Series NMV, D Series NMV Multivoltage 22.5mm module Series D Single voltage 45mm module V> ::::n e Standards a, L.. VDE 0106 VDE 0110 EN 50002 EN 50042 u e o L.. u +" UNE 20-119 IEC/EN 60947-5-1 IEC/EN 61812-1 CE cUL CSA C 22.2 Nr.14 UL 94 UL 508 IEC 255.5 a, w Range overview 22.5mm module A 45mm module Series NMV Series O Single voltage Multivoltage Delay Dela ed ON OFF dela B Stor-delta starter Multif unction Impulse Dela ed ON ON de lay with auxiliory contact OFF delay with auxiliory contact ON + OFF with auxiliory contact lntermittence Symme tric intermittence Asymmet ric intermitt ence Control Motor re-start control relay Detectors Liquid level detector relay Voltage detector relay Curre n! detecto r relay with deloy Relay F Differentiol earth leakage The rmi stor relay Freguency control relay Protection (three-¡:,hase lines) Integ ral protection relay for 3-Phase lines Phase seguence Pha se seguence and ¡:,hase failure Maximum and mínimum voltage Protecti<J11 (single:1:ihase lines) Maximum and mínimum voltage X F.2 p . NMTCV NMRDV F.3 F.3 NMETV NMMFV F.3 F.3 NMMFV NMMFV NMMFV F.3 F.3 F.3 NMIW p . NMMFV F.5 NMMFV F.5 P. F.3 RCRT6 F.4 DINIL RDT RDIT F.4 F.6 F.6 RDHT/A RSOlN RCF F.4 F.6 F.6 RDFFl F.5 RSF RSFF RTMM F.5 F.5 F.5 RMM F.5 Series NMV Multivo/tage e/ectronic timers - 22.5mm module Supply voltage Delayed ON relay Time range Direct 24-240V AC/DC 0.06 sec - 100 h. Techni cal data: se e F.7 Available contacts Cat. no. Ref. na. Pack 2 chongeove r NMTCV2 124901 1 m (1) n , -+ -, o :::::, Star-delta starter relay n 1 - 10 sec. 6-60sec. 21 With tronsformer 1- 10 sec. 6 - 60 sec. Technica l data: se e F.8 Direct 24-240V AC/ DC 1 cho ngeover NMETV 124908 1 cho ngeover NMETVtAU 111 124911 e (C (/) o -+a N N .CJ1 Delayed OFF timer Direct 24-240V AC/DC 24-240V AC/DC 0.5 - 6 sec. 5 - 60 sec. 50 - 600 sec. 2 changeover 2 changeover 2 changeover NMRDV 2-6 NMRDV 2-60 NMRDV 2-600 124915 124916 124917 3 3 Technical doto: see F.8 A B Asymmetric intermittence, started by connection or pause (choice) Direct 0.06 sec - 100 h 24-240V AC/DC 1 changeover NMIVV e 124929 Technical dota: se e F.9 D E Multifunction - Deloyed ON timer - Delayed ON th rough contact ti mer - Deloyed OFF t hr ou gh contact t ime r - Deloyed ON and OFF th rough contact ti mer - Impulse ON timer Impulse ON t hrough contact timer Impulse OFF t h rough contact ti mer Impulse ON and OFF through contact timer F Module 22,5mm Direct 24-240V AC/DC 0.6 sec - 100 h 1 changeover NMMFV 124930 Technical data: se e F.10 G 11) AU = coil 380V 50/60 Hz 121 Tronsformator inside the timerhousing H X Dimensions e pg. F.21 F.3 Series D Single voltage electronic timers - 45mm module Voltage Supply valtage Motor re-start control relay (plug in) Time range Cat . no. Ref . no . Pack 0.2 - 6 sec. lmemo ry time) 0.2 - 60 sec. ldelayed time) RCRT 6 - 60AN 121 123624 1 RCRT 6 - 60AJ 131 1 23623 1 Cat . no.. Ref . no. Available contacts (VI Direct111 RCRT 1 changeover Technical data: see F.11 V> Liquid leve/ detector re/ay ::::n e Supply a, Contacts voltage L.. u e: No. of DINIL ...E 2 1 changeover 11 pins socket far DINIL-02E. - 03E. far panel fixing. F ront terminaIs o L.. Pack circuits DINIL 02E ENU 123656 1 PRCZll 220647 1 SON-3 123700 1 Technical data: F.1 2 +" u a, w A Probes B Without cab le. Wa terproof and prot ected with a t h ermop lastic hou s ing. St ainlessste el probe. e Earth leakage relays - 45 mm module D Differential transformer s Supply voltage E Differential earth leakage relay with hand reset (with test) F Contacts RDHT l-... Sensiv. (Al 0 Earth leakage relays Cat. no. Ref . no. Pack Cat . no. Ref. no. Pack {mm) 0.2 - 1.2 35 70 WKAT 35-l,2A/2V WKAT 70-l,2A/2V 204165 204166 1 1 RDHT 1-l ,2AEN 1'1 123744 1 1-10 35 70 WKAT 35-10A/2V WKAT 70-10A/2V 204169 204170 1 1 RDHT 1-10AEN 1' 1 123754 1 35 70 WKAT 35-1 ,2A/ 2V 204165 WKAT 70-l ,2A/ 2V 204166 1 1 RDHA 1-1 ,2AEU151 123965 1 35 70 WKAT 35-10A/2V WKAT 70-10A/2V 204169 204170 1 1 RDHA 1-10AEN 141 123964 1 With test 1 changeover Techni cal data: see F.13 G Differential earth leakage relay with automatic reset (with test) H Direct and with RDHA 1- .. 0.2 - 1.2 With test transfar mer 1 changeover 1 - 10 Technical data: see F.13 11 1 Possibilit y of fitting a remate potentiometer. 12) AN = 220V 50/60Hz 13) AJ = 110-125V 50/60Hz X Dim ension s e p g. F.21 F.4 • (4) EN = coil 220/230V 50/60 Hz (5) EU = coil 380/400V 50/60Hz Series D Protection relays Supply voltage contact Integral protection relay for three-phase lines Contacts Operating range Umin. Umax. With RDFF 1-... transformer 1 chongeover 5 - 20% 5 - 15% Unbalance Mains frequency 2.5 - 10% 50 Hz Cat. no. Ref. no. Pack RDFF1-50AU111 1 23985 Technicol doto : see F.14 m CD (') ,-+ Unbalance and phase failure protection relay for three-phase llnes a Direct ond with RPDF 2-... transformer 2 chongeover 2.5 - 10% 50 Hz :::J RPDF2-50AU111 1 24025 (') -, Technicol doto: see F.15 CD e te: fJ) o Phase sequence and phase failure protection relay for three-phase lines With RSFF 1-... t ransfor mer 1 chongeover 50 Hz RSFF1-50AU111 -+a ,1::­ C.Tl 124622 3 3 Technicol doto : see F.16 A Phase sequence protection relay for three-phase lines With RSF 1-... transforme r 1 chongeover 50 Hz RSF1-5 0ANU121 124051 B Technicol doto: see F.16 e Maximum and minimum voltage protection relay for three-phase lines With RTMM 2-... t ransformer 2 chongeover 5- 20% 5-15% RTMM 2AU RTMM EN131 124085 124084 D Technicol doto : see F.17 E Maximum and minimum voltage protection relay for a single-phase lines With RMM 2-... transfor mer 2 cho ngeover 5 - 20% 5-15% RMM 2 EN131 124104 F Techni col doto: see F.17 G H 11 1 AU = coil 380V 50Hz 12) ANU = coil 220-230V 380-400V 50/60Hz 13) EN = coil 220/230V 50/60 Hz X Dimensions e pg. F.21 • F.5 Series D Detection relays Supply Contacts voltage Operating range Voltage drop Direct and with RDT 2-... 