You have kept the good wine until now Tú has dejado el mejor vino para el final Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Parish Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Medalla Milagrosa MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: Sunday: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: Wednesday: 5:00 PM — Vigil 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM 2:30 PM — La Misa en español 10:00 AM 10:00 AM & 6:00 PM Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 300 Pike Street. Meadow Lands PA 15347 724‐222‐1911 Office Hours: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM January 17, 2016 January 17, 2016 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page 2 PARISH FAITH LA FE DE LA PARROQUIA SURPRISES Life is full of surprises, some pleasant, some not. The scriptures are filled with stories of God’s surprises cropping up when they are least expected: younger children obtaining the inheritance; the lowliest being seated highest up; an itinerant preacher, killed like a criminal, exalted to eternal, heavenly glory. Anybody who has planned a wedding or similar event knows that they are filled with opportunities for surprises. For the bridegroom in today’s Gospel story, who has no direct contact with Jesus, the pleasant surprise came because somebody else paid attention and had faith in Jesus. We may think that the point of today’s familiar story of the wedding at Cana is that when we have faith in Jesus, our lives will be pleasantly changed. A Christian, however, needs to have a broader perspective and realize that to have faith in Christ means that somebody’s life— not necessarily our own—will be surprised for the better SORPRESAS La vida está llena de sorpresas, algunas agradables, otras no. La Sagrada Escritura está llena de relatos sobre las sorpresas de Dios que surgen donde menos se esperan: los hijos más jóvenes reciben la herencia, a los más humildes se les dan los sitios de honor; un predicador itinerante, condenado a morir como un criminal, es exaltado hacia la gloria celestial eterna. Cualquiera que haya planificado una boda o celebración similar sabe que está llena de oportunidades para que surjan sorpresas. Para el novio (el cual, en el relato bíblico, no tiene contacto directo con Jesús) la agradable sorpresa vino porque otra persona había prestado atención y tenía fe en Jesús. A lo mejor pensamos que la lección de la conocida historia de las bodas de Caná es que cuando tenemos fe en Jesús, nuestra vida cambiará positivamente. Sin embargo, un cristiano necesita tener una perspectiva más amplia, y darse cuenta que tener fe en Cristo implica que la vida de alguien –sea la tuya, sea la de otra persona– va a mejorarse sorpresivamente. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Although our tradition carries a long memory of marriage as a sacrament, it may surprise you to learn that for nearly eleven centuries, there was no single wedding ceremony approved for use in the Church. While we have evidence of priests blessing marriages as early as the second century, in the early period church leaders relied on civil authorities to manage marriage for everyone in society. In most cases, society yielded its authority to sanction marriage to the male heads of households. From ancient times, marriage had been a family affair, managed by the father of the family, who acted as priest and guardian of family tradition. Each head wanted to keep the family gods alive, and so he would arrange for brides for his sons, paying a “bride price” as compensation for the loss of a skilled household worker. As creepy as that sounds, it was a step up from the kidnapping practice of earlier years. Even after the kidnapping raids stopped, the customs remained. Every wedding contained the ritualized kidnapping of the bride, the husband abducting his bride from the festivities, carrying her over the threshold to prevent her father’s gods from following her into her new religion. There, he fed her a piece of “sacred cake,” initiating her into a new way of life. It’s fascinating to see how customs endure, long after we have completely