PRÁCTICA UA5 CONCEPTOS BÁSICOS Ernesto González Gómez Fabian Gallegos Galindo Mayra Ximena Cruz Madrid Daniel Alejandro Orozco Huitron ELE01A Máquina de toques, Universidad Politécnica de Aguascalientes Aguascalientes, Ags. Abstract.- This report presents the design and construction of a homemade touch machine using basic and easy-to-acquire materials. For this, a detailed analysis of the electrical diagram was carried out, selecting and the practices were carried out on a breadboard. I TARGET comes out" (Autycom, 2020) (see illustration A) Create a touch machine with few materials with the purpose of transforming 6 volts up to 60 volts depending on the materials and the battery voltage, taking care of the voltage-current relationship that will be administered to the person, prioritizing their life don't be in danger. II INTRODUCTION In this context, this report writes the creation of a homemade touch machine with materials either reused or bought in any electronics store and with the help of a voltage transformer, increase the battery voltage with a minimum of current, transfer them to a person through 2 electrodes since the human body is considered as a resistance depending on the body of the person receiving the current that will be administered. III THEORETICAL SUPPORT The transistor consists of two outer layers that have a treatment that makes them prefer positive electrical charges. The inner layer prefers negative charges. The three layers together form a positive-negativepositive transistor, or PNP (Papiewski, 2013). And “in each of the semiconductor layers there are three connection regions, which are: a) Emitter. It is the area where the current flow enters the transistor; b) Basis. In this part the flow of current that goes between the emitter and collector is modulated; and, c) Collector. Zone where the modulated current Ilustración A, Parts of a Transistor The transformer, the cells are formed by three basic passive elements, the inductance that represents the magnetic field storage, the capacitance that represents the electric field storage and the resistance that represents the power losses. Obtaining the electrical parameters, R, L, C of each cell is done from a measured frequency response, in which there are various peaks and valleys throughout the entire frequency bandwidth (see illustration B) . Ilustración B, Transformador The potentiometer has a linearly variable resistor that goes from 0 Ohms to 10K Ohms, which is 1 PRÁCTICA UA5 CONCEPTOS BÁSICOS controlled by turning a knurled shaft(see ilustration C). Ilustración C, Potenciometro de 10K IV EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL ● TIP31C Transistor ● 12v / 120v 500mA transformer ● 10K potentiometer ● 560 ohm resistor ● red led ● forks ● 9V battery ●switch V DEVELOPMENT The diagram to make the touch machine is simple and quick to do (see illustration D). Ilustración E, Transistor connected to the transformer The primary transformer channels are connected to pin 1 (fixed end) and pin 2 (fixed end) (see illustration F). Ilustración D, electrical diagram to be made First, the positive channels of the secondary transformer were connected to the positive of the led and the other positive channel of the transformer to pin 2 of the transistor (collector), pin 1 (base) of the transistor is connected to the 560ohm resistor connected in series to the led that will allow us to know if our circuit is powered, the white cable will be the positive of the battery (see illustration E) Ilustración F, transformer connected to the potentiometer The first pin of the switch will be connected to the first pin of the transistor and the ground of the switch will be connected to the negative of the battery (see 2 PRÁCTICA UA5 CONCEPTOS BÁSICOS illustration G). Ilustración G, Switch connected to the positive and negative of the circuit VII CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, this practice was fun to do since we had never made a touch machine and we found it interesting the people who made the electrodes sound to get people's attention and pay an amount just to give them an electric shock, it's fun now that it doesn't kill you if it's calibrated not to kill a human being, although it was fun to do it, we must keep in mind that electricity is something that should not be played with VIII BIBLIOGRAPHY: V. N. Moran Chiquito, E. P. Vera Vera, A. G. Pincay Rodríguez, L. P. Merchán Alay, y M. J. Marcillo Merino, «Transistores: componente innovador en la electrónica», UNESUM-Ciencias, vol. 6, n.º 3, pp. 13-19, may 2022. JULPIN Electrónica (2017) Potenciómetro de 10k, JULPIN Electrónica. Available at: (Accessed: April 12, 2023). ORGONTEC. "Página del producto | orgontec". orgontec.éctric o%20es%20en,curso%20de%20una%20corrient e%20eléctrica. (accedido el 12 de abril de 2023). 3