New ADAUPS-Quito representatives for the 2016

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana News
Publication Date: 11/02/2016 09:27:00
New ADAUPS-Quito representatives for the 2016-2018 period
ADAUPS representatives (starting left.) Jorge Rengel, María Teresa Arias, Sandra Logroño, Germán Gómez, Alexandra Quizhpi,
Rodney Tapia, Pedro Montero, Franklin Hurtado, Juan Carlos Padilla and Efraín
On February 5 the new representatives of the workers association at UPS-Quito (ADAUPS)
officially took office for the 2016-2018 period. The event was presided by Edgar Tello, president of
the electoral committee, William Quitiaquez and Ligua Arellano.
There were three options: List 1 led by Patricio Velasco, List 2 led by Narcisa Medranda and List 3
led by Rodney Tapía. This time people within the university were able to cast their vote
electronically, which made it easier, faster and more reliable.
Rodney Tapia was reelected president of ADAUPS; he thanked everyone for trusting him and said
the focus of the association is to support the university community and encourage integration and
well being of its members. "ADAUPS has many goals and expectations, for instance now there will
be a new electronic system, which was created by computer engineering students, that members
can use to control their savings account. Members will now have access to information about their
loans and movements of their savings account; the system will be available within two months"
Rodney said.
Rodney Tapia Guerrero
Alexandra Quizhpi Laime
Vice President
María Teresa Arias Luna
Luis Germán Iñiguez
Jorge Iván Rengel Maldonado
Pedro Humberto Montero Tamayo
Professors representative
Franklin Hurtado Larrea
Alternate Professors representative
Sandra Logroño López
Administrative staff representative
Vanessa Torres Valdivieso
Efraín Canencia Guallichico
Juan Carlos Padilla Espinoza
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Alternate Administrative staff representative
Cleaning staff representative
Alternate Cleaning staff representative