ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH/ ÁNGELES CANTANDO ESTÁN VERSES 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. An Shep Come See Án Los Hoy Oh, gels we herds, why to Beth him in ge les pas to a nun ve nid have heard ju this hem le a man can tan res sin cian con pron to a F C7 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. moun may dore Jo ta rio ta sús, Gm F C7 tains in the tid on bend seph, lend ñas su e so es el les go Au tor C high lee? see laid tán sar vor lén Sweet ly Why your Him whose Whom the Tan dul Sus can Que ha na Pa ra Fsus4 F re ply ings be ed knee your aid, co dan can tar za rán del bien, F on bi and ger do es ce fer Be Fsus4 B F SAMPLE F Ech o Which in Christ, the While we Co mo De su Paz y Al re C sing joy birth an cí ta ci con C7 o’er strains an praise ma dan Sal plar ing ous the gels si res do el tem C7 ri a ri a joy heav’n new hearts tes dio vo ci F the pro gels a can a va con plains, long? sing; bove; ción; Dios; dor; fe F ous ly born in ta sa lun do F strains. song. King. love. ción. voz. tad. Rey. Dm Glo Glo 1 B in ex cel sis a Dios en el 2 F C F 30107803 C7 F to Verses (Fine) De cie o! lo. De cie Note: When guitar and keyboard play together, keyboardists should improvise using the guitar chords above the melody. Nota: Cuando el teclista y el guitarrista toquen juntos, el teclista debe improvisar utilizando los acordes de guitarra arriba de la melodía. Text: 77 77 with refrain; trad. French Carol, ca. 18th cent.; tr. fr. Crown of Jesus Music, II, London, 1862; English tr. by James Chadwick, 1813–1882, and others, alt.; Spanish tr., anon. Music: GLORIA; trad. French Carol. And the Say what Come, a Ma ry, Las mon Cuán glo Los mor A Je REFRAIN C7 back their spire your Lord, the raise our fiel con me lo bue na cién na F o! lo.