“Then you are a King”?

Archdiocese of Atlanta
The Church of the Good Shepherd
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 22, 2015
So Pilate said to Jesus,
“Then you are a King”?
Jesus answered:
“You say I am a king.
For this I was born and for this I came into the world,
to testify to the truth.
Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”
Rev. Francis X. Richardson, Pastor
Rev. Jorge Carranza, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Pat Fagan Deacon Ralph LaMachia
Deacon Donald Nadeau
Deacon John Peterson
3740 Holtzclaw RD Cumming, GA 30041
Telephone Line: 770-887-9861
FAX: 770-887-2241 website: www.gsrcc.net
Good Shepherd Mass Schedule
and Reconciliation
Saturday Vigil – 5:00 P.M.
Sunday – 7:30, 7:30 a.m (Español in Gym)
9:00, 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. (Español)
Sunday Evening – 5:30 p.m.
DAILY -- Mass (Mon-Sat) 9:00 a.m.
RECONCILIATION: Saturday 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Parish Life Center and Parish Office Hours
Parish Life Center Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 10:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m.
Pastoral Office Center Hours
Monday—Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Main Office Number: 770-887-9861
Fr. Frank Richardson, Pastor……………………..…[email protected]………….770-887-2241
Fr. Jorge Carranza, Parochial Vicar...………………[email protected]………….770-887-9861
Rev. Mr. Pat Fagan…………………………………..……[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Don Nadeau…………………………….……[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Ralph LaMachia...……...……………...……[email protected]…………..470-695-7736
Rev. Mr. John Peterson…………….…………………[email protected]
Parish Office Staff
Terese Duffey, Admin Asst and Bulletin…….…………[email protected]………….470-695-7710
Laura Irvine, Business Manager……………………….…[email protected]………….470-695-7707
Clare Williamson, Data Processing………………[email protected]………….470-695-7714
Dulce Garcia, Safe Environment........................................Dgarcia@gsrcc.net.................470-695-7708
Departmental Staff Leaders
Deacon Ralph LaMachia, DRE & Faith Formation …[email protected]…………470-695-1136
Renee Lee, Faith Formation Registrar……………………[email protected]…………470-695-7730
Tanya Franco, PreSchool Director…………………... [email protected]…………470-695-7761
Alison Toledano, PreSchool Office Manager ……… [email protected] ...……….470-695-7761
Nancy Smith, Music and Liturgy Director: .......................NSmith@gsrcc.net.................470-695-7715
Susan LaMachia, Parish Life Coordinator: …………[email protected]
Michael Gagnon, High School
and Confirmation Coordinator,[email protected]
Garry Lee, Middle School /RCIC Coordinator……………[email protected]
Cynthia Hagen, Elementary School Coordinator…………[email protected]
Gloria Clavijo, Hispanic Coordinator……… ………[email protected]............... 470-695-7739
Rudy Velasco, RCICCA and RCIA Coordinator……….. [email protected]
Vicki Carney, Elementary Sacrament Coordinator [email protected]
Sacramental Emergency Telephone Number: 678-294-0212
Fax Number: 770-887-2241
Marriage: Contact the Pastoral Office Center at least 6 months prior to anticipated
wedding date.
Baptism: To arrange for a child’s baptism, please visit our website and click on
“Prayer and Worship”/Sacraments/Baptism to download a Baptism Registration
form. Return the completed form to the parish Office or bring it to a Baptismal
Preparation Class held on the 3rd Saturday of each month. For additional
information, contact Deacon Ralph LaMachia at 770-887-9861 x 160
Confirmation: Preparation is a two year process, beginning in 9th grade and
concluding in 10th. Visit our website under Prayer and Worship, Sacraments and
click Confirmation.
Please contact Michael Gagnon, extension 33 for detailed information.
RCIA Program:
Interested in becoming a Catholic or completing your
sacraments? Please contact the Parish Office at 770-887-9861 for information.
