Final Task Implementation of technology in the classroom. Introduction The use of technology has increased in recent years, and society has been shaped because of it, jobs and things that were did in the past using human workforce, it has now evolved and technology took its place, according to there are INEGI 2019 survey, there are 80.6 millions of people in Mexico who navigate on the Internet, 91.5% of Internet users made use of the Internet for entertainment purposes, and a 90.7 % to get information, lastly, a 90.6% for communication purposes, in total, a 70.1% of Mexican population has access to Internet. There have been some universities that have implemented technology, some of them have opened opportunities by offering online programs in which students can study the university through distance learning and get a degree with official validity, nevertheless, the use of technology in the classroom is still limited and there is room for improvement. The objectives of this research are to 1) explore students and teachers experiences regarding the use of technology in the classroom, 2) how much technology they use for academic purposes, and lastly, 3) what can be done to improve the quality and performance in overall. COVID-19 has disrupted in the teaching setting, thousands of teachers have moved to distance learning all of a sudden, and students have started studying through distance learning, many teachers and students encountered limitations such as, not knowing how to use technology, the lack of devices, and training in the use of them, it is important to explore the results of this. The teachers and students’ perceptions, training, the use of devices and Internet access will be mentioned to analyze the current situation of technology implementation in the classroom. Literature Review Zempoalteca, et.. (2017) noticed that teachers were not implementing technology in the classroom and they found a connection between the lack of training, infrastructure, and devices in the classroom. Batson (2010) enumerated some of the reasons why teachers struggle adapting to technology: 1) students are still waiting for traditional classes, as using technology requires an extra effort from their part, 2) institutions and teachers are not designing processes in which students can apply technology, 3) the curriculums and programs are still reflecting traditional teaching instead of incorporating technology to their plans. Siria Padilla (2008 ) conducted a survey to know how much control did teachers have about digital tools, according to the survey, 50% percent of teachers had a good command of computation, 61.76% of them knew how to navigate on Internet, 41.7% were able to do videocalls, and 23.52% could navigate on virtual websites but another survey reflected that even though teachers had basic knowledge to use IT, they considered themselves unable to teach using those tools in the classroom for teaching purposes, a 38.23% of teachers said to know how to use a computer in their teaching practice, a 44.11% knew how to navigate on the Internet, 29.41% knew how to do videocalls, when asked about training most of them said that they learned by themselves, and just a few learned it through courses, it seems like teachers know how to use computers and some tools, but they do not know how to incorporate it into their teaching practice, the lack of training and support from institutions are hindering the use of technology in the classroom. Methodology The research is qualitative, surveys, video recordings, observations and interviews will be used to explore teachers and students’ perspectives regarding the use of technology in the classroom, a qualitative approach is going to be used to dive deep into their experiences and learn how they react to technology, and their beliefs. Participants are or had been part of the teaching practice, the research aims to analyze teachers that are currently working in the teaching field, thus they are likely to have worked with technology or have a notion of it, those teachers come from different backgrounds, some of them will be teachers who have worked in private and public schools from early education such as kindergarten to teaching future professionals, at the university level, likewise, students’ survey will be opened to students from public and private school regardless their age, or education level, the research will be conducted by doing surveys, questionnaires and interviews with the purpose of collecting data, observation of classes and transcription of interviews will be done too, hence, to analyze the aftermath in an objective way, after recollecting the data, data will be organized in graphs, there will be other participants participating in the interviews as a second opinion, questionnaires will be revised by them before being administered, the size will be medium to be open to more possibilities and people from different backgrounds. Some of the limitations might be the lack of other researchers that may provide insightful feedback, and participants not being honest as they might feel that are compared to other teachers in a negative way. Bibliography Zempoalteca Durán, Beatriz, Barragán López, Jorge Francisco, González Martínez, Juan, & Guzmán Flores, Teresa. (2017). Formación en TIC y competencia digital en la docencia en instituciones públicas de educación superior. Apertura (Guadalajara, Jal.), 9(1), 80-96. Batson, Trent. (2010). Let faculty off the hook. Campus Technology. Recuperado de Padilla Partida, Siria. (2018). Usos y actitudes de los formadores de docentes ante las TIC. Entre lo recomendable y la realidad de las aulas. Apertura (Guadalajara, Jal.), 10(1), 132-148.