Subido por Karina Marcela González

Simple Past vs Past Continuous: English Grammar Guide

Simple Past vs Past Continuous
part # 2.
English IV
Boris Piñeres
Positive statements
Negative statements
Short Questions
• 1. I was travelling all day and I arrived a bit late last night.
• (Estuve viajando todo el día y llegué un poco tarde anoche)
• 2. I was wondering if I could use the washing machine for my clothes.
• (Me preguntaba si podría utilizar la lavadora para mi ropa)
• 3. My sister was taking care of me at that time.
• (Mi hermana cuidaba de mí en aquella época)
• 4. I was walking home when I saw her.
• (Iba caminando a casa cuando la vi)
• 5. Peter was watching television when he was sent a message.
• (Peter estaba viendo la televisión cuando le mandaron un mensaje)
• 6. They were waiting for you all the morning.
• (Estuvieron esperándote toda la mañana).
• 7. This is what the press in France was writing yesterday.
• (Esto es lo que la prensa estaba escribiendo en Francia ayer)
• 8. He was sending a message to his boss yesterday afternoon.
• (Estaba enviándole un mensaje a su jefe ayer por la tarde)
• 9. While I was sleeping I dreamt someone was telling me "Tom is
• (Mientras estaba durmiendo soñé que alguien me alguien me decía "Tom
• 10. She was wearing a mask to protect her face.
• (Ella llevaba una máscara para protegerse la cara)
Simple Past vs Past Continuous video
Let’s practice!
Complete the sentences with the past simple or the past
continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
• 1 I switched off (switch off ) the computer because it was making (make) a
strange noise.
• 2 My dad was listening (listen) to classical music when I (arrive) arrived home
from school.
• 3 We were playing (play) video games when my mum said ,(say) ‘Turn the
volume down!’
• 4 My cousin met (meet) his wife, Bianca, while he was living (live) in Italy.
• 5 My little sister draw (draw) a picture while I was studying (study) for my
French exam.
• 6 While they were trying (try) to fix the computer, all the
lights went (go out).
• 7 When we left (leave) school yesterday, it was pouring (pour)
with rain.
• 8 When you saw (see) Paul, he was wearing (wear) a black jacket?
• 9 I was trying (try) to log on when the WiFi stopped (stop)
• 10 While Dad was printing (print) an article, the printer ran out
(run out) of paper.