Holy Family Counseling Center
The counselors at Holy Family Counseling Center
want to provide you with assistance and guidance to
help you navigate the difficulties you encounter in life.
We provide counseling from a Catholic, Christian
perspective. We are available to see clients on site
here at Good Shepherd. We help individuals, couples,
and families, as well as teens and children.
Take the first step and call our main office at 678993-8494
A Message from the Pastor
We here at Good Shepherd have a lot to be thankful for.
Our remodeled Sanctuary space has been a blessing. We are still
counting heads on Sundays to see if there is need for an additional Mass.
So, yes we are thankful indeed. Join us at the 10:00 a.m. Mass on
Thanksgiving D1ay.
Fr. Frank
Mass Intentions for November 21—November 27th
Saturday, November 21
9:00 a.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
†John Dumphy by John and Betty Schlecht
John and Tammy McCormack by Becky Conners
 5:00 p.m.
†Eva Smithfield by Cordy Smithfield
†Irene Michael by Tony Michael
Sunday, November 22, 2015
 7:30 a.m.
Misa es en Espanol
11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
†John Dumphy by Jean and Jim Goggin
†Dorothy M. Robbins by John and Terry Carroll
†Frank Danchetz by The Donegan Family
Bill and Judy Guilfoil by Colie and Karen Smith
(44th Wedding Anniversary)
†Russ Long by Vicki and Len Winslow
†Angelo Negri by Mike and Karen Rudolph
†Deceased members of the Boyzo and Miranda Family
(Hispanic Mass)
The Parishioners of the Church of the Good Shepherd
 Rev. Richard Morrow by Ron Kling
Monday, November 23, 2015
 9:00 a.m.
†Alice Chadwick by the Monday a.m. Volunteer Group
† Carol Broderick by Betty and Bill Broderick
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
9:00 a.m.
† Matilda Caudillo by Kathy Nelson
Sharon Blasick by Judy Guilfoil
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
 9:00 a.m.
†Irene Michael by Tony Michael
†Christine Meade by Libby and Bill McDowell
Thursday, November 26, 2015 Thanksgiving
 10:00 a.m.
†Jack and Dorothy Wesley by Eileen and Steve Pankow
†Daisy Angell by Jonie and Bill Manley
Friday, November 27, 2015
 9:00 a.m.
†Frank Strivelli by Leonard Cerami
†Alice Chadwick by Jeff and Pat Wood
† deceased Intentions
Fr. Frank, Fr. Jorge, the Deacons
and Staff of the Church of the
Good Shepherd wish everyone a
Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving
filled with the love of God, family
and friends.
The Parish Office, Parish Life
Center and Pre-School will be
closed Thursday, November 26th
and Friday, November 27th in
observance of Thanksgiving.
exp e r i e nc e s
requiring the assistance of a
Priest, please call 678-294-0212
Next weekend our Second Collection will be for the Archdiocesan Seminarians
Please be as generous as possible in helping these young men become our future Priests.
And Jesus said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men." Mark 1:17
Saturday, November 28
9:00 a.m.
†Mary Theresa Ryan
†Alice Chadwick by John and Betty Schlecht
5:00 p.m.
†Daniel Uremovic by Frank and Bo Joyce
†Irene Michael by Tony Michael
Sunday, November 29
7:30 a.m.
We ask that you keep in
your prayers those who
have died,
that they may receive the
goodness and mercy of Our
Misa es en Espanol (Gymnasium/Gimnasio)
7:30 a.m.
†Joseph Dumphy by Jim and Jean Goggin
†John Dumphy by Vicki and Len Winslow
9:00 a.m.
†Andrew T. Eliopoulos by Joe and Patty Calnan
Ray and Margaret Valley by Colie and Karen Smith
(50th Wedding Anniversary)
11:00 a.m.
†William Barefoot by Laurie Barefoot
Intentions of Freas Family by Christine Freas
1:00 p.m.
Misa es en Espanol
†Ana Arellano and Noe Galvan
Join the Legion of Mary!
Become a “Prayer Warrior”!
5:30 p.m.
†Rolande Gagnon by The Seiferheld Family
In Thanksgiving for Healing by Nathan John Weber
One of the most powerful tools
we have in this day and age of
persecution is “The Holy
Thanksgiving Dinner
Our Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a
Thanksgiving Dinner to anyone who is without
dinner companions or dinner itself here at our
Church on Thanksgiving Day at 12 noon. No
reservations are required.
We give thanks for our wonderful men of the Knights of
Columbus! They truly do the work of Our Lord!
Marie Renzi and John DiGiorgio
“Just as we have a share in Christ’s many
sufferings, so also through Christ we share
in God’s great help.” 2Cor 1:5
Our Parish now has a “Legion
of Mary”.
There are no
meetings, dues, or studies involved.
addition to the Rosary we say a few extra
prayers each day from a pamphlet for the
intentions of the Blessed Mother . All that is
needed is your address, telephone number and
e-mail address (if you have one) for our record
keeping. We are an auxiliary of St. Brendan’s
Church in Cumming.
Contact Pat Lyons at 770-781-9775 or email
[email protected] for additional
for the week of
November 8, 2015
“Glory Be To The Father”
Glory be to the Father, who created me.
Glory be to the Son, who redeemed me.
Glory be to the Holy Spirit, who sanctified me.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be.
Offertory: $26,746.67
Debt Reduction: $13,467.04
Flowers: $756.00
Misc: $111.00
Total: $41,080.71
November schedule to second collections. Remember if you do not receive envelopes to use the “purple” envelopes
located in the pews of the Church. Second collections are take up in combination with the first collection.
 Christmas Flower offering - any weekend in November
 November 29th: The Archdiocesan Seminarians
Confirmation: All 2nd year students have their 4th class on Sun Dec. 13th at 2:30PM - 4PM in the PLC.
DEEP with Pizza: Our next DEEP will be on Wed, Dec. 2nd from 6:30PM - 8:30PM.
Sunday Life Nights: Join us today, Sun, Nov 22nd for our Life Night “Love Wins!” from 6:30PM - 8:30PM.We will not meet
next Sunday, Nov 29th because of Thanksgiving. We won’t meet on Dec 5 th because of the Young Men’s & Women’s retreats.
Young Men’s & Women’s Retreats: It’s not too late to register for the Young Men’s & Young Women’s retreats on Dec 5 th 6th! These are two amazing opportunities for high school aged teens to grow in their faith and their life as young men & women.
Space is limited. Permission forms are available online and in the teen room.
Join us on Facebook!! Look for the group: “Good Shepherd Sr. Youth Group”.
If you have any questions or would like to register for an event, please contact Michael Gagnon in the youth office at 470-6957734 or by email at [email protected].
There is no Middle School Faith Formation class this Sunday, November 22 nd and next Sunday, November 29th in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.
On behalf of the entire Middle School Faith Formation Team we wish you and your family a
Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. If you are driving…. be safe.
Classes resume on Sunday, December 6th.
If you have any comments about the program please email me at [email protected] or call me
at 470-695-7733
[email protected] or 770-781-4057
DUPLICATE BRIDGE : SECOND FRIDAY OF THE MONTH, 10:00 - 3:00 P.M.: CONTACT: Nancy Gerdon: 770781-4057 or [email protected]
BUNCO: Third Monday of the Month in the PLC from 12:00 pm. To 2:30 pm. We play for laughs and
friendship! Contact LaNelle Lewis for additional information at 678-943-2613.
Perris at 770-887-7671
* Games meet each month in the Hospitality Room in the Parish Life Center *
BOWLING: FOURTH WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH 11:00—2:00 p.m. at the Stars and Strikes in
Cumming. $10.99 includes lunch, shoes and 2 games of bowling. Please contact Lillian Eaton 770-844-0774.
