lll|IlilAil|$ AII|DY '9orguf"&/0%9'E: eat*rd4 AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER 18 BIUE MOON EVERYTHING rIL 2 I HAVE IS YOURS NEVER STOP TOVING YOU . IT5 A MOST UNUSUAT DAY . 39 .. 56 ... 24 JUST FRIENDS l5 TAURA, 62 . IOVE IS A MANY.SPLENDORED THING MY 8LUE HEAVEN 42 ONCE IN A WHITE 33 t8 THE SECOND TIME AROUND SINGIN' IN THE RAIN SPRING IS HERE . SO 6 ..... 50 . 9 R,ARE 2l A SONG OF OtD HAWAII ., TAKING A CHANCE ON LOVE 30 59 TEMPTATION 36 TENDER IS THE NIGHT . THREE COINS .. , 28 IN THE FOUNTAIN WARM AND WILLING .,,. . ..... 46 12 YOU STEPPED OUT OF A DREAM @ Copyrighr 53 1963_ ROBBINS MUSIC CORPORATION lniern.tionrl Copyrisht Secured Alt Righrs Reserv€d tnctuding pubtic performrnce For profjr / IYIU(IETaLr, Wttt Jw""yt I rr I ?a'*a\ rl I Om Qmf ffi ffi Once up Once ?t up - on on a time, a time be - My F7 Fmt ffi fore heart ffi I was took uP just an - ing, or - gan, smil o7 Cm ffi Ihat-ed My life Cm ffi n+ih the hail no moon mis @ Copyright 193.1 Melro-Goldwyn-Mayer lnc., New York, N. Y. Copyrishl renewal 1962 Merro-Goldwyn-M.yer lnc., New York, N. Y. Rishrs ihroughorir the world controlled by ROBBINS MUSIC CORPORATION, New York, N. Y. lnre.n.rionc' Copyr'ghr S€cured l .d. in U.S.A. All Righri R€served lncluding Public P.rformance For Profil - lightl sion, trmt o7 ffi ffi Cn Cm7 Ff trmt ffi ffi ffi ffi of Shad - ou's g.cT Crt my that To po - ets find be-guil - ing be as rich as llor - gan g".c$ # ffiffiffiffiffi Hh flat the night I hare you Now that ffifl as the noon - Iight. ouc am - bi - tion, ffiffi Am with Once G7alt. F ffi I Hat - went ing Gta-lt. Fln to the 07 ffi sleep at - ing morn seemed Is o, H+FH no I c ffi light one to stay a - woke at ffi Life vas Now I Bbt E} Falt. ffi ffi a bit - ter a - rrake itr cup ffi for the Heav - en Antl sad - el' 8t ffiffi ffi dest of Blt all all the worH! all menright- Chorus, oderato (oitt /eeh'agD 8lz ffi c Blue you iaw oe dtan&ing a-lone Moon a bm2o - Cm FD ffi ffi a drean in oy heart- EI ffiffiffi With- Fn ffi - EI Ab ffi ffi ffi out Bbt ffi a love of BI ffi Moon CI Cn ffi ffi you beardme seJ'-iry 8 ffi ffiffi rrat - ly corld CE ffi ffi ffi Blue rny own yoo kacw jctrvtal. - s(rone I EI BI' cara- for pray'r- for ffi ffi Ard thenthere sud4n- rr Elt ly ap.peand be - rlm Bt7 ffi fore me- The on-ly one my arms ffi *'ill ev-er hold ffi I D17 ffi heard some-bod-y whis-pef'Pbase a- F7 Bb ffi m dore mo"- Andwhen BIt ffi - Now I'm nb long- er I looked,the moon had hrrned Eb Cm ffi ffi# goldl Blue Moonl rihT to Fn ffi ffi ffi With-out 8f Blt ffi a dream ffi in my heart Cm ffi Ti,! ri*^r?"X":?":!:oe prod*crion,THE sECoND rrME ARouND,, THE SECoNo fiufr'"A.ii"CJl,INffi Word.: by SAMMY CAHN Masie Moderately slow with expression ----\.t JAMES t-t b"t vAN Arusrl Love love-li-er SEC-OND TIITE A ---.i---. C7 It's that scc - ond time Gm? you hear your love song' @ Copy.ight l960 T{€.lieth Centu.y Mus'. Co'porotron, New York, N. Y. Riohts ihrtuohour rh€ wo,ld.oni.olled hw MI_LIR MUSrc coRPoRATtoN, Ne' yo.k. N. y. lnr.roolionol Copyrighr Securod sung', D7 think per - v...