Conditional “if-would” clauses – Ejercicio 1

Conditional “if-would” clauses – Ejercicio 1 ©
Translate the sentences into Spanish. You may encounter any of the three situations
mentioned in the grammar lesson—Spanish "if-would" clauses - Conditional clauses. The
answers are at the end of the exercise.
If he were nicer, he would have more friends.
Si él fuera más amable, tendría más amigos.
If he leaves now, he’ll arrive on time.
Si él sale ahora, llegará a tiempo.
She spends money as if she were rich.
Ella gasta el dinero como si fuera rica.
1. If I were you, I would go to the party.
2. If you go, you may use my car.
3. If we could, we would pay the bill.
4. If you arrive early, wait for me at the entrance.
5. If we have money, we’ll go on a trip.
6. If you break the law, they’ll put you in jail.
7. If they want to dance, play another song.
8. If she were not happy, she would not stay with him.
9. He acts as if he were a child. (to act = portarse)
10. If you study, you will pass the exam.
11. If he swam well, he would swim often.
12. If she used less makeup, she would be more attractive. (makeup = maquillaje)
13. If he were a salesman, he would sell vacuum cleaners. (vacuum cleaner = aspiradora)
14. If she had finished the work, she would have left.
15. If I arrive at the office early, I make the coffee.
1. Si yo fuera tú, iría a la fiesta.
2. Si tú vas, puedes usar mi carro.
3. Si pudiéramos, pagaríamos la cuenta.
4. Si tú llegas temprano, espérame en la entrada.
5. Si tenemos dinero, iremos de viaje.
6. Si violas la ley, te pondrán en la cárcel. (break = violar)
7. Si ellos quieren bailar, toca otra canción.
8. Si ella no estuviera feliz, no se quedaría con él.
9. Él se porta como si fuera un niño.
10. Si tú estudias, pasarás el examen.
11. Si él nadara bien, nadaría a menudo.
12. Si ella usara menos maquillaje, sería más atractiva.
13. Si él fuera vendedor, vendería aspiradoras. (vacuum cleaner = aspiradora)
14. Si ella hubiera terminado el trabajo, habría salido.
15. Si yo llego a la oficina temprano, hago el café.