Subido por Cristhian Daniel Soto Gutiérrez

Human Population & Environment: Learning Activity

Learning activity 3
Evidence: Environmental issue.
The human population.
1. What do you think about the problem?
RTA// This is a very serious problem, because it is known that the
planet's resources are not infinite and if we continue with such a high
birth rate, There will be a deficit of resources, So that will put both
humans and animals at risk in many aspects.
2. What would be a possible solution for it?
RTA// Education, it is well known that unfortunately the poorest families
are those that have more members, and this is something that must be
changed based on education, we have to make sex education reach
every corner, we must eliminate the taboos that the subject brings
precisely in populations where there is no good education, unfortunately
everything is a chain, and we must also eliminate corruption so that the
stolen money is used for issues like this, unfortunately if there is
corruption it is very difficult to combat a problem to 100%.
3. Do you see this problem in your community? What do people do
about it?
RTA// In my community this problem is not very common, but a very
similar one, which are pregnancies at an early age, a problem that has
the same solution, education, unfortunately people do not do and
apparently will not do anything about it, and it has become a habit.
4. What will you do in the future to help solve this problem?
RTA// I will contribute my grain of sand, and I am sure that I will not
have children, and if by any circumstance I do, I will make sure to
complement their sexual education that they are supposed to have at
school, and I will do this not only with a possible child, but also with
someone close to me, so they will know that bringing children into the
world is not just a game, and that actions have consequences, as we
have already said, not only for humans, but also for animals and for the