- haps, that Am'7 love like D7 youth wast - ed on - lhe young'. Love's more comf '- ta - ble. the sec - ond friend - ly home sec - ond time you .----\--l--\ c7 Gm7 C7 Who ---:\r catr say rvhat led us to C+7 mir-a-cles? found ? There are love comes those whdfl rt-- r- but E'' E7.5 once, and \--l/ D' A7 I yet' rn, ohr -^- - so D7-5 glad we met TIIE p:oco SEC-OND mll. \---./ G7-9 trh6 Bbo Gls TIIIE A - SPRII\G IS HERE Featsred in lVordt by LORTNZ HART Duigbt Deere Viman,t Mtsical Comcdy .I MARRIED AN ANGEL" lWttic by RICHARD RODGERI d ffi Once there Dl. DI ffi Mod.era,to *as a thiry celled sprir6, Elt ffi ffi when the --_.- Af61.7 Coi' Dl ffiffiffi .t1, DT ffi copyrighr 1938 lolltNs t^uslc lnlcrnorionol Copyrighr s.€ur.d ffi col?olafloN, Ncw Yorl, N. Y. [,{od. io U. 5. A. All lighb l.3.rvrd tn.tudtng hrbtic p.rtorlllonc. fo, ?.ont. Any orrongdpnr orrodcprotion o{ rhh co.npo.ition whhoor thr co8..t ol rb. orrl.. i. qn Inlrtn€6.n nt ol <ogyridll Blmi.7 E17 ffi ffi Abdim. el ffi 85ot.z DI ffi DI ffi ffi ffi A;c ffi Chorus, Slowl ffi ffi (uith , Why Spring Ig doea Al - nl ny heert go -9 f,l? ffi ffi Herel WLy E7 ffi is - dt the wdtr etr - ttarc- rl Ai ffi ffi it's be - cause Elt me. A, dr.tl ffi Al ffi ffi |!__?liriliiiiliii- Wb.y dors - nl._-rthe Spring r-_ brceze de '? Why does - nt the night in- aL ffi May rne? 'i - no-bod--Y be \+ I ? sbz Ebt.lr. ffi 'r'm -lf hearl ffi El+ ffi Cda. Blrnl- ffifrq m rffi-"#---ffi " From the 2oth Centurl'Fox Cinenascope Prcd*ction A PRMTE S AFFAIR" \TARM AND \TILLING 12 slow ( ttilh feeling) Moderate -T_- -l Words and M*tic b1 JIMMY MCHUGH JAY LIVINGSTON RAY EVANS -/-'-- rFr f r 4f Love g....!-- is for the rilrARM AND WILL-ING, Wait-iag for the VARM AND WILL-ING T 7 Y Fm your heart and Nev' York' N Y' @ Copvright 1959 T*.nti.th Clntutv Music CorPorolion, RiehB ih;oughoutthc world conirollcd bv MILLER MUSIC CoRPORATIoN. Nev' York' lnr€hotion;l Copytight S..ur.d AllRight Rc.rv.d ln€luding Public P'rformonc' For Profit N Y Mod' in U S A' es aio too sweet to be de - Give my emp - ty arms a wel- come + -( AO Fm oan mahe the stalr co and the earth staad 8til1' rtDs7 If youlre WARM AND WILL- ING to Em7 G7 milo I Dm7 Dbz '2. c6 It would lYt you'te WARM ANI) rr bresc. goco a Poco Dm7 eZ WILL - ING to be C6 rnine I Moderato bilf tcF t lccrlns) We two were sweetiearts But Shere are tbe we sald good-bye suo - beams Thatrere in your eyes-_ G Gdim c G aisr Ooe with a Some-tines I baa&shale and oae woo- der If they with too a sigh were lies l93l llct o-coHtF-Mots 1.E., Ncr Yott, N. Y. re.l.rol 1959 ROAAINS MUSIC CORPORATION, Ner York, N. Y. Righti th.dlglFd rtE srld.onirolled by ROABINS MUSTC CORPORATTON, N€w York, N. Y. lnte.hotiml Cogyright s€<u.ed O Copytight Co9y.aght All Rilrhts Rcs.wrd |rlchdrlg Public P.rto.niorre Fo. Protit We We two were sxreet-hearts who were lov - ers bya Are now - cred on- ly frlends- sa What Thatts loco ?all. are we how it now?