“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his

September 13 , 2015 - Twenty - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
1971 S T . L AWRENCE D RIVE S ANTA C LARA , CA 95051  T EL . N O . 408-296-3000  F AX N O . 408-296-3100
E-Mail Address: [email protected]  Website: www.saintlawrence.org
Celebrating Our Catholic Faith through Worship, Education, and Service
“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself,
take up his cross, and follow me.
For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it,
but whoever loses his life for my sake
and that of the gospel will save it.”
Mark 8: 34-35
Fr. Ernesto Orci
[email protected]
Fr. Gener Geronimo
Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00
Saturday 9:00 AM - Noon
[email protected]
Giuliana Barragan
Office Manager
[email protected]
Vickie Wallace
Office Assistant
[email protected]
M. Eleanor de Paz
[email protected]
Elizabeth Sanville - Coordinator
[email protected]
Patrick Sylvester - Coordinator
[email protected]
(Pre-K - 8th Grade)
 8:00 AM
 10:00 AM
(Children’s Liturgy of the Word)
 12 Noon
 1:30 PM (Mass in Spanish)
 6:00 PM (Youth Mass)
American Sign Language (ASL) Mass
 6:30 PM (In the Parish Hall)
1st and 3rd Sunday of the month
 8:30 AM
 5:00 PM (Sunday Vigil)
Monday – Friday
● 8:30 AM
 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Or by
Sr. Graciela Ramos, MESST
Pastoral Minister
[email protected]
Monica Argenti - Principal
[email protected]
Noel Fisico
Music Coordinator
[email protected]
 9:00 AM – 8:45 PM
Solemn Benediction 8:45 PM
Teen Center & Extended Day Care
Sue Herbelin - Director
Rosary – Monday to Saturday
●After the 8:30 AM Mass (English)
Rosario en Español
● Martes 6:30 PM en Capilla
M. Eleanor de Paz
Catechetical Director
[email protected]
Phil Dolan - President
[email protected]
Bridgit McGarry - Principal
[email protected]
Eucharistic Adoration
Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual
Chapel Open Daily
● 8:15 AM
7:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Fray Junípero Serra y las Raíces Cristianas de California.
El próximo santo de los Estados
Unidos será el hombre que
evangelizó California. (…) Le
agradezco al Santo Padre por este
regalo a (…) todo el continente
(..)La canonización del Padre Serra será un hermoso día en la vida de
nuestra nación — en realidad, todos los países del continente
americano – nacieron de las misiones cristianas, y fueron construidos
sobre fundamentos cristianos.
Será también un momento para reflexionar sobre los estrechos
vínculos espirituales que unen a México, a los pueblos hispanos y a
los Estados Unidos. Cuando el Padre Serra vino de España a México
en diciembre de 1749, antes de venir a California recorrió a pie cerca
de 300 kilómetros para consagrar su misión en el Santuario de Nuestra
Señora de Guadalupe.
Su historia nos recuerda que en el plan de salvación de Dios, la
primera predicación del Evangelio en este país fue llevada a cabo por
misioneros españoles que venían desde México, bajo el signo de la
Virgen de Guadalupe, la estrella resplandeciente de la primera
evangelización de América.
(…) El Padre Serra fue audaz y elocuente en la lucha contra las
autoridades civiles para defender la humanidad y los derechos de los
pueblos indígenas. Y (…) debería ser recordado junto a Bartolomé de
Las Casas como uno de los pioneros de los derechos y del desarrollo
humano en el continente americano.
Su memorando de 1773, o Representación, al virrey colonial de la
Ciudad de México es probablemente la primera “declaración de
derechos”, publicada en Norteamérica. En este documento, él propuso
recomendaciones prácticas detalladas para mejorar el bienestar
espiritual y material de los pueblos indígenas de California.
(…)Los registros históricos confirman lo que el Papa Francisco
piensa: que el Beato Junípero Serra fue un hombre de virtudes
heroicas y de gran santidad, que tenía una única y ardiente
ambición: llevar la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo a los pueblos del
Nuevo Mundo.