BOOK CHAT: We meet on Monday, December 14th in the PLC from 2PM to 4PM. December’s book
selection is “The Christmas Pearl” by Dorothea Benton Frank For additional information please contact
Joan Powers at 770-889-7805.
The Caring Committee
Volunteers are needed to bake and/or create dishes for Funeral luncheons. We offer casseroles,
salads, desserts and drinks for the family members and their friends. The family members of the
deceased are very appreciative of your generosity. You will feel very blessed knowing you have
helped the family and their friends get through this trying time. If you believe you would like to
help in this truly rewarding ministry, please contact the parish office @ 770-887-9861.
Each year we provide Christmas
gifts for many children who
ordinarily would not receive any
gifts at all for Christmas due to
financial constraints in their
families. The need is especially
great this year and children and their families are
counting on YOU!
Please take a gift tag or two the weekend of November
28th and November 29th and help make Christmas much
brighter for a child from our own community. Gifts are
due back no later than the weekend of December 5th and
6th. Please do not wrap!
The Good Shepherd Men’s Club
The Good Shepherd Men's Club would like to thank all of the
volunteers who participated in the Church Grounds Clean
Up. Everyone's time and talent were greatly appreciated.
Following dates to remember. All men (young and "young at
heart") are invited to join us for these activities.
Saturday December 5 - Spouse and Membership Christmas
Season Breakfast with St. Nick. We are planning a great
breakfast from our Gourmet Chefs and nice gifts for the
Yum…..fudge and fruitcake…
Must be Christmas!
Saturday / Sunday Dec. 5 / 6; Dec 12 /
13; Dec 19 / 20 - Fruitcake and Fudge
Sales after each Mass. Credit Cards will
be accepted this year for your
Every Thursday 4 - 5 PM Adoration in the Chapel. Be sure
to sign in on the sign up sheet when you visit.
Altar Flowers: Please call Eileen Pankow at 770-5973563 if you are interested in donating flowers for the Altar
Council of Catholic Women: All women of the parish
may belong to the Women’s Council. General meetings are
held the second Tuesday of the month, 7 P.M. in the PLC.
Contact Sandy Andersen at [email protected] or
678-677-5254 for information.
Divine Mercy: The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy is recited
every Friday morning in the chapel at 8:25 a.m.
Homebound Minister Visitation: Please contact the
Parish Office if you or a loved one is admitted to a
hospital. If you are a commissioned Extraordinary Minister
and feel a calling to bring the Eucharist to the sick and
homebound, please call Jerry Mansheim at 770-893-1454
for more information.
Job Seekers: Meet every first and third Tuesdays at 7 p.m.
Contact Steve Jenn: 404-915-5396 or Jack Oliaro at 678549-3988.
The Knights of Columbus: Our Parish has its own
Council of the Knights of Columbus.
If you are
transferring in from another Parish or you wish to belong to
the Knights of Columbus, please contact Joe Sanders at
678-455-9629 or [email protected]. Information
can also be found in the Narthex on the information
The Men’s Club: All Men of The Church of Good
Shepherd Parish are welcome to the Men's Club.
Our mission is to promote fellowship, provide support for
the parish and other ministries, and offer spiritual growth
for all men. We invite you to our breakfast gatherings,
usually held on either the first or second Saturday of each
month from September through June in the Parish Life
Center. Please contact Jim Reilly at 678-780-8343 or
[email protected]
Prayer Blanket Ministry: The Prayer Blanket Ministry
meets monthly during the school year on the First Friday of
each month after the 9:00 a.m. Mass, in Room 203 , in the
Parish Life Center. For additional information contact Judy
Nielson at [email protected]. If you are in need
of a prayer blanket, please notify the Parish Office at 770887-9861.
