BY MARK SHEA Isaiah says of the Anointed One, “the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. And his delight shall be in the fear of the LORD” (Isaiah 11:2-3). Wisdom is the first and greatest gift of the Holy Spirit in confirmation, because it perfects faith by bringing it to fruition in concrete acts of love. Wisdom, of course, is highly valued throughout the Old Testament. Indeed, there is an entire genre of literature in the Old Testament known as “Wisdom literature,” which includes such books as Proverbs, the Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes and (surprise!) Wisdom. The Old Testament is chockablock with exhortations to “‘Get Wisdom, get understanding!’ … Do not forsake her, and she will keep you, love her, and she will guard you. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight” (Proverbs 4:5-7). This exhortation, enshrined at the core of Jewish culture for millennia, has served the Jewish people well and resulted in a people whose impact on Western civilization has immensely outstripped their numbers because education has always been at the very heart of this People of the Book. The great Old Testament model of Wisdom was Solomon who was offered his choice of anything in the world by God and chose Wisdom. God’s reply is as true for us as it was for him: “Because this was in your heart, and you have not asked possessions, wealth, honor, or the life of those who hate you, and have not even asked long life, but ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH 412 DEXTER, WRAY, CO 80758 have asked wisdom and knowledge for yourself that you may rule my people over whom I have made you king, wisdom and knowledge are granted to you. I will also give you riches, possessions, and honor, such as none of the kings had who were before you, and none after you shall have the like” (2 Chronicles 1:11-12). If that sounds suspiciously like Jesus’ saying, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and everything else will be added as well” that’s because exactly the same principle lies at the heart of both. Wisdom values properly those things we believe through faith. It puts first things first (the love of God) and second things second (the love of neighbor and the goods of this world). It is interesting that the picture of Solomon’s wisdom is not merely of a man sitting in a room pondering abstract philosophical ideas or theological concepts. Solomon comes off looking like an early Ben Franklin/Thomas Jefferson/James Audubon, curious about the natural world and trying to figure out how birds and bugs work, as well as how to govern well and live the Law of Moses. This points to something very significant in the Jewish, Greek, and Christian traditions concerning Wisdom: namely, that it is both heavenly minded and practical, like a woman in charge of running a busy household. Indeed, in all three of these traditions, Wisdom is identified with the feminine. Sophia is the Greek word for wisdom and the Greek deity identified with wisdom was the feminine Athena, not the masculine Zeus. Meanwhile, in the Jewish tradition, Proverbs pictures Wisdom as a woman, working alongside God and crafting the universe like a skilled artisan (Proverbs 8). And in the Christian tradition, the Blessed Virgin Mary, by her “Yes” to the Spirit of Wisdom gives her very flesh and blood so that Christ, “the wisdom of God” (1 Corinthians, 1:24) can be enfleshed in a human body. That’s why we need the gift of Wisdom: because we are sacramental beings who are called to turn our faith into concrete works of love the way the Holy Spirit of Wisdom fashioned the world in love and Jesus, the Wisdom of God, was made flesh. Parish Office (970)332-5858 Parish email: [email protected] Parish website: Fr. JONATHAN DELLINGER 6 domingo de pascua 6th Sunday of Easter May 1, 2016 1st-3rd-5th MASS SCHEDULE Saturdays Mass time: 5:00pm Confessions 3:30-4:30pm before Saturday Mass Sunday Mass 8:00am Weekday Masses: Thurs. 