Spanish / English - Dartmouth College

Hispanic Resources at Dartmouth College
Research & Instructional Services at Baker-Berry Library
Miguel Valladares
Romance languages & Latin American librarian
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Spanish / English – English / SpanishDictionaries
A) Basic Spanish / English bilingual dictionaries:
A.1) Located in Baker Berry Reference Collection
Dictionaries located in Baker-Berry Ref. are non-circulating. This
means you can not check them out of the library, but you are
welcome to use them inside the library.
A.2) Located in the Baker Berry Regular Collection
Dictionaries located in Baker-Berry Regular Stacks are circulating.
This means you can not check them out
B) Technical and/or Specialized Spanish / English dictionaries
B.1) Language
B.2) Business and Economics
B.3) Law
B.4) Medicine
B.5) Sciences
A) Basic Spanish / English Bilingual Dictionaries (A selection):
A.1) Located in Baker Berry Reference Collection
Larousse gran diccionario : inglés-español, español-inglés.
México, D.F. : Ediciones Larousse, c2004
Baker Berry Ref. PC4640 .L393 2004
The Oxford Spanish dictionary : Spanish-English/English-Spanish
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. 3 rd ed.
Baker Berry Ref. PC4640 .O94 2003
More Oxford Spanish dictionaries (Different editions & versions):
Baker Berry Ref. PC4640 .O94 2001
Baker Berry Ref. PC4640 .L45 2001
Baker Berry Ref. PC4640 .P63 2000
Baker Berry PC4640 .O938 2003
Baker Berry Ref. PC4640 .O94 1998b
The Oxford Spanish dictionary. 2st ed. 2001
Spanish dictionary and grammar. 2st ed. 2001
Spanish dictionary and grammar. 2nd ed. 2000
The pocket Oxford Spanish dictionary 2nd ed. 2000
The Concise Oxford Spanish dictionary. 2nd ed. 1998
Random House Latin-American Spanish dictionary
New York : Random House, c2000. 2nd ed.
Baker Berry Ref. PC4822 .G65 2000
NTC's dictionary of Latin American Spanish
Lincolnwood, Ill., U.S.A. : NTC Pub. Group, c1997
Baker Berry Ref. PC4822 .O65 1997
Collins Spanish-English, English-Spanish dictionary = Collins diccionario español-inglés, inglés-español
New York, NY : HarperCollins Publishers, 1993
Baker Berry Ref. PC4640 .C53 1993
The University of Chicago Spanish dictionary : a new concise Spanish-English and English-Spanish
dictionary of words and phrases basic to the written and spoken languages of today…
Baker Berry Ref. PC4640 .U5 1987
The American heritage Larousse Spanish dictionary : Spanish/English, English/Spanish
Boston : Houghton Mifflin, c1986
Baker Berry Ref. PC4640 .A54 1986
Elsevier's concise Spanish etymological dictionary : containing 10,000 entries, 1,300 word families
Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier, 1985
Baker Berry Ref. PC4580 .G65 1985
Cassell's Spanish-English, English-Spanish dictionary = Diccionario español-ingles, ingles-español
London : Cassell ; New York : Macmillan, 1978
Dana Ref. PC4640 .C35 1978
Rauner Ref PC4640 .C35 1978
Paddock Ref. PC4640 .C35 1978
Matthews Fuller Ref. PC4640 .C35 1978
Baker Berry Ref. PC4640 .C35 1978
Baker Berry Reserve Lockd PC4640 .C35 1978
Feldberg Ref. PC4640 .C35 1978
A.2) Located in Baker Stacks Regular Collection (A Selection):
The Oxford Spanish dictionary : Spanish-English/English-Spanish
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2001. 2nd ed.
