introduction for the masses

December / Diciembre 31, 2015
GOOD EVENING / Buenas Tardes
We welcome you to the celebration of the Eucharist on THE SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE
MOTHER OF GOD. A special and warm welcome to those from other places visiting with us
today. Our presider is: (Fr. Paul / Fr. Vincent, or Fr. Briant)
Bienvenidos a la celebración de la Eucaristía de La Solemnidad de la Virgen María,
Madre de Dios. Una especial y calurosa bienvenida a quienes nos visitan hoy de otros
lugares. Nuestro celebrante es: (Fr. Paul / Fr. Vincent / Fr. Briant)
The intention of this Mass is for:
7:00 pm
+Gladys Saint Erne
La intención de esta Misa en memoria de Gladys Saint Erne
In observance of the New Year’s holiday, the parish office will be closed on Friday, January 1st.
En observación al Año Nuevo, la oficina parroquial estará cerrada el Viernes, Primero de
To avoid distractions during the celebration of the Eucharist, we ask that you silence all cell
phones and electronic devices.
Para evitar distracciones durante la Celebración Eucarística, favor de apagar sus teléfonos
celulares y aparatos electrónicos.
1st Reading
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God
***Reading proclaimed in Spanish***
Numbers 6, 22-27
En aquel tiempo, el Señor habló a Moisés y le dijo:
“Di a Aarón y a sus hijos:
‘De esta manera bendecirán a los israelitas:
El Señor te bendiga y te proteja,
haga resplandecer su rostro sobre ti y te conceda su favor.
Que el Señor te mire con benevolencia
y te conceda la paz’.
Así invocarán mi nombre sobre los israelitas
y yo los bendeciré”.
2nd Reading
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God
A reading from the Letter of Saint Paul to the Galatians
Brothers and sisters:
When the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son,
born of a woman, born under the law,
to ransom those under the law,
so that we might receive adoption as sons.
As proof that you are sons,
God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts,
crying out, “Abba, Father!”
So you are no longer a slave but a son,
and if a son then also an heir, through God.
The Word of the Lord
General Intercessions
Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, December 31, 2015
At the beginning of this New Year, we give thanks to God for the great gift of Mary, the
Theotokos, she who is the bearer of Christ Jesus into the world.
Por la Iglesia y por nuestra comunidad de fe: Que este nuevo año sea un tiempo de bendición y
renovación para todos; mientras nos esforzamos a dar testimonio de la presencia de Cristo, en
nuestra comunidad y en todo el mundo, roguemos al Señor.
For the leaders of God’s People throughout the world: like Mary, may they find the courage and
strength necessary to pursue the path of righteousness and justice so as to provide for the needs of all
entrusted to their care…
Por un mejor agradecimiento a la vida humana, desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural: que el
Espíritu Santo, bendiga nuestros esfuerzos de ser testigos de vida en nuestra fe en Cristo, roguemos
al Señor.
For those who are suffering because of their faith, for those who alienated, separated by war,
violence, or natural disasters as well as those living in refugee camps: may Christ Jesus help us to
relieve in their suffering, bind-up their wounds and assist them to be reunited with those whom they
Por nuestras intenciones especiales, necesidades, y deseos guardados en nuestra mente y corazón,
al comenzar este nuevo año: que puedan cumplirse para cada uno de nosotros; conforme a la
voluntad de Dios, roguemos al Señor.
For those we promised to remember in prayer; for the sick, ill or infirmed, especially those in hospice
care; for the people caring for them; for the intentions in our Book of Prayer: may Christ Jesus be
their source of comfort, strength and healing…
Por todos los que han muerto - miembros de la familia, amigos, seres queridos, vecinos, benefactores
de la parroquia y feligreses, especialmente por Carla Schenker y Pat Cheek: Que descansen en paz
con Dios y que sus familias y amigos encuentre alivio y consuelo en la fe, y en su convicción de que
realmente están con Cristo, roguemos al Señor.
Presider: God our Father, your Son chose to be born of the Virgin Mary so that he might be one with us in all
things, may his self-emptying love teach us what we need so we too might witness to your loving presence
among us, now and forever. AMEN!
Lector (as all are seated)
We invite you to contribute to our parish offertory collection as a means of sharing in our ministry here at
Blessed Sacrament. Thank you for your continued support and generosity.