Presente y Presente progresivo

Imperfecto y Imperfecto del progresivo
Remember the imperfect in Spanish covers what used to happen and what was
going on in the past. However, to capture the idea of what was happening at the
moment the imperfect progressive works even better.
The imperfect progressive in Spanish is very similar to the past progressive in
English: to be + verb –ing  I was running. / You were talking.
Estar + verbo (-AR) –ando  Estaba(estabas, estábamos, etc.)
hablando, mirando, pasando
(-ER/-IR) –iendo  Estaba (estaban, etc)
comiendo, escribiendo, abriendo
Don’t forget that the –IR sandal verbs apply the stem change in the gerund form
(durmió  durmiendo)[ei : pedir, servir, seguir, repetir, decir] [ou : dormir,
morir]. Also, there are spelling changes for verbs that have the double vowel in the
gerund form (leer—leiendo leyendo). [caer, traer, oír, distribuir, contribuir,
construer :i y]
Read the following sentences expressing what the subjects were doing using the
simple imperfect and fill in the blank with the correct form of the imperfect
progressive to indicate what they were doing at that time.
1. Yo ponía (___________ _________) mis libros en mi mochila cuando llegaste.
2. María dormía (__________ _________) cuando ocurrió el terremoto.
3. Hablábamos inglés (__________ ____________) por eso el profesor se enojó.
4. Los alumnos leían (_________ ______________) la novela cuando la
profesora se desmayó.
5. ¿Qué decías ( ____________ ______________)?