WHA9.23 Correction of the French and Spanish Texts of Resolution WHA1.133 The Ninth World Health Assembly 1. DECIDES that the French text of resolution WHA1.133 adopted byjthe First World Health Assembly (and the Spanish translation thereof), dealing with the official seal and emblem, shall be corrected by the deletion in the second paragraph of the reference to the caduceus, the corrected paragraph consequently reading as follows : " (2) d'adopter, pour cet emblème, le symbole des Nations Unies coupé verticalement par le bâton d'Esculape avec serpent en or, à la condition que le Directeur général obtienne du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies le consentement de celles-ci pour l'utilisation projetée de leur sceau;" paragraph (2) of the Spanish text consequently reading as follows : " (2) adoptar para este emblema el símbolo de las Naciones Unidas cargado de la vara y la serpiente de Esculapio en oro, a condición de que el Director General obtenga de las Naciones Unidas, por conducto del Secretario General, autorización para utilizar su sello ; " and 2. REQUESTS the Director-General to notify this correction to all Member States. Handb. Res., 3rd ed., 9.7 Tenth plenary meeting, 21 May 1956 (section 3 of the second report of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters)