St. Boniface Church St. Boniface is looking for talent!

St. Boniface Church
A Franciscan Oasis in the Tenderloin
July 10, 2016 - Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Thursdays &
at 11:00 AM
in the
(Side Chapel)
Word search puzzle
Mass Intentions for the week of:
July 10, 2016
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
07:30 Mario Nuti
09:00 Flores Family
10:30 † Familia Acosta
Monday, St. Benedict
12:15 Sr. Sheila
Tuesday, Weekday
12:15 Ita McCarron
Wednesday, St. Henri
12:15 Happ Family
Thursday, St. Kateri Tekakwitha
12:15 † Robert Happ
Friday, St. Bonaventure
12:15 Flores Family
Saturday, Our Lady of Mount Carmel
08:00 Vocations
Jul. 10 - Sunday Street in Tenderloin.
Aug. 2 - 31 - RE registration.
Aug 2 - Secular Franciscans Order - Celebration at 12:15 P.M. Mass. Luncheon from 1:00
to 3:00 P.M. in the parish hall.
Sep. 5 - Labor Day.
Sep. 6 - Office closed (Observed).
Sep. 10 - Religious Education starts at 9AM.
Oct. 1 - Blessing of the Animals.
Oct. 2 - St. Francis Celebration.
Oct. 3 - St. Francis Celebration (Observed)
Office closed.
St. Boniface is looking for talent!
Facilitator: Fr. Franklin Fong, OFM
St. Boniface is Looking for Volunteers
We now clean the church and Parish offices ourselves
Due to financial reasons we’ve suspended
our janitorial service.
Join us every Saturday.
Entrenamiento para
Ministros Litúrgicos
Come to the office at 10:00 A.M.
August 13, 2016 a las 2:00 P.M.
Help keep the church clean!
Our Parish Needs your Support!
Nuestra Parroquia Necesita tu Apoyo!
Last week’s collection:
$ 2,750.00
Sunday Collections Weekly: $ 2,254.00
$ 496.00
En la Sala de Juntas
Entrada por la Oficina
de la Parroquia
Thank you for your support & generosity.
2nd Collection:
$ 485.00
Weekly magazine
We’re looking for help from a few
volunteers (one per community) to
advise the Pastor about the website
and to help develop an online
weekly magazine.
If you are interested please contact Fr. Franklin at
(415) 863-7515 Ext. 106
The Religious Education Registration
will be open
from August 2 –31
from Tuesday to Saturday
8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. in the rectory.
(Closed for lunch from 11:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.)
Las Inscripciones para la Educación Religiosa estarán abiertas de Agosto 2 al 31
De Martes a Sábado
de las 8:00 A.M.- 4:00 P.M. en la oficina.
(Cerrado para el lonche de 11:30 A.M. a 12:30 P.M.)
This Week’s 2nd collection will be for:
Church Expenses
Bulletin Editor:
[email protected]
Archdiocesan Victim’s Assistance Coordinator
(415) 614-5506