- 61n7 af€ bow ends | *F we It poio,oit. nog/ ? ends. - t---/ Chorus FrleodsJust a tempo Frieods lov-ers no ,-"\ tF-- - but not like be - To thiok of what we.'ve been t t r-;------1. Am7 not to kiss a-gain seems like pre - tend - ing It is - D7 n't ttre e'nd - ing r- -: -r--' drilt-inga - part v.-- heart We loved,ve laughed,we 'v?l -r-=-._.--- > I And we're D just Frieads. _-..-1----l-'-\\ but onebrok+n cried and sud - den-ly love died The sto-ry ----:-:=- - ends Two friends- Friends. - : -l I'l'Wods by 3EORGE \(THITING Moderato r t--, t) \J L) t- L L--/L r Y tll \ Music by VALTER DONALDSON d ,\F7?r { I i?i- rf r \ Ll > I ---T--T; C Eb dim ffi ffi D"y is Moon - beams Fn7 nb Btg om Bt7 of qray, rI ffi c7o ffi ffi Birtls wencl - sleep - C Flowts \_J Bl rb6 ffiffi B'T ffi ffi end creep rlto fla-I Ulr t9 ffi ate are s19 Bldin j59 ing ing sglr Et mffinffifim Each lit- tle nest they love. Wait- ing an - oth - er d"y. I F9 ffi Back Un - gjit to the shel - ter der a star - Iit lm7 m ffi ffi Night shades Time for Eb OdtE ltto G|o !0 ffiffi ffi ffi ffi birds Birds are Love CHORUS call - neet - ing' ing, JI ffi Tllhat makes the worlil go 'rounrl? Noth-ing but Rest - ing tbeir wear ' Y wilgs, Tired - fron lovetplay.- $ ffi(Moilcrutelu) When 1\aip-poor-wills call- ancl ev Jning is nigh- I hur-ry to trtdim5 otn ffi ffiffi blue !l ffi heav-en.- A tnrn to the right,- a lit-tle white ffi ffiffi ligbt- Will leailyon to ny ffi heav- en ffiffiffi You'll se r smil - ing face, a fire Bl+ nb ffiffi Antl Bl7 ffi blue- ffi - makes ibdir|t Bb? El Db hcav Ba - by ffiffiffi en. When three.- Wete hap- py Bb7 ffi l;_ lfhip-poor-wills blue io my Er t!- Er ffiffiffi --^\---...\ heav-en. lrMr!'r drrr, \!.v. .wJuoe' VOICE r{mz-g so rare as a da)' in now w€ havo nev - er t,old, Tho old ques - tiorfs an- srvered bY that rare, dear, Copyright 1937 Robbin3 Muric Corporotion, l.r.rnorionot Copyright S€cur€d All Rights ?€36rvcd lncludidg Publi. Mod6 Prr,ornon.. lor Protll i. U. S. A. ) so RARE, )so RARE, You'ro liko the lla-granco of blos-soms You havo thewarnthof a Schu-bert fair iir Srveet as a breathof air Charm-irrg and do-bon- airc Frosh rvith tho morn - ing derv Thoso are tho words for you SO so RARE RARE Youte liko rho spar- kle of old oham- pagne, You havo a lvay that's boyond oom- psro- Or. ctrids t'ono in in a cel - lo - phanr nil -liodt air Could ln - n't com.pare to ov - 'ry thingyou J'ou do - - You are por - You have that Bm7 a E7 -gel, lovescene, Bbaim you, ten-der \f ith ev-'ry I breathe and live so s$eet- . iEfF- - lJ' Am7 A And in beat oftheheartthat I giveyou that lol'e sceue I glad- lysur-ren- der, r7*i!t7- -' heav- en on earth rve share fu - turo likoyours to share - G? + 5C Dg q?