Subido por Laura Vannetti [Spring Valley HS]

Alterar idioma do teclado e caracteres especiais no Chromebook

Choose keyboard language & special
You can use different keyboard languages, sometimes called input methods, on your
Chromebook to:
Change your typing language
Use special characters, like accent marks or currency symbols
Set your keyboard language
1. At the bottom right, select the time.
2. Select Settings
3. Optional: To add another keyboard language, select Language
Add languages. Choose
your language(s) and select Add.
4. In the "Languages and input" section, select Input method
Manage input methods.
5. Check the boxes next to the keyboard languages you'd like to use.
6. Select Back .
7. Select the keyboard language you want to use. You’ll see "Enabled" listed under the
current keyboard.
8. Optional: To see all your keyboard language options on your desktop, turn on Show input
options in the shelf.
Switch between keyboard languages
If you have more than one keyboard language turned on, you’ll see the language you’re using
next to your account photo.
1. At the bottom right, select the time.
2. Select your keyboard language .
3. Choose the keyboard language you want to use.
Tip: You can also switch your language by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Space until you see the
language you want. To switch back, press Ctrl + Space.
Add accent marks
The U.S. International keyboard has the following accent marks:
Acute (é)
Grave (à)
Tilde (ñ)
' + letter
` + letter
Right Alt + ~ + letter
Circumflex (ô)
Shift + ^ + letter
Umlaut/diaeresis (ü)Shift + " + letter
Cedilla (ç)