40 - 400V transformer 2 changeover Voltage detector relay Cat. no. Input Max. input impedance voltage Ref. no. 800 kQ 600V RDT2400VEN 111 124184 o.oso l0A 15V RDIT2-SAE N111 RDIT2-02VEN111 Pack Technical data: see F.18 Direct and with RDIT 2-... V> ::::n e 0.5 - SA 0.25V lkü transformer 2 changeover 20 - 200mV Current detector with delay (0.5 - 15 sec.) Technical data: see F.18 124754 124354 a, L.. u e: o L.. +" u a, Control and protection relays w Supply voltage A Contacts Thermal probe 151 When cold - When hot 1.5 kü Direct and with RS0lN t ransformer ' 1 1 changeover Technical data: see F.19 Thermistor relay 2.5 kü Cat. no. Ref. no. RS01NEN111 RS01NAJ121 212759 124373 Cat . no. Ref . no. Pack 124433 124434 124435 1 1 1 Pack B e Supply voltage Frequency control relay Contacts With RCF 1- ... transformer 41 1 changeover D Technical data: see F.20 E (1) EN = coil 220/230V 50/60Hz (2) AJ= coil 110V 50/60Hz (3) AU = coil 380/400V 50/60Hz (4) Tran sformator inside the timerhousing (51 Thermal probe resistance not included F G H X Dimensions e pg. F.21 F.6 Jumper terminaIs Setting range Without Yl-Y2 Yl-Y3 5 - 15Hz 15 - 45Hz 45 - 135Hz RCF-1 AJ'" RCF-1 EN111 RCF-1 AU131 Series NMV NMTCV2 Delayed ON timer Technica/ characteristics Function NMTCV2 Electronic relay whose output contact connects with a cer­ tain adjustable delay from the moment voltage is applied to supply terminals Al -A 2. lt has seven timing ranges : see drawing. Range selection is made by dipswitches located on the front of the relay. Times are set by front potentiometer controlling an Application Specific lntegrated Circuit (ASIC) specially designed for this group of relays. This allows for excellent precision and repeatability features. Nr.ofc hangeover contacts Output contocts: Rated insulotion voltage Ui AC DC Th ermo l curren! 1th Utilis otion AC-15 Roted voltage Ue Rated curren! le IV) IV) 2 m 250 250 n , -+ (1) -, o IAI IV) 120/230 :::::, IAI 2.5/1.3 n -, Utilisotion DC-13 Ratedyoltage Ue Rated curren! le IAI Supplyyoltages IUnl IV) 110/230 0.2/0.1 (1) e (C (/) Us NMTCV2 -'7 A1 28 1 15 NMTCV2 c:j' A2 25 26 25 k-;J. [TI] 0.06· 0.6 Sec - 1 0.6-6Sec 18 A2 IV) IV) 24-240 Frequency Supply voltagetoleronce Consumption IHzl 1%) 50/60 +10 /-20 (1771\) 60 l24VI 151240V) 6-60Min M 6-60Sec 1 1-10 Hr lmAI IVA) 10-100 Hrs. .!lo.6-6Min. In put circuit test voltage lbetween input, output and group circ uits ) ¡.!!!.¡ Switch ON res¡:¡onse time Switch OFF res¡:¡onse time Reset time between 2 cycles 111 0.06-0.6Sec 0.6-6Sec 6-60Sec -' 0.6 - 6 Min. o-+a N 15-181,!!!.1 1618 26 28 15 16 AC/DC ldirectl AClwith tronsformer) 3 3 4 A 0.06s - 100 h. lmsl lms) e¡:¡eat accuracy with 0.85 - 1.1Un 1%) 6-60Min M lkVI .NCJ1 150 100 B 1 1-10 Hr 10-100 Hrs. 0.06 - 0.6s, 0.6 - 6s, 6 - 60s, 0.6 - 6 min, 6 - 60 min, 1 - 10h, 10 - 100h F Ambient conditions Conformit to standards Storage tem¡:¡eroture -40ºC to +80ºC Q¡:¡eroting tem¡:¡eroture -25ºC to +60ºC Relative humidity 95% lwithout condensotion) Mox. o¡:¡eroting altitude 2.000 m Degree of ¡:¡rotection IP40; terminals IP20 VDE 0106 Q¡:>erqting ¡:¡o sitions Any ¡:¡osition CSA C 22.2 No 14 VDE 0110 IEC/EN 60255-5 EN 50002 EN 50042 UL 94 UL 508 IEC/EN 60947-5-1 UNE 20-119 CE X 111 Reset time: Tim e that must go by from the reloy ends an operotion until it is □ble to initiate the next one without error. Remork The relay has o green LED that lights when the relay is energised I fioshing during the timing 1 and o red LED that lights when output contact is mode. • F.7 Series NMV NMETV... Star-de/ta starter timer NMRDV... Delayed OFF timer Function Function Ele ctroni c rela t,J tim ed in steps w hose purpo se is to control Electronic relat,J w h ose output contact instantlt,J conn ects star-delta starting. When supplt,J voltage is applied to th e Al- w hen supplt,J voltage is applied to termin aIs Al-A2. lt disconnects w ith an adjsutable delat,J as from the moment the relat,J loses suppl t,J voltage. There are several t t,Jp es depending on the range of tim ers. A2 terminal s, th e star contact (1 7-1 8) d oses for an adju stable time between up to 100 h (sele ctable ) When thi s tim e is up, it opens, there is a pau se and th en th e delta contact conne cts (1 7-18). The standard pause time is about l 00ms. Tim es are set bt,J front potentiometer controlling an ASIC speciall t,J d e sign ed for this group of rela t,Js. This allows for excellent precision and repeatabilit t,J f eatur es. V> ::::n e a, L.. 15-18 u e: o L.. A -+¡:::::::..::.j t "-" A ¡. 17 - r:::::::1 -I- _ +" u a, w 171-10Sec. 6-60Sec. NMRDV2 Nr. of chongeover con tocts 6- 60Sec. .6.t=100ms .6.t=50ms A Technica/ characteristics 1 -10Sec. .6..t=100 ms .6..t=50ms Out put contacts: Rated insulot ion voltage Ui Thermol curren! 1t h Utili sation AC-15 Rated voltage Ue Rated curr en! le Utili sation DC-13 Technica/ characteristics ■UlliMI ■UIII W■ B Nr. of changeover contacts Outp ut contacts: Rated insulation volt age Ui The rmol curr en! 1t h e 2 AC ... (\/) DC (V) (Al Util isation AC-15 Roted voltoge Ue 125/230 Rated curr en! le Util isotion DC-13 Roted voltoge Ue (Al 2.5/1.3 (VI Rated curr en! le Su p pl y voltoges (Un) AC/DC (d i rect) (VI AC(wi th t ronsfor mer) F Freguency S pply voltage tolerance Consumption 0.2/0.1 110-125 200-240 lHz) (%) (nill) 50/60 + 10 / -20 50 (ot 24V) Ambient conditions Max. operating altitude Degree of protection -40ºC to +80ºC -25ºC to +60ºC 95% (wit h out condensation) 2.000 m IP40; terminols IP20 9pe rating=posi=t1o ns A=n y position St o rage temperature Operating tem perature Relotive humidity F.8 • _ 1 25/ 230 2.5/1.3 (VI (Al 110/230 0.2/0.1 (VI (V) 24-240 (Hz) (%) (ni11J Switch OFF response time Reset t ime between 2 cycles 111 (msl epeot accuracy with 0.85 - 1.1 Un(%) +10 / -15 (nil\) 12 (al 240V) (VAi 3.5 Test voltoge (kV) 4 (b etween input, output ond ground ) Sw it ch ON responsetime (m s) 10 _0 Reset time between 2 cycles 111 (ms-) - - 1º º - - - Repeot occurocy with 0.85 - U Unl%1 2 X (V) (Al Test voltage (b etween input, output and ground 1 (ms) Switch ON responsetime 380-440 F_regue_nCY Supply voltage toleronce Consumption 250 250 6 (nilll (VAi (kVI 24-240 (VI (VI (VI I AI 200-240 380-440 110/230 (Al AC DC Rated voltage Ue Rated curr en! le Sup ply voltages (Un) AC/DC (d i rectl AC(w it h t ransformer ) 250 250 6 (VI 2 50/60 +10 / -20 1,5 (al 24V) 5 (at 240V) 4 250 121 0.5 - 600 250 5 _ _ Conformit to standards (1) Reset time : Tim e that must go by from the relay ends an operation until it is able to initiate the next one without error. 