1 Course Guide Social Doctrine of the Church PCA-27-F-01 Ed. 00 COURSE GUIDE Catholic University of Valencia Social Doctrine of the Church PSICOLOGÍA Year 2015-16 2 Course Guide Social Doctrine of the Church PCA-27-F-01 Ed. 00 COURSE GUIDE OF BRANCHES AND/OR SUBJECT ECTS Social Doctrine of the Church SUBJECT: Social Doctrine of the Church 6 Branch: Social Doctrine of the Church 6 Module: Antropology, History and Professional Ethics 24 ACADEMIC YEAR: First Term: 2nd Type of Training1: Obligatory Departament: Teología, Social, Ética y Lecturers: David Cuenca Manteca E-mail: [email protected] ORGANIZATION OF MODULE ____________________________________________________________________________ Social Doctrine of the Church Nº ECTS: 6 Duration and temporary place within study plan: 2 / 2 Branches & Subjects Branch ECTS SUBJECT ECTS Term/ Semester Social Doctrine of the Church 6 Social Doctrine of the Church 6 2/2 TEACHING GUIDE OF BRANCH/SUBJECT: 1 Basic Training (common material), Compulsory, Optional, External Experience, End of Degree Work. 3 Course Guide Social Doctrine of the Church PCA-27-F-01 Ed. 00 Pre-requisites: None established MAIN OBJECTIVES a) Understand the interpersonal dimension of human being, meaning and sense of the fundamental principles of the Social Doctrine. b) Recognize the importance and responsibility that is active member of society. c) it is intended that students learn to practice the principles and basic criteria in different fields in which social life takes place: family, work, economics, politics, culture and environment information. TRANSVERSAL COMPETENCES Adjustment of Competence 2 Instrumental 1 2 3 4 X 1. Capacity for Analysis (CT1) 2. Critical reasoning (CT 14) 3. Problem solving (CT7) X 4. Decision making (CT 8) X Interpersonal X 5. Team work (CT 9) X 6. Interpersonal Relationship Skills (CT 12) 7. Ethical commitment (CT 15) Systemic 8. Capacity to think to creativity and develop new ideas and concepts (CT 9) 2 X 1 2 3 4 X Number all competences correlatively. Each one should be considered from 1to 4 using as criteria the contribution afforded in each subject/material to the acquisiton and development of the competence. 4 Course Guide Social Doctrine of the Church PCA-27-F-01 Ed. 00 9. Capacity to adapt to new situations (CT 17) X 10. Leadership (CT 19) X SPECIFIC COMPETENCES 3 Disciplinary 1 11. L e a r n i n g a b o u t c o n t e x t w h e r e i n d i v i d u a l a n d g r o u p behaviors, and organizational processes are being d e v e l o p e d (CE11) 2 3 x 12. Knowing and comply with the ethical obligations of Psychology (CE 17) 13. Learning the social and anthropological dimension of the human being considering historical and sociocultural factors involved in human psychological configuration (CE 33) 14. Being able to identify differences, problems and needs (CE 5) RESULT OF LEARNING 4 R-1 Know the incidence of the “idea of person” in relation to the process of decision making 4 x x X COMPETENCES 1, 2, 4, 6, 13 3 Correlatively follow up with previous numbering. Specific competences are considered from 1-4 as per criterion 4 Number correlatively results of learning following proposed nomenclature. N.B.: Competences are expressed in a general sense and thus it is necessary to include in the teaching guide the results of learning These results constitute a concretion of one or several competences, explicitly stating the grade of dominion or involvement which the student should attain and they contain in their formulation the criterion with which they are to be assessed.. The results of learning make evident that which the student will be capable of demonstrating on completing the subject or material and they also reflect the grade of acquisition of such competence or group of competences.. 5 Course Guide Social Doctrine of the Church PCA-27-F-01 Ed. 00 R-2 Understand dominant human motivations R-3 Distinguish between persons who base themselves on excellency from those who defend a minimalist position R-4 Be able to identify the incidence of materialism in the explanation of human behaviour. 