ofertes per al treball pràctic/ofertas para el trabajo práctico/ 2014

PRÁCTICO/ 2014-2015
Laboratorio de Psiquiatría Molecular. Fundació Sant Joan de Déu.
Colaboración con la empresa IPROTEOS (http://www.iproteos.com/).
Tema: Regulación transcripcional por fármacos psicoáctivos en neuronas de cerebelo.
Investigador: Dra. Belén Ramos
e-mail: [email protected]
Web del grupo: http://www.fsjd.org/es/grupos-deinvestigaci%C3%B3n_3230/6341#subline-detail
Efectes de l'estimulació magnètica transcraneal combinada amb ressonància
magnètica funcional sobre l'aprenentatge visual/ Efectos de la estimulación
magnética transcraneal combinada con resonancia magnética sobre el aprendizaje
Investigador: Dr. David Bartrés (UB, Fac. Medicina Clínic)
e-mail: [email protected]
Laboratori d’anàlisi d’imatge de ressonància magnética/ Laboratorio de análisis de
imagen de resonancia magnética. (UB, Facultat Medicina, Clinic)
Tema: Neuropsicologia i neuroimatge en la malaltia de Parkinson (3
places)/Neuropsicología y neuroimagen en la enfermedad de Parkinson (3 plazas).
Investigador: Dra. Carme Junqué
e-mail: [email protected]
Laboratori de Neuroimatge. Servei de Psiquiatria/laboratorio de Neuroimagen.
Servicio de Psiquiatría. Hospital de Bellvitge-IDIBELL
Tema: Neuroimatge dels trastorns psiquiàtrics (1 plaça)/Neuroimagen de los
trastornos psiquiátricos (1 plaza).
Investigador: Dr. Carles Soriano
e-mail: [email protected]
Neuronal and Cortical modeling of brain networks dynamics. Neurociencia
Computacional, áreas de toma de decisiones o de “resting state”
Investigador: Dr. Gustavo Deco (UPF)
Web: http://cns.upf.edu/gustavo/
e-mail: [email protected]
Mechanisms of language acquisition and processing, both in human infants and
adults. For specific research topics see:
Investigador: Dra. Núria Sebastian (UPF)
email: [email protected]
Comparative cognition, Speech perception Studying mechanisms involved in learning
linguistic structures from a comparative perspective. Studies involve experiments
with both humans and non-human animals.
Investigador: Dr. Juan Manuel Toro (UPF)
e-mail: [email protected]
Webpage: http://www.dtic.upf.edu/~jtoro/
Multisensory Research Group
Investigator: Dr. Salvador Soto-Faraco
Centre: Centre for Brain and Cognition, DTIC (UPF)
Contact: [email protected]
Description: We aim to understand the neural and cognitive basis of human
perception and attention processes in multisensory environments. That is, how our
brain organizes, represents, and selects the information that arrives from the
different sensory modalities (audition, somatosensation, vision, olfaction, etc). To
this goal, we study multisensory interactions in a wide range of perceptual domains
(from speech perception to body representation), using a variety of scientific
approaches (from psychophysics to neuroimaging). The questions we address focus on
basic as well as on applied problems.
Please find more information about projects and people at: http://www.mrg.upf.edu
Infants' logical and probabilistic reasoning.The studies involve running experiments
with 6 to 18 month old infants, and analyzing the data.
Mechanisms of natural language acquisition as revealed by artificial language studies.
The studies involve running experiments with adults, preparing the experimental
material, studying and understanding a programming language to run experiments,
and analyzing the data.
Investigador: Dr. Luca Bonatti (UPF)
e-mail: [email protected]
More information at: http://rico.upf.edu
New genes that control neural plasticity: synaptic plasticity and neurogenesis.
Investigador: Eduardo Soriano (UB, Facultad de Biología; IRB Barcelona)
e-mail: [email protected]
Bases moleculares de las retinosis pigmentarias y distrofias hereditarias de retina:
identificación de interactores y estudio funcional de proteínas causantes de
Investigador: Dra. Ana Méndez (Bellvitge)
e-mail: [email protected]
Aprendizaje y Cognición: un Enfoque Comparado
Investigador: Dra. Victoria Díez Chamizo Facultat de Psicologia (Universitat de
e-mail: [email protected]
Web del grupo: http://www.gracec.info/
Regulación de genes implicados en sinaptogénesis en modelos in vitro de
neuropatologías infantiles.