121 For 24V e.e.= 300ms VDE 0106 CSA C 22.2 No 14 VDE 0110 IEC/EN 60255-5 EN 50001 (NMETV) UL 94 Remark EN 50002 UL 508 EN 50042 (NMRDV) UNE 20-119 (NMRDV) NMETV relays hove o green LED tho t lights up when the relays is energised I fiashing during the timing) and a red LED thot lights up when the star contact 17-18 is closed. IEC/EN 60947-5-1 (NMRDV) CE Series NMV NMIVV Asymmetric intermittence, started by connection or pause (choice} Function Technica/ characteristics Electroílic reloy whose output COíltoct COílílects Oíld discoílílects iíltermi tteíltly . Coílílectioíl Oíld pause times moy be seporotely. The iíltermitteílcy cycle begiíls o coílílectioíl or discoílílectioíl selected by o dip-switches Oíld stort the iílstoílt COílílectioíl is mode from supply voltoge to the Al-A2 termiílols. A ílew step is beguíl if voltoge supply is iílterrumped duriílg operotioíl. lt has seveíl timiílg roílges; NMIVV: 0,6 sec - 100 h Roílge selectioíl is mode by dip-switches locoted Oíl the froílt of the reloy. Times ore set by froílt poteíltiometer Oíl ASIC speciolly desigíled for this group of reloys. This ollows Nr. of changeover contacts m NMIVV Output con tacts: Rated insulotion voltage Ui Thermal current 1th Utilisation AC-15 Rated voltageUe Rated curren! le (1) AC l\jl 250 DC (VI (Al 50 6 _ IV) (Al , -+ -, o :::::, n 125/230 2,5/1,3 Utilisation DC-13 -----IV) Rated voltage Ue Rated current le (Al e (C 110/230 (/) ---- (Un) Supplyyoltage_s _ =A=C/ DC (=d irect) --------------------- (VI (Hz) Frequenc - - - - - - - for excelleílt precisioíl Oíld repeotobility feotures. 2_4-240 50/60 (%) Supp ly volt age tolerance Consumption (m A-) _ Jrr,I\) - - 60 (al 24_V) 15 (al 240V) (kV) 2 N .N +10 / - 20 (VA) Test voltage _ o -+a CJ1 _ _ 3 3 (b etween inpu t, output and ground circuits 1 Sw it ch ON response time lntermittent switch ON tim es 121 111 (m sl Reset time between 2 cycles (m s-l Repeat accuracy with 0.85 - 1.1 Un(%) SR M 0.6 - 6 Sec (SR) 0.6 - 6 Min. (LR) 6-60Sec(SR) 6 - 60 Min. (LR) ttNE tt!E 0.6 - 6 Min. (SR) 1 -10 Hr (LR) 6 - 60 Min. (SR) 10 -100 Hr (LR) _ LR OF N ttfl l A A1· ON+-+:JlFF 15-.1J!f7.J7.._ 15 - ll.JUL _ Long Range Short Range A1- OFF 0 0,6 1 s5_ - 100 h. =15-º - - - B ™ m d --- ON m. m e m 0.6 - 6 Sec (SR) 0.6 - 6 Min. (LR) 6 - 60 Sec (SR) 6 - 60 Min. (LR) 0.6 - 6 Min. (SR) 1-10 Hr( LR) 6 - 60 Min. (SR) 10 -100 Hr (LR) F X (1) Reset time:Time that must go by from the re­ Ambient conditions Conformit to standards VDE 0106 CSA C 22.2 No 14 Operating temperature -25ºC to +60ºC Relative humidity 95% (without condensation) VDE 0110 IEC/ EN 60255-5 EN 50002 UL 94 EN 50005 UL 508 Storage temperature -40ºC to +80ºC Max. ope rating altitude 2.000 m Degree of protection IP40; te rminals IP20 qpe rqting.posi=tio ns _ =A =ny position EN 50042 UNE 20-119 IEC/EN 60947-5-1 CE lay ends an operation until it is □ble to initiate the next ane wit hout error. 121 Con nection and pause times be set within difieren! ranges. Remark These relays has a green LED that lights up when the relays is energised(fi ashing during the timing) and a red LED that lights up when output contact is made. • F.9 Series NMV NMMFV Multifunction re/ay Function Technica/ characteristics The functions of this multifunction and multirange electronic relay are selected by 3 dip-switches located on the front of the relay. lt has eight functions: delayed ON timer, delayed ON through contact timer, delayed OFF Nr,of changeover contacts Output contacts: NMMFV V> ::::n e a, L.. u e o L.. u through contact timer, delayed ON and OFF through con­ tact timer, impulse ON timer, impulse ON through contact timer, impulse OFF through contact timer, impulse ON and OFF through contact timer. lf the relay loses current during timing, it disconnects and is ready for a new cycle. Rated current le Utilisation DC-13 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R_a_t_ ed _ vo_lt_ag_ e _U_e Rated curren! le Supply voltages AC/DC(d_ir_ec_t l lt has seven timing ranges: see drawing. Range selection is made by dip-switches located on front of the relay. Times are set by front potentiometer controlling an ASIC specially designed for this group of relays. This allows for excellent precision and repeatability features. AC IYL DC IV) (Al Rated insulation voltageUi Thermal curr en! 1t h Utilisation AC-15 Rated voltage Ue Frequency Supply voltage tolerance Consurnption - - - - - - - - - +" 250 250 6 IV) (Al 110/230 2.5/1.3 (VI _________ 110/230 IAI (Un) _(V) 0.2/0.1 24-240 50/60 +10 / -20 60 (al 24V) 15(at240_VI (Hz) - (%) (mA) lmAI ----------- (V A) a, _ 2 Test voltage (kV) (between input, output and ground circuit 1 Switch ON response time Switch OFF response time w A 0.065 s - 100 h. 0.065 s - 100 h. Reset time between 2 cycles 111 (ms) Repeat accuracy with 0.85 - 1.1 Un(%1 _ (V DC) control contact terminaIs B 0.06 - 0.6 Sec ffia m 0.6 - 6 Sec ffiW Curren! through control contact lnitial (mA)- Pe _r_m_a_n_en _t (m A) 0-6 - 6 Min. 5_0 _ _ 1 Voltage open Yl-Y2 5 - - - 15 - - - 1 6-60Min. [HM 1 -10 Hrs 6 -60 Sec [Hffi10-100Hrs '©IT .:T:T:TmTI r-i\ ITIIIJ \é) -=im ® IIJTTI @ A 1 WIE ® © nm :f.l [IIT[] m1d L 1 A1 Y1 1 17' \.U A1 p Y115-..l!L.J""7..... ® A1 Y115 fflffi A1Y115 F X F.10 Qperating~po_s_it_io_n_s A_n_yposition Ambient conditions -40ºC to +80ºC -25ºC to +60ºC 95% (without condensa tion) Max. operating altitude 2.000 m Degree of protection IP40; terminals IP20 Storage temperature Operating temperature Relative humidity • _ Conformit to standards VDE 0106 CSA C 22.2 No 14 VDE0ll0 IEC/E N 60255-5 EN 50002 UL 94 EN 50042 UL 508 IEC/EN 60947-5-1 UNE 20-119 CE _ Series NMV (11 Reset time: Time that must go by from the relay ends an operation until it is able to initiate the next one without error. Remark The relays hove a green LED that lightsup when the relays is energised (fiashing during the timingl anda red LED that lights up when output contact is made. Series D RCRT... Motor re-start control re/ay (plug-in} Technica/ characteristics Function RCRT 6-60 Nr. of changeover contacts Outpu t