THE PARISH OF SAINT PAUL & SAINT AGNES ONE PARISH TWO CHURCHES E-MAIL ADDRESSES 1. Parish [email protected] 2. Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Nugent [email protected] Kickstarter If today you hear his voice harden not your heart Si hoy escuchas su voz no endurezca tu corazón Parish Clergy Jesus Christ, Pastor Joseph A. Nugent, Parish Priest Deacon Leroy P. Branch Jr. Rev. Mr. Christopher Bethge Parish Pastoral Staff Sister M. Innocentia Lipari, MSBT, Pastoral Associate William J. Gorman, Coordinator, Religious Education (CCD) Joan O’Brien, Director of Music Ministry, St. Agnes Lyudmila Papayani, Organist, St. Paul Christine Sanchez, Secretary Rectory & Office at St. Paul’s Church* 234 Congress Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Telephone: 718-624-3425 or 718-624-0179 Fax 718-408-7482 Closed Monday Tuesday & Thursday 9:30AM--2:00PM New Hours Office at St. Agnes Church* 433 Sackett Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 Telephone: 718-625-1717 Fax 718-625-1929 Closed Monday Wednesday & Friday, 9:30AM -- 2:00PM New Hours Weekend Mass Schedule at St. Agnes Saturday: 4PM Vigil Mass Sunday: 9:15AM English, 11:00AM French, 12:30PM Spanish Weekend Mass Schedule at St. Paul Saturday: 5:30 Vigil Mass Sunday: 7:45AM English; 11:00AM Spanish Confessions will be heard on Saturday Before Mass Or by appointment New Parishioners We welcome new members of the parish. All parishioners are encouraged to register and use church envelopes in order to maintain our parish of two churches. Religious Education (CCD) Sundays after the 9:15AM Mass in St. Agnes. RCIA ( Sacramental Process for Adults) Interested in the Catholic Faith and not Baptized? Haven’t received First Holy Communion or Confirmation? Classes will meet once every month. Speak to Father for more information Societies and Organizations Please call either parish if you are interested in any of these organizations: Favor de telefonear cualquiera oficina parroquial si le interesa cualquiera de estas organizaciones: J ornaditas (Youth); Cursillistas; Carismáticos; Boy Scouts; Santo Nombre; Knights of Columbus; Legión de María WEEKDAY MASSES MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY THROUGH SATURDAY IN ST. PAUL AT 8:30 AM. WEDNESDAY ONLY 8:30 AM ST. AGNES *English and Spanish are spoken at each parish office. Se habla Ingles y Español en cada oficina parroquial. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jan. 31– Feb.1, 2015 Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Saint Paul Roman Catholic Church Saint Agnes Roman Catholic Church Sat. Jan. 31st Sat. Jan. 31st 8:30 RIP Rodrigues-Morales Family Req. by Jose Gabriette 5:30 Marietta Hanley (D) Req. By Robert & Julie Donohue 4:00 William Smillie (D) Req. by Joan Melone Sun. Feb. 1st 7:45 Luis M. Maldonado Sr. (D) Req. By His Daughter Maria Maldonado 11:00 Los Feligreses de la Parroquia San Pablo y Santa Inés 11:00 William J. Reilly, Helen Reilly, Joseph J. Reilly, Philip Reilly and Reilly Family 11:00 Luz Tati Gonzalez (D) p/p Su Hermana Mary Gonzalez 11:00 Mark Soto (D) p/p Rosemary Esponda 11:00 RIP David Rivera p/p Ceci 11:00 RIP Jose Gerimo p/p Sus hijos Jeovany & Roselyn 11:00 Mon. Feb.2nd 8:30 Jesus Bigote Valdes (D) Req. by Sus Hermanas Altagracia y Juana Valdez Tue. Feb. 3rd 8:30 Mathew Brule Safe Return