estaba aburrida. No tenía nada que hacer.
Ana was bored. She didn’t have anything to do.
2. Bueno, tenía un libro para leer pero era muy aburrido.
Well, she had a book to read but it was really boring.
3. Me gustó mucho la visita al museo. Era muy interesante.
I really liked the visit to the museum. It was really interesting.
4. Me gusta nadar pero no estoy interesada en jugar al tenis.
I like swimming but I’m not interested in playing tennis.
5. Hay demasiados accidentes en este trozo de carretera. Es muy preocupante.
There are too many accidents on this bit of road. It’s very worrying.
6. Pensé que estábamos completamente perdidos. Estaba realmente preocupada.
I thought we were completely lost. I was extremely worried.
General Telephone Class
Teacher’s Copy
7. Mi hermano siempre se burla de mí. Es muy irritante.
My brother always makes fun of me. It’s very irritating.
8. Sabía lo que iba a pasar. No era sorprendente en absoluto.
I knew it was going to happen. It wasn’t at all surprising.
9. Estaba muy sorprendido cuando oí que Ana había suspendido el examen.
I was very surprised when I Heard that Anna had failed the exam.
10. La primera mitad del partido era emocionante, la segunda mitad muy aburrido.
The first half of the match was exciting, the second half really boring.
11. Estábamos todos súper emocionados cuando oímos la noticia.
We were all really excited when we heard the news.
12. El final de la película era un poco decepcionante.
The end of the film was a bit disappointing.
13. Estaba decepcionada cuando dijo que no se casaría conmigo.
I was disappointed when he said that he wouldn’t marry me.
 What kind of things do you find interesting?
What are you annoyed by?
If you are bored, how do you fill your time?
General Telephone Class
Teacher’s Copy