Vocabulary of 5th year English: Health Language School Quino Villa Bruned Health: Risk factors, symptoms, consequences... Cold (resfriado) To catch a cold (coger un resfriado) Nouns sneeze / sneezing cough mucus Translation estornudo, estornudos tos mocos Verbs sneeze cough blow one's nose runny nose Translation estornudar toser sonarse nariz que moquea Flu (gripe) To have a flu (tener la gripe) Nouns tiredness chills high temperature fever dizziness body aches general decay nausea vomits Translation cansancio escalofríos fiebre fiebre mareo dolores corporales decaimiento general nauseas vómitos Verbs tire chill / get cold fall in temperature fever feel dizzy ache decay have nausea vomit Translation cansarse, fatigarse enfriarse coger fiebre coger fiebre marearse doler decaer tener nauseas vomitar Twisted ankle (tobillo torcido) To twist an ankle Nouns Translation sprain, twist, twisting torcedura hinchazón swelling Verbs sprain / twist swell (swelled, swollen) Translation torcerse hinchar Heart attack (ataque al corazón) To suffer a heart attack Nouns Translation chest pain cold sweat tiredness shortness of breath dolor en el pecho sudor frío cansancio dificultad para respirar discomfort in the neck molestias en el cuello Verbs pain sweat tire breath gasp discomfort Translation doler sudar cansarse, fatigarse respirar respirar con dificultad sentir desazón Allergic reaction (reacción alérgica) To have an allergic reaction Nouns itchy eyes sneeze / sneezing shortness of breath Translation picor, irritación estornudo, estornudos dificultad para respirar Verbs Translation picar, rabiar estornudar respirar con dificultad itch sneeze gasp Food poisoning (intoxicación alimentaria) To suffer a food poisoning Nouns diarrhoea fatigue headache abdominal pain Translation diarrea fatiga mal de cabeza dolor abdominal Verbs defecate weary / tire suffer headaches have body aches Translation defecar fatigarse tener mal de cabeza tener dolores... 1 Vocabulary of 5th year English: Health Language School Quino Villa Bruned Asthma (asma) To suffer asthma Nouns cough shrieks shortness of breath chest tightness Translation tos chillidos dificultad para respirar presión en el pecho Verbs cough shrieks breathe gasp feel chest tightness Translation toser respirar con chillidos respirar con dificultad sentir... High blood pressure (presión arterial alta) To have high blood pressure Nouns overweight high stress smoker headache swollen feet fatigue Translation sobrepeso estrés alto fumador dolor de cabeza pies hinchados fatiga Verbs be overweight be stressed smoke suffer headache swell (swolled, swollen) tire / weary Translation tener sobrepeso estar estresado fumar tener mal de cabeza hinchar fatigarse Stroke (derrame cerebral) To suffer a stroke / to have a stroke Nouns high blood pressure cardiopathy high cholesterol obesity irregular heartbeat physical inactivity Translation presión arterial alta cardiopatía nivel de colesterol alto obesidad ritmo cariaco anormal inactividad física Verbs Translation have... suffer... have high... ser obeso be obese have... not to do physical ex. no hacer ejcicio físico Burns (quemaduras) To suffer a burn Nouns Translation enrojecimiento piel inflamación escozor, dolor ampollas redness soreness smart blister Verbs redden inflame smart / burn get blisters Translation enrojecerse inflamarse escoer salir ampollas Adjectives Adjective harmful sick stuck (<stick) suffocating bleeding sweaty anti-ageing Translation dañino enfermo atascado asfixiante sangrante, dolorido sudoroso anti envejecimiento Adjective dizzy faint fainted swollen (<swell) sore (have a sore throat) worn out / exhausted itche sore Translation mareado pálido desmayado hinchado dolorido cansado, agotado irritado, que pica dolorido Firs Aid Kit (maletín de primeros auxilios) Noun adhesive bandages antiseptic wipes sterile gauze pads a pair of gloves a blanket oral thermometer Translation vendas adhesivas toallitas antisépticas gasas estériles un par de guantes una manta termómetro oral Noun antibiotic packets of aspirin a blister of... scissors sticking plaster Translation antibiótico cajetillas de aspirinas una ampolla de.. tijeras esparadrapo 2 Vocabulary of 5th year English: Health Language School Quino Villa Bruned Nouns Nouns ache aching headache earache stomach ache Nouns Translation dolor dolor dolor de cabeza dolor de oídos dolor de estómago Translation herida escozor sarpullido, erupción wound smart rash Nouns dizziness fainting Nouns twist twisted ankle Nouns flu could sneeze, sneezing cough fever Nouns wound running water hydrogen peroxide recipe bleach Nouns care rest wide awake sound asleep Nouns short term medium term long term Translation mareo desmayo Translation torcedura tobillo torcido Translation gripe resfriado estornudo tos (toser) fiebre Nouns pain suffering sorrow distress Nouns burn swelling soreness sore Nouns sting ice cube smart Nouns nosebleed brain haemorrhage Nouns scream choking sweat tiredness decay hypothermia Translation Nouns herida agua corriente agua oxigenada recipiente lejía stitches X-ray tourniquet a clean sheet Translation cuidado descanso bien despierto dormido c. un tronco Translation Nouns Translation sufrimiento sufrimiento tristeza angustia, desgracia Translation quemadura hinchazón inflamación llaga, úlcera Translation picadura (picar) cubito de hielo escozor Translation hemorragia nasal derrame cerebral Translation grito asfixia, ahogo sudor cansancio decaimiento hipotermia Translation puntos rayos x torniquete una sábana limpia Translation breaths a minute breathing rate heart beats a minute normal body temp. respiraciones/min. frecuencia