Subido por Esteban Mejía

Kartra Membership: Countdown Timers & Certificates

Esteban Mejia06 Aug 2020, 13:13 pm EST
I have two questions.
1. It's possible to add a countdown for a lesson or module in membership?
2. How can I send to mail a Personal Certificate when student finish at 100% course ?
cosminb@kartra07 Aug 2020, 03:55 am EST
Hello Esteban,
Thank you for reaching out to our support team with your questions! We're always happy to help.
In order to keep things organized, I went ahead and pasted your questions back into this message with
my answers below.
1. It's possible to add a countdown for a lesson or module in membership?
You can set up a countdown timer for a lesson or module in membership by using the Posts not
available yet, but drip-fed in due time from the Managing locked posts as seen in this screenshot
Doing so, the user will be given access to these posts in due time as the scheduled drip date rolls in. See
these screenshot
Here is a short video (no audio) on how it looks like when the post is clicked:
2. How can I send to mail a Personal Certificate when student finish at 100% course ?
To send them an email with a Personal Certificate upon completing the course you can set up an
standalone automation like this:
IF Lead completes access level Membership X for level Standard >>>>>>>>THEN>>>>>>Subscribe to
Sequence Y
See this screenshot example
As soon as the member clicks the final post available in the membership, any automation with the rule
“Lead completes access level” will fire. The member is considered to have completed the access level
as soon as they load the final post.
NOTE: For automation purposes, “completing an access level” means the member has clicked
on every single post in the membership, including those that are not enabled for the
progression set.
When a lead clicks “Finish” after reaching 100% completion inside the membership, the progression
bar will disappear.
I hope you find this helpful. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any additional questions. We
are here to assist.
Cosmin Bud
Customer Support Representative