Vice-rector for academic School of Teacher Training SUBJECT TEACHING GUIDE G522 - Acquisition du Français Langue Etrangère Degree in Early Childhood Education Degree in Primary Education Teaching Academic year 2016-2017 1. IDENTIFYING DATA Degree Faculty Degree in Early Childhood Education Degree in Primary Education Teaching Type and Year Optional. Year 4 Optional. Year 4 School of Teacher Training Discipline Speciality in Foreign Language (French) Speciality in Foreign Language (French) Course unit title and code G522 - Acquisition du Français Langue Etrangère Number of ECTS credits allocated Web 6 Term Language of instruction French Mode of delivery Department DPTO. FILOLOGIA Name of lecturer MARGARITA ELENA GARCIA CASADO E-mail [email protected] Office Edificio de Filología. Planta: + 2. DESPACHO PROFESORES (236) Semester based (1) Face-to-face Other lecturers 3.1 LEARNING OUTCOMES - Be able to understand the learning/ teaching process and evaluate the didactic approaches. Be able to analyze and select educational materials. Skills to adapt and make use of them. Be able to know and apply the knowledge of different theoretical approaches in the French’s learning process and language acquisition. Be able of apply different typologies of games regarding the linguistics skills. Be able to extract information and teaching resources of the literary texts like shorts stories, fairy tales, comics, songs as well as being able to use them in the class. Page 1 Vice-rector for academic School of Teacher Training 4. OBJECTIVES Develop innovative proposals (materials, strategies and approaches) for the French’s language education based on the analytic view of the teaching and learning process of a foreign language. Use the right methodology for the development of the different language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Skills for relate language functions to grammatical, lexical and phonetic contents. Ability to select and analyze didactic materials as the capacity of use them in the classroom. Create educational activities. Know how to develop and use recreational and playful activities. Manage of children’s literature in the classroom: short stories, comics, and albums. Be able to write and speak in the language using the appropriate terminology of language teaching. 6. COURSE ORGANIZATION CONTENTS 1 1.The History of Literature for Children : texts and authors. Legends, cartoon books, short stories, picture-books, fables. Instruction in class. Analysis of texts and how to use them for teaching. Types of intelligence, and practical activities for children. 2 2. Lexical Competence: level of understanding the language, idiomatic expressions, the formation and composition of words. Vocabulary and the Dictionary. Tropes and games in French as a Foreign Language to enhance expression and understanding, both oral and written. Songs and nursery-rhymes for children, using movement and actions for didactic purposes. 3 3.Improving competence in reading, writing, and pronunciation by using texts written by the authors chosen : Jacques Prévert, Claude Ponti, Pef, Peyot, La Fontaine, Perrault. Creation of activities and didactic flash-cards. 7. ASSESSMENT METHODS AND CRITERIA Description Type Final Eval. Reassessment % Written exam 60% Oral presentation 40% Written exam Yes Yes 60,00 Assessment of the activities and the works done in and outside the classroom. Participation and oral interaction in the class. Academic progress, interest and motivation in the subject taught in French. As well as a written test with theoretical and pract Work Yes No 40,00 TOTAL 100,00 Observations The part time students who don’t attend regularly the class should pass the final test and submit the tasks requested by the professor. The part time students who attend the class should have the