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Leadership Worksheet: John Maxwell's Greatest Insights

The Leader’s Greatest
The leader’s greatest victory: victory over ____________________
» Popular/common thought: A leader’s greatest victory is with others
“The first and best victory is to conquer self.” –Plato
“This is the insight I realized early and return to often: in most situations, I am the problem. My mentalities, my
pictures, my expectations, form the biggest obstacles to my success.”
–Ralph Stayer
» The Lens Principle: What we are determines show we ____________________ others
• We don’t see others as they are; we see others as ____________________ are
» The Mirror Principle: The first person we must examine is ____________________
• It is easy to ____________________ leadership; it’s difficult to ____________________ leadership
» A key difference between followers and leaders:
• Followers think of ____________________ first
• Leaders think of ____________________ first
The leader’s greatest asset: ____________________
» When you fail to have confidence in yourself, you fail to convey a pass on confidence to
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The leader’s greatest weight: ____________________
» A leader can give up everything but final responsibility
The leader’s greatest discipline: taking time to ____________________
“Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; nothing expands possibilities like unleashed thinking.”
–William Arthur Ward
» Find a place to ____________________ your thoughts
» Find a place to ____________________ your thoughts
» Find a team to ____________________ your thoughts
» Find time to ____________________ your thoughts
» Find a place to ____________________ your thoughts
“Where success is concerned, people are not measured in inches, or pounds, or college degrees, or family
background; they are measured by the size of their thinking.”
–David J. Swartz
The leader’s greatest handicap: ____________________
» The Law of connection: Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a ____________________
» Pride will always ____________________ the Law of Connection
The leader’s greatest opportunity: ____________________
» Everyday someone says, there has never been a day like today where we desperately needed leaders
» The more we replay yesterday, the further away from today’s opportunities we get; and the further away
we get the tougher it is to get back.
“Today is when everything happens that is going to happen from now on begins.”
–Harvey Firestone Jr.
The leader’s greatest loss: ____________________
“Leaders are dealers in hope.” –Napoleon
“There is only one thing which gives radiance to everything. It is the idea of something around the corner.”
–G.K. Chesterton
» When a leader loses hope, so do the ____________________
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The leader’s greatest liability: ____________________
“Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They do not mean to do
harm. They are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.”
–T.S. Elliot
The leader’s greatest motivation: a ____________________
“The prospects never looked brighter. And the problems never looked tougher. Anyone who isn’t stirred by both of
those statements is too tired to be of much use to us the days ahead.”
–John W. Gardner
The leader’s greatest moment: ____________________ ____________________
“Leaders are paid to be dreamers. In fact, the higher you go in leadership, the more your work is about the future.”
–Hans Finzel
» A leader is one who sees ____________________ than others see
» A leader is one who sees ____________________ than others see
» A leader is one who sees ____________________ others see
The leader’s greatest joy: ____________________ ____________________ to others
» My legacy statement: I want to add value to leaders who ____________________ value to others.”
The leader’s greatest mistake: putting ____________________ before ____________________
» It is impossible to consistently add value to others if you place yourself before them
» Our success is determined by the seeds we sow, not the harvest we reap
» Morning Question: Who can I add value to today?
» Evening Question: Did I add value to others today?
The leader’s greatest prayer: ____________________
“If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help and won’t be
condescended to when you ask for it.”
–James 1:5
» ____________________ is knowing what to do next
» ____________________ is knowing how to do it
» ____________________ is doing it
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“When knowledge is translated into proper action, we speak of it as wisdom.”
–Dr. William J. Mayo
The leader’s greatest return: ____________________ people
» Developing people means I ____________________ them
» Developing people means I commit ____________________ to them
» Developing people means I ____________________ them
» Developing people means I ____________________ them
» Developing people means I ____________________ them
The leader’s greatest recognition: ____________________
» Respect is not a personal ____________________
• Everyone has the right to speak, but you have to earn the right to be heard
» Respect is usually gained on ____________________ ____________________
» ____________________ + ____________________ + ____________________ = respect
Answers: self; see; we; ourself; teach; model; themselves; others; confidence; others; responsibility; think; think; shape; stretch; fly; land; pride; hand;
break; today; hope; people; insecurity; challenge; casting; vision; more; farther; before; adding; value; multiply; self; others; wisdom; wisdom; skill; virtue;
developing; value; time; mentor; equip; empower; respect; right; difficult ground; character; competence; consistency
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