- f,F so RARE, This is SO ltl care oarc -_ 3r Ours is a lovo SO RARE. S'e'll livo a life SO RARE. a RARE, Tohavea .tfrTrrr Car - ing the way u e Srveetheartthe ray n'e Fldi $ic b, Lrrrc b, HAAOLD ADAII{SON IMMY Tempo di J t J-rJ- r|]] McHUG} I'empo di Yalse sinS'-ing thir right sing won -der -lng what wae tld'. a - Cottrlghl thrcrrthout -ing took head ltlt Mstro-Goldeyn-Moyer ono good lnc., New York, N. y. dl. wo.ld colltroll.d bt totblt! |l6ic CoiF otion, N.', yort, N.y. lnt .notlolrol Copyrlghr S.currd All ltftt't t..orrrd ln l'rdtag t\rulc i.iioiionc. to, pllAt. llod. ln U- S. A look at the Feel likc throw-ing my wor - iiss born Cal a - walr- - i - for - nian would e&y, It's 4 As rn old oa - tivc -:-.--8Ey|| Not I} $eo - Ple - r peo - P le- There sun - shine - whereE- And rrf a fcel - ing of spring in the 2, u - su- al -.--..-.-time--------- keep feel - ing my tem - p'ra - ture i'F lf my heart worit be - have in the u - su- al way. Well there! on -ly ta one thinS' to C d^Y. 28 From rbe 20th Centul-Fox CinemaScope Production "TENDER IS THE NIGHT" TENDER IS THE NIGHT Lyric Mutic by SAMMY FAIN by PAUL FRANCIS WEBSTER Moderatelywith expression ,....-------i\_ ,/-, b/T.-: L t-t Sweetlv 'c. TEN- DER lalempto ,tup, IS TIIE NIGHT, So TEN-DER IS THE NIGIIT' known. O Copyriohi l96l Twentieth Cenrury M!si( Corporalion, New Yo.k, N. Y. Righrs rhroughout rhe wo.ld controlled by MILLER MUSIC CORPORATION, New York, lntern.lion.l Copyri;ht Se.ured All Rights Reieryed lncluding Public Pe{orm-ance to. t'ot't N Y. Made ,^.-,-_^_^- in USA' Sum-mers b the sea, sail - boat in Ca - pri, E9 Ez-g E - ven Oough our dreams may van Am - ish with the morn - cregc. I,oco d I,oco d,ecresc. night. poco a Ttoco b night. ing light, Moderately .--- ?, vt G' ffi ffi ffi ffi DreamilY EaI. Thero is F6 C7o & FLTLT mel - o ffi - dY B' F ffi A ffi ttrou-seail timea Dol.? G? C7o ffi ffi !.eY - er Qlo F ffi Cliag - to the heart of olil Fa - wai - ffi i .F ffi rein - bor ffi*ininm m fit-tow-irg tihe shov - ; erg - r Put ofolrt Er" 't? $ F ffi ffi wal - F tdi$. EI F There's r ffiffi ffi ffi ffi a sil - sym-pho - ver ny j-.-I C7o ffi F ffi There's a hu BI .A-od the hum of solt gui-tars' '1 p of ilim rl tr rdrm. F Ct o ffin*mmmm sigh-ingil the trrde - rvind heav - Si"C-itSi* ASong0l 0B trr' ens - r 5-- ffiffiffi o wai-i. ff,ere'sthe wai-i' cz -- llP' F -Bf- ffi ffiffi#ffij -ditt twlt - Moderately Moderately Good - bye + ld Alm6 ffi | means our af- Bbz Eb ffi ffi fair is end - Gooil ed - BI? ffi means thai therel someone t'----T----r--'l e O il il c? F? Db7 ffi ffi ffi Corr.ighr t93z rnr.moionot C.rgrrighr S..!r.d ,.tutl IU3IC COrrOlAflON, N.w yorr, N. y. All lighir Lrorlld lnchrding ?ublic t rtonnonc. Fo. pront. ,icd. in U. S. A. bye Eb Gm6 ffi Chorus Once E.