contacts: Rated insulati on AC (VI - volt age Ui DC RCRT... The relay is used for instantaneous or delayed motor startup after a short-time power failure (max. 6 sed The start ocurrs immediately if power supply is disrupted for less than 0.2 sec. lf th e power failure lasts long er,the relay activates its memory for a time that can be set to 0.2 to 6 sec, after which no automatic rest art is possible. lf power supply is restored while the memory period is elapsing, the relay commands a motor restart with a delay time from Al A2 t bn .. ; _l: ;b;;n;..._■ ...!. _ A1·A2 1 Y1-Y72 p o 15-18 Id Us - - 1 20/240- - - ­ 2.5/1 .3 (V) -- - 11 0/220---0.2/0.1 (A) (Un) (VI _ 110, 220-230, 125 Repeat accuroq ¡ withO,85 : l .l Unl'Yol Cons umption ( VAi n c t ircuit test voltage (kV) (b etween input, output circuit and earthl S_w _i_ tc_h_O_N_r_esp_on _s_e_t_ i m_e Powe r failure detection level Reset time (stop) : he i"lernory reset time Max· r=e=sta rt dela=ytime M _ ax_. _m e_m or y tim_e lms) (ms) m CD C") -r,+ o :::J C") - Frequenc (Hz) Permissible supply voltoge variation (%) 1 Y2-Y3 (VI (Al - -----6----- ---- ¡ .. 1..,..■ Ratedy oltage __Ue Rated curr en! le Utili sation DC-1 -3 - R_a_te _d_v_o_lt_ age_U _e Ra_etd_cu_rr_e_t_nl_ e - -- (VI (Al - 400----250 -- Th erm al current 1t h Uti lisation AC-15 Su pp l y voltages AC power supply resto ration that can be set to 0.2 to 60 sec. A system stop cancels th e memory function after 50 ms, and therefore the stop signal should be on for at least thi s tim e. The relay is non-sensiti ve to any control voltage fluctuation or disruption during or after the motor stop. 1 _ 50/60 _ +10 / -15 _2 3 - ---4 _ 100 0.8 Us 50 - 75 -, CD e te: fJ) o-+a ,1::CJ1 3 3 _ lmsl 100 _ (s) ----0.2 - 60 --lsl ---- 0.2 -6 ---- A B .. : ¡ .. ,,. o o o F Ambient conditions Sto rage tempe rature -lOºC to +85ºC Operating t emperature -5ºC to +50ºC Relative humidi ty 95% (w ith out condensation) Max. operating altitude 2.000 m Degree of protection IP40; terminals IP20 Qperqting po_s_iti_o_ ns X Conformit to standards Remark VDE 0106 The relay has one LED that lights up when the contact is made. IEC/EN 60947-5-1 EN 50001 UNE 20-119 EN 50005 CE EN 50011 DIN 46199 Any position • F.11 Series D DINIL 02E Liquid leve/ detector re/ay for simultaneous control of we/1 and tank DINIL-02E - Filling control rr=- - - - - L Functions Plu g-in devices for control of level of conducti ve liquids which can perform the following functions : Filling control: The contact between 1 and 3 sloses when the tank to be cheked drop s belo w a mínimum, fixed bid the p osition of prob e 6, which sta rt s up the pumping Sl,JSt em. When th e ma ximum filling level is reached, fixed bi,j th e po­ siti on of probe 7, the contact between 1 and 3, opens and the pumping Sl,Jstem stop s. Far the filling control the two well probes must be connected ext ernalli,j to th e common one lcondition of full well). Draining control: The contact 1-3 clases if th e level liquid V> ::::n e a, L.. u e: o L.. 9 TANK 4 10 Cí;>1 :', DINIL-02E - Draining control goes above a ma ximum , fi xed bi,j th e position of probe 9, which star ts up th e drain pumping Sl,Jst em. When th e level drops below a mínimum , fi xed bid th e position of probe +" u a, 8 the conta ct 1-3 op ens and stop th e pumpin g Si,jst em, which prevents th e pumpo from losing its prime . Simultaneous filling and draining control: The Sl,Jstem start s up whenever th e tonk requires liquid and th e well has suffici ent level to suppl i,J it , ond it sto ps when th e liquid reoches its mo ximum level in the tonk or, as th e cose mal,J be, the well reaches it s mínimum level. w A B Remark: In ali the abo ve application s, th e contact bet ween 1-3 is used as a perman ent contact for startin g and stop­ ping the pump start er, w heth er thi s is DOL, star-d elta or anl,J oth er ti,jp e of start er. Control voltage: DINIL-02E - Simultaneous filling and draining control Two voltages: t erminaIs 2-10 (220 VACI t erminaIs 2-11 (380 VAC) Technical characteristics DINIL-02E Nr. af changeover contacts Outp ut contacts: Rated insulation Ui Th ermal curren\ 1th Utilisation AC-15 F AC DC 1 (VI (V) (Al 400 250 6 Rated valtage Ue Rated curre n! le Utilisation DC-13 (VI (Al 120/2 40 2.5/1.3 Rated voltage Ue Rated curren\ le (VI (Al 110/220 0.2/0.1 voltage (Un) Supp ly voltages AC (wi t h t ransforme r) (VI 380-400/220-230 (two voltages) (Hz) Freguency 50/60 Permissible supply voltage variation(%) +10 / -15 Repeat accuracy with 0.85-1.1 Un (%) 2 (VA) Cons umptio n 3 (kV) Input circuit test voltage 4 (b etween input , output circuit and X earthl Voltage between probes (V ef.l and common Max. consump tion of probes (mA ef.) (kü hmsl Max.resistance between probes (resistance of controlled liguid) (si Switch ON response time Switch OFF response time (si 6-18 0.18 200 1 1 Ambient conditions Storage temperature -lüºC to +85ºC Operating temperature -5ºC to +50ºC Relative humidity 95% (with out condensation) Maximu m operating altitude 2.000 m Degree of protection IP40; terminals IP20 Qperating Pº s_iti_on _s A_ny _ Conformit to standards VD E 0 1 0 6 IEC/ EN 60947-5-1 CE UNE 20119 Remark The relays has one LED that lights up when the output contact is made. F.12 • Series D RDHT..., RDHA... RDH Earth /eakage relays RDHT ... Earth leakage re/ay with manual reset, with test RDHA... Earth leakage re/ay with automatic reset, with test - Function RDH, RDHT and RDHA are earth leakage detectors for industrial networks with neutral connected to earth, used with WKA (without test) and WKAT (with test) differential transformers. Tripping is produced when leakage current exceeds a threshold which is adju stable by means of a front mounted potentiometer. Tripping ranges are shown in the table below. RDH ond RDHT keep memory of tripping even in the absence of voltage in Al and A2 and resett ing is obtained from a push-butt on. RDHA is self resetting in the absence of control voltoge in Al ond A2 or when leakoge dissap­ pears. RDHT and RDHA hove in oddition a test push-b utt on for control from cubicle door, ond therefore those relays shou ld olwoys be use with WKAT transformers with test winding. AII types hove included a timer, with externa! adjustement in RDHA and interna! ajustement in RDH and RDHT thot allows to delay the trip to achieve trip selectivity . m CD nr+ a:J n -, RDHT CD e ce U) o -1 ce -+i u, 3 3 J!l A RDHA RDHTl-... RDHAl-... ... 