Computer Dependence: A Week Without Technology?

Article: Computer free!
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to give up your computer for only one week?As an industrial
engineer studying Clinical Electromedicine, I spend a lot of time communicating with my colleagues on
WhatsApp web, doing homework, and attending classes by my computer in order to follow lessons and
complete my practical work. Actually,
I am currently working on my final project using a robot that is
programmed with my computer in Arduino language.
Typically, the first thing I do every day is check for WhatsApp messages on my computer and read my
emails. I can't imagine how disconnected I would feel from the world without these morning routines.
After breakfast, I usually use my computer to make up my mind with my homework. As we use a platform
to submit our tasks, I inevitably have to complete all of my homework on the computer. Surprisingly, I am
able to finish all of my work quickly and then go head to the gym. This is the only time during the day when I
don't use my computer!
Later, I study English using online lessons in the morning and attend high school in the afternoon, relying
my computer to view the lessons and follow up my lectures. By this stage, I cannot imagine following the
lessons without the computer because I have to read the PowerPoints that teachers create for us.
At night, I relax by chatting with my colleagues about the day or with friends on WhatsApp web, while I am
also browsing TikTok or Instagram photos.
All in all, I don't think I could survive without my computer and technology in general. If I were to decide to
do this experiment, I would have to speak with my teachers. Undoubtedly, it would make me realize just
how much I depend on technology and encourage me to take better care of my relationship with