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 13 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13 8, 12, 14 6 Course Guide Social Doctrine of the Church PCA-27-F-01 Ed. 00 FORMATIVE ACTIVITIES OF PRESENCIAL WORK ACTIVITY Methodology of Teaching/Learning Relation to Results of Learning of the subject ECTS 5 ATTENDED SESSION Exposition of contents by Lecturer, analysis of competences, explanation and demonstration of capacities, skills and knowledge in lecture room.. R-4, R3 1 PRACTICAL SESSION Group work sessions under professor supervision. Case study diagnostic analysis, problems, field study, IT room, visits, data searching, library, on-line, Internet. etc. Significant construction of knowledge through student interaction and activity. R-1, R-3, R-4 1 LABORATORY Activities undertaken in places having specialized equipment.. SEMINAR Monographic supervised sessions with shared participation. EXPOSITION GROUP WORK TUTORHIP Application of interdisciplinary knowledge R-2, R-3,R-4 0,1 R-1, R-3, R-4 0,1 Personal attention in small groups; Period for instruction and/or orientation by Tutor in 5 The subject and/or material is organizad in FORMATIVE ACTIVITIES OF PRESENTIAL WORK and in FORMATIVE ACTIVITIES OF STUDENT’S AUTONOMOUS WORK., with a percentage estimated en ECTS. An adequate distribution is as follows: 35-40% for PRESENTIAL FORMATIVE ACTIVITIES and 65-60% for Autonomous work. (For a subject of 6 ECTS: 2,4 and 3,6 respectively. The methodology of teaching-learning is described in this guide in a general way, being concrete in didactic units in which subject and/or material is organizae 7 Course Guide Social Doctrine of the Church PCA-27-F-01 Ed. 00 order to review and discuss materials and topics presented in classes, seminars, lectures, carrying out Works, etc. R-1, R-2, R-3, R4 ASSESSMENT 0,2 Set of oral/written tests used in initial, formative or additive assessment of Student. Total (2,4*) FORMATIVE ACTIVITIES OF STUDENT’S AUTONOMOUS WORK ACTIVITY Methodology of Teaching/Learning Relation to Results of Learning of the subject ECTS GROUP WORK Preparation in group of lecture, tests, problem solving, seminars, Works, reports, etc. to be expounded or handed in at theoretical classes, practical sessions and/or tutorships in small groups. Work undertaken at University platform (www.plataforma.ucv.es) R-2, R-3,R-4 2 AUTONOMOUS WORK Study of student: Individual preparation of lectures, tests, problem solving, seminars, Works, reports, etc. to be expounded or handed in at theoretical classes, practical sessions and/or tutorships in small groups. Work undertaken at University platform (www.plataforma.ucv.es) R-1, R-2, R-3,R-4, Total 1,6 (3,6*) 8 Course Guide Social Doctrine of the Church PCA-27-F-01 Ed. 00 ASSESSMENT SYSTEM OF ACQUISITION OF COMPETENCES AND QUALIFICATION SYSTEM Assessment 6 instrument Theory written tests Practices and exposure in group Attendance and participation 6 RESULTS ASSESSED LEARNING Percentage given R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 60 R-2, R-3,R-4 20 R-1, R-2, R-3 20 Techniques and instruments of assessment: exam-oral exposition written tests (objective tests, developement, conceptual maps…), supervised work, projects, case studies, observation booklets, portfolios, etc. 9 Course Guide Social Doctrine of the Church PCA-27-F-01 Ed. 00 MODE ON LINE SYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION TRAINING ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY Methodology of teaching and learning SYNCHRONOUS VIRTUAL SESSION Exposure of contents by the teacher, proficiency analysis, explanation and demonstration of skills, abilities and knowledge in the virtual classroom. SYNCHRONOUS VIRTUAL PRACTICAL SESSION Workgroup in group's session through moderated chat by the teacher. Case studies, both truthful and fictional, for construction of knowledge through interaction and student activity. Critical analysis of values and social commitment. SEMINAR AND SYNCHRONOUS VIRTUAL VIDEO CONFERENCE FACE OR SYNCHRONOUS VIRTUAL ASSESSMENT Monograph throughout the course sessions, aimed at topical aspects and applications of the subject. Set of oral and/or written tests used in the initial, formative or additive assessment of the student. Relationship with the course learning outcomes ECTS R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, R-11 2,5 % R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6, R-7, R-8, R-11 2,5 % R-3, R-4, R-5 2,5 % R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6, R-10 2,5 % Total 10 % 10 TRAINING ACTIVITIES WITH ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY Methodology of teaching and learning Relationship with the course learning outcomes ECTS INDIVIDUAL ASYNCHRONOUS WORK ACTIVITIES Student’s study: personal preparation of some readings, trials, resolution of problems, seminars, memories, etc. in order to discuss or send them in electronic format. Work made on the university platform (www.plataforma.ucv.es) R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6, R-7, R-8, R-9, R-10 y R-11 40 % R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6 y R-7 3,33 % R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, R-8 y R-9 6,66 % R-2, R-3, R-4 y R-10 6,66 % R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6 y R-10 33,33 % INDIVIDUAL TUTORIALS TEAM WORK DISCUSSION FORUMS CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES Individual tutor's attention to monitor and guide the learning process whose aim is to review and discuss materials and topics, seminars, readings, papers, etc. Team preparation of readings, trials, resolution of problems, seminars, memories, etc. in order to discuss or send them in electronic format. Work made on the university platform (www.plataforma.ucv.es) Participation and contributions to discussion forums related to the subject, moderated by the subject teacher. Problem resolution, comments and memorandums to be committed in different terms all along the course. Total 100 % 1 1 PROFICIENCIES ACQUISITION ASSESSMENT AND RATING SYSTEM Assessment tools ASSESSED LEARNING OUTCOMES Given percentage Attendance and active participation in synchronous comunication activities. R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 y R-5 5% Creation of activities to be committed. R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 y R-5 Final exam with development question and practical cases. 25% R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6 y R-7 70 % 12 DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS COMPETENCES Social doctrine: fundamental concepts. The individual and his rights. CT1, CT7, CT8,CT12, CT17, CT15, CT19, CE5, CE11, CE17, CE33. The principles of social doctrine. Family and education. Human labor. Development of peoples, ecology. International order and preserving peace. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliografía básica COLOM, E., (2001). Curso de Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. Madrid: Palabra. MELÉ, D., (1999). Cristianos en la sociedad, Introducción a la Doctrina social de la Iglesia. Madrid: Rialp. Pontificio consejo de Justicia y Paz, (2004) Compendio de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. Ciudad del Vaticano: Editrice Vaticana. Pontificio consejo de Justicia y Paz (2002) Agenda Social. Colección de Textos del Magisterio. Ciudad del Vaticano: Editrice Vaticana. Bibliografía complementaria CALVEZ, Y., (1991). La enseñanza social de la Iglesia. La economía. El hombre. La sociedad. Madrid: Herder. COLOM, E, (2001).Curso de Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. Madrid: Palabra. CUADRON, A., (1993). Manual de doctrina social de la Iglesia. Madrid: BAC. DE TORRE, J. M., (1988). La Iglesia y la cuestión social. Madrid: Palabra. FUENTES, A., (1987). El sentido cristiano de la riqueza. Madrid: Rialp. GARCÍA MORENCOS, (1993).La Doctrina Social de la Iglesia en el nuevo Catecismo. Madrid: Unión Editorial. GARITAGOITIA, J. R., (2004). El legado social de Juan Pablo II. Pamplona: Eunsa, GUTIÉRREZ, J. L., (2001). Introducción a la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia, Barcelona: Ariel. 1 3 Course Guide Social Doctrine of the Church PCA-27-F-01 Ed. 00 TEMPORAL ORGANIZATION OF LEARNING: BLOCK OF CONTENTS/DIDACTIC UNIT Nº OF SESSIONS 1 Social doctrine: fundamental concepts. 4 2 The individual and his rights. 4 3 The principles of social doctrine. 6 4 Family and education. 4 5 Human labor. 4 6 Development of peoples, ecology. 4 7 International order and preserving peace. 4 MENTION OF DISTINCTION: The mention of Distinction will be awarded to students who have achieved a score equal to or greater than 9.0. The number of Distinctions granted will not exceed 5% of students enrolled in a subject in the corresponding academic year unless enrollment is under 20, in which case only one Distinction may be granted. (Royal Decree 1125/2003). DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUBJECT IN SECOND AND SUBSEQUENT ENROLLMENTS: There will be a special group for students who are not enrolling for the first time if they exceed the occupancy limit of the classroom and a teacher is assigned to that group. The professor in charge of this group will conduct 4 follow-up sessions and tutoring for 2 hours each. Assessment of skills and abilities will be done through the scheduled practice sessions. In each session the subject will be developed so as to reinforce the work on the skills that each student needs to pass the course.