Baker Berry PC4640 .O94 2001
More Oxford Spanish dictionaries (Different editions & versions):
Baker Berry
Baker Berry
Baker Berry
Baker Berry
Baker Berry
Baker Berry
Baker Berry
Baker Berry
PC4640 .O94 1996
PC4640 .O933 2006
PC4640 .P63 2005
PC4640 .O938 2003
PC4640 .O95 2000
PC4640 .O95 1997
PC4640 .L45 1997
PC4640 .O94 1995
The Oxford Spanish dictionary. 1st ed. 1996
Oxford Beginner's Spanish Dictionary 1st ed. 2006
Pocket Oxford Spanish dictionary. 3rd ed. 2005
Oxford Spanish desk dictionary. 2nd ed. 2003
Oxford starter Spanish dictionary. 2nd 2000
Oxford starter Spanish dictionary. 1st ed. 1997
Spanish dictionary and grammar. 1st ed. 1997
Oxford-Duden pictorial Spanish-English dictionary. 2nd ed. 1995
Diccionario Cambridge Klett mini : español-inglés, English-Spanish.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Baker Berry PC4640 .D48 2004
Spanish-English, English-Spanish concise dictionary (Latin American)
New York : Hippocrene Books, c1994.
Baker Berry PC4640 .W37 1994
Collins Spanish-English, English-Spanish dictionary
London : Collins, 1988, 2nd ed.
Baker Berry PC4640 .S595 1988
The University of Chicago Spanish dictionary : a new concise Spanish-English and English-Spanish
dictionary of words and phrases basic to the written and spoken languages of today, plus a list of 1000
Spanish idioms and sayings with variants and English equivalents.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1977. 3d rev. and enl. ed.
Baker Berry PC4640 .U5 1977
Appleton's revised English-Spanish and Spanish-English dictionary, containing more than one hundred and
twenty thousand principal and subsidiary terms, with idioms and technical usages, new pronouncing keys
and the fundamental forms of the irregular verbs. Rev. and enl. by Lewis E. Brett (Part I) and Helen S.
Eaton, with the assistance of Walter Beveraggi-Allende (Part II)
Imprint New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1962. 2 vol. 4th ed
Baker Berry PC4640 .C8 1962
Cassell's Spanish dictionary: Spanish-English, English-Spanish.
New York, Funk & Wagnalls [1960, c1959]
Baker Berry PC4640 .C35 1960
B) Technical and/or Specialized Spanish / English dictionaries
B.1) Language.
Diccionario fraseológico : inglés-castellano, castellano-inglés : frases, expresiones, modismos, dichos,
locuciones, idiotismos, refranes, etc. = A phraseological dictionary : English-Spanish, Spanish-English :
phrases, expressions, locutions, clichés, idioms, sayings, saws, proverbs, etc.
Barcelona : Ediciones del Serbal, c1995.
Baker Berry PC4689 .C37 1995
Glosario internacional para el traductor = Glossary of selected terms used in international organizations.
Santiago de Chile : [s.n.] : c1990, 3rd ed.
Baker Berry PC4640 .O69 1990
1000 modismos y origen de muchos de ellos con la equivalencia en francés e inglés
Salamanca, [Spain] : The Author, 1988. 2nd ed.
Baker Berry PC4460 .S33 1988
Diccionario de términos equivocos (falsos amigos) : inglés-español-inglés
Madrid : Alhambra, 1987, c1986
Baker Berry PC4850 .C81 1987
B.2) Business and Economics
Spanish business dictionary : multicultural business Spanish
Rockville, Md. : Schreiber Pub., c2001.
Feldberg Ref. HF1002 .S58 2001
Terminología general de economía, comercio y desarrollo : glosario inglés-español (con indice español) =
Economics, trade & development : English-Spanish general terminology (with Spanish index)
Nueva York ; Genebra : Naciones Unidas, 2001.
Baker Berry HB61 .T3754 2001
Diccionario bilingüe de economía y empresa : inglés-español, español-inglés
Madrid : Ediciones Pirámide, c2001. 6th ed.
