October 22nd
It is very satisfying for the foreign languages department to have taken part
in the first Model United Nations (MUN) with 10th grade students as
delegates directed by some students of 11th grade. In a three-hour session,
they discussed issues related to Human Rights and environment. Delegates
from some countries in the UN, presented their issues, made alliances and
looked for realistic and feasible strategies to solve them. It is a great
advantage for our students to be part in a project of this nature as it develops
a high level of communicative competence at the same time it seeks
solidarity with other delegations and contribution to world conflict
Dais: Rappeteur, Andrea Tavera Paredes 11 B
Chair, Camila Romero 11 B
Director, Andrea Arguello 11 C
First Part of the session: environment
The delegades are checking issues
MUN Sans Façon is a concrete answer to the need for young people to identify themselves as
an essential part of the solution to their country’s problems with a strong foundation in
globalization in harmony with their own cultural identity. MUN Sans Façon helps build society
under the principles of justice, social awareness and respect for Human Rights.
The next step is to keep learning and developing skills in order for students of 9 th, 10th and
11th grades to participate in a MUN 2014 with delegations from other schools.
Second part of the session: Human rights
Primer Modelo de Naciones Unidas 2013
Los docentes Giovanni Cerón y Alexander Cao integrantes del Departamento de Idiomas
Extranjeros con apoyo de los docentes Salomón Chacón y Miguel Chaparro, inician en el año
2013 un proyecto de Naciones Unidas con las estudiantes de los grados 9, 10 y 11, encaminado
a desarrollar en nuestras jóvenes habilidades comunicativas en una lengua extranjera.
Second part of the session: Speakers´s list
¿Qué es un Modelo de Naciones Unidas (MUN)?
El modelo de las Naciones Unidas es un simulacro del sistema de las Naciones Unidas.
En él, los estudiantes desempeñan el papel de diplomáticos. Representan a distintos países y
participan en debates acerca de los asuntos actuales en el programa de la ONU. Con este
simulacro de sesión del modelo de las Naciones Unidas podrás aprender:
- Las preocupaciones y esperanzas de las personas que viven en las distintas regiones del
- El modo en que la ONU puede mejorar las vidas de las personas en todo el mundo.
- Las habilidades y el comportamiento que contribuyen a la cooperación internacional.
Pager, Camila Gutiérrez 10 A
Speaker, Stephanie Strussberg 10 A
Las sesiones del modelo de la ONU también ayudan a los participantes a entender a las
Naciones Unidas y a comprender las dificultades y logros de la cooperación internacional. La
experiencia del modelo de la ONU consta de tres componentes básicos:
Primero: un proceso intensivo de preparación basado en la investigación acerca de los países a
los que los participantes representan.
Segundo: un simulacro de debate del modelo de la ONU en el que cada participante representa
un papel, generalmente el de "embajador o delegado" en representación de un país.
Tercero: un componente final de evaluación de la experiencia y participación en modelos ONU a
nivel nacional o interinstitucional; además de aplicación de principios de justicia social y
derechos humanos en nuestro contexto socio-cultural inmediato.
FINLAND DELEGADE, Mariana Zuluaga 10 B
IRAN DELEGADE, Juanita Villamizar 10 C.
Writing Resolutions: looking for allies
GRADES: 9th – 10th AND 11th
ADVISORS Giovanni Cerón
Alexander Cao
Salomón Chacón
Miguel Chaparro
"The MUN engages in an authentic simulation of the United Nations system by learning
about the UN system, the skills of debate, compromise, conflict resolution and negotiation.
MUN team members have fun learning about the workings of world diplomacy through the
lens of current events."
Develop communicative skills in our students of 10th and 11th grade, through the
organization and participation in debates.
Resources taken from:
What is a Model of United Nations?
Model United Nations is an authentic simulation of the U.N. General Assembly and other
multilateral bodies, in which some students of a school take part in debates like delegates of
specific countries that belong to the real United Nations.
Why should people participate in Model United Nations?
People should participate in Model U.N. because it promotes student and teacher interest in
international relations and related subjects, increases the capacity for students to engage in
problem solving, teaches aspects of conflict resolution, research skills, and communication
skills, and creates the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.
How did Model U.N. begin?
Simulating international organizations began even before the birth of the United Nations,
when students held a series of Model League of Nations in the 1920s. The Model U.N.
Program is a successor to a student-directed simulation of what preceded the U.N. itself,
but it is not documented exactly how the MUN began.