rejected the values and attitudes they originally expressed! En 1502 el fraile Nicolás de Ovando y doce franciscanos dieron inicio a la evangelización de América en la República Dominicana. Ellos fueron enviados por los reyes españoles con el mandato de convertir a los nativos “sin les hacer fuerza alguna”. Con los misioneros llegaron Alfonso y Antonio Trejo quienes traían con ellos un cuadro de la Virgen María bajo la advocación de Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia. Ellos la llevaron a Higuey, donde en 1572 se le construyó su primer santuario. Poco a poco esta pequeña imagen se convirtió en la Reina del corazón de los dominicanos. María observa dulcemente a su recién nacido quien yace sobres las pajas. Está coronada y lleva puesto un manto azul rociado de estrellas y un escapulario blanco. Lleva una aureola hecha de doce estrellas. En una esquina de la imagen san José también observa al niño por encima del hombro derecho de María. El 25 de enero del 1979 Juan Pablo II la coronó por ser la primera evangelizadora del continente Americano. Con ella los doce misioneros trajeron la Alta Gracia de Jesucristo a nuestras tierras. BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK LOS CUMPLEAÑOS DE ESTA SEMANA Autumn Azman, Jennifer Berdine, Kari Dufresne, Edward Guernsey, Maria McCarren, Adolph Bell, Meghan Gregg, Dennis Luisi, Russell Stevens, Joseph Tordella, Thomas Chatlak, Helen Katrencik, Gabriela Palencia, Lori Potochar, Audrey Breeger, Courtney Fullgraf, Nicole Mikluscak, Russell Stevens, III, Christopher Torrez, Leona Kubacki, Stacy Proia, Leah Ross, Rose Almasy, Austin Berger, Richard McGinnis Jr., Michele Cerciello, Kelsey Diesel and Kathleen Parrish. January 17, 2016 OUR LADY OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL PARISH LIFE Join a Small Group Today. Fill out an interest card and drop it in the basket. Or call the Small Group Coordinator: Dee Coyle at 724-413-1457. Page 3 AROUND THE DIOCESE Find an app for your phone that has the daily Get us on your mobile! PEQUEÑOS GRUPOS Por favor llene las tarjetas en las bancas. Para mas information puedes llamar a Elena al 724-531-4146 o [email protected]. WELCOME We’d like to welcome the newest members of our faith community: John Klingensmith & Virginia Rydzak We are grateful to God for you and proud to call you our brother and sister in Christ. Le agradecemos a Dios por ustedes y estamos orgullosos de Hamarlos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. ST. ANTHONY SCHOOL PROGRAMS & DEPAUL SCHOOL FOR THE HEARING AND SPEECH The Pittsburgh Diocese is home to two nationally recognized educational programs for children with special needs: St. Anthony School Programs and DePaul School for Hearing and Speech (formerly known as The DePaul Institute). A special collection to benefit these two organizations will be taken the weekend of January 16-17, 2016 at all Masses at each parish. Your donation will help St. Anthony School Programs and DePaul School for Hearing and Speech to further their goals of providing quality educational programs and services to their students. Your support is critical. Your generosity will help these organizations forever improve the lives of their students and families. DISCIPLESHIP OPPORTUNITY Are you looking for some ways in which you can be involved in our parish? Here is an exciting opportunity that would help us further promote the Gospel: Sight and Sound Ministry Assistant This ministry involves creating content for what is displayed using our projection system. Stop up to the choir loft and speak with one of our Sight & Sound Ministers about the fun you can have with the system while proclaiming the Gospel and making our Parish even more welcoming. High School students welcome! OUR MASSES ON THE WEB Don’t forget to stop by our website while you are surfing the web. We are constantly updating it with news and events. We also have our Masses streamed live as well as archived from previous Masses. Register on the site to get current news. JFK NIGHT AT THE RACES John F. Kennedy Catholic School presents A Night at the Races on Saturday, February 6, 2016, at John F. Kennedy Catholic Middle School Cafeteria from 8:00-11:00pm. Door s will open at 7:00pm. Enjoy a fun, non-smoking, adult night out. Regular admission tickets are $20.00 and include a light snack buffet as well as drinks. Become an owner of one of our race horses with a donation of $25.00. This price includes one general admission ticket and a chance to win more if your horse wins its race. For additional information please call school office: 724-225-1680. MARCH FOR LIFE The annual March for Life will be Friday, January 22, 2016 Please sign up for the trip to Washington D.C. as soon as possible. The cost for Adults is $10.00 to help defray the cost of the bus. Children are free. For reservations please call: Jan Chehovin at 724-222-8513 or call Rectory at 724-222-1911.\ January 17, 2016 SEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO DAY TIME SAT. JAN. 16 10:00 AM 10:45‐11:30 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM SUN. JAN. 17 EVENTS Mass Confession Confession Mass 8:00 AM Mass 9:00‐10:30 AM CCD, CCD Center 11:00 AM Mass 2:30 PM Spanish Mass MASS INTENTIONS Page 4 OBSERVANCES & READINGS Ray Bazzoli +, req. Dick & Pa y Novar Margaret Ames +, req. Family Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary 1 Sm 9:1‐4, 17‐19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2‐7; Mk 2:13 17 Genevieve Macanga & Furman Ashbrook + Req. Judith Ashbrook Tony Provenzano + (Birthday), req. Wife Barb PARISHIONERS Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 62:1‐5; Ps 96:1‐3, 7‐10; 1 Cor 12:4‐11; Jn 2:1‐11 MON. JAN. 18 10:00 AM Mass 10:45 AM Miraculous Medal Novena John Orbin +, Req. Carolyn Orbin & Mary Alice Saint Mar n Luther King, Jr. Day; Week of Prayer for Chris an Unity begins 1 Sm 15:16‐23; Ps 50:8‐9, 16bc‐17, 21, 23; Mk 2:18‐22 TUE. JAN. 19 10:00 AM Mass Teresa Rumanek +, req. Gerry & Sheila Bacza Julian Calendar Theophany (Epiphany) 1 Sm 16:1‐13; Ps 89:20‐22, 27‐28; Mk 2:23‐28 WED. JAN. 20 10:00 AM Mass 6:00 PM Mass 6:30 PM Bingo, CCD Center 7:00 PM RCIA Elmer Sobansky +, req. Gene Yoest Aunt Marge Popiolkowski (91st. Birthday) Req, Family St. Fabian; St. Sebas an 1 Sm 17:32‐33, 37, 40‐51; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9‐10; Mk 3:1‐6 THU. JAN. 21 10:00 AM Mass 7:00 PM Outreach Ministry Mee ng CCD Center 7:00 PM Safety Ministry Mee ng CCD Center Katherine M. Scharf + Req. Father Carmen D’Amico St. Agnes 1 Sm 18:6‐9; 19:1‐7; Ps 56:2‐3, 9‐13; Mk 3:7‐12 FRI. JAN. 22 5:30 AM Mass 6:00 AM Bus Leaving OLMM for March of Life, Washington,DC Return around 11 ‐ 11:30 PM 10:00 AM Mass 10:45 AM Divine Mercy John Pomykala +, req. Joseph Mancuso Day of Prayer for the Legal Protec on of Unborn Children 1 Sm 24:3‐21; Ps 57:2‐4, 6, 11; Mk 3:13‐19, or any of a number of readings for the Day of Prayer Fred Andersen + (Anniversary) Req. Daughter Barb Edward Mals + (Birthday) Req. Wife, JoAnn & Children St. Vincent; St. Marianne Cope; Blessed Virgin Mary 2 Sm 1:1‐4, 11‐12, 19, 23‐27; Ps 80:2‐3, 5‐7; Mk 3:20‐21 Walter Ki a +, req. Barbara & Dave Baker Josephine Jacobs +, req. Toni & Family Neh 8:2‐4a, 5‐6, 8‐10; Ps 19:8‐10, 15; 1 Cor 12:12‐30 [12‐14, 27]; Lk 1:1‐4; 4:14‐21 SAT. JAN. 23 SUN. DEC. 20 10:00 AM Mass 10:45‐11:30 AM Confession 4:00 PM Confession 5:00 AM Mass 8:00 AM Mass 11:00 AM Mass 2:30 PM Spanish Mass YOUR BEST Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you. —Anonymous THE EXISTENCE OF GOD No one who understands the reality that God is can think that God does not exist. —St. Anselm of Canterbury LO MEJOR DE TU PARTE Da al mundo lo mejor de tu parte y recibirás lo mejor de vuelta. —Anónimo LA EXISTENCIA DE DIOS Nadie que entiende la realidad de que Dios existe puede pensar que Dios no existe. —San Anselmo de Canterbury January 17, 2016 PARROQUIA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA MEDALLA MILAGROSA Page 5 10 POINTS FOR FRUITFUL SCRIPTURE READING 1. Bible reading is for Catholics. The Church encourages Catholics to make reading the Bible part of their daily prayer lives. Reading these inspired words, people grow deeper in their relationship with God and come to understand their place in the community God has called them to in himself. 2. Prayer is the beginning and the end. Reading the Bible is not like reading a novel or a history book. It should begin with a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to open our hearts and minds to the Word of God. Scripture reading should end with a prayer that this Word will bear fruit in our lives, helping us to become holier and more faithful people. 3. Get the whole story! When selecting a Bible, look for a Catholic edition. A Catholic edition will include the Church's complete list of sacred books along with introductions and notes for understanding the text. A Catholic edition will have an imprimatur notice on the back of the title page. An imprimatur indicates that the book is free of errors in Catholic doctrine. 4. The Bible isn't a book. It's a library. The Bible is a collection of 73 books written over the course of many centuries. The books include royal history, prophecy, poetry, challenging letters to struggling new faith communities, and believers' accounts of the preaching and passion of Jesus. Knowing the genre of the book you are reading will help you understand the literary tools the author is using and the meaning the author is trying to convey. 5. Know what the Bible is – and what it isn't. The Bible is the story of God's relationship with the people he has called to himself. It is not intended to be read as history text, a science book, or a political manifesto. In the Bible, God teaches us the truths that we need for the sake of our salvation. 6. The sum is greater than the parts. Read the Bible in context. What happens before and after – even in other books – helps us to understand the true meaning of the text. 7. The Old relates to the New. The Old Testament and the New Testament shed light on each other. While we read the Old Testament in light of the death and resurrection of Jesus, it has its own value as well. Together, these testaments help us to understand God's plan for human beings. 8. You do not read alone. By reading and reflecting on Sacred Scripture, Catholics join those faithful men and women who have taken God's Word to heart and put it into practice in their lives. We read the Bible within the tradition of the Church to benefit from the holiness and wisdom of all the faithful. 9. What is God saying to me? The Bible is not addressed only to long-dead people in a faraway land. It is addressed to each of us in our own unique situations. When we read, we need to understand what the text says and how the faithful have understood its meaning in the past. In light of this understanding, we then ask: What is God saying to me? 10. Reading isn't enough. If Scripture remains just words on a page, our work is not done. We need to meditate on the message and put it into action in our lives. Only then can the word be "living and effective."(Hebrews 4:12). PARISH INFORMATION AND CONTACTS Clergy Carmen A. D’Amico, Pastor John Odeyemi, Priest in Residence Anton V. Mobley, Permanent Deacon Parish Staff Rosalie Eckels, Religious Education Director Jennifer Derrick, Music Director & Organist Mary Ann Lecci, Parish Secretary Don Ross, Coordinator of Ministries Andrew James, M aintenance, M on-Fri Dean Gindlesperger, M aintenance, Sat-Sun Phone Numbers Area Code (724) Rectory: 222-1911 Rectory: 206-9677 Rectory Fax: 222-5688 CCD Center: 228-8575 Religious Education Office: 228-9088 Religious Education Fax: 228-1488 e-mail: [email protected] Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m. -La Misa en español Weekday: Mon - Sat: 10:00 a.m. Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Holy Days: (check bulletin schedule) Bulletin Deadline Thursday at noon for the following week. Baptism and Marriage Contact the Rectory Safe Environment Coordinator Ed Holmes Phone: 724-886-1484 Email: ed.holmes@mir aculousmedalchur ch.or g Diocesan Abuse Hotline 1-888-808-1235 WEEKLY OFFERING Average Weekly Expense Collec on for Sunday January 3, 2016 Deficit $ 6,100.00 $ 4,909.00 $ 1,191.00 Parish Share Assessment: Parish Share collected to date: Anything collected over our Parish Share assessment will go into our savings. $ 67,359.00 $ 57,788.00