thenticated by the oath of some witness, or by autenticados por el juramento de algun testigo, 6
being sealed with the official seal of the Minister que scan sellados con el sello oficial del Ministro
de ^usticia 6 de algun otro Ministro de Estado.
of Justice, or some other Minister of State,
" If the individual claimed by one of the two
High Contracting Parties in pursuance of the
present Treaty should be .also claimed by one or
several other powers, on account of other crimes
or offences committed upon their respective territories, his extradition shall be granted to that
State whose demand is earliest in date ; unless
any other arrangement should have been made
between the different Governments to determine
the preference, either on account of the gravity
of the crime or offence, or for any other reason.
" Si el individuo reclamado por una de las
Altas Partes Contratantes, conforme al presente
Tratado, fuese reclamado simul tan earn ente por
uno 6 varies otros Estados, por otros delitos d
cnraenes cometidos en sus respectivos territories,
su extradicion sera otorgada al Estado que ha
presentado primero la demanda de extradicion ; a
rnenos que algun otro arreglo no haya sido estipulado entre los diferentes Gobiernos, para determinar la preferencia, ya sea en vista de la gravedad
del criraen d delito, 6 ya por cualquiera otra causa.
" Si despues de dos meses de la aprehension del
If sufficient evidence for the extradition be not
produced within two months from the date of the fugitive no se hubiere aducido prueba bastante para
apprehension of the fugitive, he shall be set at la extradicion, serd puesto en libertad.
" All articles seized which were in the possession of the person to be surrendered at the time
of his apprehension shall, if the competent authority of the State applied to for the extradition has
ordered the delivery of such articles, be given up
•when the extradition takes place ; and the said
delivery shall extend, not merely to the stolen
articles, but to every thing that may serve as a
proof of the crime.
Cualesquiera articulos que se embarguen a la
persona aprehendida, si la, autoridad competente
del Estado requerido para la extradicion ha ordcnada la entrega de ellos, seran entregados al
tiempo de verificarse aquella ; y se hari no sdlo
de los articulos robados sino de todo lo que pueda
servir como prueba del crimen.
" The High Contracting Parties renounce any
claim for the reimbursement of the.expenses incurred by them in the arrest and maintenance of
the person to be. surrendered and his conveyance
till placed on board ship : they reciprocally agree
to bear such expenses themselves.
" Las Altas Partes Contratantes renuncian a
cualquier reclamacion por el reembolso de Ibs
gastos hechos en la captura y mantenimiento de
la persona que ha de entregarse, y en su conduccion hasta ponerla a* bordo de el buque, comprometiendose reciprocamente & hacerellas mismas
tales gastos.
" Las estipulaciones del presente Tratado seran
aplicables a las Colonias y Posesiones extranjeras
de Su Majestad Britanica.
" La peticion para la entrega de un criminal
fugitive que se haya refugiado en alguna de tales
Colonias 6 Posesiones cxtranjeras se hara al
Gobernador 6 principal autoridad de tal Colonia
6 Poseaion por el principal Ajente Consular de la
Republica del Salvador en dicha Colonia 6
" Podra darse curso a tales peticiones, sujetandose siempre lo mas npproximadamente posible a
lo estipulado en este Tratado, por dicho Gobernador 6 principal autoridad, quien, sin embargo,
estara en libertad de conceder la entrega 6 referir
el asimto a su Gobierno.
" Su Majestad Britanica quedara, fin embargo,
en liberlad de hacer arreglos especiales en las
Colouias Britauicas y Posesiones extranjeras para
la entrega de lus Salvadorenos criminales que puedan refugiarse dentro de tales Colonias y Posesiones extranjeras, observando, lo mas que se
pueda, las estipulaciones del presente Tratado.
"La demanda para la entrega de un criminal
fugitive de alguna Colouia d Posesion extranjera
dc Su Majestad Britanica estari sujeta a las
reglas establecidas en los Articulos precedentes del
presente Tratado.
." The stipulations of the present Treaty shall
be applicable to the Colonies and foreign Possessions of Her Britannic Majesty.
" The requisition for the surrender of a fugitive criminal who has taken refuge in any of such
Colonies or foreign Possessions shall be made to
the Governor or chief authority of such Colony
or Possession by the Chief Consular Officer of
the Republic of Salvador in such Colony or
" Such requisition may be disposed of, subject
always, as nearly as may be, to the provisions of
this Treaty, by the said Governor or chief authority, who, however, shall be at liberty either to
grant the surrender or to refer the matter to his
" Her Britannic Majesty shall, however, be at
liberty to make special arrangements in the British
Colonies and foreign Possessions for the surrender
of Salvadirian criminals who may take refuge
within such Colonies and foreign Possessions, on
the basis, as nearly as may be, of the provisions of
the present Treaty.
" The requisition for the surrender of a fugitive
criminal from any Colony or foreign Possession of
'Her Britannic Majesty shall be governed by the
rules laid down in the preceding Articles of the
present Treaty.
"El presente Tratado empezara, a ejecutarse
"The present Treaty shall come into force tin
days after its publication, in conformity with tie diez dias despues de su publication, de conformiforms prescribed by the laws of the High Coi- dad con las formas prescritas por las leyes de la?