- ffi o,wlg with 1l"eel ln A will While you try to give one lit -tle C dim C7 ffiffi tloughtto me - C l.- | ffi ft + I ffiffi ffi may be near - er your he Eb Frn? B|? El6 art , ffi ......--.:- In While--------r-..- Once A <> Gm6 ffir- will tt you dream of the Cdim c7 no-rneats I ffi ffiffi ffi 9-r Fm C7 shareil with you o-ments be --.-- -fore we ------6---1 --'\ C E} Bl7 ffiffi ffi two fuift - eil L - part. A16 Ef6 G6 ffi ffi lovei - ing r-----r----r smol - der Am? ffiffi spark may re - D7 sf,ill love main ----E-"1 r_J__-=______.1 qr l.!ll? Cm6 p7 ffi G rr I Gdim ffiffiffi ffiffi The spark nay burn a - Fm? I Sain; Gm6 C ffi be con-tent- e4 - r F7 ffi with C7 ry know Fln fr t ffi Know- *i1 l-znf thal I'll ing you think of $6 ffi ffi ffi ffi m^ ffi me 0nce In A - r^z BI? dim ffiffi yes-ter-da/s merD.-o trr ca.rr re - While. El From tbe IV.G-M productioz ,.GOING HOLLY10fOOD., TEMPTATION Mo der alo w it h fe e I dn g ) 771a, rit.- p atenPo Db ffi r----- *ffi.^ Db Coo ffi Coo ffi I lwasa-lone, ffi should have knorvn ----7'-'--'---1, t P t r f Di ffi r--T-----'l were Temp You - . ffi ffi ffi - ta DI Coo Coo - tion- t.F smiled, r f - Lur - ing me on - D' ffi My heart was Coo ffi gone, Di ffi You- r--F-----wereTemp - ta - tioil_ rhr r It would j ll-r h ffiffi thrill - ing rFrr f If you were will - ing I b13't tl rtrr tlgy qt €f t --' You- - Are Temp BlEr ffi - ta - tioa rnd , tr'I yourt- Ilere ffi ffi rrl I ffi ffi is BI ffi o| D} ffi ffi t-t w - Gt part rivs'tt -' l-"--l rh jrrst a alave s ffi ffi m I r5- tDl DI t,ut t F lf irp irrr .'D- Tibr EVERY-I-HING Lyic I HAVtr IS YOURS Melofu b7 BI,.IRTON LANE by {AROLD ADAMSON S!ow W 4. rur qw -) '"---f r *'fr, *unurpr"'"ffi0" The more Im D_ o'd? c7 G7 C ffiffiffi ffi fr with you, the more F I can see- My lovo is yours D!r? ffiffiffi a- lono E ?npl . Arr7 D7 Dm? ffiffiffiffi You camo and cagturod a boart that was free Now lbe nDth-ing I cao G? call [ry ovrr - G7 Clontc fuloo oul cqpr.ac,ttont AIt fr Erc-ry-thiry I Eevc ffi lr Yotn, H DE? ffi Youtc part of Dc- O? Dr!? m ffiffi EYe-ry-tting I I Have Ir sorld Clsd- ly girr Oe Dr6 Youra If tbe sua were oa- ly miae E Dr!7 ffiffi I *urld glad - ly givc the oart[ to you asd the stari t[at r[ioo. O7 c AI? ffi ffi Eve-ry-thiry tlat I pos - offi'n' of sess c ffi ffiffi Let q' - fer you F6 F6 ffi ffi ffi dream of Am ffi I'd bo [4-py just to apeart ry All m Uf; Wait - i4g at your bec& ard call .C Edin t Dm B F ffiffiffiffi ffi nrulrvr.l't uly lnot vooJasa, ---1-----\ ) ,?f ?oco :J -e. rit. I r--F--, *.trt +) Eb Freely I ta,) Bbe ffi E walked a - long the r I n7) streets of Hong r ? Eb E down. - +) -=\---- I .