same assessment as the rest of the students. Observations for part-time students The part time students who don’t attend regularly the class should pass the final test and submit the tasks requested by the professor. The part time students who attend the class should have the same assessment as the rest of the students. Page 2 Vice-rector for academic School of Teacher Training 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND TEACHING MATERIALS BASIC ALBOUT C. 101 comptines à mimer et à jouer avec les tout-petits et les plus grands. Bayard jeunesse.2001. AUGE H., BOROT M-F., VIELMAS M. Jeux pour parler. Jeux pour créer. Clé International. 1989. BARA S., BONVALLET A.M., RODIER C. Ecritures créatives. Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2011. BENET H. Mes premiers mots croisés par les comptines. Retz. Paris. 1996 BIARD J. & DENIS F. Didactique du texte littéraire. Nathan. Paris. 1993 BOGAARDS P. Le Vocabulaire dans l’apprentissage des langues étrangères, Paris, Hatier-Didier, 1994. BOULICOT M. Découvrons le dictionnaire. Larousse. Paris. 1981 CARLIER C. La clé des contes. Col. Ellipses. Paris.1998. CALAQUE E. Les mots en jeux. L’enseignement du vocabulaire. Grenoble, Centre de documentation pédagogique de l’Académie de Grenoble, 2002. CAVALLA C., CROZIER E. Emotions et sentiments, PUG, 2005. CHAUVEL D. HAYVARD G. Des images pour apprendre à s’exprimer. Retz. Paris. 1990. COLIGNON J.-P. et BERTHIER P.-V., 1985, « Lexique des faux-amis », Paris, Hatier. COURTILLON J. Elaborer un cours de FLE. Hachette. FLE, 2003 CUQ J.P., GRUCA I. Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde. Pug, Grenoble, 2002. CHRISTOPHE S. & GROSSET-BUREAU. Jeux poétiques et langues écrites. A. Colin. Paris. 1994 CYR P. Les stratégies d’apprentissage. CLE International, 1998. DUMAREST D., MORSEL M.-H. Le Chemin des mots, PUG, 2004. ESCOLA M. Les contes de Charles Perrault. Collection Commente. Gallimard. 2006. EVRARD F. Jeux linguistiques. Ellipses, 2003. GODDAR R. & PACCAGNINO. La littérature enfantine. CIEP. Paris. 1996 GUILLEN C., ALARIO C. Didáctica de la lengua extranjera en educación infantil y primaria. Ed. Síntesis. 2002. LEON R. La littérature de jeunesse à l’école. Hachette. Paris. 1994 PIERRÉ M., TREFFANDIER F. Jeux de théâtre. Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2012. RAMON DIAZ C. Narrativa infantil y juvenil francesa. Antologia de textos. Servicio de Publicaciones. Alicante. 2002 ROBERT J.P., ROSEN E., REINHARDT C. Faire Classe FLE. Une approche actionnelle et pragmatique. Hachette, FLE, 2011. ROBERT J.M. Manière d’apprendre. Pour des stratégies d’apprentissage différenciées. Hachette, FLE, 2009. KASSIS P. La poésie. Clé International. Paris. 1993 ROUGIER R. Je joue avec le dictionnaire. Retz. Parsi. 1980 SABBAH H. Littérature. Textes et méthodes. Hatier. Paris. 1996 SORIANO m. Guide de la littérature pour la jeunesse, Paris, Hachette, 1974. Rééd. Delagrave, 2002. SUSO LÓPEZ J., LÓPEZ CARRILO R. (Coord.) Le français aux défis actuels. Histoire. Langue et culture. Librería Atlas, 2010. SUSO LÓPEZ J., FERNÁNDEZ FRAILE M.A. La didáctica de la lengua extranjera. Ed Comares, 2001. SUSO LÓPEZ J. Repertorio de manuales para la enseñanza del francés en España (Siglo XX). Ed. Comares, 2008. TAGLIANTE C. La classe de langue. Clé International. Parsi. 1994 TREVILLE M.-C. et DUQUETTE L. Enseigner le vocabulaire en classe de langue, Paris, Hachette, 1996. TRIGON J. Histoire de la littérature enfantine. De ma mère l’oye au roi Babar. Hachette. Paris 1927. TSIMBIDY M., Enseigner la littérature de jeunesse, Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2008. WEISS F. Jouer, communiquer, apprendre. Hachette FLE, 2002. Jeux et activités communicatives en classe de langue. Hachette. Paris WENK B. Enseigner aux enfants. Clé International. Paris. 1989 Page 3