Investigador: Dra Soledad Alcántara (UB, Facultat de Medicina, Bellvitge)
[email protected]
Evaluation of NMDA receptor antagonist activity of newly synthesized alkaloids in
cultured cerebellar granule neurons
Investigador: Dr. Francesc X. Sureda (URV, Tarragona)
e-mail: [email protected]
Hiperexcitabilitat i dany neuronal: implicacions en la inflamació i el dolor
neuropàtic/Hiperexcitabilidad y daño neuronal: implicaciones en la inflamación y el
dolor neuropático
Investigador: Dr. Xavier Gasull (UB, Facultat de Medicina, Clínic)
email: [email protected]
Neurociència del llenguatge i el bilingüisme
Investigador: Dr. Albert Costa (UPF)
e-mail: [email protected]
Neurotoxicitat i toxicitat vestibular
Investigador: Dr. Jordi Llorens (UB, Facultat de Medicina, Bellvitge)
e-mail: [email protected]
Modulació de la via de la sirtuin 1 en el procés de neurodegeneració lligada a
l'envelliment/Modulación de la vía de situin-1 en el proceso de neurodegeneración
asociada al envejecimiento
Investigador: Dra. Mercè Pallàs (UB, Facultat de Farmàcia)
e-mail: [email protected]
Processing redundant information in the human auditory system: from brainstem to
cortex (an EEG approach)
Investigador: Dr. Carles Escera (UB, Facultat de Psicologia)
Desirable skills: basics of Matlab, basics of cognitive neuroscience
Contact email: [email protected] (please use subject: Practicum Master
Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior (IR3C)
University of Barcelona and Cognitive Neuroscience Research Group
Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychobiology
University of Barcelona
P. Vall d'Hebron
email: [email protected]
Web for details: http://www.ub.edu/brainlab
Fisiologia i Fisiopatologia del sistema circadiari/Fisiologia y Fisopatología del sistema
Investigador: Dra. Trinitat Cambras (UB, Facultat de Farmàcia)
e-mail: [email protected]
Mecanismes moleculars de regulació de la resposta inflamatòria per la
hipoxia/Mecanismos moleculares de regulación de la respuesta inflamatoria por la
Investigador: Dr. Tomàs Santalucia (IIBB, CSIC)
e-mail: [email protected]
Estudio del efecto de la regulación de SIRT1 en modelos de isquemia.
Investigador: Dra. Valérie Petegnief (IIBB, CSIC)
e-mail: [email protected]
Estudis de tractografía per ressonància magnètica en models experimentals de
malaltia vascular cerebral/Estudios de tractografía por resonancia magnética en
modelos experimentales de enfermedad vascular cerebral
Investigador: Dra. Guadalupe Soria (IIBB, CSIC)
e-mail: [email protected]
Estudio de los mecanismos de neuroprotección relacionados con la vía de JNK en
modelos epilépticos de ratón.
Investigador: Dra. Carme Auladell (UB, Facultat de Biologia)
e-mail: [email protected]
Control cerebral del sistema inmunológico: consecuencias de la lesión de áreas
inmunorreguladoras estudiadas mediante resonancia magnética en pacientes con
Investigador: Dr. Xabier Urra (Hospital Clínic)
e-mail: [email protected]
Identificació de xarxes d’expressió gènica alterades en els primers estadis de la
malaltia de Parkinson/Identificación de redes de expresión génica alteradas en los
primeros estadios de la enfermedad de Parkinson
Investigador: Dra. Eulàlia Martí Puig (CRG)
e-mail: [email protected]
Interacción entre sistema nervioso central y sistema inmunológico: análisis por
citometría de flujo de la respuesta inmune adaptativa frente a antígenos cerebrales
en pacientes con ictus
Investigador: Dr. Angel Chamorro (Hospital Clínic)
e-mail: [email protected]
FP-CIT SPECT imaging and clinical diagnosis of common types of dementia and
contribution of ischaemia to brain damage.
Investigador: Dr. Jurek Krupinsky (Mutua de Terrassa)
e-mail:[email protected]
Paper de la microglia i els macròfags en la lesió cerebral isquémica/Papel de la
microglia y los macrófagos en la lesión cerebral isquémica
Investigador: Dr. Anna Planas (IIBB, CSIC)
e-mail:[email protected]
Language acquisition and its evolutionary constraints, Language processing, Music
cognition, Working memory, Number processing. Studies involve experiments with
human adults.
Investigador: Dr. Ansgar Endress (UPF)
e-mail: [email protected]
Webpage: http://www.endress.org/
Huntington/Neurodegeneración y disfunción sináptica en la enfermedad de
Investigador: Dra. Sílvia Ginés (UB, Facultat de Medicina, Clínic)
e-mail: [email protected]
Factors de manteniment i diferenciació de cèl·lules mare neurals com a actors
principals en la patogènesi dels gliomes/ Factores de Mantenimiento y diferenciación
de células madre como actores en la patogénesis de los gliomas.