5:30pm; Confessions 4:30pm Friday 8:00am; adoration following Mass th 2nd & 4 Saturday Mass in Yuma: 5:00pm Confessions 3:30-4:30pm before Saturday Mass Sunday Mass time in Yuma: 10:30am; Sunday Spanish Mass: 1:00pm; 12:15pm summer NEW PARISHIONERS: WELCOME! Please register through the parish office. SACRAMENTS The Sacrament of Baptism and Holy Matrimony require specific preparation. Please contact Fr. Jonathan for preparation classes and to make scheduling arrangements or if you intend to have these sacraments celebrated in another church or with a different priest. The Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation, require sign up for group classes, please contact the parish office for more information and start dates. Individual Confessions are heard Saturdays from 3:30-4:30pm, on Thursdays at 4:30pm, or any time by contacting Fr. Jonathan. Communal Penance Services are held during Advent and Lent. The Anointing of the Sick can be done at any time or during a Mass. Please notify Fr. Jonathan at any time you are in need of this sacrament. If you are going away for surgery, please ask for the anointing before you leave. st rd 1 -3 -5 th MISAS Sábado Misa: 5:00pm Confesiones 3:30-4:30pm antes Misa Sábado Domingo Misa 8:00am Jueves Misa: 5:30pm; Confesiones 4:30pm Viernes 8:00am; adoración después de Misa 2nd & 4th Sábado Misa en Yuma: 5:00pm Confesiones 3:30-4:30pm antes Misa Sábado Domingo Misa en Yuma: 10:30am; Domingo Misa en español: 1:00pm; 12:15pm verano BIENVENIDOS NUEVOS FELIGRESES! Si desea registrarse lo puede hacer en la oficina de la parroquia. Para más información en español llame a la oficina parroquial en Yuma al 848-5973. LOS SACRAMENTOS El Sacramento del Bautismo Favor de pasar a la oficina parroquial en Wray para obtener un folleto de los requisitos que deben cumplir para recibir este sacramento. Para bautizar a un niño/a menor de 7 años se requiere que los Padres y Padrinos asistan a una plática pre-bautismal, las pláticas son ofrecidas sólo en Yuma. Favor de hablar al 970-848-5973 para inscribirse o para más información. Sagrado Matrimonio Requiere preparación específica. El curso se ofrece una vez al año, iniciando en Enero. Para mayor información llamar a Lety Cortes al 970-848-5973. Los Sacramentos de Primera Confesión, Primera Comunión y Confirmación, requieren inscripción para las clases del grupo, por favor visite la oficina de la parroquia para más información y fechas de inicio. Hay Confesiones individuales los sábados de 3:30-4:30pm, tambien a las 4:30pm cada jueves, o cuando lo quiera avise al Fr. Jonathan. Se sostienen los Servicios de la Penitencia comunales durante Adviento y Cuaresma. La Unción de los Enfermos puede hacerse cuando quiera o durante una Misa. Por favor notifique Fr. Jonathan en cualquier momento que necesite este sacramento solicite la unción antes de salir a una cirugía. SATURDAY, April 30 3:30pm Confession 5:00pm th 5 Saturday Mass Lea Burrell If you notice suspicious activity around the church, or lights left on/doors unlocked during the night, please contact one of the volunteer KEEPERS of the KEYS. by Bob & Ramona Snyder everyone: our religious education does not stop with the sacraments and our obligations do not take a vacation. Thank you for continuing your dedicated service and your faithfulness! 6th SUNDAY of EASTER, May 1 First Communion Sunday 7:30am Rosary 8:00am Mass After Mass: cake reception downstairs honoring First Communion families Monday, May 2 11:45am Rosary 12Noon Altar & Rosary lunch & meeting Tuesday, May 3 6-9:00pm Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Wednesday, May 4 Thursday, May 5 4:30pm Confession 5:30pm Mass Maggie Jo Cure (birthday in March) by family Friday, May 6 First Friday 8:00am Mass Tim Pinnick & family by Tim & Jody Wisdom Counters for April 30-May 1: Wilma R, Lila *************************************************************** SATURDAY, MAY 7 5:00PM SACRISTAN: Steve Huerta HOSPITALITY: Jackie Barr & Joseph LECTOR: Chris Wisdom EUCHARIST: Steve Huerta