1,2 Sensitivity 0.2 - 1.2A ... 10 1- l0A Transformers WKAT-35 WKAT-70 WKAT-35 WKAT-70 1.2A/2V 1.2A/2V 10A/2V 10A/2V 0 B 35 70 35 70 e D Ambient conditions Storage temperature -lO'C to+85'C Operating temperature 0'C to +50'C Relative humidity 95% lwithaut condensation) Altitud e 2.000 m Degree of protection IP40;terminaIs IP20 Operating pasit ions Any Conformity to standards VDE 0106 IEC/EN 60947-5-1 EN 50001 UNE 20-119 EN 50005 CE EN 50011 Technica/ characteristics RDHTl-... Nr. of changeover contacts Output contacts: Rated insulation AC valtage Ui DC Thermal curren! 1th Utilisation AC-15 Rated voltage Ue Rated curren! le Util isation DC-13 Rated voltage Ue Rated curr en! le Supply voltages AC lwith transforme r) RDHAl-... E 1 IV) IV) IAI 400 250 6 IV) 1 20/240 2.5/13 IAI IV) 380-400 220-230 220-230 DC/AC ldir ect) IV) Frequency IHz) Permissible supply voltage variation 1%) Repeat accuracy with 0.85-1.1 Un1%) Consumption IVAI Input circuit test voltage lkVI lbetween input, output circuit and earthl Swi t ch ON response time lsl lean be delayed up to 5 sec) G 11 0/220 0.2/0.1 IAI IUnl IV ) DIN 46199 F H 50/60 +10/-15 2 3 4 150-200 X 100 • F.13 Series D RDFF1... Integral protection re/ay for three-phase fines w Function Protection ogoinst: al Phose foilure b) Phose sequence c) Phose unbolonce d ) Low line voltage el High line voltage Reloy operotes by phose ongle detection between voltoges ond not by voltog e levels ond therefore will drive sotisfoctorly even with feedback from other motors. V> ::::n e a, Reloys w ill connect only when oll conditions ore normal u (contoct 15-18 d oses) ond di sconnects on ony foult including supply, protecting network even with supply foilur e. lt will not connect if phose sequence is incorrect, preventing motors storting in wrong direction. L.. e: o L.. +" u a, K Unbalance adjustement w Ph ose, unbolonc e, ond therefore singl e phose is very da ng erous for the lite of a motor. The groph belows shows temp eroture rise in a thr ee-phase motor with o pho se A B Max. voltage deviation from average valtage % unbalance = X Unbalance 1%) Temperature increase (%) t,T - t,T nomx. 100 t,T nom . 100 average voltage Tripping is adju stabl e between 2.5 and 10 %. Consequ ently prot ection is pro vided for motors working closely adju sted to roted power, to others mor e generously sized, and even power lines. In any case adjustem ents should be mad e so that on foil­ ure of one phose reoly will disconnect . Voltage adjustement Voltag e tripping is adju stabl e form -5 to - 20 % and +5 to+ 15 % ma ximum by which it is possible to adjust to values recomm ended by IEC 34.1 (1 969) and IEC 15 8 resp ecti vely. Tripping for these causes is deloy ed 1 second F approximat ely. Tripping indication Relays incorpo rote LEO diod e trippin g indication. When phase sequence is incorrect, both phase sequ ence and unbalan ce light up. When unbalon ce lights up only indicates unbolance or singl e phasing with feedback. X Sto rage temperature -l0ºC to+SSºC Operating temperature -5ºC to +S0ºC Relative humidity 95% lw ithout condensation) Altitude Degree of protection 2.000 m IP40; terminals IP20 Qperqting po_s_iti_o_ ns A_n y RDFFl-5 Nr. of changeover contacts Output contacts: Rated insulation AC voltage Ui DC Therma l curren! 1th Uti lisation AC-15 Rated voltage Ue Rated curren! le Utilisation DC-13 1 IV) IV) 400 250 IAI 6 [VI [Al 120/240 2.5/1.3 Rated voltage Ue Rated curren! le Su pply voltages AC [wit h transformer) [VI [Al [Un) [VI 110/220 0,2/0,1 Freguency [Hz) Low voltage tripping lad ju stable) 1%) Overvoltage tripping ladjustable) 1%) lms) Switch ON respons e time 1%) Reset hysteresis _ Conformit to standards • Technical characteristics Permissible supply voltage variation 1%) epeat accuracw with 0.85 - 1.1 Uni%) Consumption IVAI Input circuit test voltage lkVI lbetween input, output circuit and earth l Unbalance tripping ladjustable) 1%) Ambient conditions F.14 IOI. i;s,¡;, :111'!11 unbalan ce (NEMA MG 1-14 33 and 34). The per cent unbalonce is obtained os follow: VDE 0106 EN 50011 IEC/EN 60947-5-1 EN 50001 EN 50005 DIN 46199 UNE 20-119 CE 380 50 +15 / -20 2 3 4 2.5 t o 10 5 to 20 5 to 15 200 5 approx. Series D RPDF... Unba/ance and phase failure protection re/ay for three-phase fines Function m The RPDF-electronic relay is intended for the protection of lines or electronic motors against unbalance between phases or failure of one or more phases. Detection of unbalance or phase failure is done by measuring phase change and not by voltage levels. This guarantees correct working even when there are return paths dueto motors running which are connected to the mains networks to be protected.The relay is made when all conditions are normal CD C") ,-+ a :::J C") -, CD e te: (contact 11-14 closed); the contacts open in the event of a foilure. In this way, any failure, including that of the relay supply, will cause disconnection and so avoid the supply being left unprotected. fJ) o -+a ,1::­ C.Tl 3 3 Setting unbalance The unbalance in phases and, consequently, the failure of one of these, is a limiting factor in the life of an electric motor. The graph below shows the percentage temperature increase in a three-phase motor as a function of the degree of unbalance (see standards NEMA MG 1-1433 and 341. The per cent unbalance is calculated as follows: IM. o_vre oge v_ltoo_g_e average voltoge A Unbolonce (%) Temperature increase (%) ,n - ti Tno m. ---- xlOO B tiT nom. Max. voltage deviat ion from % unbalance = ¡s<¡;, :1íl'J x 100 ,,. Technical characteristics The trip is adjustable between about 2.5% and 10%. Consequently protection is provided for motors working closely adjusted to rated power, to others more generously sized, and even power lines. In any case, the adjustement must be such that the loss of a phase produces the opening of the relay. RPDF 2-50 Nr. of chongeover contocts Output contocts: Rated insulation AC 2 (VI 400 (VI (Al 250 6 Rated voltage Ue Rated curren! le Utilisotion DC-13 (VI (Al 120/240 2.5/1.3 Rated voltage Ue Roted curren! le (VI (Al 110/220 0,2/0,1 voltage Ui Thermol curren! 