Dasatinib Pulmonary Toxicity: A Case Report

FEBRUARY 20, 2016
Dasatinib-Related Pulmonary Toxicity
Mimicking an Atypical Infection
Case Report
A 49-year-old white woman with chronic myeloid leukemia
(CML) presented to the hospital with several weeks of increasing dry
cough, dyspnea on exertion, and low-grade fevers. She was first diagnosed with CML in chronic phase in October 2009 when she presented with marked leukocytosis and thrombocytosis. After brief
cytoreduction with hydroxyurea, she was started on imatinib 400 mg
daily, which she tolerated well. Approximately 8 months later, she
developed marked pancytopenia, and imatinib was discontinued. Her
blood counts recovered several weeks after cessation of treatment, but
her bone marrow cytogenetics remained 95% Ph⫹. Therapy was then
changed to dasatinib 100 mg daily, but after about 6 weeks, she again
developed pancytopenia. Her blood counts recovered after dasatinib
was held, but then decreased again on resuming the drug at a lower
dose. Because of the lack of a cytogenetic response, in April 2011, she
received an allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation from a
matched unrelated male donor after conditioning with fludarabine,
melphalan, and alemtuzumab. She had no post-transplantation complications or graft versus host disease. Her bone marrow exams became morphologically and cytogenetically normal. However, her
BCR-ABL quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay remained positive at a low level 1 year after transplantation, and therefore she
restarted dasatinib at 100 mg daily.
Within several days of starting dasatinib, she developed a dry
cough that became progressively worse over the following several
weeks. In addition, she experienced low-grade fevers, myalgia, and
dyspnea. On admission to hospital, she was febrile to 38.7 C, tachycardic with a heart rate of 112 beats/minute, and breathing at 20
breaths/minute. She was hypoxemic, requiring 2 to 4 L of supplemental oxygen through a nasal cannula. Chest examination revealed diffuse, bilateral rales. The remainder of the physical examination
was unremarkable.
Her medications before admission included dasatinib 100 mg
daily, valacyclovir 1,000 mg three times daily, and a multivitamin. All
of her post-transplantation immunizations were up to date. Her past
medical history included a 24 pack-year smoking history, although she
had quit 5 years earlier. She reported no recent environmental exposures or sick contacts. Her WBC count was 5,000/␮L with 58% granulocytes, 24% lymphocytes, 8% monocytes, and 3% eosinophils. The
hemoglobin level was 8.8 g/dL and platelets 162,000/␮L. Chemistries,
including electrolytes and renal and liver functions, were normal.
Chest radiograph revealed bilateral nodular and reticular interstitial opacities with small pleural effusions (Fig 1) that were new
compared with a radiograph less than 2 months earlier. A computed
tomography (CT) scan of chest showed bilateral nodular airspace
opacities with diffuse ground glass components predominantly in the
upper and middle lobes (Fig 2A). In addition, there was interval
© 2014 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
Fig 1.
development of mediastinal lymphadenopathy in the peritracheal,
subcarinal, and pretracheal spaces. The differential for the CT findings
included fungal or atypical infection, hypersensitivity reaction due to
dasatinib, and possible malignancy.
Treatment was initiated with broad-spectrum antimicrobials including cefepime, azithromycin, vancomycin, metronidazole, and
voriconazole. Dasatinib was discontinued. She underwent a bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage and transbronchial biopsy of
the right upper lobe. Fluid analysis from the washings showed a total
WBC count of 360/␮L with 27% neutrophils, 18% lymphocytes, 54%
macrophages, and 1% eosinophils. Gram stain, acid fast, bacterial, and
fungal cultures returned negative for infection. Fungal stains on the
biopsy specimen were negative; cytology demonstrated reactive cellular changes. There were nonspecific findings of focal lymphocytic
aggregates within the lung parenchyma, mild type II pneumocyte
hyperplasia, scattered fibrin exudates, mild interstitial thickening, and
intra-alveolar macrophages. The remainder of the infectious work-up,
including bacterial and fungal blood cultures, urine culture, respiratory viral panel, parvovirus serology, streptococcal pneumonia
antigen, Legionella antigen, Aspergillus antigen, and histoplasmosis
antigen returned negative.
Despite 1 week of broad-spectrum antibiotic and antifungal
treatment as well as discontinuation of dasatinib, her fevers persisted,
and her dyspnea and hypoxia worsened. A repeat CT of the chest
showed increasing nodular airspace opacities, particularly in the upper lobes, as well as interval development of bilateral pleural effusions
Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 34, No 6 (February 20), 2016: pp e46-e48
Information downloaded from and provided by at UAMS Library on March 2, 2016 from
Copyright © 2016 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
Jasielec and Larson
Fig 2.
(Fig 2B). Because of concern for dasatinib-related pulmonary toxicity,
she was started on high-dose corticosteroids (methylprednisolone 1
mg/kg/d). Within 2 days of starting steroids, her respiratory status
began improving. The following week she was weaned off supplemental oxygen and was able to ambulate without dyspnea. She remained
afebrile, and her cough improved. Her antibiotics were discontinued,
and she was discharged home. She was tapered off prednisone over 4
weeks, and her symptoms have not recurred.
The use of the tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) imatinib, dasatinib, and nilotinib has greatly improved outcomes for patients with
CML. However, TKIs are not specific for bcr-abl1, and have a variety
of off-target effects and unique adverse effect profiles that may be
related to their differential kinase inhibition in vivo. For example,
imatinib is more likely to cause fluid retention, including superficial
and peripheral edema, whereas this is less common with the other two
TKIs. Patients treated with nilotinib are more likely to develop elevations in pancreatic and hepatic enzymes, bilirubin, and glucose, and
peripheral arterial occlusive disease has also been reported.
