PROF. LOURDES LÓPEZ NIETO Madrid-Tudela , 31 de octubre 2012 HERRAMIENTAS PARA EL ANALISIS DE LAS ELECCIONES PRESIDENCIALES EEUU 1) NOTAS INTRODUCTORIAS (Día 31) Objeto: sistema político EEUU: singularidades Fuentes : priorizar oficiales pero pluralismo 2) PARTIDOS : reclutamiento de candidatos 3) REGLAS Y NORMAS ELECTORALES 4) PROCESO ELECTORAL 5) PROPUESTAS DE REFORMA 6) COMPORTAMIENTO Y RESULTADOS (Día 14) RESUMEN HISTORICO ENCUESTAS RESULTADOS ¿Qué se puede comparar ? Partidos y reclutamiento de candidatos Vida partidista impregnada de valores de la cultura de EEUU: •Libertad •Patriotismo •Religiosidad •Transparencia •Espontaneidad •Activismo Organización descentralizada, flexible y plural 50 partidos democratas y 50 republicanos Reclutamiento por primarias y otras fórmulas (caucus) Convenciones SISTEMA ELECTORAL • Constitución y normas estatales • Voto – Inscripción – Voto por “ausencia” • Distrito • Fórmula • Elección presidente: Colegio electoral, fecha REPUBLICAN ELECTION INSPECTOR APPLICATION (JULY 15.2008 TO JULY 14, 2009TERM) *NA~IE ___________________________________________ 1 (picase prinr (ir tyl'i') lusl fin! middle sulfi.\' (Jr.. Sr.) *date ofbirrll *HOME ADDRESS _________________________ ¡'ouse# srree! apt# eiry zip code ;11 care o{IP.o. Box PHONE NUMBER day: ( __) ___ _ ___ niglzt: ( __) ___ -___-____ oreo ('ode exl. areo code eXI. 1, W ould you prefer lo atlend a lraining session in lhe: (please 'I!) ALL INSPECTORS ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND TRAINING mormng afternoon evening _____ YES NO 2, Do you read, speak and write English well? 3, Do you read and speak Spanish f1uently? 4, Do you read and speak Chinese f1uently? Mandarin? Cantonese? 5, Do you read and speak Korean Huently? .... , .., ......... , .................................. , 6. Are you aware of the fact you are agreeing to work both the Primary & the General Election? 7, Do you hold an elected offíce paid for out ofpublic money'? .................................................. . Ir so, state the office in which employed on the ¡ine below. 8. Are you a candidate 1'or any public office or pany position lo be COnlested al an upcoming eleetion in the distriet in which you are applying for service? 9. Have you evcr been convícted 01' a felony? ....................... Ir so, state the circumstances in fulI in the space below. (The date, nature 01' the offence, na me and location of the court, disposition of the case incJuding term ol' sentence and the nature of the offense.) 10, Do you agree lO promptly take and subscribe to the oath oí' office as an c1ection inspector, jf you are appointed and notified thereof? 1 SWEAR (OR AFFIRM) TRAT TRE ANSWERS TO THE ABOVE QUESTIONS ARE TRUE. *Signature of Applicant *Date__ /__/__ NOTE: Any election inspector removed from officefor cause shallfOlfeit the compensation earned up to the time ofsuch PROCESO ELECTORAL: administración, campaña, financiación Cada Estado regula las cuestiones básicas de las fases del proceso electoral: administración y campaña ADMINISTRACIÓN ELECTORAL : privada y pública subsidiariamente (ie, uso de lugares privados para votar) Activismo Partidista, Individual y Asociativo (ie, centros para llamar con móviles privados; organizar inscripción y votación) POCAS RESTRICCIONES TEMPORALES Y TERRITORIALES : se puede hacer campaña el día de las elecciones a pocos metros del colegio, no dentro) Debates, mítines, puerta a puerta, centro de llamadas e internet Publicidad privada Financiación plural; privada y pública (Ie: incentivos para las peticiones de financiación por internet) Colegio electoral U.S. Electoral College Home 2012 Presidential Election What is the Electoral College? Historical Election Results For State Officials Frequently Asked Questions U.S. Election & Voting Resources Fechas clave de la elección a presidente 2012 2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Summary of Key Dates, Events and Information General Authority: The Archivist of the United States, as the head of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), is responsible for carrying out ministerial duties on behalf of the States and the Congress under 3 U.S.C. sections 6, 11, 12, and 13. NARA is primarily responsible for coordinating the various stages of the electoral process by helping the States prepare and submit certificates that establish the appointment of electors and validate the electoral votes of each State. The Archivist delegates operational duties to the Director of the Federal Register. The Federal Register Legal Staff ensures that electoral documents are transmitted to Congress, made available to the public, and preserved as part of our nation’s history. The Legal Staff reviews the electoral certificates for the required signatures, seals and other matters of form, as specified in Federal law. Only the Congress and the Courts have the authority to rule on substantive legal issues. 