October 18, 2015 - St Frances Cabrini

Knights of Columbus Haircut Day
Regular Collection
Mission Outreach
$ 540.00
Weekday Mass Intentions
Monday/Lunes, October 19th
9:00am †Jerry Wade (Sandra Wade)
Tuesday/Martes, October 20th
9:00am Parishioners of the Parish
Wednesday/Miércoles, October 21st
6:00pm Henry Ramirez (Ferguson Family)
7:00pm Parishioners of the Parish
Thursday/Jueves, October 22nd
9:00am Parishioners of the Parish
7:00pm Parishioners of the Parish (at St. Rose of Lima)
Friday/Viernes, October 23rd
9:00am Parishioners of the Parish
Weekend Mass Intentions
Saturday/Sábado, October 24th
5:00pm †Ginny Golden (Larry & Joan Gehrke)
†Tom Altus (Altus Family)
Sunday/Domingo, October 25th
9:00am †Luke Urbanovsky (Urbanovsky Family)
†Luella Loper (Bill & Irene Lemen)
10:45am Parishioners of the Parish
12:30pm Parishioners of the Parish
Next Week Second Collection is for
Stewardship Fund
Join us to pray the Rosary during the month of
October. The rosary will be said before each Mass on
the weekend in the main Sanctuary. On Saturday it
will begin at 4:30 pm, Sunday at 8:30 am and 12:00
pm. We ask that you respect those who are praying
and remain quiet when you enter the Church.
October – The Month of the Holy Rosary
Just as it was in St. Dominic’s time we now
have the great Heresies in this world, the
heresy against the sanctity of Life. This
October would be a great time to rejuvenate
the Rosary devotion. The St. Frances Cabrini
Respect Life is planning to conduct a weekly
celebration of group rosary in the Holy Family Prayer
Garden. The Rosary will be prayed for the Respect for
Life every Wednesday after the evening 6:00 PM Mass.
Each Wednesday we will pray one of the Mysteries.
October 21
The Sorrowful Mysteries
October 28
The Glorious Mysteries
(Haircuts by Katie & Carmen Senese)
Saturday, October 24th from 9:00 am –
2:00 pm at Blushes Salon (5464 Acton
Hwy.) in Cathy and Christy’s room. For an
appointment call 817-578-0454 (cell) or 817-326-5640.
Walk-ins welcome! 100% of the donations go to the
Knights of Columbus.
World Mission Sunday
Today is World Mission Sunday! In scripture, we read
that St. Paul asked the Gentile Churches to take up a
collection to support the Church in Jerusalem. Now we
are asked to reach out and support the young churches
throughout our world. Your prayers and generous gifts
to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the
collection today will help missionaries offer the poor of
these areas practical help as they share the mercy of
God. It will ensure the development of local dioceses,
and support the work of priests, religious and lay leaders
who serve those on the margins and in most need. Go
out to the whole world through your gift in today’s
Domingo Mundial de las Misiones
¡Hoy es el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones! En las
escrituras, leímos que San Pablo, les pidió a las gentiles
iglesias que realizaran una colecta para apoyar a la
iglesia de Jerusalén. Hoy en día, nos solicitan que
apoyemos a las iglesias jóvenes de todo el mundo. Tus
plegarias y regalos generosos a la Sociedad para la
Propagación de la Fe en la colecta de hoy, ayudarán a
los misioneros a ofrecer a los pobres de estas áreas,
ayuda práctica mientras comparten la piedad del Señor.
Asegurará el desarrollo de diócesis locales, y apoyara el
trabajo de curas, religiosos y líderes laicos que sirven a
los marginados y los más necesitados. ¡Sal al mundo
entero a través de tu regalo en la colecta de hoy!
World Mission Sunday is October 18. We
will be praying the rosary for world missions
and releasing a balloon rosary, weather
permitting, at 3 PM that afternoon. Please
join us in the FLC parking lot.
El Domingo Mundial de las Misiones es el 18 de
octubre. Estaremos rezando el rosario por las misiones
del mundo y soltaremos un rosario hecho de globos, si
el clima lo permite, a las 3 PM. Por favor acompáñenos
en el estacionamiento del Edificio Familiar.
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Middle School Lock-In
All 6th-8th graders are invited to the middle school
lock-in from Friday Oct. 30, beginning at 7pm, to
Saturday Oct. 31 ending at 9am. Join us for games,
contests, spooky fun and food. To sign-up or for more
information, call Erica at 817326-2131.
Lunada para Jóvenes de
6º-8º grado
Todos los jóvenes de grados 6-8
están invitados a una Lunada que comenzara a las 7 PM
el viernes 30 de octubre y terminara a las 9 AM el
sábado 31 de octubre. Acompáñanos tendremos juegos,
concursos, diversión y comida escalofriante. Para
registrase o para más información, póngase en contacto
con Erica 817-326-2131.
The University of Dallas Ministry
The Conference will be on October 22-24,
2015 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison
Convention Center, in Dallas. Be a part of
the South’s largest annual Catholic ministry
conference opened to the public. The price
is $75.00 for the three days. Register today at
udallas.edu/udmc. For more information, call 972-7215105.
Women of Grace National Conference
The 2015 Women of Grace
National Conference is coming
to Texas and we will be located
at the beautiful St. Francis of
Assisi mission church in Grapevine. Johnette Benkovic
and international retreat master, Fr. Philip Scott and Dr.
Monica Miller, October 23rd – 25th for an outstanding
weekend of inspiring teaching, special liturgies, a
healing prayer service and so much more! Our theme is
“Woman’s Influence, Effect, and Power: Reclaiming the
Feminine Ideal” and together we will discover how God
is empowering women to reclaim our culture for Christ.
The conference will be preceded by Benedicta
Leadership Institute for Women on October 22nd until
midafternoon on October 23rd. in this hands-on,
interactive workshop we will explore the theme
“Leading Like the Lady” and God’s plan for the women
of our time. Register today at womenofgrace.com or call
1-800-558-5452 for further details.
Bishop’s 11th Annual Catholic Respect
Life Gala
Join us at the Bishop’s 11th Annual Catholic Respect
Life Gala on Saturday, November 7, 2015, at the Fort
Worth Convention Center. The keynote speaker is our
First Lady of Texas Cecilia Abbott. It will be a
delightful evening that offers us the opportunity, as a
community of faith, of showing our support to the
dignity and sanctity of life. For individual tickets and
table sponsorships go to www.respectlifefw.org
[email protected]
Save the Date
St. Frances Cabrini Parish Mission
November 9-11, 2015
7:00 to 8:30 PM
Fr. Robert Cary will lead us to reflect and celebrate the
Year of Mercy declared by Pope Francis. Please mark
your calendars and plan on attending.
Religious Education on Wednesday Nights
Many of our youth come to church straight
from school or athletic practices, so they
need a quick healthy snack before RE. It’s
hard to learn on a hungry tummy, so to
help them do a little better, the Middle and High School
Youth ministry programs are collecting donations of the
following snack items for our Wednesday night youth:
All must be individually packaged. Ramen noodle soup
(in the cups), granola bars, peanut butter crackers,
squeeze applesauce, fruit leather, pop tarts, raisins.
Prayer Blankets
Prayer Blankets, including military ones are
available for whoever needs them. They are
kept in the altar servers vesting room.
Cobijas Benditas
Cobijas Benditas, incluyendo militares están disponibles
y son un regalo para quien las necesite. Las puede
encontrar en el lugar donde se visten los monaguillos