-l u=--__ o r Btg ffi a) Kong mr etal -tG t - tle t- rE> ----c O Copyright Rights lwcntcrh C.hrury Music Corpororioh, N€w york, N_ y. th.oughout ft. ro.ld coht.oll€d by Mill.r Mu.ic Co.porotion, N€w York, N. girl in llong Kong ? rr rE> 1955 Y. l^terholidlol Cogyrlohr s€cu..d Mod€ rn U.S.A. All Rights R.!.rv!d tnctrrd,ig pubti< p..rorhon.c lor profrr ArU ot.otE€t nl ot odoplotion ol lhB corncoairbo rithout lt! <o.r..nt !f rh. oerl.r i3 on i.tri.r9..rEnt ot copyrEht Eb Bb ffi ffi please,- F7 Bb tb? ffi ffi ffi ncv- .^ll- er J--1 FlnT ffi ten. B'b7 E what found? Un - rav - el mc. this in her eyes ---..--.---.--.\ werc but-ter-flics she re- plied a I toco ri,t. to me- KelfalorMooerar0ry |I"t way of .oo giv t-os., - ing rea ffi ffiffi lhat mahee a tnirn a - son to be The e!.r B6y{t Effi on a high and wind - 4> Ab Abmajz Abo Ab ffi morn- Frr ingmist two lov- Effi Fm? ers rm6 kissed and the rvorld e+7 C,J Effi G+7 F7 stood still EEffi Then your Ahn6 ffi Yes, fin-gers touchcd my Bb?-e FI THING. l-JTt__ - true LOVES- v ofas dl SAMMY CAHN Masic by JULE STYNT Moderately IN TIIE Each one seek-ing hap-pi FOT'N.JTAIN, - ness, Which one will the foun-tain bless? Thrown by three hope - ful Fln? ffi Three hearts There in the foun-tain, they lie in the foun-tain Each heart long- ing for its Some-where home, in the heart of Rome. I7 i =l<L--L--l Copy.;qht 1954 Robb;nr Music Corpor.r;on, New yort, N. y. lnlernalional Copyr;9ht Secured . All R;ghh R*crvod lncluding public performonce For profit /lnv ..r,.d.h.il ..1.^..0;^- r!:. Made in U. S. A. Ab E \1'hich one will the foun - iain bless ? Just one wish bless ? INS N will be THE FOUN]TAIN, Which one will the Through One the heart will foun - tain rip-ples how theY wear a val - en - .vtrt Lenttff-cQu t-t4gvt4Jaaye Flaqvattarn tttl Jlrr/ttl1 l\J ltDlllErvlDEl\ AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER (ouR fu L1ric HAROLD ADAMSON and LEO McCARdy Frcnch Llric b1 Tanit Cltandlcr Moderately (aith mooement) Our Cc wetll 7A af - falt c - nour, tove bcl re - lloul was Joioe ,ottt born sr - darlc ln tL with LovE AFFAIR) Mtsic b1 HARRY WARREN is a gul t. rg- douz mem tou our first ?/! - nicr wo! drour mol I'cut ber ,c- em - That Sa- - Our Pro - braoe, bod - tcr, (9 Copyrlght l9st Tw.nfl.th CDru.y Muttc Corpo-.orion, N.y york, N. y Right. light..lh?orrghoilt ighta th?orrohout th. tha worb wo?ld conrrothd .onr.ott d bv by L6 Lo ,. Frirl 1n.., ifr" vo.f,'N, V. ' lnl.rmllolr.l C66vr Copyrlehl S.<urad f,^o.h tn tr.S.A. All Rhhn fui..vad |rrtudtrlc Arb[a partorhonca For prcrit Aod Qul a nouE al af - fair. mav it a - moui toi - iours gran love bcl a 9"i flame .t/ to /ie YI ' ,-\'--, -! D':9 o, burn /t thouqh lcs" eI - ter 1,rc.l.tcs ni - du cm mv hand ti joic, tv. tcittlis- with a rcs - lc r.