~-\ BRITISH EIImASSY, PUErros 1,IR?S. June 30, 1956 Lonsieur le Ministre, 1 have the honour to reter to negotiationc about the Lrrterdrn arrangements to r-e pl.ace the agr-eemerrt on trade and paymerrts signed at Buenos Aires on the 31st March, 1955, between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Governrnent 01' the Argentine Republic, and the letters exchanged on that date, and to propose, pending the signature ot a definitive agreement between our Governrnents concerning the matter that: (a) Ships of the f.lag of either country ahall enjoy, within the jurisdiction 01' the other, the most favourable treatment al10~ed by their respective leeis1ations as regards port facilities snd operations, (b) ~nd that 'fhe t wo governments shal1 r-ef'r af.n troro ado!'ting any measure tending to restrict the liberty of ships of either flag to tate part in normal campetition in trade between the Uni t ed Kingdom and the Argentine Republic and froro any action ot a discriminatory nature affecting shippin[~ engaged in this trade, in accordance with the principIes set out in the Convention for the Establis!l1nent of the Inter-governmentcl !;Iaritime Consultative Organisation opened for si2nature and acceptance at Geneva on the 6th March, 19 4 8, which has been signad and ac cected by both governments. If the aboye proposals are acceptab1e to the C~vernment o~ the Arr·:cntine Eepublic, 1 nave the honour f'urther tonropose that . thiG note, together viitb. Your I<:xcellency' s roply to uhat e::Cfect, shall be regarded as constituting en agreerrent between the two governments. / ..• I H1s E x c e l 1 e n c y , . ? Dr. Luis A. Podestá Costa,,~'i~~%';' I.:ini zti.;;r tor :"oreign Af:fa1rs and:.'orship, Fuenos Aires. ~" • I avail myself oi: this opportunity t o renew to Your Excellency the aS3urrotce of my highest consideration. Bu~~nos Aires, junio 3 n de 1 °56 Señor Encargado de Negocios: r."xce1.cncia. con el objeto d e acusar z ec ibo <2<; su nota de 'T"e~130 el 1:... oric r ·l~;~ r~·[f.. r,:.7 ¡:1 ~~ "bz c los arreglor. 'roviso:d.05 ~':::,ra -rCCi:' 'c a r .:<i "rn e rc c y ;&~'~~S e us c r-i--to .f:.~ 'f'·u·~;}"'$.r:<::: ~'''':_''~ Il e n t r e el "'chiernn d-a f :;:·r ·ino r::"tH.') d·é'C'Y" , l\tc-: y <::1 G',-}biC"rno ,d.za ~,:; R ~C3. /\.!"¡X·~TJJ~,..:·~? "bíada s n ''''f ha • .... «'-la. e. e s .... .CCn , y Cl."! '. rn-'CTIt!'l", c-";,,,;} " "ní» defirritivo entre nuestros C:,.,hicrr~('¡s3,-b;,' 1;:-;.. "m en de puertos y:El. la;3 lI y que Qrel"~.cioneg q'll':l s e ~r:'·'; cuyo n'·~ocitl.cion.er<·v'­ c···i;"·~:~nif) sn~)r¡<~': c. ;'":1;lr;~c~{10 l';5S- í ll,eJ.) ';:,~,3 buques de bander::l. aTgf~ntin,,", y len 1::.:,:,;, lino Unido go~;:arB:n. en jurisdi.::::ci6r.. de 1::l. o1;r'? :~ PbI' e~ nue .... leG:r·5::",,~l··1: '" '1'-'''.:' 'c' on sf - e.ntan e: !:_- sus r,,'s'-'('C\.lV~8 fecha -;"r.r, cuanto a.lr~,~gien, 1e S n~ 1. ~ rr o :~~ "J ;-"':{Z "'Di r os dos CüDü.'rnos se abstendrán :".•~ ';. ".,r \i."¡.;;1. y c/tra b'r.¡.};1(:{~" llt0n'liente a. re::1-d1·,gir 'la l ibe rtad de ' :::' l~·"..;'c'" re :~: "'leia en (.'1. e :~'tl¡·~l '~:;A.ra '··a.rtici nr en. c¡"'1'Hl1c~.cne5 d en ie '0~' ,r:I~-:' .' lI m e r c i ü cnt r e la r'~' ··úbHca'\rg,,,ntina. y d ''', -~::1. , T'" a fec te la.TI,:~T/~':-" "acci0n c cnc ebída con n¡·o:,6sÍtos discrir:r:i.T'."-'tn': • H r.;a ci0l'.1 d edí cada a ese corne rc ío de ac ue rdo e t ' s ·':i.·incir~ios *~::::-;':... 'il)lecí.dos; en la conv encí cn g~l)!"e e etablec irní cntr .,~ ,1":~·-"rg2.ni~2:_'ci li'o115ultiva ~Aarn:ima Tntel"¿¡~b,'rn.a:;;-."l::mtalabiert:-· "':~t <:!",'L1a yace" '::'1.tlci(;~n en :(~;inebra el 6 d t'":13..r~c 'dg1948 ba s~:; ·:i~;'_"'rr:ad.a V o: ta."da nor los do s Gobiez-nc s . 11 ~1 +) e q u e a e ¡ uSi las frú -ueata,s arriba r;rncion:J,j:s F;on a e e t"":),~:: "al Gobierno de la Re núbllc a Argentina bng'-¡ ade - -":;; '1'1.::¡:aol'" r; Ce, "roner que esta nota. conjuntamentacou Ia reS·,U::i.lI' de; 'll':,;stra "Lenela a tal efecto, sean consideradas .com::> const~tt;...,:r:¡·'~un C(\'I'4~.rC'},1i,. "entxe loe dos gobiernos. n .1.1 / {JI! fl ",A, 1'"vpch"" la o;:;ortunid:ad ')a.r·~ r",:n,";v,.:r a Vuelltra 1a s s gtl1"idadcs de :mi rná,'3 aUa C"'(:JI', c:X'aCÍ"Sn 't'dü ~-:':'n: d ~ncia "A. ~1. r eO , ::-; r; f; ~-'; /\ i\.~ H la . oportunidad para reiterarle las seguridades de n-d c(,ns;(1<:ración más dis . ~ tinguida. Fdo. L.A. Podestá COStR.