SUNDAY, MAY 8 8:00AM ASCENSION MOTHER'S DAY SACRISTAN: Jose Molina HOSPITALITY: Bill & Janet Cure family SERVERS: William K, AndrewK, Brady, Tyler LECTORS: Dan Post; Jose Molina MUSIC & CANTOR: Janna; Peyton Pecar EUCHARIST: Mary Heaton, Dan Post, Mike & Peg Vlasin, Barb Wisdom COLLECTION COUNT: Pat Chapman, Sandra Pastoral Council: Shawna Fonte, Don Crow, Mary Fecht, Luke Cure, Kylee Meisner Finance Council: Wade Stults, Keith Waggoner, Tim Wisdom, Janet Cure 8:30-9:30am Adoration of Blessed Sacrament 8:00-11am First Friday Families SATURDAY, May 7 2:30pm Baptisms: Emrrie & Kole Chamberlain 3:30pm Confession 5:00pm Mass Parish mothers After Mass: Prayer & Fellowship ASCENSION SUNDAY May 8 Mother’s Day 7:30am Rosary 8:00am Mass For all our mothers, living & deceased After Mass: CCD & God Squad classes ATTENTION ALL THOSE INVOLVED WITH CCD & GOD SQUAD: No classes Sunday, May 1 (First Communion in Wray). However, CCD classes will resume on Sunday, May 8 & Sunday, May 15. This is an important lesson for Notice to all parishioners: you are invited to a cake reception after First Communion Mass this Sunday. Please go downstairs after Mass to celebrate with our First Communion families! (Mary’s month) MAY HAPPENINGS May 1: First Communion Sunday 8am Mass Reception with families after Mass downstairs May 8: Mother’s Day; CCD & God Squad classes May 15: Pentecost; Praise music before Mass; no rosary before Mass; last CCD classes & God Squad until September TOTUS TUUS COMING IN JUNE! We are blessed to be members of a thriving archdiocese! At the same time, however, the preservation of this vitality requires ongoing sacrifices from all its members. Much of what our Church accomplishes every year is a result of the prayerful and financial support from her faithful. To ensure that our Church and her works continue to flourish, Archbishop Aquila asks everyone to donate to this year’s Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal. How Much Should I Donate to the 2016 Appeal? Because everyone’s financial situations and commitments vary, there is no exact answer. However, regardless of one’s economic status, all are encouraged to donate at a level that reflects their spirituality and material blessings. For as Saint Luke reminds us, “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much” (Luke 12:48). Mother’s Day Prayer booklets & envelopes (50) are available on the front table for our parishioners to give/send to mothers. The Mass on Sunday, May 8 will be offered for all our mothers, living & deceased. ALTAR & ROSARY IS SCHEDULED TO MEET MONDAY, MAY 2; rosary at 11:45am; lunch & meeting follow. St. Andrew Catholic Church Monthly Offertory & Budget Report Budget for fiscal year 2015-16: $119,153 Offertory needed per month: $9,929 A more detailed account of parish finances is available in the church’s printed bulletin. Warn the rich people of this world not to be proud or to trust in wealth that is easily lost. Tell them to have faith in God, who is rich and blesses us with everything we need to enjoy life. Instruct them to do as many good deeds as they can and to help everyone. Remind the rich to be generous and share what they have. This will lay a solid foundation for the future, so that they will know what true life is like. Jesus tells us not to let our hearts be troubled because He has given us His peace; the peace that surpasses all understanding. We also have the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us and our marriage. Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends: July 15-17, Radisson Aurora September 16-18, Radisson Aurora November 4-6, Best Western Dillon For more information, please visit CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR FIRST COMMUNICANTS AND TO THEIR FAMILIES Austin Collins Wyatt Fonte Augustus Gdanitz Katherine Harms Natalie Helling Carson Helling Brigette Kite Elizabeth Kolath Liz Pureco-Martinez Brody Stults Victor Tena Reese Weatherly Kimberly Andrade Rylee Bowman Rocio Servin