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HOMEWORK 2 Basic 8

What did you do on the last day of the year 2022?
On the 31st. She woke up at 5:00 a.m. and ran 10 kilometers for an hour from 5:30 to 6.30 am.
Then she took a bath, and she had breakfast at 8.00 am. After that, she cleaned her house and
decorated it with yellow serpentines. In the afternoon she went to eat at the restaurant for
lunch. Then she went to the market to buy a turkey and some New Year's dinner ingredients
At 6.00 pm she made the turkey with salad and rice, then she ate this delicious dish with her
family. At midnight, she and her family drank wine for celebrated the new year.
Can you tell me how to get to the school?
You Turn left on River Land walk two blocks straight ahead, then turn left on Church Road, go
up one block and turn right on the hardware store, go ahead one block and turn left on Lima
Avenue. You Will see the school on your right.