Respect Life: Our Respect Life Group meets the first
Tuesday of the month through May in the chapel at 7:00
St. Monica’s Sodality: Meets every Wednesday morning
at 8:20 a.m. in the Church to pray for our loved ones to
come back to our Catholic Faith and Church. The
intentions of Holy Mass on the first Wednesday of every
month will be for all those listed in our "Book of
Intentions". If you have any questions or if you have
someone to add to our "Confidential Intentions Book",
please e-mail Vicki Winslow at [email protected]
or call at 706-579-2615.
Welcoming All St. Vincent de Paul Society: If you are having financial
Ladies of the Parish with knitting difficulties or you wish to volunteer your time to our
interests to join our group, beginners or Society, please call 678-947-0677
with Purpose: Registration is open for the next
otherwise. We plan to meet each Walking
study. Weekly meetings are held on Thursday, from 9:30 –
second Tuesday of the month in the 11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. For additional information
Parish Life Center from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Contact about this ministry please go to the Church website:
Pat Sanders at 678-455-9629 for additional information.
[email protected]
Notes of Interest
Saturday December 19, 2015
8 am seating OR 9:30 am seating
Tickets are $8 for adults $6 for children (1 yr
and under FREE)
Purchase tickets in advance after all Masses
beginning Dec. 5th and 6th
Sponsored by: The Knights of Columbus
Get ready for some yummy pancakes and sausage, a picture with Santa
and a gift bag.
Did we mention that Santa is flying in on a Helicopter at 9:00 a.m.?
Don’t miss out on his spectacular Cumming landing
for our wonderful kiddies!!!
Christ the King!
Today as we celebrate Christ the King, may we open the door of our heart
so wide that we may listen to the voice of Jesus calling us to help buld his
kingdom here on earth.
This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able
to bring God’s love and mercy to many families providing food, utility, rent and so
many more necessities. Thank you and God Bless You!
HOSPITALS: The current “Privacy
releasing the names of patients who
are hospitalized. We ask your help in
letting the Parish Office know if you or
someone you know is in the hospital.
Lady Knitters: Welcoming all ladies of
the Parish with knitting interests to join
our group, beginners or otherwise.
Mettings are the second Tuesday of the
month in the Parish Life Center from
10:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Contact Pat
Sanders at 678-455-9629.
 Mass of Healing for Anyone Impacted by
Mass is celebrated every
second Saturday at 10:00am in Our Lady
of the Assumption’s Daily Chapel. This
Mass is for all those struggling with any
addiction, as well as anyone who is
impacted by the addiction of someone
[email protected]
A Parishioner of ours
prepares boxes to send overseas to our
Military. Anyone who wishes to have a
package of necessities and goodies sent
overseas to one of the above, please
contact Terry Duffey in the Parish Office
at 770-887-9861 with the Military
Personnel’s name and mailing address.
Only six more weeks to fulfill your 2015 Archbishop’s Charity Drive  PLANNING AN EVENT? Contact Susan
LaMachia at 770-887-9861 ext 350 to
Pledge. Please fulfill your pledge commitment as soon as possible.
book or rent the facility.
Remember, any overage to the Archbishop’s Charity Drive will be
rebated to our Church!
We are helping the Forsyth County4H Club
in “Project G.I.V.E. collect pencils for the
underprivileged in our world today. If you
have any new, unsharpened pencils that you would like
to donate to this worthwhile cause, please place in the
pencil box located in the Narthex. With your help, we
can make a “point” of supporting education in the poorest of countries. As of this date,
this project has collected over 3 million pencils to children around the world.
Assistance to fellow Parishioners with
home maintenance repairs that are
beyond the Parishioner’s experience or
physical capabilities. Payment for any
materials needed to complete the project
is the responsibility of the parishioner.
To find out if your project qualifies, please
call Chuck Ingraham, 678-790-6520
HEAL: To report abuse by church
personnel: 888-437-0764. YOU matter.
YOU are family. We are here to listen and
take action!
RETROUVAILLE: Retrouvaille teaches
The Knights of Columbus are selling Christmas cards
outside the doors of the Church after all the Masses.