1th Utilisotion AC-15 DC S pply voltages AC (with transformerl (Un) (VI Freguency (Hz) Permissible supply voltage voriation (%) (%) epeat accuracy (VA) Consumption (kVI Input circuit test voltage (between input. output circuit and eorthl Unba lance tripping (odjustable) Switch ON response time Reset hysteresis (%) (ms) (%) F 380 50 +10 / -20 2 3 4 2.5 to 10 100 2 Ambient conditions Storoge tem peroture -lüºC to+85ºC X Conformit to standards Operoting tem peroture -5ºC to +50ºC VDE 0106 IEC/EN 60947-5-1 Relotive hum idity 95%(w ith out condensation) EN 50001 UNE 20-119 Altitude 2.000 m EN 50005 CE Degree of protection IP40; terminals IP20 EN 50011 Qperqting positions Any DIN 46199 • F.15 Series D RSF... Phase sequence re/ay for three-phase lines Function RSFF... Phase sequence and phase failure protection re/ay for three-phase lines Function The RSFF relay is designed to detect phase sequence errors and/or phase failures in three phase lines. Three terminaIs U, V, W are connected to each of the three phases of the mains. Controlling vectors of voltage between lines (amplitude and phase) is detected the direct sequence (phase V with 120° in respect of U and phase W with 240º lag in respect and phase U) as well as balance of voltages and angles of phases, far detecting a phase failure even with returns (motor working). V> ::::n e a, L.. By means of an externa! potentiometer can be adjusted the network unbalance, level, between 2,5 % and 105 % to adapt the relays sensibility for phase failure function. This unbalance is measured according to NEMA MGl-1433 and 34, and corresponds to a fall of simple tension of phase in amplitude of 7.3 and 28%, respectively. The relay precives u e: o L.. +" u a, L1 L2 L3 '22.0V AC w either increases or drops of voltage and angle, then it detect the failures even in motors working as breaking devices (loads going down in lifting devices). When relay A is powered, it connects instantaneously (max. 200ms) if the power system is correct. Once the switched on relay is switch-on, it switches-off with 1 sec. delay in case of a failure, to avoid false disconnections dueto transient B The RSFl is designed to detect phase sequence in three phase power system. Three supplies U, V, W, take voltage from each of the phases of the network. When phase sequence supplying relay is direct (Phase V with 120° lag in respect of U and phase W with 120º lag in respect of V) the rela ys connects with supply (doses contact between 11-14) and if no it remains OFF. For correct operation, relay must hove supplying each of the three phases. A phase failure, when there is a return current (the motor is rotating). is not detected by the relay and may lead to a relay malfunction. 't!.32 ! Y3 1 380VAC !Y1 'vt!s unbalances. (Start of other motors, transformers, etc.). Technica/ characteristics L1 L2 L3 RSFl-50 Nr. of chongeover contocts Output contacts: Roted insulotion AC voltoge Ui DC Thermol curren! 1th Utilisotion AC-15 Rated voltage Ue Roted curren! le Utilisotion DC-13 Roted voltoge Ue Roted curren! le S pply voltoges Technica/ characteristics F RSFFl-50 Nr. of changeover contacts Output contacts: Rated insulation AC voltage Ui DC Thermol curren! 1th Utilisotion AC-15 Roted voltoge Ue Rated curren! le Utilisotion DC-13 Rated voltoge Ue Roted curren! le Supply voltages AC (with tronsformerl (VI (VI (Al 400 (VI (Al 120/240 2.5/13 (VI 110/220 0.2/0.1 (VI Switch ON response tim e Sw '-'-'-"'i-th'c-'-'O'-'F--F'--r'-e=-s=r."p-o '-n'-'cse:..::.ti"-emc:. (ms)- =lsl _c5c=c0/..6:=-0='--+ 1=5-'-/-"-2=-=0 - - (VI [Al 120/240 2.5/1.3 (VI [Al [Un) 110/220 0.2/0.1 (%) (VA) 2 3 Input circu it test voltage (kV) (between input, output circuit ond eorth) (msl Switch ON response time (ms) Switch OFF response time 4 500 200 Ambient conditions - _ Storoge temperoture q¡:ieroting temperoture Relotive humiditw Altitude -lOºC to+B5ºC -5ºC to +50ºC 95% (without condensotion) 2.000 m _ _ Degree of protection qp erqting [Jº=-=s=iio t=ns - IP40; terminals IP20 -'-A n."y,-_' - <=p eal □ccurocy [%) ----------------------------- =2Consumption (VA-i ---------------------- =3Input circuit test voltoge (kV) 4 (between input, output circuit and earth) X 400 250 6 epeot occuracy Consumption 380-400 Freguency [Hz) Permissible supply voltoge variotion (%) (VI (VI (Al AC (w ith tronsformerl (VI 380-400 / 220-230 [two voltoges) Freguency [Hz) 50/60 Permissible supply voltoge voriotion [%) +10 / -15 250 6 (Al (Un) 1 _ --=2-0"-"0-- - - .=.l _ Conformit to standards _ VDE 0106 IEC/EN 60947-5-1 EN 50001 UNE 20-119 EN 50005 EN 50011 DIN 46199 CE max. voltage derivation from % unbalance = F.16 • average valtage X average valtage 100 Remark The relay has one LED thot lights when the output contoct is mode. Series D RTMM2 Maximum and minimum voltage protection re/ay for three-phase fines RMM2 Maximum and minimum voltage re/ay for sing/e-phase lines Function m Function These voltoge-sensitive reloys w ith one or two chongeover output contocts remoin connected (contoct betw een 11-14 or between 21-24 closed) w h en voltoge is with in toleronce limits, ond opens when voltoge surposs es the se limits in plus or minus. Reloys con be used to detect low or lover voltog e in bolonced single or three- phose systems, ond mo ximum ond mínimum tripping volues ore odjsutob le by meons of two frontal potentiom eters. The limits for the trip ore odju stobl e bet ween 5 ond 15% for moximum volto ge ond between 5 ond 20% for m ínim u m voltoge. The RTMM electronic reloy is voltoge sensitive ond has one or two chongeover output contocts. The reloy montoins operot ed (contoct between 11-14 or between 21-24 closed) w hil e the voltoge is w ithin the toleronce limits ond opens when these limits ore surpossed in plu s or minus . The reloy con be used for low voltog e or over-voltoge detection in three-pho se lines. The trip volu e, for mo ximum ond mínimum