Área de Relaciones Internacionales y Cooperación INFORMATION ABOUT THE EUROPEAN CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM 1. - ECTS ECTS grade A % of students that Definition usually get that grade 10 EXCELLENT – Wonderful result with little mistakes B 25 VERY GOOD- Over the average but with some mistakes C 30 GOOD – Correct work in general terms but with certain number of mistakes D 25 SATISFACTORY – Correct but with significant lacks E 10 SUFFICIENT –The results satisfy the minimal criteria. F, FX FAIL - Slightly more of work is needed to overcome the subject 2. - Equivalences between the ECTS System and the system used in the Universidad Pablo de Olavide. MATRICULA DE HONOR 10* A* SOBRESALIENTE 9- 10 A NOTABLE 7-8,9 B (8-8,9) C (7-7,9) APROBADO 5-6,9 D (6-6,9) E (5-5,9) SUSPENSO 0-4,9 FX (3-4,9) F (0-2,9) 5. - ECTS Credits Full year 1 semester 60 ECTS credits 30 ECTS credits *MATRÍCULA DE HONOR: Special mention given by the professor’s own initiative to the most successful students in the course. Carretera de Utrera, Km.1 41013-SEVILLA. ESPAÑA. Tfnos. (34) 95 434 93 72 Fax. (34) 95 434 93 04 e-mail: [email protected] http://www.upo.es/aric/