1 PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 COURSE GUIDE: CHILD EDUCATION METODOLOGIES AND TECHNIQUES OF OBSERVATION AND EVALUATION Universidad Católica de Valencia Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” A PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 Curso -2016/17 COURSE GUIDE SUBJECT: Child education methodologies and techniques of observation and evaluation. FIELD: Systematic observation and analysis of contexts. MODULE: Educational Processes and Contexts 6 6 42 YEAR: 3º Semester: 1º Educational Model: Basic ECTS Departament: General Didactics, Theory of Education and Technological innovation. E-mail: TEACHERS: Dra. Dª Remedios Aguilar Moya Dª Lucía Ballester Pont Dª Isabel Fuster Palacios Dª Gloria Gómez Vivo Dra. Dª Mª José Llopis Bueno D. Enrique Monzó Climent [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] MODULE ORGANIZATION EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES AND CONTEXTS 24 ECTS Duration and temporal location within the curriculum: first semester of third year Fields and Subjects Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 3 PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 Field ECTS Organization of school space, materials and teaching skills 18 Subject Classroom organization and Early Childhood Education Center Teaching-learning processes in the Classroom: techniques and tools ECTS The school in Early Childhood Education Systematic observation and analysis of contexts 18 6 Design and Evaluation of Educational Action Plans 6 Teaching and educational practice 6 3/1 6 6 2/1 6 Teaching and educational innovation Methodologies and Techniques in Early Childhood Observation and Assessment 6 Basics and history of Education Curso/ Semest re 1/1 2/1 2/2 2/2 6 3/1 Prerequisites: None GENERAL GOALS a) Identify methodologies of early childhood education b) Assess the importance of methodological innovation in the teacher's role c) Activities associated with design methodologies to develop their own educational objectives of Stage Children. d) To assess the importance of games in the early childhood education. e) Recognize the importance of education Child Evaluation and peculiarities of its own legislation on the stage. f) List the main instruments of assessment and monitoring of the Stage and make innovative proposals. GENERAL COMPETENCES Competence measuring scale 1 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 2 3 4 A PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 G3. Designing and regulating learning spaces inclusive of diversity addressing gender equality, equity and respect for human rights which constitute the values of a citizen's education. G11. To reflect on practical lectures to innovate and improve educational work. To acquire habits and skills that foster autonomous and cooperative learning among students. X x SPECIFIC COMPETENCES 1 2 E14. Ability to work in teams with other professionals within and outside the school in addressing each student as well as in the planning of learning sequences and organization of work situations in the classroom and play space, identifying the peculiarities of the period the period 0-3 and 3-6. E16. Understand that systematic observation is a basic tool to reflect on practice and reality and contribute to innovation and improving early childhood education. E17. Mastering the techniques of observation and recording E18. To be acquainted with historical evolution of the Infant School, as,well as the different theories of education.. E19. Knowing how to analyze the obtained information, understanding critically the reality and develop a report on the findings. E21. Knowing about international experiences and examples of innovative practices in Child Education. 3 x 4 x X X X X COMPETENCES LEARNING OUTCOMES R-1 The student demonstrates his ability to make a synthesis, autonomy, on the main methodologies E16, E19, E21 Stage Children from search techniques and research information R-2 The student design methodologies appropriate to different learning contexts. G3, G11 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 5 PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 R-3 The student designs innovative activity sequences Childhood Education classroom associated with a given methodology. G3, G11, E14 R-4 The student evaluates the importance of play in the educational context of primary education R-5 The student identifies and assesses the various assessment instruments and its own observation of Stage and legal requirements. R-6 The student designed rubrics and other instruments to collect information and issue an evaluation report and interpret R-7 The student is appealing and understandable so the contents G11, E16 E16, E17, E18, E19, E21 G3, G11, E14, E17, E19 G11, E14, E18, E19 R-8 The student papers presented objectively assessed by peers G11, E18, E19 ON-CAMPUS EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY ON-CAMPUS CLASS PRACTICAL CLASSES Relationship With Learning Outcomes for the subject Teaching-Learning Methodology Teacher presentation of contents, analysis of competences, explanation and in-class display of skills, abilities and knowledge. ECTS R1, R4, R5 0.4 Group