Question Tags

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Question Tags
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question tags
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English Grammar
3. Future Perfect Continuous:
Duration before something;
2. Future Perfect:
Completed action before another;
Duration of time before an action.
1. Past Perfect Continuous: Before a completed action; reason
5. Past Perfect: Earliest action;
Hewitt Grammar
4. Future Continuous: In progress;
same time; earlier action
3. Present Perfect Continuous: Hasn’t
finished; result.
2. Will: Not certain; offer or promise;
decision while speaking
1. Going to: Personal plan; certain
5. Present Perfect: Experiences;
results; hasn’t finished
4. Present Continuous: In progress;
temporary; near future
3. Past Continuous: In progress;
same time; earlier action
2. Past simple: Finished action
1. Present simple:
Facts; events; routines
Question tags
Question: what is a question tag?
Answer: a statement with a very short question.
Example: You know how to swim, don’t you?
(1) Confirmar algo positivo.
Example: He can drive, can’t he?
- estamos confirmando que puede conducir.
NOTE: tu voz debería subir cuando dices "can't he".
(2) Confirmar algo que no deseas ser verdad.
Example: She doesn’t still live here, does she?
- la persona no quiere que ella vive aquí todavía.
NOTE: tu voz debería caer cuando dices "can't he".
(1) Si la frase es positiva, el question tag es negativa.
Example: You like chocolate, don't you?
(2) Si la frase es negativa, el question tag es positiva.
Example: You don't like chocolate, do you?
This'll work, won't it?
You agree, don’t you?
I couldn't do it, could I?
But you'll tell me if she calls, won't you?
We'd never have known, would we?
You don’t exercise, do you?
The weather's bad, isn't it?
You won't be late, will you?
Nobody knows, do they?
You never come on time, do you?
You couldn't help me, could you?
You think I’m right, don’t you?
So you don't think I can do it, don't you?
It’s big, isn’t it?
1. You did your homework, ...?
2. It isn't raining, ...?
3. You've done the cleaning, ...?
4. I'm not late, ... ...?
5. I'm invited to your party, ... ...?
6. You like German food, ...?
7. You'll come to my party, ...?
8. You remembered to feed the cat,...?
9. You want to play tennis, ...?
10. The problem is solved, ...?
11. He is a quite person, ...?
12. Everybody worked, ... ...?
13. You went home, ...?
14. You think you'll pass, ...?
1. You did your homework, didn't you?
2. It isn't raining, isn't it?
3. You've done the cleaning, haven't you?
4. I'm not late, am I?
5. I'm invited to your party, aren't I?
6. You like German food, don't you?
7. You'll come to my party, won't you?
8. You remembered to feed the cat, didn't you?
9. You want to play tennis, don't you?
10. The problem is solved, isn't it?
11. He is a quite person, isn't he?
12. Everybody worked, didn't they?
13. You went home, didn't you?
14. You think you'll pass, don't you?