(…)No podemos cuestionar el hecho de que vivió una vida de
sacrificio y de abnegación. Y murió aquí en California, después de
haber dado su vida por amor al Evangelio y al pueblo que vino a
Los misioneros de esa primera generación eran creativos, y fueron los
primeros aprendices de las culturas y los pueblos indígenas que
servían. Ellos aprendieron sus idiomas, costumbres y creencias. Y
sembraron las semillas del Evangelio para crear una rica civilización
cristiana, expresada en poemas y obras de teatro, en pinturas y
esculturas, en canciones, oraciones, devociones, en la arquitectura e
incluso en leyes y políticas.
Todo esto debería instruirnos e inspirarnos mientras avanzamos
en este camino para llegar a ser la próxima generación de
misioneros de California y del continente americano.
(…)Démosle gracias a Dios por este don que nos hace en nuestro
nuevo santo, Junípero Serra. Y pidámosle a la Virgen de Guadalupe
que nos ayude a seguir con su tarea, que también fue la de los
primeros misioneros de América, de llevar a Jesucristo a todos los
hombres y mujeres, y de promover la justicia y la dignidad humanas.
Mons. José H. Gómez.
El artículo completo de Mons. Gómez puede leerse en https://
The family fully alive
Summary statement
The Church believes that God exists and that he loves us. We
make this claim because we have encountered and trust Jesus
Christ. This trust enables a relationship in which God’s plan for
all creation is revealed and disclosed. Confident in this plan, we
are able to proclaim that each and every human being is created in
the image of God. We believe that God creates us with a
purpose and for a mission.
We believe that in Jesus, God became man. We believe that in
Jesus, God invites and summons the whole world to know him
and live as his covenant people in the Church. We believe that
God’s love is visible and manifest in this covenant, which reveals
that God is faithful even unto death, despite our infidelity and
sinfulness. We believe that Jesus suffered, died, and rose from the
dead, confirming the power and fidelity of God, giving us
confidence that his way is true. We trust that as his covenant
people, Jesus is now present with us sacramentally, and that
ultimately we will share his victory and heavenly communion.
Sustained by the Holy Spirit and the sacraments of the Church, we
seek this communion, which Jesus has promised is our
destiny. We believe that all aspects of our lives — including our
sexuality, fertility, and family life — are part of this mission to
live and love as Jesus taught.
We believe that in the Sacrament of Marriage, God has given us
the gift of experiencing his covenant. In the marriage covenant,
husband and wife live together in light of the covenant already
established by God and Israel, Christ and the Church. We believe
that marriage is the seedbed of a family, the nucleus of the
domestic church, which is itself an essential member of the wider
universal Church.
We acknowledge that we are fallen, and that all manner of
suffering, temptations, and sins can burden us and prevent us from
becoming who we were created to be. But we trust that no matter
what trials we face or wounds we inflict upon ourselves and
others, God is faithful. His passion, crucifixion, and resurrection
are the decisive evidence that he will not depart from his
covenant. The Lord has shown that he is stronger than all our sins
and that he conquers sin. In our life together, through the presence
of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in our midst, we believe that God will
bring to fruition the work which he has begun in us. Anticipating
that day when Jesus comes again and fully establishes his
Kingdom on earth, we believe it is our mission to testify to what
God has done and is doing. We believe it is our mission to love
God and neighbor as he has taught us.
We believe that love is our mission, and that this mission is the
only way we can be fully alive and be who we were created to be.
We believe that this love should be taught, shared, and
communicated in and through the family, the domestic church.
We believe that the family shares in the mission of the whole
Church, and we devote this catechesis to explaining this vision of
love in more detail.
Link: http://www.worldmeeting2015.org/wp-content/
September 13, 2015 - Twenty - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 2
Faith Demonstrated by Works
Liturgy Corner by Deborah Ferry (Taken from commentary on today’s Second Reading )
This weekend we continue reading from the Letter of Saint James, we will hear from Saint James throughout September. The
person to whom this letter is ascribed can scarcely be one of the two members of the Twelve who bore the name James, for he is
not identified as an apostle. This Saint James most probably refers to the third New Testament personage named James, a relative
of Jesus who is usually called “brother of the Lord”.
In today’s Second Reading James presents more of his concrete, no-nonsense ethical teaching. Last week we hard his admonition
against any kind of discrimination based on social, economic or cultural status among members of the Church. Today he insists
that a Christian cannot simply talk about care for other members of the community, or give verbal assurance to those community
members who have physical needs; one must act, in imitation of Jesus.
But James seems to have another important point to make. Many biblical scholars view this passage as James’ caution against
misunderstanding one of the teachings of Paul. As is well known, the latter repeatedly insisted to fellow Jews that they were not
saved by conformity to works of the Law of Moses, but by faith in God’s free gift of new life through Christ (grace). It seems
possible, if not probable, that some had misunderstood or misapplied Paul’s emphasis on faith and behaved as if a claim of belief
in Christ would, in itself, lead to salvation. James exposes such an assumption as false, insisting that faith must take concrete form
in how one in fact treats others in need. A brother or sister lacking food or clothing cannot be helped by anyone's mere claim of
faith; believers must act, quickly and concretely, to alleviate another’s need.
cÄxtáx cÜtç YÉÜAAA
September 13, 2015
Catholic EducaƟon
Solemnity of Mary
5:00 PM $
09/05/2015 - Saturday
09/06/2015 - Sunday
Mail In
Total Stewardship Offering
Goal - Stewardship
Year-To-Date Stewardship
July 1, 2015 - September 8, 2015
YTD Variance - ($8,806)
Our Parishioners, Friends, and Family
Albert Apostol
Mohamed Aslam
Rommey Avila
Mary Ann Babcock
Stan Boben
Eleanore Brennan
Diane Byrd
Robert Carag
Avelina Carrillo
Maria Cendejas
Al Chiara
Phil Donahue
Chet O’Donnell
James Donnelly
Jesse Espinosa
Nellie Gonzales
Lincoln Groner
Gabriela Guillen
John Hallett
Mikey Hallett
Mercedes Hardison
Hubert Jansen
Marilyn Kirchoff
Brooks Levine
Jubilee Liebich
Anthony Ligot
Ann Lizotte
Marilyn Mara
Patrick McMahn
Mackena Naki
Pat Naki
Thanh Nguyen
Virginia Olenak
Barbara Orason
Ernie Ortiz
Hilda Peralta
Rosalie Perez
Luchie P. Qugana
Arturo Presa
Yolanda Romero
Rose Salamanca
Dina Carag Santella
Erma Schriver
Jonathan Seepersad
Tien Takul
Arlene Thompson
Nilda Timbs
Matthew Carag Vakili
Lina Velasco
Chuck Worley
Alma Zamora
sign up for an hour or two from
Sept. 22nd 8am to 8am Sept. 23rd
to pray at our 24 Hour Adoration at St. Leo Chapel, San Jose
Call 408-497-7270 or email [email protected]
to sign up Procession for Life on September 23rd at 9:00am
Following 8:00am Mass at St. Leo Church
Email [email protected] or Call 408-497-7270
Daily prayer vigils w/shift captains from 8am-5pm
at 1691 The Alameda, San Jose
Every Monday, Tuesday, and
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Saint Lawrence Pool Area
September 13, 2015 - Twenty - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 3
Saturday mornings
St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish Hall
September 12 - December 12 2015
(No meeting on Thanksgiving weekend)
6:30 AM - Hot Breakfast
7:10 AM - Presentation
7:45 AM - Breakout Group Discussion
8:15 AM - Conclusion
Just show up, or contact Phil Lawrence:
[email protected]
No charge; breakfast donations welcome.
Catolicismo 201 en Español
Venga y explore las riquezas
de nuestra Fe Católica.
Temas centrales:
La Iglesia, Los Sacram entos,
La Eucaristía, María y los Santos,
Las cuestiones espinosas, y m ás
“Teen Center”
(al otro lado de la escuela primaria)
Empi eza:
Viernes, 18, 2015, 7pm
¡Todos están invitados!
No es necesario haber tomado
el curso Al pha
Tema de Semana 1, La Iglesia: Una, Santa, Católica y Apostólica
Esta semana retomamos en donde el curso Alpha culminó, y es basado en las cuatro "marcas"
de la Iglesia tomadas del Credo de Nicea: "Una, Santa, Católica y Apostólica. " Trata de la
auto-comprensión de la Iglesia Católica en lo más amplio de la Iglesia de Cristo," el problema de
la pecaminosidad de sus miembros, su naturaleza universal y el roll de su Magisterio.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Sacristan Ministry
The Ministry of Sacristan is a
time-honored ministry in the Catholic
Church. The Sacristan provides an
important and essential service to the
community by doing all the things that
are necessary for our liturgical
celebrations. The Sacristan is required
to prepare the worship space for its
celebrations ranging from the cleaning
of the Church and its furnishings to the
cleaning of the vessels and linens used
in the liturgies.