Be sure to view the many different styles and sizes.
Each are beautifully created and in keeping with the
meaning of Christmas.
couples how to survive in times of crisis.
For confidential information about or to
register visit
Pray for Our Military - They are always prepared and ready to defend and protect us
Prayer for Our Country
Heavenly Father, you are the real foundation of nations,
raising them up to serve and care for the people dwelling in their boundaries.
I thank you for making me a citizen of this land of freedom and unlimited opportunity—these United States.
Send fourth your Spirit to this country and make it a source of wisdom and strength,
order and integrity throughout the world. Amen
Jabe Butts (Sgt. National Guard, Egypt)
Ransom Campbell (Army Iraq)
Steven Chetcuti (Major, Army, Afghanistan)
John Connor (Cpl, Marines) Japan
Steven J. Friedrich (Sgt. Iraq)
Paul Gifford HM3(Navy ) Middle East
Nicholas Horst (2nd Lt. Afghanistan)
Jacob Jordan (Lance Corporal, Marines)
Ryan McDowell (Sgt. Army Afghanistan)
Sean Montgomery (E-3 Navy) Okinawa
George Mowbray (Army Paratrooper) Afghanistan
Adam Stevenson (USN Japan)
John Studley (Sgt. Marines) Middle East
Jon Vanderhamm (US Army) Germany
Micah Aikens (1st Lt.)
Taylor Anthony Aguirre (SN Coast Guard CT)
John Archer (Staff Sgt. Army, GA)
Daniel Bowers (Sgt. Army)
Andrew Butler (2nd Lt. Army) GA
Joanna Byrd (1st Class AF, Barksdale AFB
Daniel Cunningham (2nd Class, Navy Diver VA)
James Duffey (1st class Petty Officer/Navy Diver 1)HI
Brian Steven Eddy (Capt. AF)
Thomas Gregory Eddy (Sgt. Army) Quantico VA
Matt Ekhlas (LCpl, USMC, CA)
Benjamin Escalante (CPL,USMC CA)
David Escalante (PFC USMC CA)
Mitchell Flammang (Airman 1st Class -AF)
Geoff Franks ( Captain Marines SC)
Lawrence Franks (2nd Lt. Marines)
Alex Hanson (AMN— AF )
Mark Hanson (TSgt. AF)
Steven Hernandez (Airman E3 Navy)
Michael E. Hughes
Chris Jensen (Col. AF Pope AF Base NC)
Luke Jordan (Corporal, Marines)
Camp Lejuene NC
Michael Klooster (Ensign—Navy)
William Knapp (LCpl, USMC ) NC
Allison Lancowitz
Cory Mack (2nd Lt. Army - Kansas)
John Matlaga (1st Lt. Marines,
Jody Martin( Army) Ft. Leonardwood MO
Ryan McDowell (Sgt. Army)
Richard Michael (Major, Army)
Elias Nickolopoulos (Lance Corporal, USMC) New River
Jared Morgan (SPC Army GA)
Nikk and Will Osprey
LL.JG. Keith Ovellette
Samantha Pankow (USN,MIDN 2/C, Annapolis)
Chad Peacock (Lance Corporal Marines, Camp Pendleton, CA)
Fr. Kevin Peek (Chaplain Army) Georgia
Tyler Rahn (Poolee) Marines, Parris Island, SC
Elizabeth Roberts (SFC Army)
Samantha Robinett (1st Lt. Army,
Louis P. Rognoni III (Major, USAF Minot, ND)
Justin Russell (Sgt. 1st Class Army)
Rudy Salinas (M.S. Marines)
Greg Sell (SSG, Army National Guard, GA)
Christopher Michael Sgambato (Navy, Bremerton, WA)
Jeff Sobel (Colonel, AF) FL
Michael Tyson Chase Strollo (Pvt. GA Army National Guard) GA
Matthew Valenti (Lance Corporal, Marines) Hawaii
Fr. Fred Wendel (Chaplain Army, VA)
James M. Windsor (USN Norfolk, VA)
Russell Windsor (Sgt Army—Colorado)
Dylan Wolff (Sgt. Marines) SC
Danielle Zervakos (Lance Corporal, Marines, Camp Lejeune)
If you would like to have military personnel posted here in our bulletin, please clip and return to the Parish Office
either via mail, drop off or place in our collection basket.