work sessions supervised by the professor. Case studies, diagnostic, tests, problems, field work, computer room, visits, data search, libraries, online, Internet, etc. Meaningful construction of knowledge through Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” R2, R3, R6 R7, R8 0,6 A PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 interaction and student activity. TUTORING Application of interdisciplinary Knowledge. TEAM WORKS PRESENTATIONS ASSESSMENT R6 0.5 Personalized and small group attention. Period of instruction and/or orientation carried out by a tutor for the purpose of reviewing and discussing the materials and topics presented in lectures, seminars, readings, writing papers, etc. R2, R3, R5, R6 0.5 Group of oral and/or written tests used during initial, formative or additive assessment. R1, R4, R5, R6 R7, R8 Total 0.4 2,4 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 7 PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 INDEPENDENT ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY Teaching-Learning Methodology TEAMWORK Team work on readings, essays, problem solving, seminars, papers, reports, etc. to be presented or submitted in theoretical lectures, practical and/or smallgroup tutoring sessions. Work done on the university's Platform (www.plataforma.ucv.es) Relationship with learning outcomes for the subject ECTS R2, R3, R6, R7 1.8 Student study: Individual preparation of readings, essays, problem solving, seminars, papers, reports, etc. to be presented or submitted in theoretical lectures, practical and/or small-group tutoring sessions. Work done on the university's Platform (www.plataforma.ucv.es) INDEPENDENT WORK R1, R4, R5, R8 Total 1.8 3,6 SYSTEM FOR ASSESSING THE ACQUISITION OF THE COMPETENCES AND ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Assessment Tool Classroom activities: attendance and participation LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSED R2, R3, R5, R6 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” Allocated Percenta. 10% A PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 Written tests Directed work: Elaboration of T.U Resolution of cases R1, R2, R4, R5 R2, R3, R5, R6 R1, R7, R8 30% 40% 20% CRITERIA FOR GRANTING A GRADE OF A WITH HONORs: According with University´s normative, each professor will decided the concession of these grades attending not only the marks, but also other merits and competences acquired by the students. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 1. Assessment and recording of learnings. 1.1. Recording techniques and evaluation of learning 1.2. Observation as a means of evaluation in early chilhood education 1.3. Student Report: elements and processing 2. Analysis of the main methodologies in early childhood education. 2.1 The game as an educational resource 2.2 Symbolic Play 2.3 The game as a means of exploration and discovery 2.4 interactive games with baby 3. The game as a methodological component in early childhood education. 3.1 Nook 3.2 Workshops 3.3 Interest centers 3.4 Work projects COMPETENCES G11, E14, E16, E17, E18, E19 G11, E14, E16 G3, G11, E14, E21 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 9 TEMPORAL ORGANIZATION OF LEARNING (students enrolled for the first time): 1 Assessment and recording of learnings. The game as a methodological component in early childhood education. 2 3 BLOCK CONTENT / TEACHING UNIT Analysis of the main methodologies in early childhood education. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” NUMBER SESIONS 10 6 14 A PCA‐27‐F‐01 Ed.00 REFERENCES BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY: AAVV (2010). Los proyectos de trabajo en el aula. Barcelona: Ed. Laboratorio Educativo-Graó. Bassedas, E., Huguet, T. y Solé, I. (1998). Aprender y enseñar en educación infantil. Barcelona: Graó. Britton, L. (2000). Jugar y aprender. El método Montessori. Guía de actividades educativas desde los 2 a los 6 años. Barcelona: Paidós Ibérica. Díez, M. C. (2013). 10 ideas clave. La educación Infantil. Barcelona: Graó. Díez, M. C. (2002). El piso de abajo de la escuela: Los afectos y las emociones en el día a día de la Escuela Infantil. Barcelona: Graó. Díez, M. C. (2007). Mi escuela sabe a naranja. Estar y ser en la Educación Infantil. Barcelona: Graó. Díez, M. C. (2011). Los pendientes de la maestra. Barcelona: Graó. Ibarrola, B., (2009). Crecer con emoción. El desarrollo de la competencia emocional en Educación Infantil. Madrid: SM. Jiménez, M.A., Coloma, A.M., Sáez, A.M. (2008). Metodologías para desarrollar competencias y atender a la Diversidad. Madrid: PPC. Laguía, MªJ. (2008). Rincones de actividad en la escuela infantil (0 a 6 años). Barcelona: Graó. Parra Ortiz, J. M., (2010). Manual de Didáctica de la Educación Infantil. Madrid: Ibergarceta Publicaciones, S. L. Traver, J. A. y Rodríguez, M. (2010). Els quaderns d’aprenentatge en grup. Valencia: Edicions la Xara. Quinto,B. (2005). Los talleres en educación infantil. Barcelona: Graó. Romera, Mª. M. y Martínez, O. (2008). Los rincones: Propuestas para jugar y aprender en el aula. Madrid: SM Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 11 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”