-_!r.' fer dans vent ,nes That 8u" may ,0t rr ( i r I - Llrtc bl Ivtush b7 ARTHTJR FREED NACIO HERB BROWI\ Sirg- In The Rain, Sing- in' In The Rain. Vfhat a glo- N feel - l)Tune UL,.,lctc r--r--r:-1 ing D ditn D7 ffi ffi hap- laugh- at clonds ri - ous o ffi iart up a - bovet eunts - in my heart- eira tia rea- - y for Let the storm- y clouile chase Ev -'ry - from one the place, Come - ffiffi with on - the raiu, Iie a smile - on my face. I'll walk down the lane \4'ith a IFI haP- py re -frain, And sing-in'- just Sing-in' - The Rain. I!'hy am I smil-in' anal why do I Eing? Tffry - does De - cem-ber seem G ffi sun-ny - Hap tri - as Spring? Py and Wty do - het uP rith joy fle to do?- Be - I in rny heart? get - up each morn-ing Ttay is to start eacb cause I am liv-ing a life full of - uew tesl a Ihr yon - x D.1 A You St.pped Out Of Llth Dream Nuti b1 by NACIO HERB GUS KAHN ,lfoderalcly a.r btF l r v'F' I Er ,r!f L -> c9 ffi slt ffi ^lfltderalc I've had a mil - lion dreams that nev - er came true, /t. o qflf btt- + mP L^ Cdirn ffi tbz ffi Un - o bbf til the luck - Se<ut.d All Any orongement or odoprotion dis - cov-ered Rignrs R€le.ved lnclvdins ot you. lo rit.-- K> Copvrighr lt40 teo fei5r, lnc lnrernorionol Copy,ighr ffi I y day 'htt O7+ , Ni* Yo'l' N Y Mdde in l' S A Plblic Petlot6o'<e tor Profil rhis cohporirion wirhoul rho (o.senr ol rhe owner is o. i.lrinle e^r ol (oPy.ighr BROI$(/] cT:l c6. ffiffi c6" Stepped Out lb lhoajr Eb? Of Db6 Dbmaj 7 ffi ffiffi ffi sbne C7 Cm ffi ]bu are too won Gm? Ab ebe to bev'hatyou seemt- Dream, A ffiffi ffi ffi ffi ? pf5 ffiffi ffi ffi Chorus, Slott fuith o Dbmaj ffi - der-ful- " Couldtherebe eyes like Could there be .e I nt, F ffi ffi lips like yours, - o;9" ffi Could there CrtajT be smiles like yours, c6 c6. Dlnaj r €- Y ? Db6 Dbmaj 7 ffi ffi ffii ffi ffi - and tru - stepped out {TTTT hon-est of a - Dt6 ffi ffi I nant to llnre ffi take Eb? G ffi ffi+t vou a - ffi ffi a - $ay from the way, F9 obz And have you crorr d \---'F6 mfm o my - self , a- lone and a out - part of a dream, _ - c6. G7+ ffi Fldin Dm7 ffi ffi c6 ffii g?. ffi Dmt G7 Hffi ffiifl| Lyi, bt Mtuic by NICHOLAS BRODSZKY SAMMY CAHN with expression ,.--:-..\ J Moderate ly, rr t +)G E ffi ffi CmalT E" E ffi Gm7 E J.---J Dmz Atlr --..-- | .a7-) I c6 cmalT c7 1l.\ J---=-J G7 E AmFAmE E7 ffiffiEE E c7 Dn7 ffi"9 E E G7 E til E it - self through. r.- =17' V).=----l 9Tune Ukulele IITil Copytight 195:l Me!.o-Goldvyn-Moy"r lnc.. Nlw Yort, N. Y. Copyright 1955 M.tro-Goldwyn-Moy.r lnc., N€w York, N. Y Right3 rhrooohout th. ro.ld conrrolted by LEO FE|ST, tnc., New york, N. y. S.curcd All RiEhtr Res€w€d ln.ludinc Publ'. P.rlo.mo.c. tor Mod. in U. 5. A. lnt.lrnolionol Coryrhht Profit ll/ C6 cmaiT CmajT ffiffi"ts I'll nev - cr lI ll)) --"---:-- Dt\7 stop ffi want - ing you, And when for r_-T--o -r ':l r does ques - tion the - nti - ques - tion the stars that '(Lr e7 c C0 CEalT O, CmajT EE HE ffiffiffi Of this Im Dmz more than just sure, Cz E IIy love will /-t--':-""- Gf,6 EFi A+, io, ILL NEV - ER STOP LOV - tNG tir'E q' ,OHN IJIIlOUCXIE .rd TTD FETTER ndr'b VEX.NON