Subido por n.floresgonzales

Conductor Thermal Rating Calculation - IEEE 738 Standard

IEEE Std. 738-2006 method of calculation
Air temperature is 38.00 (deg C)
Wind speed is 0.00 (m/s)
Angle between wind and conductor is 90 (deg)
Conductor elevation above sea level is 400 (m)
Conductor bearing is 90 (deg) (user specified bearing, may not be value producing maximum solar heating)
Sun time is 14 hours (solar altitude is 62 deg. and solar azimuth is -103 deg.)
Conductor latitude is -20.0 (deg)
Atmosphere is CLEAR
Day of year is 355 (corresponds to diciembre 21 in year 2017) (day of the year with most solar heating)
Conductor description: 397.5 kcmil 26/7 Strands IBIS ACSR - Adapted from 1970's Publicly Available Data
Conductor diameter is 1.989 (cm)
Conductor AC resistance is
0.1436 (Ohm/km) at 25.0 (deg C)
0.1717 (Ohm/km) at 75.0 (deg C)
Emissivity is 0.5 and solar absorptivity is 0.5
Solar heat input is
Radiation cooling is
Convective cooling is
9.284 (Watt/m) (corresponds to Global Solar Radiation of
9.414 (Watt/m)
17.805 (Watt/m)
Given a maximum conductor temperature of 75.0 (deg C),
The steady-state thermal rating is 323.2 amperes
933.578 (Watt/m^2) - which was
IEEE Std. 738-2006 method of calculation
Air temperature is 38.00 (deg C)
Wind speed is 0.61 (m/s)
Angle between wind and conductor is 90 (deg)
Conductor elevation above sea level is 400 (m)
Conductor bearing is 90 (deg) (user specified bearing, may not be value producing maximum solar heating)
Sun time is 14 hours (solar altitude is 62 deg. and solar azimuth is -103 deg.)
Conductor latitude is -20.0 (deg)
Atmosphere is CLEAR
Day of year is 355 (corresponds to diciembre 21 in year 2017) (day of the year with most solar heating)
Conductor description: 397.5 kcmil 26/7 Strands IBIS ACSR - Adapted from 1970's Publicly Available Data
Conductor diameter is 1.989 (cm)
Conductor AC resistance is
0.1436 (Ohm/km) at 25.0 (deg C)
0.1717 (Ohm/km) at 75.0 (deg C)
Emissivity is 0.5 and solar absorptivity is 0.5
Solar heat input is
Radiation cooling is
Convective cooling is
9.284 (Watt/m) (corresponds to Global Solar Radiation of
9.414 (Watt/m)
41.452 (Watt/m)
Given a maximum conductor temperature of 75.0 (deg C),
The steady-state thermal rating is 492.1 amperes
933.578 (Watt/m^2) - which was