Req. by Auntie Margaret Adams Thur. Feb. 5th 8:30 Minerva Garcia (D) 5th Anniversary Req. by Her Sisiter Helen Fri. Feb. 6th 8:30 Hershal Rinaldi & Family Req. by His Friends Sat. Feb. 7th 8:30 RIP Felix Marques Req. by Jose Gabrielle 5:30 Anne Walsh (D) Req. by Patricia Walsh BAPTISMS PLEASE CALL THE RECTORY AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR YOUR CHILD’S BAPTISM. PLEASE BRING YOUR CHILD’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE AS WELL AS THE NAMES OF THE GODPARENTS WHO MUST BE ROMAN CATHOLIC TO SPONSOR YOUR CHILD. BAPTISM CLASS DUE TO THE SNOW STORM THE BAPTISM CLASS HAS BEEN MOVED TO MONDAY FEBRUARY 2nd 7:00 TO 8:30 PM AT ST. PAUL’S. PARENTS AND GODPARENTS ARE EXPECTED TO COME TO THE BAPTISM CLASS WITH DEACON LEROY HOLY HOUR THE FIRST FRIDAY HOLY HOUR WILL BE AT ST. PAUL’S CHURCH, FEBRUARY 6th, 2015 FROM 6-7 PM. FUND RAISING COMMITTEE MEETING Please mark your calendar the next meeting of the Fund Raising Committee will be held on Thursday, February 12th in St. Paul at 7:00 PM Sun. Feb. 1st 9:15 RIP Salvatore & Jennie Zerilli and Nettie Zerilli Adelfio Req. by Vincent & Gaspar Zerilli 9:15 Anthony Lopresti in Memory Req. by His sister Lena 9:15 11:00 Pour les victimes en France Req. by église St. Agnès 12:30 Los Feligreses de la Parroquia San Pablo y Santa Inés 12:30 William J. Reilly, Helen Reilly, Joseph J. Reilly, Philip Reilly and Reilly Family 12:30 Wed. Feb. 4th 8:30 Deceased Members of the Fallon Family Req. by Irene Fallon Sat. Feb. 7th 4:00 Patricia Lipari (D) Req. by Joan Melone COLLECTION ST PAUL SAT. 5:30PM SUN. 7:45AM 11:00 AM TOTAL ST. AGNES SAT. 4:00PM SUN. 9:15AM 11:00AM 12:30PM TOTAL PARISH TOTAL CHURCHES IN NEED Childrens’ Tithes Coin Banks $ 519.00 $ 594.50 $ 487.00 $1,600.50 $ 1,283.00 $ 1,671.95 $ 71.00 $ 211.00 $3,236.95 $4,837.45 $ 850.00 $ 190.00 $ 92.27 THE EXPENSES BILLS FOR THE WEEK WEEKLY PAYROLL WEEKLY EXPENSES $10,762.99 * $ 3,609.37 $ 14,372.36 *$9,088.19 FUEL OIL BILLS ST. AGNES LAST CALL- KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN $8,446.00 PLEDGED as of January 25, 2015. This will be the last week of the campaign (Restoration Campaign for Wissner Concert grand piano) ARE YOU TITHING? ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE GOD EXPECTS US TO BRING OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS UNTO HIM ON A REGULAR BASIS. TITHING MEANS 10% OF OUR GROSS INCOME TO SUPPORT THE CHURCH ON A REGULAR BASIS. PLEASE PICK UP YOUR TITHING ENVELOPES IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE SO AS YET. FEAST OF ST. BLAISE Father will bless throats on this weekend after Mass and Tuesday, February 3rd after the 8:30 Mass for the Feast of St. Blaise PRAY FOR OUR SICK Norma Matos, Aurelio Almazar, Cristina Justino, Bernardo Rodríguez, Elizabeth Henríquez, Mark Lites, María Elena Rosa, Víctor Soto, Altagracia Almanzar, Christopher Benson, Milton Piedra, William Torres, Juanita Martínez ,Marilyn Glynn, Felicita Pedraza, Vincent Biscaino, María “Cookie” Borio, Marilyn Basora, Bobby Perry, Nick Lupo, Federico Rodríguez, Cheryl Rennie Smith, Charles Cucchiara MESSE EN FRANÇAIS IL Y AURA UNE MESSE EN FRANÇAIS CÉLÉBRÉE À ST. AGNES 1 FEB. À 11 THERE WILL BE A FRENCH MASS CELEBRATED AT ST. AGNES ON FEB. 1 AT 11AM ST. FRANCIS XAVIER ACADEMY ST. FRANCIS XAVIER ACADEMY, PARK SLOPE IS CURRENTLY IN SEARCH OF NEW BOARD MEMBERS. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BECOMING A BOARD MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY PLEASE CONTACT FATHER NUGENT AT 718-624-3425 XT 10 OR [email protected] Donations Envelopes Your new Our Sunday V isitors envelope boxes are available for pick-up in both St. Paul and St. Agnes in alphabetical order by last name on tables in each church. Please remember to enter the amount of your donation on the envelope when you use it. We cannot guarantee accurate year end totals unless you do this. If you received a box of envelopes without preprinted name and number please insure that your number is written on the envelope. THE BROOKLYN HOSPITAL CENTER The Department of Pastoral Care at The Brooklyn Hospital Center at 121 DeKalb Avenue (At Ashland) is pleased to announce the next Training Program for Pastoral Care Volunteers, consisting of 30 hours of Education (20 hours of classroom and 10 hours of supervised patient visiting). All religious denominations are invited to participate. Limited to 30 students. Registration is open from February 1st. To register call Chaplain Sarah Spieldenner, Director of Pastoral Care. (718-250-8572). CONGRATULATIONS, JANUARY 50/50 WINNERS DULCE CORAZON ST PAUL $ 37.50 BRENDA NAZARIO ST AGNES $60.00 ONLY 10 SLOTS REMAINING DIOCESAN LENTEN PILGRIMAGE 500th ANNIVERSARY ST. TERESA AVILA VISITING FATIMA, LISBON, AVILA, MADRID, SEGOVIA, TOLEDO March 12-20, 2015 Bishop Octavio Cisneros Spiritual Director For Brochure all: Lucille., Regina Tours 1-800Catholic xt 208 A PERFECT GIFT OF LOVE-WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND Feb. 13-15, Mar. 13-15, 2015 For more information contact: Richie & Karen Roginski, 56-33 215th Street, Bayside, NY 11362, 1-877-NYS-WWME or WATCH EN ESPANOL Sobres para donación Cajas de sobres para donaciones están disponibles para recoger en St. Pablo y St. Inés en orden alfabético por el apellido en mesas en cada iglesia. Por favor siempre pongan la cantidad de donación cuando usen el sobre semanalmente. Así podemos asegurar que sus donaciones están correcta al fin del año. Si usted recibió una caja de sobres sin nombre y numero por favor asegúrese que el numero de sobre esta escrito en el sobre. VELAS BENDECIDAS Habrán velas bendecidas disponibles después de la Misa en honor de la Candelaria. La donación por cada caja de dos velas es $5,00. FIESTA de SAN BLAS El Padre bendecirá las gargantas este fin de semana después de la misa y el martes 3 de febrero después de la Misa de 8:30 por la fiesta de San Blas ¿ES EL DIEZMO? SEGÚN LA BIBLIA DIOS ESPERA QUE LLEVEMOS NUESTROS DIEZMOS Y OFRENDAS A ÉL SOBRE UNA BASE REGULAR. EL DIEZMO SIGNIFICA EL 10% DE NUESTROS INGRESOS PARA APOYAR A LA IGLESIA REGULARMENTE. POR FAVOR RECOJA SUS SOBRES DE DIEZMO, SI AÚN NO LO HAN HECHO. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Paul and St. Agnes Parish #002266 234 Congress Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 TELEPHONE 718 624-3425 CONTACT PERSON Nova/Fr. Joseph Nugent SOFTWARE MS Publisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Monday 3:00 pm SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION February 1, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 THORUGH 4 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS