Subido por Shamira Coye

Ecosystem Language Arts Lesson Plan - Grade 2

EDUC 3/450 Weekly Lesson Plan format (supporting home learning using work packets)
Title/Theme of Lessons: The Ecosystem
Dates & # of days: 1 (Monday)
Subject Area(s): Language Arts
Grade Level: Standard 2
Reading Comprehension/ Grammar
Essential Question/s: What would be the consequences of using the wrong coordinating conjunction
in oral or written form?
List LO’s as they align
with the learning
objectives. (taken from
relevant curriculum
27.8 Show awareness of character when re-telling or re-enacting
28.12 Explain story predictions by giving examples from the text.
44.7 Join two phrases with an appropriate coordinating
conjunction, for example, and, or, but to form a compound
sentence in original writing
Concept Map
Identify the important
understanding(s) and
core concepts(s) that you
want students to develop
within the learning
What are character traits?
Well, they're the parts of a person's behavior and attitude that
makes up their personality. Everyone has character traits, both
positive and negative, even characters in books. Character traits
segment. In other words,
what is the big idea?
are often shown with descriptive adjectives, like patient, faithful,
or jealous.
What is a Compound Sentence?
Whenever you join two simple sentences using a comma or
conjunction you form a Compound Sentence.
What are Conjunctions?
Are words used to connect sentences, phrases or clauses together?
List specific technology
used in lessons. Each set
of lessons is required to
have teacher made
technology meaningfully
integrated. E.g.,
audio/video clip
introducing main
Video recording of the teacher modelling the lesson and explaining
the concept using computer and phone
-Pre-recorded video will be shared Via WhatsApp and Google
-Daily reminders on WhatsApp are recorded using wave pad audio
recording application
-Students will respond to some question using voice message or
text message (WhatsApp)
-Work will be uploaded via Google class for those who work with
Google and for students who work with learning package and
WhatsApp only they will enter work in folder B to be collected.
Using video, flip book, graphic organizer and games students will
be able to:
1. Complete five questions given from the story “The Farmer’s
Chuck Surprise.”
2. Analyze the character “Farmer Chuck” and infer four-character
traits based on evidence given in story
3. Choose the correct conjunction (and, but) to create five
compound sentences.
Previous Knowledge:
Students know that a prediction is a guess that you make based on
clues and pictures from the story.
Provide extra video to students with need
One to one session with students via WhatsApp video chat explain
For higher achievement provide (extended worksheet)
Technology integrated activities
strategies to meet
diverse learner needs:
e.g. material
audio/video reading
Procedures for Lessons
1. Content Introduction:
How will you introduce
and teach the concept,
process, or skill to fulfill
the objective(s)? E.g.
audio or video clip
2. Explanation: List
activities used to deliver
3. Engagement: Describe
what hands-on/minds-on
activities students will be
Introduction: Teacher will present a picture of the story “Farmer’s
Chuck Surprise” in pre-recorded video. Teacher will ask students,
“What does the picture tell us about the story?” Have students
make prediction of story and send their response via WhatsApp.
1.Teacher will present the story “Farmer’s Chuck Surprise” digital
flip book in pre-recorded video.
2.Teacher will read aloud story and will ask students to read along
from where they are.
3. As teacher goes presenting the story she will pause in intervals
and ask guided questions.
4. After reading the story teacher will ask students to re-turn to
their prediction and check if they were right. Teacher will read
questions from the story in pre-recorded video.
4. What will be done to
end the lessons or
transition to the next?
5. Teacher will review with students that a character has different
traits and we can infer those traits based on the feeling, actions,
speech and thoughts of the character. These traits are simply
adjectives describing the story.
6. Review adjective with student. Tell students that adjectives are
descriptive words that modify a noun (person, place, animal or
7. Explain to students that when talking about character traits
adjectives describe the personality of the character shown through
the feelings, actions, thoughts and speech in story.
Example: brave, mean, loving, tricky, shy etc.
8. Teacher will review with students compound sentences. (a
sentence that has two independent clause)
9. Teacher will present a sentence using sentence strips in prerecorded video.
Example: The children saw a chicken with her chicks. They even
got to see a baby chick hatching from an egg.
9. Read aloud sentence in pre-recorded video.
10. Present the conjunction words “and” and “but” on screen in
pre-recorded video. Ask students which conjunction word can be
used to create a compound sentence with sentences provided. Have
them send response via WhatsApp.
11. Model creating a compound sentence using the conjunction
and. Remind students to add their comma before the conjunction
12. Read aloud the compound sentence created.
The children saw a chicken with her chicks, and they even got to
see a baby chick hatching from an egg.
1.Have students complete questions given from the story “The
Farmer’s Chuck Surprise.” Students will write questions and
answer in folder sheet. Questions will be uploaded in Google Class
and provided in learning package.
Differentiation: Students with needs will be given multiple choice
2. Have students Analyze the character “Farmer Chuck” and infer
four-character traits based on evidence given in story. Students
will be given a FAST (feelings, actions, speech, thoughts)
character trait organizer to complete. Have students record
themselves and present their graphic organizer.
Differentiation: Higher achievement students will explain the
evidence of the trait they choose for Farmer Chuck.
3. Teacher will upload a link in Google Class and will share it on
WhatsApp. Teacher will have students play a game online and will
them choose the correct conjunction (and, but) to create five
compound sentences.
Top 5 students in the game will be (big up)congratulated at the
beginning of the next video lesson.
Closure: Have students write a jingle that explains the main idea
of the lesson. Have them record them selves and send via
Check for understanding.
How will you assess
student learning? (graded
& ungraded; Paper or
through technology)
Resources: List all
resources used to create
your lessons e.g., books,
specific websites,
instructional materials,
etc. Cite items properly
using the APA format.
What did not work the
way you hoped or what
limitations occurred?
Teacher will collect question and answer folder sheet and will
assess using checklist.
Teacher will collect graphic organizer and assess using checklist.
This Reading Mama. (2019, September 28). Compound sentences
printable activities. Retrieved February 14, 2021, from
Students enjoyed the story. They gave positive feed back on
WhatsApp. The video I received with the jingles allowed me to
assess their understanding of the concept taught. One or two
students needed assistance with being able to use the conjunctions
properly. They were given one to one assistance via WhatsApp
video chat. They were given more examples and practice work. I
like this lesson my students presented their graphic organizer
properly; they were able to explain the evidence of why they
choose that character trait for Farmer Chuck. In this I believe I
could have used more examples when explaining the use of andbut conjunction words.
EDUC 3/450 Weekly Lesson Plan format (supporting home learning using work packets)
Title/Theme of Lessons: The Ecosystem
Dates & # of days: 1 (Tuesday)
Subject Area(s): Language Arts
Grade Level: Standard 2
Spelling/Vocabulary and Phonics
Essential Question/s: How important are digraphs in reading?
List LO’s as they align
with the learning
objectives. (taken from
relevant curriculum
2.13 Note a small number of important points while listening to a
20.22 Read words with a variety of long and short vowel sounds,
including multisyllabic words
20.23 Apply alphabet code knowledge to read the majority of words
Concept Map
Identify the important
understanding(s) and
core concepts(s) that
you want students to
develop within the
learning segment. In
other words, what is the
big idea?
Consonant digraphs refer to a joint set of consonants that form one
sound. Example /ch/.
Some digraphs are found at both the beginning and the end of a
List specific technology
used in lessons. Each
set of lessons is
required to have
teacher made
integrated. E.g.
audio/video clip
introducing main
Video recording of the teacher modelling the lesson and explaining
the concept using computer and phone
-Pre-recorded video will be shared Via WhatsApp and Google
-Daily reminders on WhatsApp are recorded using wave pad audio
recording application
-Students will respond to some question using voice message or text
message (WhatsApp)
-Work will be uploaded via Google class for those who work with
Google and for students who work with learning package and
WhatsApp only they will enter work in folder B to be collected.
Using video, story, and pictures students will be able to:
1: Identify at least ten /ch/ words in the story “Farmer Chuck’s
2. Create five words by manipulating the letters to form the words.
3. Use any three of the /ch/ words formed in previous activity and
write complete sentences using the words.
Previous Knowledge:
Students can identify the digraph “ch.”
Provide extra video of suffix to students with special needs
Use visuals to show the concept of adding suffix at the end of a
One to one session with students via WhatsApp video chat explain
For higher achievement provide (extended worksheet)
Technology integrated activities
Procedures for
Based on each packet sent to students.
Students will view pre-record video shared on Google Class and
1. Content Introduction: What Sapp. In the video:
How will you introduce Introduction: Teacher will present a video in the pre-recorded
and teach the concept,
video. In the video teacher will have a background of the forest. In
process, or skill to
the background teacher will have 3 types of digraphs /ch/, /sh/ and
fulfill the objective(s)? /th/. Teacher will have students identify the /ch/ digraph. Teacher
E.g. audio or video clip will tell students that we are going on a digraph hunt. While they are
2. Explanation: List
finding the /ch/ digraph they will be singing a song with “the bear
activities used to
hunt tune”
deliver instruction.
Song: We’re going on digraph hunt /ch/ /ch/ /ch/ (digraph sound)
3. Engagement:
I’m not afraid, are you afraid? No!
Describe what handsDifferentiation
strategies to meet
diverse learner needs:
e.g. material
audio/video reading
on/minds-on activities
students will be doing.
4. What will be done to
end the lessons or
transition to the next?
What’s that up ahead? Can we take it with us? Have students share
via WhatsApp how many digraphs they found.
1. Teacher will review with students that when two consonants
work together, they form a digraph sound.
2. Teacher will show the two letters on the screen of pre-recorded video.
Teacher will show visually how letters are placed together to form the /ch/
sound. Teacher will explain to students that digraphs are important
to learn because if you did not know that the two letters in a digraph
make one sound, you'd be unable to read many new words
3. Teacher will present an anchor chart with 5 pictures that have the sound
of the /ch/ digraph. Example: chair. The /ch/ will be high lightened with
another color than the rest of the letters. Teacher will point the /ch/ in the
beginning of the word and will say the name of the picture. Chair, chin,
cheese etc. Have students say the name of the pictures along with teacher.
4. Teacher will review this process with the /ch/ digraph at the end of the
5. Teacher will present the story “Farmer Chucks Surprise” in prerecorded video.
6. Teacher will read the story aloud once more in pre-recorded
7. Teacher will tell students that they are to read along from where
they are and to pay keen attention to the sound of each word.
8. Ask students what they noticed from the story? Have them
respond via WhatsApp voice message. (ch words)
1. Identify at least 10 /ch/ words in the story “Farmer Chuck’s
Surprise.” Have students write it on “Ch mini table” and record
themselves reading the words they wrote down. Send video via
Differentiations: Students with needs will identify 6 words in the
2. Teacher will have students form words by manipulating the
letters to form the words. Teacher will provide students with a
worksheet where they will have 5 pictures with /ch /sound. At the
bottom of the picture the word will be unscrambled. They will cut
and unscramble the words to form the correct /ch/ word of the
picture. Have students stick the letters in their correct place under
the picture. Have students record themselves forming 2 words and
send via WhatsApp.
3. Have students use any three of the /ch/ words formed in previous
activity and write complete sentences using the words.
Differentiation: Students with needs will complete sentences using
the words given.
Closure: Teacher will share a riddle with students. Have students
answer the riddle and send via WhatsApp.
I end with “ch.”
I am a group of things.
I rhyme with lunch.
Check for
understanding. How
will you assess student
learning? (graded &
ungraded; Paper or
through technology)
Resources: List all
resources used to create
your lessons e.g.,
books, specific
websites, instructional
materials, etc. Cite
items properly using
the APA format.
What did not work the
way you hoped or what
limitations occurred?
Teacher will collect “Ch mini table” and will assess using checklist.
Teacher will collect worksheet and sentences using checklist.
Digraph CH. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2021, from
Students were able to find words in the story Farmer Chuck pasture, but
some of them had a little trouble reading the words from the story. These
students were given assistance on a one-to-one basis via WhatsApp. More
videos with the /ch/ sound were shared. Based on students work and feed
back 85 percent of my students are able to read some fluently and some
have to syllabicate words to be able to read them. But I have the 15
percent of students who need more assistance with there sounds. Other
than that, the lesson went well, students participated in activities and gave
positive feedback.
Note: On Wednesday no work was posted because teachers had to present to mass. Our school
streamed the mass online therefore, no work was posted.
EDUC 3/450 Weekly Lesson Plan format (supporting home learning using work packets)
Title/Theme of Lessons: The Ecosystem
Dates & # of days: 1 (Thursday)
Subject Area(s): Language Arts
Grade Level: Standard 2
Reading Comprehension/Phonics/Grammar
Essential Question/s: Why is it important to have good character traits?
27.8 Show awareness of character when re-telling or re-enacting
List LO’s as they align
44.7 Join two phrases with an appropriate coordinating
with the learning
conjunction, for example, and, or, but to form a compound
objectives. (taken from
sentence in original writing.
relevant curriculum
20.23 Apply alphabet code knowledge to read the majority of
words correctly
Concept Map
Identify the important
understanding(s) and
core concepts(s) that you
want students to develop
within the learning
segment. In other words,
what is the big idea?
What are character traits?
Well, they're the parts of a person's behavior and attitude that
makes up their personality. Everyone has character traits, both
good and bad, even characters in books. Character traits are
often shown with descriptive adjectives, like patient, faithful, or
What is a Compound Sentence?
Whenever you join two simple sentences using a comma or
conjunction you form a Compound Sentence.
What are Conjunctions?
Are words used to connect sentences, phrases or clauses together?
List specific technology
used in lessons. Each set
of lessons is required to
have teacher made
technology meaningfully
Video recording of the teacher modelling the lesson and explaining
the concept using computer and phone
-Pre-recorded video will be shared Via WhatsApp and Google
-Daily reminders on WhatsApp are recorded using wave pad audio
recording application
integrated. E.g.
audio/video clip
introducing main
-Students will respond to some question using voice message or
text message (WhatsApp)
-Work will be uploaded via Google class for those who work with
Google and for students who work with learning package and
WhatsApp only they will enter work in folder B to be collected.
Using video, story and manipulatives students will be able to:
1. Analyze Farmer Chuck’s character traits and compare it with
their own character traits using a graphic organizer.
2. Create five /ch/words by looking at the picture to figure out its
beginning sound and then place the letter underneath.
3.Use these /ch/ words (cheetah, cheery, peach, lunch) in written
sentences combining the use of coordinating conjunction. (and,
Previous Knowledge:
Students know that we all have good and bad character traits.
strategies to meet
diverse learner needs:
e.g., material
audio/video reading
Provide extra video to students with need.
Use visuals with students of special needs.
One to one session with students via WhatsApp video chat explain
Provide more read aloud stories for children with needs.
For higher achievement provide (extended worksheet)
Technology integrated activities
Based on each packet sent to students.
Students will view pre-record video shared on Google Class
and What Sapp. In the video:
Introduction: Teacher will have students use their white board. They
Procedures for Lessons
1. Content Introduction:
How will you introduce
and teach the concept,
process, or skill to fulfill
the objective(s)? E.g.,
audio or video clip
2. Explanation: List
activities used to deliver
3. Engagement: Describe
what hands-on/minds-on
activities students will be
4. What will be done to
end the lessons or
transition to the next?
will be asked to draw a tree. In the tree they will have 2 branches of
positive traits they have and two branches of negative traits that they
have. They will build a tree with their positive and negative traits. Have
students take picture and send via WhatsApp.
