Neuroscience Letters 731 (2020) 135056 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Neuroscience Letters journal homepage: Research article Identification of cofilin 1 as a candidate protein associated to mouse visual cortex plasticity T Natalia Bornia, Alfonso Taboada, Agustina Dapueto, Francesco Mattia Rossi* Laboratorio de Neurociencias “Neuroplasticity Unit”, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Iguá 4225, 11400, Montevideo, Uruguay ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: Visual cortex Plasticity Proteomics Basic proteins Histones Cofilin 1 In order to characterize the mechanisms controlling plasticity in the mouse visual cortex, we used, for the first time on brain samples, an unconventional proteomic approach to separate acid-extracted proteins by bi-dimensional electrophoresis (AUT/SDS or AUT/AU gels). The analysis was performed on high plasticity critical period young vs. low plasticity adult, and on fluoxetine-induced high plasticity vs. low plasticity untreated adult mice. Mass spectrometry allowed for the identification of 11 proteins that are differentially expressed between critical period and adult mice, and 5 between fluoxetine-treated and control adult mice. We then focused on cofilin 1, as the intensity level of the corresponding spot on 2D gels was higher in both high plasticity conditions. Western blot showed that cofilin 1 expression is dynamically regulated during postnatal life, reaching a peak at the critical period, and decreasing at adult stage, and that it increases in fluoxetine-treated vs. untreated adult mice. In summary, by using a 2D gel electrophoresis differential approach on basic proteins followed by mass spectrometry and immunoblot analysis, we identified cofilin 1 as a potential candidate controlling plasticity levels of the mouse visual cortex. 1. Introduction In the mouse visual cortex, the critical period for experience-dependent plasticity, defined as the sensitivity to a short period of monocular deprivation, starts after the third and ends around the fifth week of postnatal life, with peak sensitivity around the fourth. Later, alterations of visual experience have little or no effect, meaning that plasticity levels are extremely reduced. Interestingly, various approaches that potentiate cortical plasticity in the adult and restore juvenile-like levels have been recently identified. Among these, the pharmacological treatment with the anti-depressive fluoxetine has raised particular interest for its potential clinical application [1–3]. The proposed general framework of mechanisms defining cortical plasticity levels involves a fundamental role of inhibition, as well as the balance with excitation, contributing to the opening and closure of the critical period. Moreover, a fundamental role of structural factors, acting as physical brakes and contributing to the closure of the critical period. Accumulating evidence suggests that, while specific mechanisms exist, developmental and adult plasticity share common features. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the potentiation of adult plasticity remain largely unknown [4,5]. A few recent large scale transcriptomic and proteomic approaches in the visual system demonstrated the existence of groups of genes and proteins that are differentially regulated during postnatal development and that may underlie plastic processes [6–10]. While numerous proteomic works used the conventional 2D gel approach (iso-electrofocusing on immobilized pH gradient strips followed by 1D gel electrophoresis) [11], here we exploit, for the first time on brain samples, a different approach selective for basic proteins on acetic acid, urea, Triton X-100 / SDS (AUT/SDS) or / acetic acid, urea (AUT/AU) gels. We focus on developmental and fluoxetine-induced adult plasticity conditions to better characterize possible similarity of the mechanisms defining the two plasticity experimental models. Our results contribute to the characterization of the molecular signature of physiological and Abbreviations: 2D, bi-dimensional; %Vol, relative volume parameter; AD, adult; APS, ammonium persulfate; AU, acetic acid, urea; AUT, acetic acid, urea, Triton X100; BSA, bovine serum albumin; CHAPS, 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate; CHCA, α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid; CHO, Chinese hamster ovary; CP, critical