1. June through October 2012 Preparation Stage: • The Federal Register prepares letters and instructional materials for the Archivist to send to the Governors of the 50 States and the Mayor of the District of Columbia. The materials include pamphlets on Federal election law and detailed instructions on how to prepare and submit the electors’ credentials (Certificates of Ascertainment) and the electoral votes (Certificates of Vote). • In October, the Federal Register begins contacting Governors and Secretaries of State to establish contacts for the coming election. 2. November 6, 2012 General Election: • The voters in each State choose slates of electors to serve in the Electoral College. Forty-eight of the fifty States and the District of Columbia are “winner-take all” (Maine and Nebraska are the exceptions). 3. Mid-November through December 17, 2012 Transmission of Certificates of Ascertainment to NARA: The Certificates of Ascertainment list the names of the electors appointed and the number of votes cast for each person. • The States prepares no less than SEVEN originals, which are authenticated by the Governor’s signature and the State seal, and TWO certified copies. Alternatively, NINE originals may be prepared. One original along with two certified copies (or three originals, if nine were prepared) must be sent by registered mail to the Archivist at the address below: David S. Ferriero Archivist of the United States National Archives and Records Administration c/o Office of the Federal Register (NF) 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, MD 20740-6001 The Governors must submit the Certificates of Ascertainment “as soon as practicable” after their States certify election results. • The remaining SIX original Certificates of Ascertainment will be attached to the Certificates of Vote at the State meetings. 4. December 11, 2012 Date for Determination of Controversy as to Appointment of Electors: • States must make final determinations of any controversies or contests as to the appointment of electors at least six days before the December 17 meetings of electors for their electoral votes to be presumptively valid when presented to Congress. Determinations by States’ lawful tribunals are conclusive, if decided under laws enacted prior to election day. the links below for answers to these frequently asked questions or e-mail the Office of the Federal Register a question. Why do we have the Electoral College? What proposals have been made to change the Electoral College system? How does the Electoral College process work in my state? What are the responsibilities of the Electors in the Electoral College process? What are the qualifications to be an Elector? Who selects the Electors? Must Electors vote for the candidate who won their state’s popular vote? May I attend the meeting of my State’s Electors to watch them vote? Is there an online source listing the names and voting records of presidential electors for all previous presidential elections back to 1789? Who verifies if a candidate is qualified to run for President? What happens if the President-elect fails to qualify before inauguration? What happens if a candidate dies or becomes incapacitated? How is it possible for the electoral vote to produce a different result than the nation-wide popular vote? What is the difference between the winner-takes-all rule and proportional voting, and which states follow which rule? What happens if no presidential candidate gets 270 Electoral votes? What would happen if two candidates tied in a state’s popular vote, or if there was a dispute as to the winner? What impact does a candidate’s concession speech have on the Electoral College process? How many times has the Vice President been chosen by the U.S. Senate? What are the responsibilities of Congress in the Electoral College process? Can electoral votes be contested when Congress counts the votes in January? What role does the Office of the Federal Register play in Electoral College process? How does the Office of the Federal Register preserve the Certificates? I am serving overseas in the U.S. military. How do I cast my vote in this year’s Presidential election? Can citizens of U.S. Territories vote for President? I believe there might be voter registration fraud happening in my area. Where should I report my concerns? References State Obama / Biden McCain / Palin Baldwin / Castle* Barr / Root Keyes / Rohrbo ugh** McKinney / Clemente Nader / Gonzalez Total Votes Others AL 813479 1266546 4310 4991 - - 6788 3705 2099819 AK 123594 193841 1660 1589 - - 3783 1730 326197 AZ 1034707 1230111 1371 12555 - 3406 11301 24 2293475 AR 422310 638017 4023 4776 - 3470 12882 1139 1086617 CA 8274473 5011781 3145 67582 40763 38774 10883 17094 13464495 CO 1288576 1073589 6233 10897 3051 2822 13350 2843 2401361 CT 997763 629428 311 - - 90 19162 29 1646783 DE 255459 152374 626 1109 - 385 2401 58 412412 DC 245800 17367 - - - 590 958 1138 265853 FL 4282074 4045624 7915 17218 2550 2887 28124 4352 8390744 WV 303857 397466 2465 - - 2355 7219 89 713451 WI 1677211 1262393 5072 8858 - 4216 17605 1001 2976356 WY 82868 164958 1192 1594 - - 2525 - 253137 69297997 59597520 361226 523253 47700 159889 590101 455113 131032799 Totals Reformas electorales • Reglas de juego electoral y consenso para salvaguardar su legitimidad • Ventajas • Inconvenientes • Ejemplos: – Inscripción pública – Elección directa – Reducir financiación