Dasatinib is a potent second-generation TKI that is approved
for patients with imatinib intolerance or resistance, as well as more
recently for newly diagnosed CML.1 Pulmonary complications and
especially pleural effusions are nonhematologic adverse effects of dasatinib, and more recently, cases of pulmonary arterial hypertension
have also been reported.2 In clinical trials, pleural effusions occurred in
approximately 10% to 20% of dasatinib-treated patients, at intervals
from 5 to 28 weeks after initiation of therapy and as late as several
years.3 Both higher doses (140 mg daily) and a twice-daily dosing
schedule have been associated with an increased incidence of pleural
effusions.4 In addition, multiple other risk factors including older age,
longer duration of treatment, phase of disease (acute or blast phase),
underlying autoimmune diseases, arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and rash have been correlated with the development of
pleural effusions while taking dasatinib.4,5
Although the mechanism of dasatinib-associated pleural effusions has not been clearly elucidated, it is hypothesized that it may be
related to inhibition of the SRC (v-src, sarcoma viral oncogene homolog) family of kinases expressed in lymphocytes. Furthermore,
because some patients treated with dasatinib develop lymphocytosis
in peripheral blood and pleural fluid, the development of pleural
effusions may be an immune-mediated process.6-8 In most cases, these
effusions respond to a short course of corticosteroids and diuretics and
usually do not recur after resuming the drug at a lower dose.3,7
Pulmonary infiltrates and interstitial changes associated with
dasatinib have not been well described. In one case series of 40 patients
treated with dasatinib, nine patients (22.5%) developed pulmonary
symptoms, and seven of the nine were found to have lung parenchymal changes on imaging; these included septal thickening and
ground-glass opacities plus concurrent pleural effusions in about half
of the patients.6 These changes occurred between 1 month and 2 years
after initiation of treatment. Similar to cases of isolated pleural effusions, the pleural fluid, bronchoalveolar lavage, and pleural biopsies
showed a lymphocytic predominance. In the majority of the patients,
pulmonary symptoms resolved within 1 week after dasatinib interruption and did not recur in three of the four patients in whom dasatinib
was restarted at a lower dose. For those with pleural effusions, diuretics
were found to be ineffective. One patient was treated effectively with
steroids, supporting an immune-mediated phenomenon. In addition,
one other case of dasatinib-associated alveolar pneumonia that responded to steroids has been reported.9
Here we present a case of dasatinib induced interstitial lung
disease that mimicked a post-transplantation pulmonary infection.
Although the exact mechanism of this reaction is unclear, druginduced interstitial changes have been previously described, and the
nonspecific findings on biopsies are often difficult to characterize.10
Interestingly, our patient had received dasatinib previously, before her
allogeneic transplant, and had not had any pulmonary symptoms at
that time. We speculate that her symptoms occurred after immune
reconstitution and were secondary to some activation of the donorderived immune system. Furthermore, the lymphocyte aggregates
seen on trans-bronchial biopsy as well as the brisk response to corticosteroids further support an immune-mediated drug reaction. Thus,
clinicians should be aware that dasatinib causes not only isolated pleural
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Diagnosis in Oncology
effusions, but also striking noninfectious pulmonary parenchymal
changes that may require steroid therapy.
2. Montani D, Bergot E, Günther S, et al: Pulmonary arterial hypertension in
patients treated by dasatinib. Circulation 125:2128-2137, 2012
3. Quintás-Cardama A, Kantarjian H, O’brien S, et al: Pleural effusion in
patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia treated with dasatinib after imatinib
failure. J Clin Oncol 25:3908-3914, 2007
4. Breccia M, Latagliata R, Stagno F, et al: Charlson comorbidity index and
adult comorbidity evaluation-27 scores might predict treatment compliance and
development of pleural effusions in elderly patients with chronic myeloid
leukemia treated with second-line dasatinib. Haematologica 96:1457-1461, 2011
5. Valent, P: Severe adverse events associated with the use of second-line
BCR/ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors: Preferential occurrence in patients with
comorbidities. Haematologica 96:1395-1397, 2011
6. Bergeron A, Réa D, Levy V, et al: Lung abnormalities after dasatinib
treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia: A case series. Am J Respir Crit Care
Med 176:814-818, 2007
7. Porkka K, Khoury HJ, Paquette RL, et al: Dasatinib 100 mg once daily
minimizes the occurrence of pleural effusion in patients with chronic myeloid
leukemia in chronic phase and efficacy is unaffected in patients who develop
pleural effusion. Cancer 116:377-386, 2010
8. Nagata Y, Ohashi K, Fukuda S, et al: Clinical features of dasatinib-induced
large granular lymphocytosis and pleural effusion. Int J Hematol 91:799-807,
9. Radaelli F, Bramanti S, Fantini NN, et al: Dasatinib-related alveolar pneumonia responsive to corticosteroids. Leuk Lymphoma 47:1180-1181, 2006
10. Schwaiblmair M, Behr W, Haeckel T, et al: Drug induced interstitial lung
disease. Open Respir Med J 6:63-74, 2012
1. Kantarjian HM, Shah NP, Cortes JE, et al: Dasatinib or imatinib in newly
diagnosed chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia: 2-year follow-up from a
randomized phase 3 trial (DASISION). Blood 119:1123-1129, 2012
DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2013.50.1981; published online ahead of print at on June 23, 2014
Jagoda K. Jasielec and Richard A. Larson
The University of Chicago, Chicago IL
Although all authors completed the disclosure declaration, the following
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Employment or Leadership Position: None Consultant or Advisory
Role: Richard A. Larson, Bristol-Myers Squibb (C), Novartis (C) Stock
Ownership: None Honoraria: None Research Funding: Richard A.
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