period; CTR, control; DTT, dithiothreitol; FLX, fluoxetine; H, hippocampus; HeLa, human cervix adenocarcinoma; HRP, Horseradish peroxidase; MCx, motor cortex; P, postnatal age; PBST, Phosphate Buffer Saline solution containing Tween-20; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulphate; TFA, trifluoroacetic acid; VCx, visual cortex ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (N. Bornia), [email protected] (A. Taboada), [email protected] (A. Dapueto), [email protected] (F.M. Rossi). Received 3 December 2019; Received in revised form 5 May 2020; Accepted 14 May 2020 Available online 22 May 2020 0304-3940/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Neuroscience Letters 731 (2020) 135056 N. Bornia, et al. pharmacologically-induced plasticity, and identify cofilin 1 as a potential common candidate associated to plasticity processes in the mouse visual cortex. between the mean of the population under analysis with p < 0.05 as threshold for significance. 2.5. Mass spectrometry and bioinformatics 2. Material and methods Mass spectrometry (MS) analysis was performed in the Analytical Biochemistry and Proteomics Unit, Institut Pasteur, Montevideo, Uruguay, as previously described [10]. Briefly, protein spots were manually excised from the gel, destained, and air dried. Following proteolytic in-gel digestion with sequencing-grade trypsin, peptides were extracted from gels, concentrated by vacuum drying, and desalted with reverse-phase microcolumns C18 (OMIX Pipette tips, Varian). Peptides were eluted on the spectrometer plate with 2 μL of matrix solution (CHCA in acetonitrile 60 %, TFA 0.1 %). MS measurements were carried out in a MALDI-TOF/TOF system (4800 MALDI TOF/TOF Analyzer AB Sciex), and spectra acquired in reflector mode and internally calibrated with autolytic fragments of trypsin. MS/MS analysis of selected m/z values was performed to increase the confidence of the identification. Proteins were identified by database searching (NCBIir 2019/05/30) with m/z values obtained in MS and MS/MS acquisition modes using the MASCOT program (Matrix Science, www. in the Sequence Query search mode. Search parameters were: up to one trypsin miscleavage allowed; cysteine carbamidomethylation and methionine oxidation as variable modifications; mass tolerance of 0.08 and 0.35 Da for precursor and fragment ions respectively. Proteins with significant mascot scores and at least one peptide sequences confirmed by MS/MS were considered positively identified (p < 0.05). Following protein MASCOT identification, additional information was searched in the Protein Knowledgebase UniProtKB (www.uniprot. org) with the corresponding accession code. For localization and biological process, the Gene Ontology search was used. Relation with specific processes was investigated using the National Center for Biotechnology Information database ( 2.1. Animals and treatment All experiments were performed in accordance with the EC Directive 86/609/EEC for animal experiments (directive from the European Commission of the European Economic Community) and with the Uruguayan Research Ethic Committees. A total of 67 C57BL6/J mice (both sexes) at different postnatal (P) ages (n = 5, P7; n = 5, P15; n = 16, P28; n = 13, P60; and n = 28, P98) provided by the Transgenic and Experimental Animal Unit, Institut Pasteur of Montevideo, Uruguay, were used. Mice were bred under specific pathogen-free conditions, housed (6/cage) in individual ventilated cages with positive pressure (20 ± 1 °C, relative humidity 40–60 %, 14/10 h. light-dark cycle), fed with standard mouse diet ad libitum, and had free access to water. Fluoxetine-hydrochloride (Laboratorio Gador S.A., Uruguay) oral treatment (P70 mice, 4 weeks, 0.1 mg/mL in tap water), followed drug concentrations and schedules previously used [10,12]. For all experiments, mice were sacrificed by cervical dislocation at approximately the same time of the day (between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.), right and left primary visual cortices (or other areas) dissected under a stereoscopic microscope on ice in saline solution (NaCl 0.9 %), pooled together and stored at −80 °C for further processing. The boundaries of the tissues to collect were visually identified using the stereotaxic coordinates of the mouse brain atlas as a guide [13]. 