Subido por guadalupe.paniagua26r

25 accounting countable nouns

25 accounting countable nouns
1.- The historical town is full of tourists.
2.- there have been two storms this month.
3.- We need four more cups.
4.- These two babies are the same.
5.- we run two kilometers every day.
6.- two ticket please.
7.- See you in three weeks.
8.-These five students will go to a contest.
9.-it´s teen meters away.
10.- they need to buy four tables.
11.- There were three balloons in the door.
12.- we will give him a shirt for his birthday.
13.- I know some of my neighbors.
14.-The building has ten floors.
15.- I have a picture of a butterfly.
16.- There are two brushes in the glass.
17.- teen friends are coming over on the weekend.
18.- How many puppies do you have?
19.-All those people got infected
20.- They have a lot of money
21.- Most children came with their parents.
22.- I drank a plenty of water.
23.- a few do not wear face masks
24.- There are no glasses for everyone.
25.- there are not any enough chairs left.