The Ministry of
Sacristan is a “behind the scenes”
At St. Lawrence Parish and Education
Center the Ministry of Sacristan is
divided into three different ministries:
table before the Liturgy is the setup
sacristan’s responsibility. Arriving at
least 30 minutes before Mass to set out
all the items needed for liturgy and then
staying after liturgy to clean up and put
everything away. Time commitment:
One Sunday a month (one hour).
Sanctuary Attendants clean the Church
each Friday or Saturday by working in
teams of two or three.
They are
responsible for making sure the worship
space is clean and tidy for the weekend
Masses. Time commitment: depending
on how many teams the commitment
could be once every five weeks (one to
one & one half hours).
LAUNDERERS: The Launderers are
responsible for the washing and ironing
of the altar linens, towels and Altar
Server albs used during Mass. Time
commitment: Currently we have 13
launderers so the commitment is once
every 13 weeks. Depending on the
amount of linens (more during Easter &
Christmas) it could take 2 hours in the
At this time we are in need of Setup
Sacristans & Sanctuary Attendants. If
this is something that you think you
could help with please
Call Vickie Wallace at 408-296-3000 or
Email [email protected].
September 13, 2015 - Twenty - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 4
St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish and Education Center
welcomes young Catholics, 4th grade and above,
to participate in the Altar Server Ministry.
This ministry is a service to respond to our baptismal calling.
God has given us a gift to serve one another. As an altar server,
you serve the assembly by helping the presider (priest)
throughout the celebration of the mass; you learn what it means
to celebrate the Eucharist and to be a good steward
Of God’s gift at this parish community!
All who are interested must have received
first Holy Communion and can participate
regardless of where they attend school.
Training will be scheduled in September.
Please complete form and return to Parish Office or email to
Anna Chitwood at [email protected]
Student’s Name / Grade
Saint Lawrence the Martyr Parish
1971 St. Lawrence Drive,
Santa Clara, CA, 95051
Phone 408-296-3000 / Fax 408-296-3100
Sign-up for
Eucharistic Adoration
Every Thursday
One hour a week
Jesus waits for your visit
One hour once a week to
keep Jesus company in
the Blessed Sacrament
Please fill in the form below and
return to the Parish Office
Your Name:
Parent’s Name
Telephone Number
Home Address
Your Phone Number :
Email Address
Mass Time
Saturday 5pm ___
Please select which mass
you attend
Sunday 8am ___ 10am ___
Parent’s Signature
Noon ___
Wednesday SS ___
1:30pm ___
6pm ___
Your Email:
Please write in the chart below the
hour of the day which you prefer
(Please note that each hour should begin on the
hour as example 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM)
Adoration times 9:00 AM to 8:30 PM
Visit and support the St Lawrence Guadalupe Society/
Hispanic Community’s food booth
at the 35th Annual Art & Wine Festival
at Central Park, 909 Kiely Blvd.
on Saturday, September 19th, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm and
Sunday, September 20th, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm.
Menu items include delicious Tamales
and Burritos Carne Asada
Please write
your hour
with Jesus
September 13, 2015 - Twenty - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 5
Twenty - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 13, 2015 Sunday
Isaiah 50: 5-9a / James 2: 14-18 / Mark 8: 27-35 (131)
8:00 AM
+ John Kelly
10:00 AM
People of Saint Lawrence
12:00 PM
+ Pelagia S. Ortiz
+ Julie M. Shirodkar
1:30 PM
Joaquin Serpas
for the
6:00 PM
+ Carmen G. Llagas
September 14, 2015 Monday
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Numbers 21: 4b-9 / Philippians 2: 6-11 / John 3: 13-17 (638)
8:30 AM
+ Rose Frankina
September 15, 2015 Tuesday
Our Lady of Sorrows
1 Timothy 3: 1-13 (444) / John 19: 25-27 or Luke 2: 33-35 (639)
8:30 AM
+ Charles Navarra
September 16, 2015 Wednesday Saints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs
1 Timothy 3: 14-16 / Luke 7: 31-35 (445)
8:30 AM
+ Charlotte Barnes
September 17, 2015 Thursday
Weekday - Saint Robert Bellarmine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
1 Timothy 4: 12-16 / Luke 7: 36-50 (446)
8:30 AM
Marianne Nguyen - Happy Birthday
September 18, 2015 Friday
1 Timothy 6: 2c-12 / Luke 8: 1-3 (447)
8:30 AM
+ Joseph John
September 19, 2015 Saturday
Weekday - Saint Januarius, Bishop and Martyr; BVM
1 Timothy 6: 13-16 / Luke 8: 4-15 (448)
8:30 AM
+ Gary Chang
5:00 PM
Seth Ross
September 20, 2015 Sunday
Twenty - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wisdom 2: 12, 17-20 / James 3: 16 -- 4: 3 / Mark 9: 30-37 (134)
Ques ons?
