HOUSE PROGRAM K3-APRIL MY FIVE SENSES VOCABULARY See Hear Taste Smell Touch Eyes Ears Tongue Nose Hands Ice cream cone Popcorn Hot dog Soda Cotton Candy Dog Soft Smooth Rough Teddy bear Rabbit Pillow Chair Table Rock Brush Wall Elephant Clown Hard COLORS Red, green, white, orange, black, yellow, pink, purple, gray, light blue, dark blue, Brown, black, light green, dark green MATH NUMBERS Recognize: 1-80 Write: 1-80 Rote counting: 1-90 Additions up to 20 Concept of more and less Do mental math every day additions and problem solving stories SHAPES AND SIZES (Store by shape, size and color) Circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, heart, diamond, big, small, tall-short, long-short Combine shapes and sizes with positions, colors and numbers ACTIONS Run, jump, wash, sing, write, play, read, swim, eat, speak, respect, climb, dance, hop, stand, sleep, ride, cut, drive, give and share. Use the ”ing” form, explain past tense POSITION Up, down, in, out of, under, in front of, behind, next to, between, around COMMANDS Stand up, sit down, clap, march, get in the line, go, close, open, stop, sleep, wash, brush, listen, dance, get in the line, take a shower, brush teeth, brush hair, tie shoe, draw plans, eat healthy, exercise, dress right, listen WEATHER Sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy, hot, cold SENTENCES AND QUESTIONS I see with my eyes I smell with my nose I taste with my mouth I touch with my hands I listen with my ears Can you find a……. Yes , I can PHONICS Introduce long vowel e Review long and short vowels R, S, L blends Review initial and final ends Review consonant blends High frequency words Spelling short words Phonics book pages 213 to 256 Dictation LECTO-ESCRITURA Seguir los ejercicios previos en pizarrón con azúcar, arena, gis, gelatina Seguir el repaso del trazo y sonido de las vocales a, e, i, o, u, así como de las consonantes Buscar palabras que empiecen con las diferentes letras vistas Repaso de todas las letras aprendidas Encontrar de una forma oral palabras que empiecen con esas letras Hacer el trazo de las letras Practicar silabas trabadas TR, BL, GR Introducir PR, DR, FR, CL Tener en pared familias silábicas Hacer diario dictado de palabras Practicar lecturas cortas FESTIVITY Easter Day