2.2. Sample preparation Basic proteins were extracted from brain samples by acid extraction as previously described [12]. For 1D SDS gels, the pellet was resuspended in 50 μL of a buffer containing Tris 40 mM (pH 7.5), urea 7 M, thiourea 2 M, CHAPS 4 % (w/v), DTT 56 mM; for 2D AUT /SDS and AUT/AU gels or 1D AU gels, in urea 8 M, acetic acid 5 %, β-mercaptoethanol 5 %, crystal violet 0.02 %. 2.6. Western blot Western blot experiments were performed as previously described [12] (Table 1). To verify homogeneous loading, membranes were stripped (5 min, NaOH 0.2 M), and reincubated with the anti-tubulin βIII antibody. Immunereactive bands were visualized using enhanced chemioluminescence system (Amersham) and processed with a Chemi Gbox system (Syngene). The specificity of anti-histones and other antibodies (except for cofilin 1, tested here) was previously tested [12]. 2.3. Gel preparation and running conditions SDS-PAGE was performed on 15 % acrylamide/bis-acrylamide gels (1 h, 160 V). AUT gels were prepared with a solution containing acrylamide/bis-acrylamide 12 %, urea 6 M, glacial acetic acid 5 %, Triton X100 0.4 %, APS 0.1 %, TEMED 1 %, and samples run in acetic acid, urea running buffer (200 V, reversed conditions). Lanes containing the samples were cut out, adjusted in Tris 50 mM (pH 6.8) and the AUT gel slice assembled on top of a 15 % SDS-PAGE (or AU, see below) gel and run as usual. AU gels were prepared with a solution containing acrylamide/bis-acrylamide 12 %, urea 8.6 M, glacial acetic acid 5 %, APS 0.1 %, TEMED 1 %, and samples run in acetic acid, urea running buffer (100 V, reversed conditions). After running, gels were directly stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250, colloidal Coomassie Brilliant Blue G250, or with the Silver staining method. 2.7. Western blot densitometry and statistical analysis The intensity of bands was quantified using the NIH Image J 1.46 r free analysis software as previously described [12]. The signal obtained with the anti-cofilin 1 antibody was normalized to the anti-tubulin βIII antibody signal following stripping and reincubation of the same membrane. Alternatively, the membrane was horizontally cut in two parts, the upper processed with the anti-tubulin βIII and the lower with the anti-cofilin 1 antibody. The cofilin 1/tubulin (COF/TUB) ratio data (arbitrary unit, a.u.) was compared among the different groups, and the statistical study performed using the Past 2.14 free analysis system [14] with the one-way ANOVA post hoc Levene´s test with p < 0.05 as threshold for significance. Data in graphs are expressed as average ± SEM. 2.4. Bi-dimensional gel image analysis and statistical analysis As previously described [10], gels were scanned in an UMAX PowerLook 1120 scanner using the LabScan 5.0 software (Genebio Amersham Biosciences), and images analyzed using the Melanie 6.0 software (Genebio Amersham Biosciences). The relative volume parameter (%Vol) was used to evaluate protein level differences between gels. Data were analyzed for statistical differences using the Past 2.14 free analysis system [14] with the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test on normalized data (CP vs. AD, and FLX vs. CTR) to identify differences 3. Results 3.1. Proteomic analysis on different plasticity models of the mouse visual cortex The proteomic approach was used on young mice (P28) at the peak 2 Neuroscience Letters 731 (2020) 135056 N. Bornia, et al. Table 1 Antibodies used in Western blot. Name and code of primary and corresponding secondary antibody, dilution (vol:vol) and concentration when available in data sheet (μg/mL), are reported. Blocking solution was non-fat dry milk 5 % in PBST, except for a (BSA 5 %). b Antibody concentration not available. Abbreviations: CS, Cell Signaling; SC, Santa Cruz; Ab, Abcam; S, Sigma. Primary antibody Dilution (conc. μg/mL) anti-H2A CS#2578 anti-H2B CS#8135 anti-H3 CS#4499 anti-H4 CS#2935 anti- p(S10)H3 SC#8656 anti- Ac(K9)H3 CS#9649 anti-Ac(K8)H4 CS#2594a anti-cofilin 1 Ab#54,532 anti-tubulin βIII Ab#7751 1:500b 1:1000b 1:2000b 1:1000b 1:1000 (0.2) 1:2000b 1:5000b 1:1000 (1.0) 1:2000 (0.5) Secondary antibody (HRP-linked) goat anti-rabbit S#A0545 goat anti-rabbit S#A0545 goat anti-rabbit S#A0545 horse anti-mouse CS#7076 goat anti-rabbit S#A0545 goat anti-rabbit S#A0545 goat anti-rabbit S#A0545 goat anti-mouse S#A4416 goat anti-mouse S#A4416 of the critical period of plasticity, adult mice (P60, AD) with low plasticity levels, fluoxetine-treated adult mice (P98, FLX) with