Email Mary at
[email protected]
Luck of St. Lawrence is back!
Tickets Are Available at the Parish Office
You can be
The first
Lucky winner
The name of the winner of the $2,500 prize on September 11, 2015
will be published in next week’s bulletin.
The next drawing will be on October 30, 2015 for a $200 prize
Remember that each ticket you buy now gives you 9 chances to win.
Please return your sold ticket stubs with payment to the Parish Office since the sooner
you turn in your sold tickets, the more chances you have to win the prizes money.
Deadline: Tickets must be returned to the Parish Office on
October 28 before 4:00 PM for the drawing on October 30, 2015.
September 13, 2015 - Twenty - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 6
Ready for Duty!
By: Kelly Flores
As the 2015-2016 school
year kicks off with academic
and educational adventures,
the 5th grade class of Saint
Lawrence Elementary and
Middle School embarks on a
quest of their own. All 31
students have been trained
and sworn in to Safety Patrol
duty by a Santa Clara Police
Department (SCPD) Safety
Patrol Officer. The students
have been given the daily
responsibilities of keeping
both car and pedestrian
traffic safe during drop off
and dismissal times. Their daily commitment
ensures safety of the students and families using the
crosswalk and drive through for pick up and
dismissal times. They are led by their teacher Ms.
Hayley Huston, and are ranked and evaluated against
other locals schools as the year progresses. “All
students start off as officers, and then can be
promoted...It goes Officer, Sergeant, Lieutenant,
then Captain,” explains Ms. Huston. The Safety
Patrol program truly challenges the 5th grade students
to promote safety and take responsibility in their call
to active duty. According to Ms. Huston, “A Safety
Patrol Officer from SCPD comes once a month to
discuss their jobs, what has happened, and promote
particularly safety-conscious students”. The support
given by the local Police Department provides an
encouraging atmosphere for the 5th grade students
whose efforts are rewarded at the end of the year in a
city-wide ceremony. As the school year progresses
and the weather changes, the students and families of
Saint Lawrence Elementary and Middle School can
count on the 5th grade Safety Patrol Officers to be on
duty, ensuring the safety of their school community.
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
Sunday, September 13, 2015
After the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Masses
Parish Hall
Your pancake breakfast donation helps us support
the following charities:
Saint Lawrence the Martyr Parish
Boy Scout Programs and Parents Helping Parents
Orphan Homes in Germany, Israel, India, and Mexico
Thank You Very Much!
Saint Lawrence Academy
Alumni Association
is pleased to announce that we are
celebrating our 40th anniversary here at
Saint Lawrence Academy! An
anniversary party is taking place on
Saturday, September 19, 2015 at
6:30PM in the Community Center.
Join us for a night of reminiscing,
connecting with old and new friends,
school trivia, and lots of laughter!
Please view our invitation at http://evite.me/GragvZB9za
and confirm your attendance. We look forward to
celebrating with you!
OnFire Nor Cal Jam 2015
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom
(Marine World) in Vallejo
Saturday, September 19
Carpool from St. Lawrence at 7:00am
Enjoy a faith-filled day with family and friends!
Celebrate morning Mass, enjoy rides, all you can eat lunch
buffet, speakers, evening concert, and 2 hours exclusive
ride me a er the park closes to the public.
For more info, visit
h p://onfirenorcal.com
Tickets are $50 each
Parking is $5 if purchased
ahead of me
If you would like to a end, e-mail Eleanor at
[email protected]
or call the parish office at (408) 296-3000.
September 13, 2015 - Twenty - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 7