Name _____________________________________Rank of Enlisted ___________________________________
Branch of Service ____________________Location of Enlisted _______________________________________
Name Submitting request ______________________________________________________________________
Contact Number or email address of person requesting publication for office use in updating status
Día litúrgico: Domingo XXXIV del tiempo ordinario:
Jesucristo, Rey del Universo (B)
Texto del Evangelio (Jn 18,33-37): En aquel tiempo, Pilato dijo a
Jesús: «¿Eres tú el Rey de los judíos?». Respondió Jesús: «¿Dices
eso por tu cuenta, o es que otros te lo han dicho de mí?». Pilato
respondió: «¿Es que yo soy judío? Tu pueblo y los sumos sacerdotes te han entregado a mí. ¿Qué has hecho?». Respondió Jesús:
«Mi Reino no es de este mundo. Si mi Reino fuese de este mundo,
mi gente habría combatido para que no fuese entregado a los judíos: pero mi Reino no es de aquí». Entonces Pilato le dijo:
«¿Luego tú eres Rey?». Respondió Jesús: «Sí, como dices, soy
Rey. Yo para esto he nacido y para esto he venido al mundo: para
dar testimonio de la verdad. Todo el que es de la verdad, escucha
mi voz».
«Soy Rey. (...) Todo el que es de la verdad, escucha mi voz»
Hoy, Jesucristo nos es presentado como Rey del Universo.
Siempre me ha llamado la atención el énfasis que la Biblia
da al nombre de “Rey” cuando lo aplica al Señor. «El Señor
reina, vestido de majestad», hemos cantado en el Salmo 92.
«Soy rey» (Jn 18,37), hemos oído en boca de Jesús mismo.
«Bendito el rey que viene en nombre del Señor» (Lc 19,14),
decía la gente cuando Él entraba en Jerusalén. Ciertamente, la palabra “Rey”, aplicada a Dios y a Jesucristo, no tiene
las connotaciones de la monarquía política tal como la
conocemos. Pero, en cambio, sí que hay una cierta relación
entre el lenguaje popular y el lenguaje bíblico respecto a la
palabra “rey”. Por ejemplo, cuando una madre cuida a su
bebé de pocos meses y le dice: —Tú eres el rey de la casa.
¿Qué está diciendo? Algo muy sencillo: que para ella este
niñito ocupa el primer lugar, que lo es todo para ella. Cuando los jóvenes dicen que fulano es el rey del rock quieren
decir que no hay nadie igual, lo mismo cuando hablan del
rey del baloncesto. Entrad en el cuarto de un adolescente y
veréis en la pared quiénes son sus “reyes”. Creo que estas
expresiones populares se parecen más a lo que queremos
decir cuando aclamamos a Dios como nuestro Rey y nos
ayudan a entender la afirmación de Jesús sobre su realeza:
«Mi Reino no es de este mundo» (Jn 18,36). Para los cristianos
nuestro Rey es el Señor, es decir, el centro hacia el que se
dirige el sentido más profundo de nuestra vida. Al pedir en el
Padrenuestro que venga a nosotros su reino, expresamos
nuestro deseo de que crezca el número de personas que
encuentren en Dios la fuente de la felicidad y se esfuercen
por seguir el camino que Él nos ha enseñado, el camino de
las bienaventuranzas. Pidámoslo de todo corazón, pues
«dondequiera que esté Jesucristo, allí estará nuestra vida y
nuestro reino» (San Ambrosio). Rev. D. Frederic RÀFOLS i Vidal
(Barcelona, España)
Rev. Jorge Carranza (770) 887-2241 ext. 702
JCarranza@[email protected]
Emergencias sacramental: (678) 294-0212
Sacristanes: José Pedraza (770) 527-0569
Monaguillos: Kenya Clemente(678) 620-9520
Comité Guadalupano Coordinadora: Sandra Pérez:
(404) 713-0981 [email protected]
Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia
Cristóbal Muñoz: (678) 725-0915
Proclamadores de la Palabra y Ministros Extraordinarios: Martha Guzmán (770) 876-5444 [email protected]
Rev. Jorge Carranza
(770) 887-2241 ext. 702
JCarranza@[email protected]
Prayer is the Key to unlock the Heart of God
ack in the days, locks have been used for many things. It always
seems that there was a need for a master lock to close a gate
with a chain. However, without the key one will never open the
lock. Of course, one will get a lock cutter or break it off, but one needs
the key in order to have access. Prayer is the same way to find God in
difficult moments. Without the key of prayer, one will never have access
to the heart of God.