pharmacologically-restored high levels of plasticity, and control untreated adult mice (P98, CTR) with low plasticity levels. Several bi-dimensional gels for each pair of experimental condition (CP vs. AD: n = 10 AUT/ SDS and n = 6 AUT/AU gels; FLX vs. CTR: n = 14 AUT/SDS gels, AUT/ AU gels were not used for this comparison) were run in parallel to reduce variability, always loaded with 45 μg of samples and stained with the Silver staining method. Fig. 1 shows representative images of part of AUT/SDS (10−37 kDa) and AUT/AU gels. The pattern profile in both AUT/SDS and AUT/AU gels is very similar among the different experimental conditions, and the method allowed a high spot resolution (methods shown in Suppl. Fig. 1 and 2). Dilution (conc. μg/mL) 1:5000b 1:5000b 1:5000b 1:5000b 1:5000b 1:5000b 1:5000b 1:5000b 1:5000b total of 28 spots were selected in AUT/SDS gels. Considering AUT/AU gels, exclusively the image analysis software was used to select protein spots. Following the same procedure as before, a total of 23 well defined spots were selected from these gels. Selected spots on AUT/SDS and AUT/AU gels are shown in Fig. 2. 3.3. Mass spectrometry identification Among the 28 spots selected in AUT/SDS gels, 14 were successfully identified, while of the 23 spots selected in AUT/AU gels, only 5 were identified, possibly due to technical issues, as contaminants or undetectable amount of protein material (Table 2). The proteins identified in AUT/AU gels were also identified in AUT/SDS gels, suggesting a good efficiency of the experimental approach used (Suppl. Table 1 and 2). As shown, part of the identified proteins belongs to the histone family of proteins (n = 6), while other are non-histone proteins (n = 8). By using the Protein Knowledgebase, proteins were assigned to the following cellular/subcelullar localizations: Cytoplasm, Cytoskeleton, Mitochondrion, Myelin Sheath, Nucleus, and Red Blood Cells. As for the main biological processes, proteins were assigned to: Actin Depolymerization, Myelination, Nucleosome Assembly, Oxygen Transport, Protein Folding, Respiratory Chain, and RNA Processing. The average 3.2. Spot selection Considering AUT/SDS gels, we restricted our selection to the best resolved part of gels (between 10 and 37 kDa). To facilitate spot selection, a Western blot analysis with anti-histones antibodies was also performed [12] (Suppl. Fig. 3). The image analysis software was further used to select additional spots. Taking into account all these aspects, a Fig. 1. 2D gel electrophoresis. Above, representative images of part (10-37 kDa) of AUT/SDS gels showing the spot pattern profile of 45 μg of acid-extracted visual cortex sample from critical period (CP, P28), adult (AD, P60) and fluoxetine-treated adult mice (FLX, P98), stained with the Silver staining method. The gel obtained with P98 untreated control mice is not shown. MW: molecular weight in kDa. Below, representative images of part of AUT/AU gels showing the spot pattern profile of 45 μg of acid-extracted visual cortex sample from critical period (CP, P28) and adult (AD, P60) mice stained with the Silver staining method. Full images of both AUT/SDS and AUT/AU gels are shown in Suppl. Fig. 1. 3 Neuroscience Letters 731 (2020) 135056 N. Bornia, et al. Fig. 2. Selected spots on 2D gels. Representative images of AUT/SDS (A) and AUT/AU (B) gel obtained running 45 μg of acid-extracted visual cortex sample and stained with the Silver staining method (B, same image as in Fig. 1, AUT/AU gel, CP). Lines indicate the selected spots (n = 28 for AUT/SDS, and n = 23 for AUT/AU gels). Black lines and numbers indicate the spots successfully identified by MS (n = 14 for AUT/SDS gels, n = 5 for AUT/AU gels) with the corresponding spot number (spot number reference list in Suppl. Table 1 and 2). isoelectric point theoretical value of the identified proteins was 9.7 ± 0.4 (7.12–11.18), confirming that the acid extraction method was efficient in enriching samples in basic proteins. 