voltog e, ore set by meons of two independent potentiometer mounted on the reloy front cover. The limit s for the trip ore odjustoble between +5 ond +15% for mo ximum volto ge ond between -5 ond -20% for mínimum voltog e. CD C") ,-+ a :::J C") -, CD e te: fJ) o -+a ,1::­ C.Tl L1 L2 L3 1 3 3 L1 L2 L3 A B Technica/ characteristics ,,. RMM 2 Nr. of changeover contacts Output contacts: Rated insulation AC voltage Ui DC Thermal curre n! 1th Utilisation AC-1 5 Rated voltage Ue Rated curre n! le Technica/ characteristics RTMM2 2 Nr. of changeover contacts Outp ut contacts: Rated insulation .A-C " "-- ---"I'V---'-I - - --' 4"'0 "-0--- v_o_lt_age_U _i D_C lV-I ------------------ =25 =0c T_h erma= l c=ur_re= lth n=t IAI _:,:_6 Utilisation AC-15 R_a_t_ ed_ v_o_lt_a= ge_U _e lVI 1 2:.0::'-'2 / =-0 =4 Ra== t e=d=cu= rre==t=le IAI ------------------ 2 ="'.51:'c-.c'3/c: - _ _ _ Utilisation DC-1 3 Rated voltage Ue Rated curre n! le _ AC -=5--t"o'---=-=2-0 = +5 = t o +=15 - - - Ambient conditions Storage temperature Qpe rating temperature Relative humidit y Alti tude Degree of protecti on (VI (Al 120/2 40 2.5/1.3 (VI (Al 110/220 0.2/0.1 -lOºC to+85ºC -5ºC to + S0 ºC --=1-0 =-0''--- - .:2=-- - - - F - - - (VI - - - - - - - Repeat accur acy ( o/c) ----- (%) _2 C _o ns_ umpt_io_n l VA I n tcircuit test voltage I (kV) (b etween input, output circuí! and earth) _3 4 tripping (adju stable) (%) Over voltage tri pping (adjustable) (%) earthl Low voltage tripping (adju stable) (%) Over volt age trippinq (ad ju stable) (%) (m s-) (%) 400 250 6 240,220 Freguency (Hz) ------------------ 50/60 Permissible supply voltage variation +15 /-20 Rated voltage Ue (VI -----------------1 '=-1=:.::02':-.'2/::-0 =_ Rated curren! le (Al _0 c:_c..2:c'-'"/0 '.'1 ---- - Supp ly valtages (Un) _ AC (with transforme r) (VI 4:.::.0::.0,:3 ,c.8 : .::02,c,4 ,.,:0"2',2:".0 :':'---- Freguency (Hz-) - - 50/60 _ Permissible supply voltage variation (%) ----------------- +'-=-20=--'-/-2:.::0 _ Repeat accuracy (%-) - - - =2_ Consum ption (VAi 3c _ Inp u t circuit test voltage (kV) 4 (b etween input, output circuí! and Sw it ch ON response time Reset hysteresis (VI (VI (Al (Un) Supp ly voltages Utilisation DC-13 2 _ _ Reset hysteresis Switch ON response time - Low voltage -:5 : to ::'---= 2c0e _ +5:_ t.o:+.1 _5 ::: :_=---- (%) -----------=-5 approx. (ms) ------ 100 =----- X Conformit to standard Remark VD E 0 106 The relay has one LED t h at lights when the output contact is made. IEC/ EN 60947-5-1 EN 50001 UNE 20-119 95% EN 50005 CE (w it h out condensation ) EN 50011 2.000 m DIN 46199 IP40;terminals IP20 Qpe rating positions Any • F.17 Series D RDIT2 Current detector re/ay 12i with de/ay (0.5-15 seconds) RDT2 Vo/tage detector re/ay llJ Function Function The output contoct in this voltoge detector will connect when controlled voltoge between terminols B1-B2 exceeds o certoin odjustoble threshold by meons of the front potentiometer ond will disconnect with o voltoge 10% below the setting volue. The reloy requires voltoges supply between Al-A2. Controlled voltoge con be either direct (DC) or olternoting (AC). The output contoct function con be set to NO by meons of on interno! jumper (contoct 11-14 is normolly closed ond opens when control power supply or removol is detected ot Al-A2). When the distonce between the meosurement point ond the reloy is greoter thon lm, in arder to ovoid ony noise problems, connection to the B1-B2 terminols should be mode by using o shielded cable, with its screen joined to the B2 terminal ond isoloted ot the other cable end or by using o twisted-poir cable. V> ::::n e a, L.. u ·-e: o L.. u +" a, This reloy is similor to the RDI except thot it will connect with o certoin odjustoble deloy of 0.5 to 15 secs. lf current folls below threshold befare timeout, reloy will reset inmediotely to recount delo y from zero. For higher currents, current tronsformers or shunts of suitoble rotios con be used. The reoly requires voltoges supply between Al-A2. Controlled voltoge con be either direct (DC) or olternoting (AC). The output contoct function con be set to NO (the 15-18 contoct clases when the delo y time has elopsed) orto NC (the 15-18 contoct is normolly closed ond opens when the delo y time has elopsed or when the control power supply is removed from Al-A2) by meons of on internoljumper. The 0.2 V version has been designed to be used with on externo! shunt ond if the distonce between the shunt ond the relay is greoter thon 1 m, o connection to the B1-B2 terminols should be mode by using o shielded w cable, with its screen joined to the B2 terminal ond isoloted on the shunt side or by using o twisted-poir cable. Us .----_,Voltage to be controlled A 1 -, ' B , 1 1 1 • 1 Technica/ characteristics RDT2-... Nr. of changeover contacts Output contacts: Rated insulation voltage Ui F AC .... 11/1 DC IV) 250 IAI 6 IV) 120/240 Rated curr en! le Util isation DC-13 IAI 2.5/1.3 Rated voltage Ue Rated curren! le Supply voltages IV) Thermal curren! 1th Utilisation AC-15 Rated voltage Ue Rated curren! le Utilisation DC-13 110/220 IAI ....................... 0.2/0.1 IUnl IV) 220-230 50/60 IHzl Permissible supply voltage variation 1%) Consu mption IVAI Input circuit test voltage lkV) lbetween input, output circuit and earthl Reset hysteresis Switch ON response time RDIT2-... Nr. of changeover contacts Output contacts: Rated insulat ion AC voltage Ui DC 400 Thermal curren! 1th Utilisation AC-15 Rated voltage Ue AC Freguency Technica/ characteristics 2 +10/-15 3,7 2,5 1%) lms) 10 100 IAI 400 250 6 IV) IAI 120/240 2.5/1.3 Rated voltage Ue IV) Rated curren! le IAI Supply voltages IUnl AC lwith transformerl IV) Freguency IHz) Permissible supply voltage variation 1%) epeat accuracy with 0.8 -1.1 Un 1%) 110/220 0.2/0.1 Consumption IVAI lnput circuit test voltage lkV) lbetween input. output circuit and earth) ..........:3=--- - - 4 Switch OFF response time Reset time between 2 cycles 131 X 220-230 .5 o'..0 "c'.'-/C6 C'.."c'.0 +:-=10"'--/---'-1""5 :2c_ Is) ----------------- º' ."'5''-'t=o.