respiratoria latidos por minuto temperatura normal sunstroke golpe de calor Nouns Translation a corto plazo a medio plazo a largo plazo 3 Vocabulary of 5th year English: Health Nouns Noun ache pain itchy (adjective) redness smart burn Noun tiredness decay Noun fever sneeze, sneezing cough vomits Noun sprain / twist swelling scream pinch blood Language School Quino Villa Bruned Verbs Translation dolor sufrimiento irritado, que pica enrojecimiento de piel escozor, dolor quemadura Verb ache pain itch redden smart / burn burn Translation cansancio decaimiento Verb Translation torcedura hinchazón grito pellizco sangre Translation cansarse decaer tire decay Translation fiebre estornudo tos vómitos Translation doler doler picar, rabiar enrojecerse escocer escocer Verb Translation coger fiebre estornudar toser vomitar fever sneeze cough vomit Verb sprain / twist swell (swelled, swollen) scream pinch bleed (bled, bled) Translation torcerse hinchar gritar pellizcar, apretar sangrar Verbs Verbs Translation scream * bleed (bled, bled) bleed to death care warn ** alleviate gritar sangrar morir por hemorragia cuidar advertir aliviar sting (stung) stick (stuck) *** picar hincar, astascarse Verbs sweat lie down faint feel faint feel sick feel dizzy Translation sudar tumbarse marearse, desmayarse marearse, tener vahídos marearse marearse, estar mareado * He's screaming for help. **Doctors have warned about the danger of stress. ***One piece got stuck in his throat / Being stuck in a traffic jump. 4 Vocabulary of 5th year English: Health Language School Quino Villa Bruned Idioms and expressions Verb Stub one's toe (on something) Translation tropezar el dedo del pie (contra algo) Sentence Fatigue can often cause an affected person to stub his toe and fall. Translation la fatiga frecuentemente puede hacer que las personas afectadas tropiecen y se caigan. Verb Catch your fingers in... Translation pillarse los dedos en... Sentence Don't catch your fingers in the door! Translation ¡no te pilles los dedos con la puerta! Verb Bump one's head / bang your head bump bang Translation darse un golpe en la cabeza chocar contra golpear Sentence To bump one's head on a door If you bang your head against the wall, there is a risk of severe head injuries. Translation dar con la cabeza contra una puerta existe el peligro de heridas craneales graves si tu cabeza choca con fuerza con la pared. Verb Translation perder la voz Lose your voice Sentence Did you lose your voice completely? Translation ¿perdiste por completo la voz? Verb Poke oneself in the eye Give a poke Translation ponerse el dedo en el ojo dar un codazo Sentence He allowed him to poke a finger in his eye. he gave me a poke in the ribs. Translation él permitió que le metiera el dedo en el ojo. me dio un codazo en las costillas Verb Graze one's knees Translation rasparse las rodillas Sentence 'Grazed knees' is a lyrics of a song by Snow Patrol. Translation 'rodillas raspadas' es la letra de una canción de... Verb Sprain your ankle / Twist your ankle Sprain your wrist / Twist your wrist Sentence An ankle sprain is a partial or complete tear of the ligaments that support the ankle. He twisted his ankle. Translation torcerse el tobillo torcerse la muñeca Translation un esguince de tobillo es un desgarre parcial o total de los ligamentos que soportan el tobillo. se torció el tobillo 5 Vocabulary of 5th year English: Health Language School Verb Strain Strain your back Strain a muscle / Pull a muscle Translation forzar al límite, dañar forzar la espalda hacerse un esguince Sentence A muscle strain is an injury (partial tear) that damages the internal structure of the muscle. Don't strain your back! Work in a walking stance with your back straight. Quino Villa Bruned Translation una distensión muscular es una lesión (un desgarro parcial) que daña la estructura interna del músculo. ¡cuida tu espalda! Trabaja erguido y con la espalda recta. Verb Translation magullar / sufrir contusiones en tus costillas Bruise your ribs Sentence Although pulled muscles and bruised ribs can be painful, knowing a few ways to tell them apart can help you manage the pain and stay comfortable. Translation aunque los tirones musculares y las contusiones en las costillas pueden ser dolorosas, sabiendo algunas formas de distinguirlas puede ayudar a manejar el dolor y mantenerse cómodo. Verb Translation desgarro de ligamentos desgarro de ligamentos Torn ligament Tear ligament Sentence Sometimes, surgery to repair a torn ligament is needed. It can be a stretch, partial tear, or complete tear of the ligament. Translation algunas veces se necesita cirugía para reparar un ligamento roto. puede tratarse de un estiramiento, ruptura parcial o completa del ligamento. Sentence Translation ¡te lo mereces! / ¡te está bien merecido! It serves you right! Verb Translation echar la culpa / señalar con el dedo Put the blame Sentence They have always preferred to put the blame on others, mainly the vulnerable. Translation ellos siempre han preferido echar la culpa a otros, principalmente a los vulnerables. Verb Translation comenzar a gritar Start shouting Sentence If you start shouting as well, if you try to say something, they hit you. Translation si empiezas a gritar, si intentas decir algo, te pegan. Verb Put in plaster / Put in a plaster cast Sentence Treatment usually involves reduction (putting the broken bone back into position) and immobilizing the wrist in a plaster cast. Translation enyesar Translation el tratamiento incluye, generalmente, la reducción (ubicación del hueso roto en su posición original) y la inmovilización de la muñeca con yeso. 6