3.5. Analysis of cofilin 1 expression in the mouse visual cortex in different experimental plasticity models We then focused on cofilin 1, as the modulation of the optical density level of the corresponding spot suggested a potential role in the control of cortical plasticity. A Western blot analysis was performed on mice at P7 and P15 (precritical period, low or no plasticity), P28 (peak of plasticity), adult (P60, low plasticity), and fluoxetine-treated (P98, pharmacologicallyrestored high plasticity) vs. untreated adult (P98, low plasticity). The efficiency of the anti-cofilin 1 antibody was previously tested (Suppl. Fig. 4). Fig. 3 shows a representative image of an experiment performed on samples from the different conditions. The graph shows that cofilin 1 expression is dynamically modulated in the mouse visual cortex during development: it increases from P7 to P15 by approximately 45 %, and to P28 by approximately 80 %, and then, at P60, it decreases to values similar to those observed at P7. Comparison of the values obtained in fluoxetine-treated and untreated adult mice, indicates that cofilin 1 expression increases in the former by 90 % approximately. 3.4. Protein level modulation in different experimental plasticity models of the mouse visual cortex Among the 14 proteins identified in AUT/SDS gels, 11 presented significant variations between critical period and adult mice: 6 proteins increased (H2B and H3 histones, RS16, RS10, PPIA, and COF1), while 5 decreased (two H2A histone spots, MBP, HBA, and NDUA4) in the CP when compared to AD (Table 2). In AUT/AU gels, among the 5 identified proteins, 4 presented a significant variation: one increased (H2B histone, and HBA), and two decreased (H2A histone, and MBP) in the CP when compared to AD (Suppl. Table 3). As for the FLX vs. CTR comparison, among the 14 proteins identified in AUT/SDS gels, 4 presented significant variations (Table 2): 3 proteins increased (two H2A spots, and COF1), while 1 increased (H2B histone) in the FLX samples when compared to CTR (AUT/AU gels were not used for this comparison). Table 2 MS identified proteins in AUT/SDS gels and level comparison between plasticity models. The spot number, full name, Swiss Prot protein access code, theoretical pI and MW (Da), average normalized spot % Vol ratio between critical period and adult mice (CP/AD), and between fluoxetine-treated and untreated adult mice (FLX/CTR) with corresponding SEM (in bold when statistically significant), main localization (Cp, Cytoplasm; Csk, Cytoskeleton; MS, Myelin Sheath; Mt, Mitochondrion; Nu, Nucleus; RBC, Red Blood Cells), and indication of the main biological processes (AD, Actin Depolymerization; M, Myelination; NA, Nucleosome assembly; OT, Oxygen Transport; PF, Protein Folding; RC, Respiratory Chain; RP, RNA Processing), are reported. The dotted line separates histone from non-histone proteins. For histones, the variants identified in the corresponding spot are reported in parenthesis. In the case of spot #3 H2B, the variant types 1-A, 1-B, 1-M were not identified. As for the spots # 12 and 13 H2A, the variants macroH2A, types 2-A, 2-B, 2-C, 3, H2A.x, H2A.J were not identified. Spot N° Full name Access code pI Mass (Da) CP/AD ± SEM FLX/CTR ± SEM Localization Function 1 3 Histone H4 Histone H2B (type 1-C/E/F/G/I, 1-D, 1-F/J/L, 1-K, 1-H, 1-P, 2-B, 2-E, 2-F, 3-A, 3-B) Histone H3 (H3.1-H3.2-H3.3) Histone H2A (type 1, 1-A, 1-D, 1-H, 1-K, 1-F; H2A.Z, H2A.V) Histone H2A (type 1, 1-A, 1-D, 1-H, 1-K, 1-F; H2A.Z, H2A.V) Histone H1.0 Myelin basic protein 40S ribosomal protein S16 Haemoglobin subunit alpha Haemoglobin subunit beta-1 NADH dehydrogenase 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 4 40S ribosomal protein S10 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A (cyclophilin A) Cofilin-1 H4_MOUSE H2B_MOUSE 11.18 10.31 11,360 13,994 1.21 ± 0.23 1.23 ± 0.08 0.89 ± 0.16 0.76 ± 0.10 Nu Nu NA NA H3_MOUSE H2A_MOUSE H2A_MOUSE H10_MOUSE MBP_MOUSE RS16_MOUSE HBA_MOUSE HBB1_MOUSE NDUA4_MOUSE RS10_MOUSE PPIA_MOUSE COF1_MOUSE 10.60 10.60 10.60 10.90 10.72 10.21 7.96 7.12 9.52 10.15 7.74 8.22 12,054 14,135 14,135 20,861 14,202 16,445 15,085 15,840 9,327 18,916 17,971 18,560 2.72 ± 0.19 0.69 ± 0.05 0.54 ± 0.08 0.85 ± 0.18 0.42 ± 0.18 2.39 ± 0.44 0.79 ± 0.04 0.86 ± 0.16 0.70 ± 0.09 2.12 ± 0.25 1.44 ± 0.09 1.56 ± 0.05 1.15 ± 0.21 1.52 ± 0.18 1.46 ± 0.10 1.15 ± 0.22 0.95 ± 0.26 0.91 ± 0.12 0.99 ± 0.07 1.13 ± 0.14 1.21 ± 0.20 1.21 ± 0.24 1.06 ± 0.09 1.69 ± 0.09 Nu Nu Nu Nu MS Cp RBC RBC Mt Cp Cp Csk NA NA NA NA M RP OT OT RC RP PF AD 9 12 13 14 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 4 Neuroscience Letters 731 (2020) 135056 N. Bornia, et al. [17], we were able to unambiguously identify in the mouse visual cortex the H1.0 variant of H1 isoform, and the canonical H4 isoform. As for H2A and H2B, MS analysis was able to identify some specific variants and to exclude others in the selected spots. As for H3, the localization of the identified spot corresponds to the position reported by others as the H3.3 variant. The use of larger gels, of alternative extraction methods as the salt extraction that preserves variants and posttranslational modifications labile in acid solutions, and of other mass spectrometers as the LTQ Velos nano-ESI-lineal ion trap, may result useful to improve this approach [18]. Our study indicates that some histone variants are modulated in the different experimental plasticity conditions analyzed. While H1 and H4 levels apparently remain stable, the H2A, H2B and H3 are up or down regulated. It is worth mentioning that the H2A.Z, H2B.E and H3.3 variants have been shown to play a critical role during development and in activity-dependent plasticity processes, such as learning and memory tasks, in different brain areas [16]. These observations and the results obtained here, suggest a possible role of these variants in plastic processes also in the mouse visual cortex. 4.2. Non-histone proteins Fig. 3. Western blot analysis of cofilin 1. Representative image of an experiment on 45 μg of protein extracts of (from left to right) P7, P15, P28, P60, fluoxetine-treated (FLX) and untreated (CTR) adult mice, with the anti-cofilin 1 (COF, below) and the anti-tubulin βIII antibody (TUB, above). MW: molecular weight in kDa. The graph shows the quantification of the data obtained normalizing cofilin 1 to tubulin data (COF/TUB in arbitrary unit, a.u.). P7: 0.79 ± 0.03, n = 5; P15: 1.14 ± 0.05, n = 5; PC: 1.42 ± 0.03, n = 6; AD: 0.64 ± 0.07, n = 7. FLX: 1.33 ± 0.04, n = 7; CTR: 0.71 ± 0.06, n = 7. Oneway ANOVA post hoc Levene´s test with p < 0.05 as threshold for significance (a, no statistical difference: P7 vs. P60, p = 0.29; P7 vs. CTR, p = 0.32; P60 vs. CTR, p = 041. b, statistical difference from a and c; c, statistical difference from a and b). Data in the graphs are expressed as average ± SEM. Mitochondrial genes, as the NADH dehydrogenase 1 subunits, have been associated to plasticity processes. Our results are in agreement with recent evidence in the cat visual cortex showing a differential expression of NADH subunits as a function of plasticity levels [19]. The possible involvement of this enzyme in plasticity processes could occur not only by acting on the respiratory chain, but also on the transport through the mitochondrial membrane and on calcium homeostasis [19]. Cyclophilin, a protein involved in protein folding, has been associated to an inhibitory role on lesion-induced plasticity in the cat visual cortex during synaptic connection remodeling [20]. The present data suggest a similar role also on physiological plasticity processes in the mouse visual cortex. Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) is the most abundant protein component constituting the nervous system myelin sheath, involved in cortical plasticity, degeneration, and inflammation [21–23]. Maturation of cortical myelin acts as a potent brake for neurite dynamics and growth, limiting developmental plasticity also in the visual cortex [24,25]. The observation that MBP increases with age in the mouse visual cortex is in agreement with these data and confirms the efficiency of the methodological approach used. Cofilin 1 is particularly abundant in the brain, specifically in cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, and striatum. This protein plays a fundamental role in the turnover of actin filaments in the cytoskeleton and specifically in dendritic spines, where it has been associated, mainly in hippocampal studies, to structural and functional plasticity processes. Pharmacological and genetic manipulations have highlighted its relevance for synapse physiology and behavior, and identified it as a key regulator of synaptic plasticity [26,27]. Here, we observed that cofilin 1 levels are higher in the visual cortex of high-plasticity levels mice (CP and FLX). These data are in agreement with a previous proteomic report on cortical synaptosomes, showing a decrease of cofilin 1 levels from critical period to adult in the mouse visual cortex [9]. Western blot analysis confirmed and extended the proteomic results. The increase of cofilin 1 from P7 to P28 may be associated to different developmental processes, as, for instance, synaptogenesis which, in the mouse visual cortex, peaks at P7, and cortical