As Jesus was preaching through neighboring towns, he revealed
the heart of God in many ways. Before he chose the twelve apostles, he
went off to the mountainside to pray (see Luke 6:12-16). Luke narrates
that Jesus woke up before sunrise to pray to the father. He had a
personal relationship with his Father before he made any choice.
However, his time to spend with the Father was before sunrise. In other
places of the New Testament, Jesus withdrew with his disciples to pray
after doing ministry. He was preparing them to have full access to the
Father through him in prayer.
When we discover the key of prayer, we unlock the hidden
mysteries of God’s heart. God’s heart reveals the truths that are
unchanging for every person to discover and experience the freedom in
love. When a person has access to the Trinity, he would discover the
garden of God as all the mysteries begin to unfold before the believer.
So if would like to unlock the heart of God listen to the words of Jesus,
“But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray
to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will
reward you.” (see Mat 6:6)
Emergencias sacramental:
(678) 294-0212
Sacristanes: José Pedraza
(770) 527-0569
Monaguillos: Kenya Clemente
(678) 620-9520
Comité Guadalupano
Sandra Pérez: (404) 713-0981
[email protected]
Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia
Cristóbal Muñoz: (678) 725-0915
Proclamadores de la Palabra y
Ministros Extraordinarios
Martha Guzmán (770) 876-5444
[email protected]
La Oración es la llave del Corazón de Dios
En los tiempos de atrás, los candados para cerrar una puerta con una cadena era necesario para
mantener la seguridad. Pero uno evitaba romper el candado porque quería conservar el candado sin
dañarlo. Al contrario, se necesita una llave para poder tener acceso completo donde uno quiere
entrar. La oración es igual y uno necesita la llave que es la oración para poder tener acceso al Corazón de Dios.
Jesús le enseno a sus discípulos como orar , pero también les revelo el Corazón de Dios. El siempre iba
a un lugar solitario para poder estar en contacto con el Padre. (vea Lucas 6:12-16) Pero Lucas narra
que Jesús se levantaba muy temprano antes de que amanecerá el sol. Esto en dice que para poder
dejar que Dios aparezca en el Corazón uno tiene que estar dispuesto a dedicarle tiempo a Dios en la
Cuando uno descubre la llave de la oración, uno abre las cosas ocultas a los misterios del Corazón de
Dios. Dios, en cambio manifiesta sus verdades y uno experimenta el amor de la libertad. El acceso es
encontrarse con la santísima Trinidad y poder entrar en jardín de Dios donde uno empieza a ver cosas
que Dios tiene para los que lo buscan. Entonces si te gustaría descubrir los tesoros de Dios escucha la
palabras de Jesús, “Cuando vallas hacer oración vete a tu cuarto, Cierra la puerta, y ora a tu Padre
en lo secreto, y tu Padre quien te ve te dará el premio.” (vea Mat. 6:6)