Baker Berry HB61 .L69 2001
Diccionario de negocios : inglés-español, español-inglés : contabilidad, administración, finanzas, economía
y mercadotecnia = Dictionary of business : English-Spanish, Spanish-English : accounting, management,
finance, economics and marketing
México : Editorial Limusa/Noriega, c1999.
Baker Berry HF1002 .U77 1999
Wiley's English-Spanish, Spanish-English business dictionary
New York : Wiley, c1996.
Feldberg Ref. HB61 .K323 1996
Diccionario económico, financiero y bursátil : español, inglés, francés = English, Spanish, French
Madrid : Tecnos, c1994.
Baker Berry HB61 .C35 1994
B.3) Law
Diccionario jurídico : español-inglés, inglésespañol / Antonio Ramírez.
Barcelona : Gestión 2000, c2003.
Baker Berry K52.S6 R35 2003
Dictionary of legal terms : Spanish-English and
México, D.F. : Limusa, c1999.
Baker Berry K52.S6 R633 1999
Diccionario bilingüe de terminología jurídica :
inglés-español, español-inglés
Buenos Aires : Abeledo-Perrot, [1998]. 718 p. + 1
optical disc (4 3/4 in.).-3rd ed.
Baker Berry Ref. K52.S6 M39 1998 text
Jones Media CD-ROM K52.S6 M39 1998 disc
B.4) Medicine
Spanish-English, English-Spanish medical
dictionary = Diccionario médico español-inglés,
Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
c2005. 3rd ed.
Matthews Fuller Ref. R121 .M488 2005
Spanish-English, English-Spanish medical
dictionary = Diccionario médico, español-inglés,
Boston : Little, Brown, c1996. 2nd ed.
On Reserve at Dana
English-Spanish, Spanish-English medical
dictionary = Diccionario médico, inglés-español,
New York : McGraw-Hill, Health Professions
Division, c1997. 2nd ed.
Dana Ref. R121 .R626 1997
B.5) Sciences
Aviation terminology = terminología aeronáutica :
english-spanish, spanish-english aeronautical
dictionary = diccionario aeronáutico inglésespañol, español-inglés
Madrid : Díaz de Santos, c2003.
Baker Berry TL509 .G37 2003
Geology terms in English and Spanish =
Terminología geológica en español e inglés
San Diego, Calif. : Sunbelt Publications, 2000.
Kresge Ref. QE5 .A88 2000
Diccionario de volcanología y sismología :
castellano-inglés, inglés-castellano = Dictionary of
volcanology and seismology : English-Spanish,
Horsham, Pa. : Editorial Castilla La Vieja, c1999.
Kresge Ref. QE534.2 .H67 1999
Wiley's English-Spanish, Spanish-English
chemistry dictionary = Diccionario de química
inglés-español, español-inglés Wiley.
New York : J. Wiley, c1998.
Kresge Ref. QD5 .K294 1998
English-Spanish and Spanish-English glossary of
geoscience terms = diccionario inglés-enspñol y
español-inglés de términos de geosciencias
Australia : Gordon and Breach Science Publishers,
Kresge Ref. QE7 .P76 1997
Spanish-English English-Spanish dictionary of
computer terms
New York : Hippocrene Books c1993.
Baker Berry Cook QA76.15 .C58 1993
Diccionario técnico, ingles-español
Mexico, D.F. : Editorial Limusa, c1991.
Baker Berry T10 .G37 1991
New polytechnic dictionary of Spanish and
English language = Nuevo diccionario politecnico
de las lenguas española e inglesa
Madrid : Ediciones Diaz de Santos, S.A., 1988. 2 v.
Baker Berry PC4640 .B44 1988 v.1-2
Kresge Ref. PC4640 .B44 1988
Diccionario tecnológico inglés-español
Madrid : Alhambra, 1989. 3rd ed.
Baker Berry PC4640 .F73 1989