1. Teacher will explain in pre-recorded video, that everyone has
positive and negative traits. It is important to identify our traits
especially the negative traits. Because when we are able to notice
our negative trait, we can make changes to avoid practicing that
trait. Example if you have a trait like lazy and you notice it. You
can try to help around, be proactive to avoid having that character
trait. By identifying our negative character traits, we can also try to
understand why we react in such manner. While on the other hand,
having good character traits helps you develop having a great
2. Teacher will do a quick revision with students that every
character is unique and has their own traits and traits can be
identified based on character’s feelings, actions, speech and
3.Discuss the three traits inferred about Farmer Chuck in the story.
Provide evidence of the three traits mentioned in pre-recorded
4. Present the sentence Farmer Chuck has a cheetah in his pasture,
and he has an orchard with lots of peaches and apples.
5. Read sentence aloud for students in pre-recorded video.
6.Ask students what they observe from the sentence? Have them
share their response on WhatsApp. (compound sentence,
conjunction, /ch/digraph words.)
7.Teacher will have students write the sentence on their white
board and circle the words with /ch/digraph in the sentence.
Have students take picture and send via WhatsApp.
8.tell students that there is one more thing happening with the
sentence provided: it’s a compound sentence.
9. Have students explain via voice message on WhatsApp why the
sentence is a compound sentence.
10. Review that compound sentence has 2 independent clause
which are joined by a comma and conjunction word. Highlight
them on the sentence given above.
1. Have students analyze Farmer Chuck’s character traits and
compare his character trait with their own character traits using a
graphic organizer. Haves students present their graphic organizer
and record it. Have them upload graphic organizer in Google
class/folder A and send video via WhatsApp.
2. Have students complete the “secret activity sheet”. They will
create five /ch/words by looking at the picture to figure out its
beginning sound and then place the letter underneath. Upload in
Google class/folder A.
Differentiation: Students with needs will have be provided with
beginning or ending letter.
3. Have students use these /ch/ words (cheetah, cheery, peach,
lunch) in written sentences combining the use of coordinating
conjunction. Upload in Google class/folder A.
Closure: Teacher will provide the outline of a butterfly in learning
package and will upload in google class. Have students complete
the butterfly by writing a compound sentence that contains 2 words
with /ch/ digraph. Have students upload on Google Class or place
in folder A. Tell students that the first 5 students who enter their
work will receive a digit participation award which will be shared
on the stream section of the Google class and shared on WhatsApp
class group.
Assessment/Evaluation: Teacher will collect graphic organizer and video and will assess
using rubric.
Check for understanding.
How will you assess
student learning? (graded
& ungraded; Paper or
through technology)
Resources: List all
resources used to create
your lessons e.g., books,
specific websites,
instructional materials,
etc. Cite items properly
using the APA format.
What did not work the
way you hoped or what
limitations occurred?
Teacher will collect activity sheet and sentences which will be
assessed using checklist.
Watson, S. (n.d.). Why digraphs are important for reading and
spelling success. Retrieved February 8, 2021, from
Students were able to complete their graphic organizer and based
on presentations they were able to clearly compare their character
traits with Farmer Chuck’s character traits. Based on Secret
worksheet activity feedback the use of picture made it easier for
them to build words using ch digraph. Now, when they entered
their sentences, I had 4 students who did not place their commas
and they were still confusing the use of but -and. Teacher prepared
google slide video explaining them the difference between and-but
when forming compound sentences. Examples were provided
along with online games to practice.
(EDUC 3/450 Weekly Lesson Plan format (supporting home learning using work packets)
Title/Theme of Lessons: The Ecosystem
Dates & # of days: 1 (Friday)
Subject Area(s): Language Arts
Grade Level: Standard 2
Creative Writing
Essential Question/s: How to write an interesting hook for our story?
34.6 Compose a short story based on a picture sequence
38.3 Generate ideas for writing by making lists.
List LO’s as they align
with the learning
objectives. (taken from
relevant curriculum
Concept Map
Identify the important
understanding(s) and
core concepts(s) that you
want students to develop
within the learning
segment. In other words,
what is the big idea?
What are Conjunctions?
Are words used to connect sentences, phrases or clauses together?
