Nombre Fecha Clase CAPITULO iEmpecemos! VOCABULARIO 1 first 1 of school, and you are getting to know your teacher and classmates. Match each situation to the expression you would use. Today is the duy w l. to introduce yourself # 2. to ask who a certain girl is ffi 3. to ask a classmate his name fu 4. to tell who another boy is # 5. to ask someone a boy's name W 6. to ask the teacher her name a. ;C6mo te llamas? b. El es Pedro. c. Ella es Elsa. d. ;C6mo se llam a eI? e. Soy (your name). f. ;Qui6n es ella? g. :C6mo se llama usted? 7. to say who the girl next to you is 2 Write how you would greet each person below. Be sure to ask some people how they're doing. Affiswe rs wlllil va{V" P*ss**t* &r*%ww{%: l. Mr. Tanaka, in the mo rning ffiuen*s dl'as, **ffi*r" 2. Your friend , dt school W*6m" gd*renffi w%E&*? f 4ffiw,& tm&? 3. Mrs. wilson, in the afternoon ffixxwmmn Emr#wmr mwffiwrm. g*ffiwwm" in the evenin rffiwwmmx n*xfumru, 5. Mr. Acero, before noon ffiueffi** dsmx" L{#ffiffi 4. Mrs. Garcia, wmE& v*sWw#? 3 Look at the illustrations. Then provide an appropriate response to tell how each person is feeling, following the modelo. &mffiwiffirru wn\& w ffiYW, W*nmefuWw ffiYv%wr *{#: MODELO dias, seflor a. est6 usted? -Buenosbien, gracias. lC6mo -Estoy l. -Hola, -ffish*y Luisa. ;C6mo est6s? Y#ffi*A&ffitr. f Wxt*y wriffiH. MODELO 2. -Hola, -W&w 3. Bernardo. :Qu e * {ffi#ffiffi%. -Buenas -WwE*y tardes, seflora. ;C6mo est6 usted? funwm" 2. Holt Spanish Copyright @ 1 by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Cuaderno de vocabulario y gram5tica 7 Nombre Clase Fecha CAP1TULO VOCABULARIO 4 Marissa and her friends are saying good-bye after aparty. can you think of five different expressions they might use? The first one has been done for you. &m%wsffiy% ffiffiw wffiyw. w*swwfuHw ffim%wswy%: l. Marisru. Tengo que irme. 2. Carlo ,. Wmm%m mffiffiffirzm. 3. Alexis. ffiunffiffiffi% mffiilfuw%. 4. Reba: Wnmtm fiux*W*. 5 Ver6nrca is lookirg at a friend's pictures and wants to know who each person is. Write her friend's response for each picture. The first one has been done for you. &m%w#{% ..uuiiele \r&{y. F*s*ibl* &{3%wwy%". l. Patty 6 2. Carlos Makiko 4. mi amiga Ani 5. mi amigo Iuan Ella es Patty. 1. ;Quidn es ella? 2. ;Qui6n 3. ;Qui6n es el muchacho? 4. ;Qui6n 5. ;Qui6n es la es ella p 3. ffi&fim W& ** t-ar\*re" ws WmWsW*, much acha? WHfim ws m* mmaffim &m#" es 6l? #* *s ma nm\Ww {wnm. r'or each of the *pfessions$elow, write one (in Spanish) with the same or a very similar meaning. l. iQud tal? &{**m* *wt"#*s? 2. Soy Alejandra .Yffi* *\mren* &fr*&mm#rm" 3. Hasta pront o.W&ms%m &m*ffi*" f 4. ;C6mo se llama 6P a-ffia*n'&m Holt Spanish Y$*m wwm*w. wm '&fi? 1 CopyrightobyHolt,Rinehartandwinston.Allrightsre.",'"a. \. Cuaderrib de vocabulario y gramdtica