Investigador: Dra. Núria de la Iglesia (IDIBAPS)
e-mail: [email protected]
Teràpia Cel·lular en malalties neurodegeneratives/Terapia Celular en enfermedades
Investigador: Dr. Josep Mª Canals (UB, Facultat de Medicina, Clínic)
e-mail: [email protected]
Identificació de mecanismes moleculars alterats en la malaltia de
Huntington/Identificación de mecanismes moleculares alterados en la enfermedad de
Investigador: Dra. Esther Pérez-Navarro (UB, Facultat de Medicina, Clínic)
e-mail: [email protected]
Estudio de mecanismos de neurotoxicidad crónica de contaminantes tóxicos: papel de
los receptores GABA-A, de glutamato y de estrógenos. Posibles intervenciones
Investigador: Dra. Cristina Suñol (IIBB, CSIC)
Contacto: Dra. Nair Olguín; [email protected]
Caracterización neurofarmacológica de nuevas drogas de abuso: Análisis de la
expresión génica; alteraciones neuroquímicas y conductuales
Investigador: Elena Escubedo; [email protected]
Unitat de Farmacologia. Dept Farmacologia i Química Terapèutica. Facultat de
Farmàcia. Universitat de Barcelona
Rol funcional de la alpha-synuclein en la regulación de la neurotransmisión
monoaminérgica (dopamina y serotonina) en diferentes modelos animales de
Investigador: Analía Bortolozzi; [email protected]
IDIBAPS – CIBERSAM. Dept Neurochemistry and Neuropharmacology. IIBB - CSIC IDIBAPS
Tel: +34 933638300 ext 354
Tema: Obtención de un knock-down selectivo del transportador glial de glutamato
mediante inyección de siRNA.
Investigador: Francesc Artigas ; [email protected]
IDIBAPS – CIBERSAM. Dept Neurochemistry and Neuropharmacology. IIBB - CSIC IDIBAPS
Tel: +3493-363 8315 (direct) +3493-363 2381 (Dept. secretaria)
Dr Antoni Matilla Dueñas
Director Unidad de Investigación Básica, Traslacional y de Neurogenética Molecular
en Neurociencias
Departamento de Neurociencias
Institut d’Investigació en Ciències de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP)
Ctra. de Can Ruti, Camí de les Escoles s/n
08916 Badalona
Telf.: 93 497 8687
Fax: 93 497 8654
[email protected]
1. Molecular basis of pathogenesis of the spinocerebellar ataxia type 1
(SCA1) and other ataxias.
2. Therapeutic treatments in mouse models of Ataxias.
3. Genetic and Molecular basis of pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease and
other tauopathies.
4. Genetic and Molecular basis of pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease.
5. Therapeutic treatments in a mouse model of Sanfilippo disease.
6. Identification and characterisation of novel genes and molecular
deficits underlying human neurodegeneration.
7. Neurogenetics of neurological diseases. Genetic Counselling.
8. Biomarker and Drug discovery.
Our current research aims to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying
human neurodegeneration, with the ultimate aim of identifying molecular routes and
providing effective therapeutic treatment to patients. We use biochemical, cellular,
genetic, molecular, proteomic and transcriptomic approaches to carry out molecular
studies with genes and proteins implicated in brain/cerebellar function,
neurodegeneration, and development. Our work is focused on the spinocerebellar
ataxias and Sanfilippo, Parkinson and Alzheimer's diseases.
We use in vitro and in vivo studies with disease mouse models. In particular, our
work aims to understand the molecular basis of neurodegeneration in
spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1), a devastating human disease of late age of
onset characterised by the progressive inability to coordinate movement (ataxia),
which is caused by the prominent loss of neurons in the cerebellum, brain stem and
spinal cord. The disease symptoms are caused by the expansion of the amino acid
glutamine in the protein ataxin-1, which then becomes toxic and kills neurons in
these brain areas. The molecular routes and pathways of neurodegeneration in SCA1
remain unknown and effective therapeutic treatments are still unavailable. Because
neurodegeneration is triggered by common molecular pathways, our research is
relevant not only in spinocerebellar ataxias but also in other neurodegenerative
To gain insights into the biological function of ataxin-1 and identifying molecular
routes mediating pathogenesis in SCA1, we generated knockout mice lacking
ataxin_1. These mice revealed that ataxin-1 is required for cerebellar function. More
recently, we have discovered that ataxin-1 regulates genetic programs that are
needed for motor functions. We think that this is very important because disruption
of these programs might be involved in disease pathogenesis. We are examining this
hypothesis and studying the role of these programs in causing ataxia and motor
A few years ago we discovered that a protein regulating the phosphatase activity of
a crucial enzyme called PP2, Anp32a/Lanp, might mediate disease pathogenesis in
SCA1. This is very interesting since dysregultation of PP2 activity underlies
neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease and other spinocerebellar ataxias. We are
investigating the roles of Anp32a/Lanp and PP2 in SCA1 and Alzheimer's disease and
examining whether we can exploit this pathway in therapeutic strategies, for
instance by targeting PP2 activity with specific selective regulators.