List specific technology
used in lessons. Each set
of lessons is required to
have teacher made
technology meaningfully
integrated. E.g.
audio/video clip
introducing main
Video recording of the teacher modelling the lesson and explaining
the concept using computer and phone
-Pre-recorded video will be shared Via WhatsApp and Google
-Daily reminders on WhatsApp are recorded using wave pad audio
recording application
-Students will respond to some question using voice message or
text message (WhatsApp)
-Work will be uploaded via Google class for those who work with
Google and for students who work with learning package and
WhatsApp only they will enter work in folder B to be collected.
Using pictures and video students will be able to:
1.Write six sentences about the character and setting.
2. Utilize the six sentences to construct introductory paragraph.
3. Apply the use of conjunctions to make 1-4 sentences compound or
complex sentences.
4. Appreciate descriptive writing
Students know that a sentence is a group of words that express a
complete thought.
Provide extra video to students with need
Use visuals
strategies to meet
One to one session with students via WhatsApp video chat explain
diverse learner needs:
e.g. material
For higher achievement provide (extended work)
audio/video reading
Technology integrated activities
Procedures for Lessons Based on each packet sent to students.
1. Content Introduction: Students will view pre-record video shared on Google Class
How will you introduce
and What Sapp. In the video:
and teach the concept,
Introduction: Have students listen to the “Sentence song.”
process, or skill to fulfill Teacher will present a sentence and a non-sentence in pre-recorded
the objective(s)? E.g.
video. Have students identify which one is the sentence and write it
audio or video clip
on their white board. Have students send image on WhatsApp.
2. Explanation: List
activities used to deliver 1. Teacher will explain to students in pre-recorded video that every
story has its introductory paragraph and in the introductory
3. Engagement: Describe paragraph you present your setting and character.
what hands-on/minds-on 2. Teacher will tell students I know you might be wondering what
activities students will be is an introductory paragraph or how do you write one?
3. First of all tell students they need to brainstorm on things they
4. What will be done to
know about or like to do so they can write a lot about it. Have them
end the lessons or
list 4 things. After they have listed their ideas. Have them choose
transition to the next?
one and turn it into a sentence. Example: beach- A day at the
beach. Have students write it on their blank and take picture of it
and send via WhatsApp.
4.Teacher will present an anchor chart in pre-recorded video with
the structure of an introductory paragraph.
a. Hook
c. Main characters
b. Main Idea
d. Setting
5Teacher will discuss each one in pre-recorded video providing
real life examples. Teacher will provide students with a graphic
organizer to write their introductory paragraph.
6. As teacher goes explaining the structure have students write
their hook, main idea, main characters and setting of stories in
graphic organizer.
7. Present the story “Farmer Chuck’s Surprise” in pre-recorded
video in and have students read aloud at home as well.
8. Teacher will then present the story in sentence strips.
Previous Knowledge:
1.Teacher will have students arrange the sentence strips based on
the structure of the introductory paragraph and stick on their paper
to be collected in Google Class/ folder A.
2. Teacher will have students use the information written in
graphic organizer to write 6 complete sentences.
3. Have students use the 6 sentences to construct an introductory
paragraph. Have students write it on folder sheet and upload on
google/folder A. Tell students that this is the 1st draft of their
introduction of the story.
Closure: Have students read their introductory paragraph on a one
to one via WhatsApp. Have them share what they learnt and what
they need more assistance on.
Teacher will collect first draft of introduction and will assess using
Check for understanding. rubric.
How will you assess
student learning?
(graded & ungraded;
Paper or through
Resources: List all
resources used to create
Reading Eggs. (2020, May 12). A step-by-step guide to helping
your lessons e.g., books,
your child write a story. Retrieved February 14, 2021, from
specific websites, materials,
etc. Cite items properly
using the APA format.
What did not work the
way you hoped or what
limitations occurred?
Students could have used a map to list their ideas to choose a topic.
Then teacher could model writing sentences of the idea. The hook
was shaky some students wrote questions but were not interesting
questions. Lesson need reinforcement.