as a tribute for his distinguished work as a diplomat, which was

Como tributo a su destacada labor como diplomático, la cual se
caracterizó por la protección a judíos y perseguidos por el nazismo
durante el Holocausto, la Municipalidad de la ciudad de Viena
inauguró el 4 de junio de 2003, en su Distrito 22 (Donaustadt),
una calle a la que le dio el nombre de Paseo Gilberto Bosques.
As a tribute for his distinguished work as a diplomat, which was characterised by
the protection of Jews and others persecuted by Nazism during the Holocaust,
the municipality of the city of Vienna inaugurated on June 4th of 2003, in its District 22
(Donaustadt), a street named Gilberto Bosques Promenade.
Gilberto bosques saldívar