We also use Genetic and Molecular approaches (Linkage and Whole Genome
Studies, Exome Ultrasequencing, etc.) to identify novel genes and molecular deficits
underlying human neurodegeneration.
Our Molecular Neurogenetics laboratory currently offers Molecular Genetics
Diagnosis and Genetic Counselling for more than 100 Neurological diseases. The
complete list can be found in the Neurogenetics tab.
Our research is currently funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and
Competitivity (MEC), the Spanish Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII), the VII
Framework Program of the European Commission (FP7, EC), the IberoAmerican
Program for Science, Technology and Development (CYTED), the Catalan Agency for
Administration of University and Research Grants (AGAUR), the Catalan Health
Institute (ICS), the Fundació la Marató de TV3 (Televisió de Catalunya), the Stop
Sanfilippo and the Mutua Madrileña Foundations.
List of selected publications: http://www.btnunit.org/es-es/selectedpublications.aspx
Study of molecular determinants underlying NMDA receptors density and trafficking in health and disease Supervisor: Xavier Altafaj, PhD. Inv. Programa "Miguel Servet" (ISCIII) Contact: [email protected] Institute of Neuropathology, IDIBELL Hosp. Duran i Reynals, Av. Gran Via 199, 08908 L'Hospitalet, Barcelona http://www.idibell.cat/modul/neuropatologia/en Summary: Our group is interested to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity processes in post-­‐synaptic neurons. In particular, we aim to understand the post-­‐
translational mechanisms (mainly focusing on phosphorylation events) that regulate the density of ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) under physiological conditions and their alterations in neurodegenerative and cognitive conditions (focusing on Alzheimer's disease and Down syndrome). During the practicum period, the student will be integrated in the current research projects. Technically, along the practicum the student will develop two different and complementary experimental approaches: molecular biology/biochemistry and cell biology. The data obtained from in vitro biochemical approaches (expression analysis, pull-­‐down experiments -­‐illustrated on the left figure-­‐) will be evaluated in cellular models (cell lines and primary neuronal cultures). Together, these approaches will give insights on the molecular determinants that contribute to regulate iGluRs density in vitro. In terms of technical skills, along the practicum the student will acquire the following techniques: • Cell biology: cell culture, transient transfections/ immunofluorescence studies in primary neuronal cultures (illustrated in the left image, corresponding to a transfected pyramidal neuron) and in cell lines, trafficking of plasma membrane receptors, analysis of iGluRs clusters. • Biochemistry: Protein extraction and quantification, western blot, pull-­‐down and immunoprecipitation. Our young laboratory provides an enthusiastic and friendly environment for students. The monitoring will be performed in a daily manner, emphasizing on scientific discussion, experimental design, learning of techniques and results evaluation. Along the stay, the student is expected to get technical autonomy and to propose new/implemented experiments. At the end of the training period, the student will give an internal oral presentation (Laboratory Data Club), where she/he will expose the main results of the training. Upon commitment, the student will be supported for further PhD fellowships applications (possibility to apply for internal IDIBELL fellowships, as well as regional and national calls).
Caenorhabditis elegans as a model to study odor-related homologue receptors
and their role in neurodegeneration
The human brain contains over 100 billion neurons and most of their connections are
completely unknown. This makes extremely difficult the study and understanding of
several complex neurological diseases. Caenorhabditis elegan is a free-living
nematode of ~1 mm in length with a short generation cycle (~3 days) and lifespan (~3
weeks) whose nervous system is composed of 302 neurons.
Loss of olfaction is a very early symptom, often preceding by more than fifteen years
the appearance of motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease (PD). This is interpreted as
the result of altered odor processing in the primary and secondary olfactory centers in
the brain although no single study has assessed the integrity of olfactory receptors in
the primary olfactory epithelium. We have recently published the presence of olfactory
receptors (ORs) in several regions in the human and rodent brain which are
accompanied by the expression of their obligated functional mediators. Moreover, ORs
deregulation occurs in PD, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.
We plan to take advantage of C. elegans to analyze the effects of variegated factors in
the expression and function of homologue chemoreceptors in worms, to gain
understanding about the putative effects of ORs in humans.
Institute of Neuropathology, Bellvitge University Hospital University of Barcelona,
Duran I Reynals Hospital, IDIBELL, Hospitalet de LLobregat.
[email protected]
[email protected]