DT'KE trz o;+. ffi n+FFr .Uodautelg c o7 Hfii nffi o- ttought love'sgame *as l" vgr ffi ffi ffi e, Effi Fn On B} - ,ly - luct had gono niH Plry 8, ffi ffi ffi 38!t, Copytl0ftl c"rilit't _ 'Tbrt't" deal - ing 19{ li ll.? t*r.lc c(tPo.od,oo, s."".a fietu! f.x.Y.d I'rddint ltt.k ttrton . DDt An7 o CDi r"r.nr"r'o.ot wrY c ny cards good for - ttrne a- Fl+$ yor a new held to - dayt" or- ffi e\ ot /i N.w Yo.t, N' Y' - Fot ?toft ,ld' h U' 3' A Edim DD? Hh go a - gsrn - gain slip a - gain llere Here Here come a I. Iin hear those trum-pets blow a - grin gon - na male things huo a - gda a - bout to tal€ thst tip u'm - a - glow aing dumb a my trip a- gain gain gain Tat Tat Tat - ldtn ffi Here Here Now DDt ffi slido a - prorre a - Ant gain gain gain D, ffi tr$H - ry - eyed a - gain - ing grand a - gain the groove a - gain a -bout to tale that bot to beat tte a- tlat I san rnet6 tif6 ride baod oovo n'm Tat - ing A Ctanco On Tat - ing A Cbaace On Tat Chance On Ott ffiffin+H #H 7 g.r. stand a Ed Co D&r ing A Chaace On [,ove ing A Chance On Love ing A Chance Oa llvc l.-..-_ a - gdo Love. Love. Love ffi thousht that cards- Ctllo ffi ffi - er wall anev- I c7. Om? were dreamed in routrd- x'ith my a I gam. num co[r3e clo in Fot - erver- would ta were_ ffi uP- and the ace of hearts is bersyou - 6t F ffi ffi elz ffi ffi Ih tat - ing the I'n play - ing the broth - er rab - bit of nev bets and Odio now now Odlm ffi ffi frame - uoslum - beishorse - shoe- a @m? ooa I trv bdo lie ot+ ffi hlgh lit - tle dream for two bet - ter tissyour foot good - bye ffi Tbings Waal 0n ' afo ing the mend-lng io a now- - gaia- r - gun- ffi ffi haveourhep-py €[d 'ltrc nov lnstart-in'olt to win t- ga!r th toa - aagive ny all t- > a nln -bow blcad-irg noiin' with ry chia r - gainI'm rid - in' for a hll a - gairsee leart- qx Pt rlll I I'n "fu-ffii-rffi Tak-ig A Chaace On Lor.e. Tat-iog A Chance On Love. A C harcs On Tat-ilr -r oderatelg ---rti- D7 You know tho foel - ing of some-thing OueJT half ro-mem-beredr Of eome-thing that nov-or \---f Cm7 hap-peneil Yet you re-call it well You know the feel - ing Oalln of BLB? rec-og-niz-ing somo-one That youtve nev- er ) met as far as you could telt; well: J \= \-F Copyrighl l9a5 r',lnticlh C.ntuty Mvtic Co.porolior, lighh 'hrovehoor Nar lotl, N. Y' th. vrorld .o.rrollod bt tobttN Mrni. Cotpo.olion, lnt .llolionol Copyrighi s.csr.d All lighl. l...w.d la.ludint i6llc Perlorrroaco lc ?r,*. N.r Yort. N. ,tod. i. Y. U. S. A. Et7 an7 Chorus, Slowlg oith erprcssion Lau - ra is the face in the -v light rA -, The that floats taugh - on sum - mer night That you can 6) n6v - er .--T\. quite '- call And you see Lau - ra- -,^-_ >-------------. on the train that is paes - ing thru- Thoee oyos .) how fa - mil . iar they - eoom She gave - r-----r your ver-y first to That was Lau you l_-- - ra- but shei on - ly a tlroam. dream.