-==l5-lmsl ,cl,::00e _ _ _ _ _ _ 111 Remark Ambient conditions Conformit to standards Storage temperature -l0ºC to +85ºC Operating temperature -5ºC to +50ºC Relative humidity 95% VDE 0106 Altitude lwithout condensation) 2.000 m Degree of protection IP40; terminaIs qperqting p""ost"i"o -'-"=n -s-- -'- A"-',yn,_ F.18 IV) IV) • IP20 _ IEC/EN 60947-5- 1 EN 50001 UNE 20-119 EN 50005 CE EN 50011 DIN 46199 The relay has a green LED which lights up when the supply is between Al and A2, anda red LED when the contact is made 111-141. 121 Remark The relay has a yelow LED which lights up when the supply is between Al and A2, anda red LED when the contact is made 15-18. 131 Reset time: Time that must go by from the re­ lay ends an operation until it is able to initiate the next one without error. Series D RS01N Thermistor re/ay Function This thermal probe relay is sensitive to resistance of several thermal probes (thermistors, PTC) connected to Pl and P2 and detect overheating in motor windings transformers, etc. where these PTC are connected. The relays disconnects when probe resistance exceeds 2500 ohms and cannot reset until resistance is lower than m CD C") ,-+ a 1500 ohms. Control voltage should be applied to Al and :::J A2, the absence of this will cause relay to trip and prevent C") any possibility remaining without protection. In this case resetting is automatic, but if the relay trips through probe heating, resetting may be automatic, hand or remate (distance NC contact). RS0lN detect those cases of probe cables short-circuited (resistance lower than 20 Ohms) or probe cables cut lresistance higher than 2.5k Ohms). The resistance at 25 ºC of the probe circuit must be within 40 to 600 ohms range. Us -, CD e te: fJ) o -+a ,1::­ C.Tl 3 3 Manual reset A Automatic reset l:riiill B Remote reset ,,. Technical characteristics RSOlN Nr. of cha ngeover contacts 1 Output contacts: Rated insulation AC (VI 400 voltage Ui DC (VI 250 Therma l curren ! 1th (Al 6 Utilisation AC-15 Ra t ed voltage Ue Rated curren! le Utilisation DC-13 Rated voltage Ue Rated curren! le (VI (Al 120/240 (VI 110/220 2.5/1.3 (Al (Un) Supply voltages AC (with transformer) (VI 0.2/0.1 220-230,125,110 (Hz) Freguency 50/60 Permissib le supply voltage variation (%) +10 / -1 5 e¡,ea t accuracy with 0.85-1.1 Un (%) (VA) 2 Consum ¡,tion Input circui t tes t voltage F (kVI 3 4 (between in¡,ut, out¡,ut circuit and earth) Switch OFF res¡,onse time (si (kOhms ) rlysteresis Probe resistance min. (at 25ºCI (Ohms ) 100 1 40 Probe resistan cemax. (at 25ºC) (Ohms) 600 Max. voltage in terminals Pl-P2 (R=2.5kV)(V) < 1,6 X Ambient conditions Conformit to standards -lOºC to +85ºC -5ºC to +50ºC VDE 0 10 6 EN 50001 Relat ive humidity 95% EN 50005 UNE 20-119 EN 50011 CE Alti tude (without condensation) 2.000 m Degree of ¡,rote ction IP40; termina ls IP20 Qperqting¡,ositions Any Storoge tem¡,eroture O¡,eroting tem¡,eroture IEC/EN 60947-5-1 IEC 34-11-2 (RS0l N) Remark The relay has one LED that lights when the output contact is made. DIN VDE 0660-303 (RS0lN) DIN 46199 (RS R) • F.19 Series D RCF 1 Frequency control re/ay Function This frequency control relay is sensiti ve to frequency of the signal applied to terminals B1 and B2 and output contact connects when frequency foils below a thr eshold adjsutable by the front potentiometer. Sup ply voltage should also be appli ed to relay between terminals Al and A2 to produce connection. Possibility of three settin gs ranges (by cross­ connection): 5-1 5Hz, 15-45Hz, 45-135Hz. Switching is ind ependent of input signal level at B1-B2, whitin a wide range of values, and respo nse is not changed by the input signal wave form ( sinusoidal. squore, triangular, etc). Relay is suitable for suppressio n of rotor resist ance in slipring asynchronous motors stort ers, speed reversa! detector in motor wound motors and frequency control in generating sets. V> ::::n e a, L.. u e: o L.. +" u a, Us w 5 - 15 Hz. !Y1 !Y2!Y3 A 15 - 45Hz ! Y[3 2 ! Y3 B 45 - 135 Hz ! Y1 ! Y[!3 3 Technica/ characteristics RCF-1 Nr. of changeove r contac ts Output contac ts: Ra t ed in sulatio n AC voltage Ui DC (VI (VI 400 (Al 6 Ra t ed vo lt age Ue (VI 120/240 Ra t ed current le (Al 2.5/1.3 Ra t ed vo lt age Ue (VI 110/220 Rate d curre n! le (Al 0.2/0.1 The rmal cur ren! 1th 250 Utilisati on AC-1 5 Utilisation DC-13 F (Un) Supp ly vo lt ages (V) AC (w it h t ran sfo rme r) 380-400,220,230,110 (Hz) Frequency 50/60 Permi ssible supply voltage variation(%) + 10 / -15 \/ Clll CJge between B1-B2 ter min als(V e.a.) 15 to 500 2 Repea t a c curacy with 0.85-1.1 Un (% ) Consumption (VAi 3 Input cir cuit test voltage (kV) 4 Swit ch ON response tim e (m s) 1 00 Swit ch OFF response ti m e (m s) 800 R _e_s_ et_hyst_e_ re_si_s IH _ z) l .5 a pprox. (be t w een input, output circuit and earth) X Conformit to standards Ambient conditions VDE 0106 EN 50042 (MRI) VDE 0110 (MRI) DIN 46199 (RCF) Re lative hu m idit y 95% EN 50001 (RCF) IEC/EN 60947-5- 1 (wi th out conden sati on) EN 50002 (MRI) UNE 20-119 (RCF ) Alt it ude 2.000 m EN 50005 UL 94 (MRI) Degree of protection IP40; te rmin aIs IP20 EN 50011 UL 508 (MRI) Any CE q perating po_s_iti_o_ ns • -l0ºC to +85ºC Operati ng temperat ur e -5ºC to +50ºC Storage temperatu re F.20 _ _ Remark The relay has one LED t ha t ligh ts when the output contact is closed. Series NMV and D Dimensional drawings Series NMV 4,3 45 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 1 ! --+­ i ' ' ¡ i ! m nr+ -, o CD Series D ::::, n -, 11 .. 100 .. 85 , CD e 110 1 <e: . · - · - ·- · -·-· - · - D- -·-· .. r:: (/) A B 45 7 1 RET, RTC, RTCI, RRD, RTD, RIC, RCR, DINIL-02, DINIL-03, RTMM, ROi, RDIA RSR,RCF RSOlN 8 F 45 11 A ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-[} -·-· RDMT, RPDF, RMM, RDT,RDTA, RDIT RDITA RDH RDHT RDHA r:: X 12 • F.21 Series D Differentia/ transformers Remate otentiometer 1 .. 172 .. 1 V> ::::n e a, L.. u e TYPE WKA-35 WKA-70 WKA-105 WKA-140 WKA-210 WKAT-35 WKAT-70 WKAT-105 WKAT-140 WKAT-210 o L.. +" u a, w A B e F X F.22 • A 35 70 105 140 210 35 70 105 140 210 B 75 98 141 183 270 75 98 141 183 270 e D 99 42 132 60.5 175 82 218 103.5 309 150 99 42 132 60.5 175 82 218 103.5 309 150 E F 92 33.5 115 33.5 158 33.5 200 33.5 290 43 92 33.5 115 33.5 158 33.5 200 33.5 290 43