lamination [28]; and also to a regulation by the visual input, as cofilin 1 expression is higher at eye opening (P15) than earlier. The observation that cofilin 1 expression is high when plasticity levels are high (CP and FLX) suggests that this protein may play a role in the control of plasticity also in the mouse visual cortex. Previously [10] we showed that fluoxetine treatment up regulates 4. Discussion With the aim of identifying potential candidates controlling plasticity levels in the mouse visual cortex we used, to our knowledge for the first time on brain samples, an unconventional proteomic approach to extract and separate basic proteins. An advantage of this strategy is that, contrary to standard 2D immobilized pH gradient approach, it allows to efficiently resolve basic proteins [15]. None of the proteins identified in this work were identified in our previous approach using conventional 2D SDS PAGE [10], indicating that the two strategies are useful and complementary. As expected, a portion of the identified proteins were histones, the main basic proteins present in acid-extracts [12], while others were non-histone proteins. Finally, the analysis comparing mice with different plasticity levels, allowed the identification of a group of proteins which are differentially modulated. The potential role of the more relevant proteins in the context of the regulation of plasticity is discussed below. 4.1. Histone proteins Epigenetic modifications are a fundamental mechanism of gene expression regulation through which sensory experience can induce the reorganization of neuronal connections in a plastic brain [16]. While many studies have focused on posttranslational modifications of histones and their role in brain plasticity, also in the visual cortex, it is only very recently that the turnover and exchange of histones and their variants has been identified as an additional critical mechanism regulating transcription and plasticity [16]. Among the several histone variants known in the mammalian brain 5 Neuroscience Letters 731 (2020) 135056 N. Bornia, et al. the level of other proteins which are, as cofilin 1, directly involved in the control of cytoskeleton organization. Interestingly, these proteins (actin-related protein 2, profilin-2, small Rho GTPase cell division control protein 42) have been shown to interact with each other and also with cofilin 1 (through the Arp2/3 complex) and to control morphological plasticity of dendritic spines [26,27]. 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Declaration of Competing Interest Authors declare no conflicts of interests regarding data presented in this manuscript. CRediT authorship contribution statement Natalia Bornia: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Data curation, Writing - original draft. Alfonso Taboada: Supervision, Writing - review & editing, Funding acquisition. Agustina Dapueto: Visualization, Investigation. Francesco Mattia Rossi: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Data curation, Writing original draft. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank A. Villarino and M. Berois (Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de la República, UdelaR, Montevideo, Uruguay) for providing CHO cells; M. Bollati-Fogolín (Cell Biology Unit, Institut Pasteur of Montevideo, Uruguay) for providing HeLa cells; D. Rilla (Laboratorio Gador S.A., Montevideo, Uruguay) for providing fluoxetine-hydrochloride; Rosario Durán (Analytical Biochemistry and Proteomics Unit, Institut Pasteur, Montevideo, Uruguay) for technical support in mass spectrometry analysis; F. Zolessi and A. Villarino (Faculty of Sciences, UdelaR, Montevideo, Uruguay) for experimental support, and F. Zolessi for proof reading the article. This work was supported by the Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII) and the Programa de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Básicas (PEDEClBA), Uruguay. The authors confirm that the funders had no influence over the study design, content of the article, or selection of this journal. Appendix A. Supplementary data Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the online version, at doi: References [1] B.M. Hooks, C. Chen, Circuitry underlying experience-dependent plasticity in the mouse visual system, Neuron 106 (2020) 21–36, 2020.01.031. [2] J.F. Maya-Vetencourt, N. 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