HISTORY OF MISSION STREET TIMELINE HELP US RECORD THE HISTORY OF MISSION STREET BY TELLING US WHAT HAS HAPPENED HERE OVER THE YEARS. - años memorables? 16TH ST 16TH ST/MISSION 13TH ST MISSION ST 14TH ST MISSION ST 15TH ST 24TH ST/MISSION 17TH ST MISSION ST 18TH ST ST 19TH ST Escriba cada punto histórico en un post-it con el año o años aproximados en que sucedieron los hechos y colóquelo en la línea del tiempo. N 26TH ST En sus recuerdos acerca de la calle, ¿cuáles fueron… - eventos importantes? -grandes reuniones/ congregaciones? - lugares significativos? IO 20TH ST SS 21ST ST MI 22ND ST - key organizations? ST 23RD ST - eventful years? SS IO N 24TH ST - major turning points? MI 25TH ST - significant places? Write each historical point on a post-it note with the approximate year(s) it happened and place it on the timeline. CESAR CHAVEZ ST In your memories of the street, what were the: - large gatherings? - important events? RANDALL ST AYÚDENOS A REGISTRAR LA HISTORIA DE MISSION STREET CONTÁNDONOS LO QUE HA PASADO AQUÍ A TRAVÉS DE LOS AÑOS. MI SS ION S T VE NESS A N A V H SOUT - momentos cruciales? - organizaciones clave? BEFORE 1776 1776 1849 1906 1942 1969 1990 2005 PRESENT IN COLLABORATION WITH http://missionpublic.sfplanning.org WORKSHOP 3 | JANUARY 21, 2015 Funded by the Environmental Justice Context-Sensitive Planning Program (2013) of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)